path: root/syntax/ragel.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'syntax/ragel.vim')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/ragel.vim b/syntax/ragel.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cf395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/ragel.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Ragel
+" Author: Adrian Thurston
+syntax clear
+" Outside code
+" Comments
+syntax region ocComment start="\/\*" end="\*\/"
+syntax match ocComment "\/\/.*$"
+" Anything preprocessor
+syntax match ocPreproc "#.*$"
+" Strings
+syntax match ocLiteral "'\(\\.\|[^'\\]\)*'"
+syntax match ocLiteral "\"\(\\.\|[^\"\\]\)*\""
+" C/C++ Keywords
+syntax keyword ocType unsigned signed void char short int long float double bool
+syntax keyword ocType inline static extern register const volatile auto
+syntax keyword ocType union enum struct class typedef
+syntax keyword ocType namespace template typename mutable
+syntax keyword ocKeyword break continue default do else for
+syntax keyword ocKeyword goto if return switch while
+syntax keyword ocKeyword new delete this using friend public private protected sizeof
+syntax keyword ocKeyword throw try catch operator typeid
+syntax keyword ocKeyword and bitor xor compl bitand and_eq or_eq xor_eq not not_eq
+syntax keyword ocKeyword static_cast dynamic_cast
+" D Keywords
+syntax keyword ocType wchar dchar bit byte ubyte ushort uint ulong cent ucent
+syntax keyword ocType cfloat ifloat cdouble idouble real creal ireal
+syntax keyword ocKeyword abstract alias align asm assert body cast debug delegate
+syntax keyword ocKeyword deprecated export final finally foreach function import in inout
+syntax keyword ocKeyword interface invariant is mixin module out override package pragma
+syntax keyword ocKeyword super synchronized typeof unittest version with
+" Java Keywords
+syntax keyword ocType byte short char int
+" Objective-C Directives
+syntax match ocKeyword "@public\|@private\|@protected"
+syntax match ocKeyword "@interface\|@implementation"
+syntax match ocKeyword "@class\|@end\|@defs"
+syntax match ocKeyword "@encode\|@protocol\|@selector"
+" Numbers
+syntax match ocNumber "[0-9][0-9]*"
+syntax match ocNumber "0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*"
+" Booleans
+syntax keyword ocBoolean true false
+" Identifiers
+syntax match anyId "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"
+" Inline code only
+syntax keyword fsmType fpc fc fcurs fbuf fblen ftargs fstack
+syntax keyword fsmKeyword fhold fgoto fcall fret fentry fnext fexec fbreak
+syntax cluster rlItems contains=rlComment,rlLiteral,rlAugmentOps,rlOtherOps,rlKeywords,rlWrite,rlCodeCurly,rlCodeSemi,rlNumber,anyId,rlLabelColon,rlExprKeywords
+syntax region machineSpec1 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%{" end="}%%" contains=@rlItems
+syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%[^{]"rs=e-1 end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems
+syntax region machineSpec2 matchgroup=beginRL start="%%$" end="$" keepend contains=@rlItems
+" Comments
+syntax match rlComment "#.*$" contained
+" Literals
+syntax match rlLiteral "'\(\\.\|[^'\\]\)*'[i]*" contained
+syntax match rlLiteral "\"\(\\.\|[^\"\\]\)*\"[i]*" contained
+syntax match rlLiteral /\/\(\\.\|[^\/\\]\)*\/[i]*/ contained
+syntax match rlLiteral "\[\(\\.\|[^\]\\]\)*\]" contained
+" Numbers
+syntax match rlNumber "[0-9][0-9]*" contained
+syntax match rlNumber "0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*" contained
+" Operators
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%@]" contained
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>\|<" contained
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>\<$%@][!\^/*~]" contained
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "[>$%]?" contained
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "<>[!\^/*~]" contained
+syntax match rlAugmentOps "=>" contained
+syntax match rlOtherOps "->" contained
+syntax match rlOtherOps ":>" contained
+syntax match rlOtherOps ":>>" contained
+syntax match rlOtherOps "<:" contained
+" Keywords
+" FIXME: Enable the range keyword post 5.17.
+" syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include range contained
+syntax keyword rlKeywords machine action context include import export prepush postpop contained
+syntax keyword rlExprKeywords when inwhen outwhen err lerr eof from to contained
+" Case Labels
+syntax keyword caseLabelKeyword case contained
+syntax cluster caseLabelItems contains=ocComment,ocPreproc,ocLiteral,ocType,ocKeyword,caseLabelKeyword,ocNumber,ocBoolean,anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword
+syntax match caseLabelColon "case" contains=@caseLabelItems
+syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:$" contains=@caseLabelItems
+syntax match caseLabelColon "case[\t ]\+.*:[^=:]"me=e-1 contains=@caseLabelItems
+" Labels
+syntax match ocLabelColon "^[\t ]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:$" contains=anyLabel
+syntax match ocLabelColon "^[\t ]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:[^=:]"me=e-1 contains=anyLabel
+syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:$" contained contains=anyLabel
+syntax match rlLabelColon "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:[^=:>]"me=e-1 contained contains=anyLabel
+syntax match anyLabel "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" contained
+" All items that can go in a code block.
+syntax cluster inlineItems contains=rlCodeCurly,ocComment,ocPreproc,ocLiteral,ocType,ocKeyword,ocNumber,ocBoolean,ocLabelColon,anyId,fsmType,fsmKeyword,caseLabelColon
+" Blocks of code. rlCodeCurly is recursive.
+syntax region rlCodeCurly matchgroup=NONE start="{" end="}" contained contains=@inlineItems
+syntax region rlCodeSemi matchgroup=Type start="\<alphtype\>" start="\<getkey\>" start="\<access\>" start="\<variable\>" matchgroup=NONE end=";" contained contains=@inlineItems
+syntax region rlWrite matchgroup=Type start="\<write\>" matchgroup=NONE end=";" contained contains=rlWriteKeywords,rlWriteOptions
+syntax keyword rlWriteKeywords init data exec eof exports contained
+syntax keyword rlWriteOptions noerror nofinal noprefix noend nocs contained
+" Sync at the start of machine specs.
+" Match The ragel delimiters only if there quotes no ahead on the same line.
+" On the open marker, use & to consume the leader.
+syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%{&^[^\'\"%]*"
+syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"%]*%%[^{]&^[^\'\"%]*"
+syntax sync match ragelSyncPat grouphere NONE "^[^\'\"]*}%%"
+" Specifying Groups
+hi link ocComment Comment
+hi link ocPreproc Macro
+hi link ocLiteral String
+hi link ocType Type
+hi link ocKeyword Keyword
+hi link ocNumber Number
+hi link ocBoolean Boolean
+hi link rlComment Comment
+hi link rlNumber Number
+hi link rlLiteral String
+hi link rlAugmentOps Keyword
+hi link rlExprKeywords Keyword
+hi link rlWriteKeywords Keyword
+hi link rlWriteOptions Keyword
+hi link rlKeywords Type
+hi link fsmType Type
+hi link fsmKeyword Keyword
+hi link anyLabel Label
+hi link caseLabelKeyword Keyword
+hi link beginRL Type
+let b:current_syntax = "ragel"