path: root/syntax/pir.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'syntax/pir.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/pir.vim b/syntax/pir.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 338cc81..0000000
--- a/syntax/pir.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Parrot IMCC
-" Maintainer: Luke Palmer <>
-" Modified: Joshua Isom
-" Last Change: Jan 6 2006
-" For installation please read:
-" :he filetypes
-" :he syntax
-" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
-" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if version < 600
- syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
-syntax clear
-syn include @Pod syntax/pod.vim
-syn region pirPod start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" keepend contains=@Pod
-syn keyword pirType int float num string pmc
-syn match pirPMC /\.\(Compiler\|Continuation\|Coroutine\|CSub\|NCI\|Eval\|Sub\|Scratchpad\)/
-syn match pirPMC /\.\(BigInt\|Boolean\|Complex\|Float\|Integer\|PMC\|String\|Hash\)/
-syn match pirPMC /\.\(Fixed\|Resizable\)\(Boolean\|Float\|Integer\|PMC\|String\)Array/
-syn match pirPMC /\.\(IntList\|Iterator\|Key\|ManagedStruct\|UnManagedStruct\|Pointer\)/
-syn match pirPMC /\.\(FloatVal\|Multi\|S\|String\)\?Array/
-syn match pirPMC /\.Perl\(Array\|Env\|Hash\|Int\|Num\|Scalar\|String\|Undef\)/
-syn match pirPMC /\.Parrot\(Class\|Interpreter\|IO\|Library\|Object\|Thread\)/
-syn keyword pirPMC self
-syn keyword pirOp goto if unless global addr
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(sub\|endm\|pcc_sub\|macro\|end\|emit\|eom\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(local\|sym\|const\|lex\|global\|globalconst\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(endnamespace\|namespace\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(param\|arg\|return\|yield\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(pragma\|HLL_map\|HLL\|include\|loadlib\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(pcc_begin\|pcc_call\|pcc_end\|invocant\|meth_call\|nci_call\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(pcc_begin_return\|pcc_end_return\)/
-syn match pirDirective /\.\(pcc_begin_yield\|pcc_end_yield\)/
-syn match pirDirective /:\(main\|method\|load\|anon\|multi\|immediate\|outer\|lex\)/
-syn match pirDirective /:\(flat\|slurpy\|optional\|opt_flag\|named\)/
-" Macro invocation
-syn match pirDirective /\.\I\i*(/he=e-1
-" pirWord before pirRegister
-" FIXME :: in identifiers and labels
-syn match pirWord /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/
-syn match pirComment /#.*/
-syn match pirLabel /[A-Za-z0-9_]\+:/he=e-1
-syn match pirRegister /[INPS]\([12][0-9]\|3[01]\|[0-9]\)/
-syn match pirDollarRegister /\$[INPS][0-9]\+/
-syn match pirNumber /[+-]\?[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]*\([Ee][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\?\)\?/
-syn match pirNumber /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+/
-syn match pirNumber /0[oO][0-7]\+/
-syn match pirNumber /0[bB][01]\+/
-syn region pirString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=pirStringSpecial
-syn region pirString start=/<<"\z(\I\i*\)"/ end=/^\z1$/ contains=pirStringSpecial
-syn region pirString start=/<<'\z(\I\i*\)'/ end=/^\z1$/
-syn region pirString start=/'/ end=/'/
-syn match pirStringSpecial "\\\([abtnvfre\\"]\|\o\{1,3\}\|x{\x\{1,8\}}\|x\x\{1,2\}\|u\x\{4\}\|U\x\{8\}\|c[A-Z]\)" contained
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
-" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_pasm_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_pasm_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink pirPod Comment
- HiLink pirWord Normal
- HiLink pirComment Comment
- HiLink pirLabel Label
- HiLink pirRegister Identifier
- HiLink pirDollarRegister Identifier
- HiLink pirType Type
- HiLink pirPMC Type
- HiLink pirString String
- HiLink pirStringSpecial Special
