path: root/
diff options
authorJérémy Zurcher <>2020-07-20 12:38:31 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2020-07-20 12:38:31 +0200
commit1153ea4ba0874c6fb0408bcacd815e4e426652a8 (patch)
treed658ac68adf263335fc675b7535451d2666ec728 /
parentc0924bec8e498187256d5dff0b3d0e8a6f40f36c (diff)
rename HexBoard into HexMap
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 525 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index c883061..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-extends Node
-class_name HexBoard, "res://godot/HexBoard.png"
-enum Orientation { E=1, NE=2, N=4, NW=8, W=16, SW=32, S=64, SE=128 }
-const IMAX : int = 9999999999
-const DEGREE_ADJ : int = 2
-var bt : Vector2 # bottom corner
-var cr : Vector2 # column, row
-var v : bool # hex have a vertical edje
-var s : float # hex side length
-var w : float # hex width between 2 parallel sides
-var h : float # hex height from the bottom of the middle rectangle to the top of the upper edje
-var dw : float # half width
-var dh : float # half height (from the top ef tho middle rectangle to the top of the upper edje)
-var m : float # dh / dw
-var im : float # dw / dh
-var tl : int # num of hexes in 2 consecutives rows
-var tile_factory_fct : FuncRef
-var angles : Dictionary
-var adjacents : Array
-var search_count : int
-var stack : Array
-func configure(cols : int, rows : int, side : float, v0 : Vector2, vertical : bool) -> void:
- v = vertical
- s = side
- w = s * 1.73205
- dw = w / 2.0
- dh = s / 2.0
- h = s + dh
- m = dh / dw
- im = dw / dh
- if v:
- bt = v0
- cr = Vector2(cols, rows)
- else:
- bt = v0
- cr = Vector2(rows, cols)
- tl = (2 * int(cr.x) - 1)
- search_count = 0
- angles = {}
- if v:
- # origin [top-left] East is at 0°, degrees grows clockwise
- angles[Orientation.E] = 0
- angles[Orientation.SE] = 60
- angles[Orientation.SW] = 120
- angles[Orientation.W] = 180
- angles[Orientation.NW] = 240
- angles[Orientation.NE] = 300
- else:
- angles[Orientation.SE] = 30
- angles[Orientation.S] = 90
- angles[Orientation.SW] = 150
- angles[Orientation.NW] = 210
- angles[Orientation.N] = 270
- angles[Orientation.NE] = 330
-# the number of Tile
-func size() -> int:
- return int(cr.y) / 2 * tl + int(cr.y) % 2 * int(cr.x)
-# fetch a Tile given it's col;row coordinates
-func get_tile(coords : Vector2) -> Tile:
- return tile_factory_fct.call_func(coords, key(coords))
-# Orientation to degrees
-func to_degrees(o : int) -> int:
- return angles.get(o, -1)
-# convert the given angle between 2 adjacent Tiles into an Orientation
-func to_orientation(a : float) -> int:
- for k in angles.keys():
- if angles[k] == a:
- return k
- return -1
-# compute the angle between 2 adjacent Tiles
-func angle(from : Tile, to : Tile) -> int:
- var a : float = rad2deg((to.position - from.position).angle()) + DEGREE_ADJ
- if a < 0: a += 360
- return int(a / 10) * 10
-# return the opposite of a given Orientation
-func opposite(o : int) -> int:
- if o <= Orientation.NW: return o << 4
- return o >> 4
-# return the Orientation given to distant Tiles
-# Orientation is combined in case of diagonals
-func distant_orientation(from : Tile, to : Tile) -> int:
- var a : float = rad2deg((to.position - from.position).angle())
- if a < 0: a += 360
- a = int(a * 10) / 10.0
- for k in angles.keys():
- var z : int = angles[k]
- if a >= (z + 30 - DEGREE_ADJ) and a <= (z + 30 + DEGREE_ADJ):
- # diagonal
- var p : int = k >> 1
- if p == 0: p = Orientation.SE
- if not angles.has(p): return k | p >> 1 # v : N S and not v : W E
- else: return (k | p)
- elif (z == 30 and (a < DEGREE_ADJ or a > 360 - DEGREE_ADJ)):
- return Orientation.NE | Orientation.SE
- elif a >= (z - 30) and a <= (z + 30):
- return k
- if angles.has(Orientation.E) and a > 330 and a <= 360:
- return Orientation.E
- return -1
-# return the opposite of a possibly combined given Orientation
-func distant_opposite(o : int) -> int:
- var r : int = 0
- for k in angles.keys():
