path: root/lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb
diff options
authorJérémy Zurcher <>2023-10-03 22:40:39 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2023-10-03 22:40:39 +0200
commit1e45085b7730bdb9b0b0ed76e6613a9fac5136cd (patch)
tree96a8108a128b4b738f52af98b93cdb672e577d73 /lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb
parent85f520041046be2a184af31bff8a1d7ca0027f2a (diff)
Board : split out spaces & forces
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb b/lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb
index 44a493a..ede3835 100644
--- a/lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb
+++ b/lib/colonial_twilight/board.rb
@@ -1,362 +1,16 @@
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# rubocop:disable Style/AccessorGrouping
-# rubocop:disable Style/ParallelAssignment
-# rubocop:disable Layout/ArrayAlignment
-# rubocop:disable Style/Documentation
+require 'colonial_twilight/spaces'
module ColonialTwilight
- class Forces
- attr_accessor :algerian_troops, :algerian_police
- attr_accessor :french_troops, :french_police
- attr_accessor :fln_underground, :fln_active
- attr_accessor :fln_bases, :gov_bases
- attr_reader :max_bases, :control
- def initialize(kind)
- @algerian_troops, @algerian_police = 0, 0
- @french_troops, @french_police, @gov_bases = 0, 0, 0
- @fln_underground, @fln_active, @fln_bases = 0, 0, 0
- @max_bases = nil
- @control = :uncontrolled
- @max_bases = 2 if %i[Country Sector].include? kind
- _accessors_to_remove(kind)&.each do |sym|
- instance_variable_set(sym, nil)
- end
- end
- private
- def _accessors_to_remove(kind)
- case kind
- when :available then %i[@control @fln_active]
- when :casualties then %i[@control @fln_active @fln_bases]
- when :out_of_play then %i[@control @algerian_troops @algerian_police @fln_active @fln_bases]
- when :Country then %i[@control @algerian_troops @algerian_police @french_troops @french_police]
- when :City then nil
- when :Sector then nil
- end
- end
- public
- def inspect
- "GOV bases: #{gov_bases}
- french troops: #{french_troops}
- french police: #{french_police}
- algerian troops: #{algerian_troops}
- algerian police: #{algerian_police}
- FLN bases: #{fln_bases}
- underground Guerrillas: #{fln_underground}
- active Guerrillas: #{fln_active}"
- end
- alias to_s inspect
- def data
- h = {}
- %i[algerian_troops algerian_police french_troops french_police gov_bases
- fln_underground fln_active fln_bases control].each do |sym|
- h[sym] = send(sym) unless send(sym).nil?
- end
- h
- end
- def bases
- (@gov_bases || 0) + (@fln_bases || 0)
- end
- def fln
- fln_cubes + (@fln_bases || 0)
- end
- def fln_cubes
- (@fln_underground || 0) + (@fln_active || 0)
- end
- def gov
- gov_cubes + (@gov_bases || 0)
- end
- def gov_cubes
- french_cubes + algerian_cubes
- end
- def french_cubes
- (@french_troops || 0) + (@french_police || 0)
- end
- def algerian_cubes
- (@algerian_troops || 0) + (@algerian_police || 0)
- end
- def troops
- (@french_troops || 0) + (@algerian_troops || 0)
- end
- def police
- (@french_police || 0) + (@algerian_police || 0)
- end
- def add(type, num = 1)
- case type
- when :french_troops then @french_troops += num
- when :french_police then @french_police += num
- when :algerian_troops then @algerian_troops += num
- when :algerian_police then @algerian_police += num
- when :fln_underground then @fln_underground += num
- when :fln_active then @fln_active += num
- when :gov_base then add_base(:gov_base, num)
- when :fln_base then add_base(:fln_base, num)
- else
- raise "unknown force type : #{type}"
- end
- update_control
- end
- private
- def add_base(type, num = 1)
- if !@max_bases.nil? && (bases + num) > @max_bases
- raise "too much bases in #{@name} (#{bases} + #{num}) > #{@max_bases}"
- end
- @gov_bases += num if type == :gov_base
- @fln_bases += num if type == :fln_base
- end
- def update_control
- return if @control.nil?