- HiLink pirNumber Number
- HiLink pirDirective Macro
- HiLink pirOp Conditional
- delcommand HiLink
-let b:current_syntax = "pir"
-" Ops -- dynamically generated from
-syn keyword pirOp band bands bnot n_bnot bnots n_bnots bor bors shl shr
-syn keyword pirOp lsr rot bxor bxors eq eq_str eq_num eq_addr ne ne_str
-syn keyword pirOp ne_num ne_addr lt lt_str lt_num le le_str le_num gt
-syn keyword pirOp gt_str gt_num ge ge_str ge_num cmp cmp_str cmp_num and
-syn keyword pirOp not n_not or xor issame isntsame istrue isfalse isgt
-syn keyword pirOp isge isle islt iseq isne if_null unless_null end noop
-syn keyword pirOp cpu_ret check_events check_events__ wrapper__
-syn keyword pirOp prederef__ reserved load_bytecode branch branch_cs bsr
-syn keyword pirOp ret jsr jump enternative if unless invokecc invoke
-syn keyword pirOp yield tailcall returncc newclosure set_args get_results
-syn keyword pirOp get_params set_returns result_info set_addr get_addr
-syn keyword pirOp push_eh clear_eh throw rethrow die exit pushmark
-syn keyword pirOp popmark pushaction debug bounds profile trace gc_debug
-syn keyword pirOp interpinfo warningson warningsoff errorson errorsoff
-syn keyword pirOp runinterp getinterp sweep collect sweepoff sweepon
-syn keyword pirOp collectoff collecton needs_destroy loadlib dlfunc dlvar
-syn keyword pirOp compile compreg new_callback debug_init debug_load
-syn keyword pirOp debug_break debug_print backtrace getline getfile
-syn keyword pirOp print_newline gcd splice slice iter morph exec
-syn keyword pirOp classname trap pow getclass new instantiate pmcinfo
-syn keyword pirOp add_io_event need_finalize close fdopen getfd getstdin
-syn keyword pirOp getstdout getstderr setstdout setstderr pioctl open
-syn keyword pirOp print printerr read readline peek stat seek tell socket
-syn keyword pirOp sockaddr connect recv send poll bind listen accept
-syn keyword pirOp infix n_infix abs n_abs add cmod dec div fdiv ceil
-syn keyword pirOp floor inc mod mul neg n_neg sub sqrt acos asec asin
-syn keyword pirOp atan cos cosh exp ln log10 log2 sec sech sin sinh tan
-syn keyword pirOp tanh lcm fact callmethodcc callmethod tailcallmethod
-syn keyword pirOp DELETED_fetchmethod addmethod can does isa newclass
-syn keyword pirOp subclass singleton class addparent removeparent
-syn keyword pirOp addattribute removeattribute getattribute setattribute
-syn keyword pirOp classoffset adddoes removedoes covers exsec hav vers
-syn keyword pirOp pic_infix__ pic_inline_sub__ pic_get_params__
-syn keyword pirOp pic_set_returns__ pic_callr__ typeof find_type
-syn keyword pirOp valid_type get_repr find_method defined exists delete
-syn keyword pirOp elements push pop unshift shift setprop getprop delprop
-syn keyword pirOp prophash freeze thaw mmdvtregister mmdvtfind register
-syn keyword pirOp unregister hash get_mro clone exchange set assign
-syn keyword pirOp setref deref setp_ind setn_ind sets_ind seti_ind null
-syn keyword pirOp cleari clearn clears clearp saveall restoreall
-syn keyword pirOp entrytype depth lookback save savec restore rotate_up
-syn keyword pirOp stm_start stm_validate stm_commit stm_wait stm_abort
-syn keyword pirOp stm_depth ord chr chopn concat repeat length bytelength
-syn keyword pirOp pin unpin substr substr_r index sprintf find_encoding
-syn keyword pirOp stringinfo upcase downcase titlecase join split charset
-syn keyword pirOp charsetname find_charset trans_charset encoding
-syn keyword pirOp encodingname trans_encoding is_cclass find_cclass
-syn keyword pirOp find_not_cclass escape compose spawnw err time gmtime
-syn keyword pirOp localtime decodetime decodelocaltime sysinfo sleep
-syn keyword pirOp sizeof store_lex find_lex get_namespace
-syn keyword pirOp get_hll_namespace get_root_namespace get_global
-syn keyword pirOp get_hll_global get_root_global set_global
-syn keyword pirOp set_hll_global set_root_global store_global find_global
-syn keyword pirOp find_name