AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-01-23godot-update : fix archlinux setupJérémy Zurcher1-4/+5
2024-01-22godot-update : set archlinux prerequisitsJérémy Zurcher1-7/+9
2024-01-22godot-update : full 4.x & fix androidJérémy Zurcher1-46/+37
2024-01-17arch-setup : boot 256M -> 512MJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2023-12-25bashrc : set MPD_HOSTJérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2023-12-11add disable-dpmsJérémy Zurcher1-0/+9
2023-12-11gotdot-update, let scons determine the number of proc to runJérémy Zurcher1-4/+2
2023-12-06bashrc : QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1Jérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2023-12-02bashrc : add /home/jeyzu/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin to PATHJérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2023-12-02bashrc : QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2Jérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2023-11-26arch-install : set DHCP:UseDomains=yesJérémy Zurcher1-0/+3
2023-11-25clean bashrcJérémy Zurcher1-75/+5
2023-11-20chmod +x steamJérémy Zurcher1-1/+2
2023-11-20add steamJérémy Zurcher1-0/+3
2023-08-15fix arch-install/vconsole.confJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2023-08-14godot do not compile android export by defaultJérémy Zurcher1-2/+2
2023-07-21improve arch-install scriptsJérémy Zurcher3-14/+17
2023-07-12arch-setup : fix partition sizeJérémy Zurcher1-3/+3
2023-04-14godot-update : default to 4 + androidJérémy Zurcher1-7/+15
2023-04-14tt -> clear && taskwarriorJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2022-12-20bashrc : tt taskwarrior-tuiJérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2022-12-01bash : sf to restart pipewireJérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2022-11-21add mkfat32Jérémy Zurcher1-0/+23
2022-10-19update godot build scriptJérémy Zurcher1-6/+16
2022-09-13godot : fix lto optionJérémy Zurcher1-2/+2
2022-08-28godot : use_ldd=true -> linker=lddJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2022-08-28netset : increase wait timeJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2022-07-18godo-update : add common_flagsJérémy Zurcher1-2/+3
2022-07-18godot-update : \t -> ' 'Jérémy Zurcher1-3/+3
2022-07-17godot-update : small fixJérémy Zurcher1-4/+4
2022-07-16godot-update : add DIR, use for templates onlyJérémy Zurcher1-4/+9
2022-03-26godot-update : gradle --no-daemonJérémy Zurcher1-2/+2
2022-02-06add godot option generator urlJérémy Zurcher1-0/+1
2022-02-06add gvimJérémy Zurcher2-0/+2
2022-02-03godot : clean upJérémy Zurcher1-3/+3
2022-01-18switch to full nvimJérémy Zurcher1-3/+3
2022-01-11git-gc : improves a lotJérémy Zurcher1-6/+27
2021-12-04godot-update : remove colored=yesJérémy Zurcher1-4/+3
2021-11-25godot-update : strip + optimized flagsJérémy Zurcher1-2/+7
2021-11-23godot-update : use clang and lldJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2021-11-22tmdb : code cleanupJérémy Zurcher1-37/+37
2021-11-21tmdb : improve search capabilityJérémy Zurcher1-12/+16
2021-11-20add tmdb.rbJérémy Zurcher1-0/+229 : fix DEV in mountJérémy Zurcher1-3/+3
2021-10-05add manpdfJérémy Zurcher1-0/+29 : fix DEV in mkfsJérémy Zurcher1-10/+4
2021-08-17bashrc : cleaner ssh-agent scriptJérémy Zurcher1-21/+9
2021-07-01check_java_packages : ^\s*importJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2021-06-01godot-update : deploy android templatesJérémy Zurcher1-4/+4
2021-04-23gem --no-documentJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1