- @control = (
- case gov <=> fln
- when 0 then :uncontrolled
- when 1 then :GOV
- when -1 then :FLN
- end
- )
- end
- end
- class Track
- attr_accessor :v
- def initialize(max)
- @v = 0
- @max = max
- end
- def shift(val)
- w = @v + val
- return false if w.negative? || w > @max
- @v = w
- true
- end
- def clamp(val)
- @v = (@v + val).clamp(0, @max)
- end
- def data
- @v
- end
- end
- class Box < Forces
- attr_reader :name
- def initialize(sym)
- super sym
- @name = sym
- end
- end
- class Sector
- BORDER = 4
- attr_reader :wilaya, :sector, :name, :resettled
- attr_accessor :pop, :terror, :adjacents
- attr_accessor :alignment
- def initialize(name, wilaya, sector, pop, attrs = 0)
- @name = name
- @wilaya = wilaya
- @sector = sector
- @pop = pop
- @attrs = attrs
- @alignment = :neutral
- @resettled = false
- @terror = 0
- @forces ='::')[-1].to_sym
- _compute_strings
- end
- private
- def _compute_strings
- @terrain = %i[mountain coastal border].map { |s| send("#{s}?") ? s : nil }.reject(&:nil?).join('/')
- @descr = "#{@name} #{'::')[-1]}#{number}"
- end
- def number
- return '' if @wilaya.nil? && @sector.nil?
- @descr = "(#{@wilaya}-#{@sector})"
- end
- public
- def to_s
- @name
- end
- def inspect
- "\n#{@descr} : #{@terrain}
- control : #{control}
- alignment : #{@alignment}
- terror : #{@terror}
- population : #{@pop}#{@resettled ? ' resettled' : ''}
- #{@forces}
- adjs : #{@adjacents}"
- end
- def data
- { name: @name, alignment: @alignment, terror: @terror, pop: @pop, resettled: @resettled }.merge(
- end
- %i[gov gov_bases gov_cubes french_cubes algerian_cubes troops police
- french_troops french_police algerian_troops algerian_police
- fln fln_bases fln_cubes fln_underground fln_active max_bases control].each do |sym|
- define_method(sym) { @forces.send(sym) }
- end
- def sector?
- true
- end
- def city?
- false
- end
- def country?
- false
- end
- def border?
- (@attrs & BORDER) == BORDER
- end
- def coastal?
- (@attrs & COASTAL) == COASTAL
- end
- def mountain?
- (@attrs & MOUNTAIN) == MOUNTAIN
- end
- def support?
- @alignment == :support
- end
- def oppose?
- @alignment == :oppose
- end
- def neutral?
- @alignment == :neutral
- end
- def uncontrolled?
- control == :uncontrolled
- end
- def fln_control?
- control == :FLN
- end
- def gov_control?
- control == :GOV
- end
- def add(type, num = 1)
- @forces.add(type, num)
- end
- def resettle!
- raise "can't resettle a country " if country?
- raise "can't resettle a sector with a population > 1" if @pop != 1
- @pop = 0
- @resettled = true
- end
- def shift(towards)
- if towards == :oppose
- raise "can't shift towards oppose" if oppose?
- @alignment = (support? ? :neutral : :oppose)
- elsif towards == :support
- raise "can't shift towards support" if support?
- @alignment = (oppose? ? :neutral : :support)
- else
- raise "unknown shift direction : #{towards}"
- end
- end
- end
- class City < Sector
- def initialize(name, wilaya, pop, attrs = 0)
- super name, wilaya, 0, pop, attrs
- end
- def sector?
- false
- end
- def city?
- true
- end
- end
- # if independent, FLN may Rally, March and Extort in these Countries,
- # but their Population is never counted in the total Opposition
- class Country < Sector
- attr_reader :independent
- def initialize(name)
- super(name, nil, nil, 1, MOUNTAIN | BORDER | COASTAL)
- @descr += ' : French'
- end
- def sector?
- false
- end
- def country?
- true
- end
- def independent?
- @independent
- end
- def independent!
- @independent = true
- @descr.gsub!(/French/, 'Independent')
- end
- end
class Board
FRANCE_TRACK = %w[A B C D E F].freeze
attr_reader :spaces
%i[commitment gov_resources fln_resources france_track border_zone_track
- support_commitment opposition_bases].each do |sym|
+ support_commitment opposition_bases].each do |sym|
define_method(sym) { instance_variable_get("@#{sym}").v }
@@ -383,6 +37,19 @@ module ColonialTwilight
+ def load(scenario)
+ case scenario
+ when :short then short
+ when :medium then medium
+ when :full then full
+ else raise "unknown scenario : #{scenario}"
+ end
+ end
+ def by_name(name)
+ @spaces.find { |s| == name }
+ end
def sector
@@ -398,37 +65,6 @@ module ColonialTwilight
alias countries country
- # def transfer(num, what, from, to, towhat = nil)
- # towhat = what if towhat.nil?
- # from = get_var from if from.is_a? Symbol
- # to = get_var to if to.is_a? Symbol
- # from.add what, -num
- # to.add towhat, num
- # { nn: num, what: what, from: from, to: to, towhat: towhat }
- # end
- # def terror(where, num)
- # where.terror += num
- # end
- def shift(space, towards, num = 1)
- num.times { space.shift towards }
- end
- def shift_track(what, amount)
- case what
- when :support_commitment then @support_commitment.clamp amount
- when :opposition_bases then @opposition_bases.clamp amount
- when :fln_resources then @fln_resources.clamp amount
- when :gov_resources then @gov_resources.clamp amount
- when :commitment then @commitment.clamp amount
- when :france_track then @france_track.shift amount
- when :border_zone_track then @border_zone_track.shift amount
- else
- raise "unknown track : #{what}"
- end
- end
def has(where = :spaces, &block)
r = search(where, &block)
@@ -450,35 +86,70 @@ module ColonialTwilight
count { |s| ? s.pop : 0 } + @commitment.v
- def data
- h = {}
- %i[gov_resources fln_resources commitment support_commitment opposition_bases
- france_track border_zone_track available casualties out_of_play].each do |sym|
- h[sym] = instance_variable_get("@#{sym}").data
+ def shift(space, towards, num = 1)
+ num.times { space.shift towards }
+ end
+ def shift_track(what, amount)
+ case what
+ when :support_commitment then @support_commitment.clamp amount
+ when :opposition_bases then @opposition_bases.clamp amount
+ when :fln_resources then @fln_resources.clamp amount
+ when :gov_resources then @gov_resources.clamp amount
+ when :commitment then @commitment.clamp amount
+ when :france_track then @france_track.clamp amount
+ when :border_zone_track then @border_zone_track.clamp amount
+ else
+ raise "unknown track : #{what}"
- h[:capabilities] = @capabilities
- h[:spaces] = @spaces.inject([]) { |a, s| a << }
- h
- def load(scenario)
- case scenario
- when :short then short
- when :medium then medium
- when :full then full
- else raise "unknown scenario : #{scenario}"
+ def apply(action)
+ action.steps.each do |step|
+ case step[:kind]
+ when :transfer then transfer(step)
+ else raise "unknow action step #{step}"
+ end
+ # def terror(where, num)
+ # where.terror += num
+ # end
+ # def data
+ # h = {}
+ # %i[gov_resources fln_resources commitment support_commitment opposition_bases
+ # france_track border_zone_track available casualties out_of_play].each do |sym|
+ # h[sym] = instance_variable_get("@#{sym}").data
+ # end
+ # h[:capabilities] = @capabilities
+ # h[:spaces] = @spaces.inject([]) { |a, s| a << }
+ # h
+ # end
- def get_var(sym)
- case sym
+ def transfer(data)
+ src = get_obj(data[:src])
+ dst = get_obj(data[:dst])
+ src.add data[:what], -data[:num]
+ dst.add flip?(data), data[:num]
+ end
+ def flip?(data)
+ !data[:flip] ? data[:what] : data[:flip]
+ end
+ def get_obj(obj)
+ return obj if obj.is_a? ColonialTwilight::Sector
+ case obj
when :available then @available
when :casualties then @casualties
when :out_of_play then @out_of_play
- raise "unknown Board variable named #{sym}"
+ raise "unknown Board variable named #{obj}"
@@ -560,14 +231,14 @@ module ColonialTwilight
def resettle(name)
- @spaces[@spaces.find_index { |s| == name }].resettle!
+ by_name(name).resettle!
def set_space(idx, opts, align = nil)
s = @spaces[idx]
s.alignment = align unless align.nil?
%i[gov_base fln_base french_troops french_police algerian_troops algerian_police
- fln_underground].each { |sym| s.add(sym, opts[sym]) if opts.key? sym }
+ fln_underground].each { |sym| s.add(sym, opts[sym]) if opts.key? sym }
def short
@@ -578,11 +249,8 @@ module ColonialTwilight
@gov_resources.v = 20
@france_track.v = 4
@border_zone_track.v = 3
- @out_of_play.fln_underground = 5
- @available.gov_bases = 2
- @available.french_police = 4
- @available.fln_bases = 7
- @available.fln_underground = 8
+ @out_of_play.init({ fln_underground: 5 })
+ @available.init({ gov_base: 2, french_police: 4, fln_base: 7, fln_underground: 8 })
resettle 'Setif'
resettle 'Tlemcen'
resettle 'Bordj Bou Arreridj'
@@ -625,7 +293,3 @@ module ColonialTwilight
-# class ColonialTwilight::Sector
-# undef :adjacents=
-# end