- if (k & o) == k:
- r |= opposite(k)
- return r
-# return the key of a given col;row coordinate
-func key(coords : Vector2) -> int:
- if not is_on_map(coords): return -1
- if v: return _key(int(coords.x), int(coords.y))
- else: return _key(int(coords.y), int(coords.x))
-func _key(x : int, y : int) -> int:
- var n : int = y / 2
- var i : int = x - n + n * tl
- if (y % 2) != 0:
- i += (int(cr.x) - 1)
- return i
-# build the 6 adjacent Tiles of a Tile given by it's col;row coordinates
-func build_adjacents(coords : Vector2) -> Array:
- adjacents.clear()
- coords.x += 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- coords.y += 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- coords.x -= 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- coords.x -= 1
- coords.y -= 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- coords.y -= 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- coords.x += 1
- adjacents.append(get_tile(coords))
- return adjacents
-# return true if the Tile is on the map
-func is_on_map(coords : Vector2) -> bool:
- if v: return _is_on_map(int(coords.x), int(coords.y))
- else: return _is_on_map(int(coords.y), int(coords.x))
-func _is_on_map(x : int, y : int) -> bool:
- if (y < 0) || (y >= int(cr.y)): return false
- if (x < ((y + 1) / 2)) || (x >= (int(cr.x) + (y / 2))): return false
- return true
-# compute the center of a Tile given by it's col;row coordinates
-func center_of(coords : Vector2) -> Vector2:
- if v: return Vector2(bt.x + dw + (coords.x * w) - (coords.y * dw), bt.y + dh + (coords.y * h))
- else: return Vector2(bt.y + dh + (coords.x * h), bt.x + dw + (coords.y * w) - (coords.x * dw))
-# compute the col;row coordinates of a Tile given it's real coordinates
-func to_map(r : Vector2) -> Vector2:
- if v: return _to_map(r.x, r.y, false)
- else: return _to_map(r.y, r.x, true)
-func _to_map(x : float, y : float, swap : bool) -> Vector2:
- var col : int = -1
- var row : int = -1
- # compute row
- var dy : float = y - bt.y
- row = int(dy / h)
- if dy < 0:
- row -= 1
- # compute col
- var dx : float = x - bt.x + (row * dw);
- col = int(dx / w)
- if dx < 0:
- col -= 1
- # upper rectangle or hex body
- if dy > ((row * h) + s):
- dy -= ((row * h) + s)
- dx -= (col * w)
- # upper left or right rectangle
- if dx < dw:
- if dy > (dx * m):
- # upper left hex
- row += 1
- else:
- if dy > ((w - dx) * m):
- # upper right hex
- row += 1
- col += 1
- if swap: return Vector2(row, col)
- else: return Vector2(col, row)
-# compute the distance between 2 Tiles given by their col;row coordinates
-func distance(p0 : Vector2, p1 : Vector2, euclidean : bool = true) -> float:
- var dx : int = int(p1.x - p0.x)
- var dy : int = int(p1.y - p0.y)
- if euclidean:
- if dx == 0: return abs(dy)
- elif dy == 0 || dx == dy: return abs(dx)
- var fdx : float = dx - dy / 2;
- var fdy : float = dy * 0.86602
- return sqrt((fdx * fdx) + (fdy * fdy))
- else:
- dx = int(abs(dx))
- dy = int(abs(dy))
- var dz : float = abs(p1.x - p0.x - p1.y + p0.y)
- if dx > dy:
- if dx > dz: return float(dx)
- else:
- if dy > dz: return float(dy)
- return dz
-# compute as an Array, the line of sight between 2 Tiles given by their col;row coordinates
-# return the point after which the line of sight is blocked
-func line_of_sight(p0 : Vector2, p1 : Vector2, tiles : Array) -> Vector2:
- tiles.clear()
- # orthogonal projection
- var ox0 : float = p0.x - (p0.y + 1) / 2
- var ox1 : float = p1.x - (p1.y + 1) / 2
- var dy : int = int(p1.y) - int(p0.y)
- var dx : float = ox1 - ox0
- # quadrant I && III
- var q13 : bool = (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0) || (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- # is positive
- var xs : int = 1
- var ys : int = 1
- if dx < 0: xs = -1
- if dy < 0: ys = -1
- # dx counts half width
- dy = int(abs(dy))
- dx = abs(2 * dx)
- var dx3 : int = int(3 * dx)
- var dy3 : int = 3 * dy
- # check for diagonals
- if dx == 0 || dx == dy3:
- return _diagonal_los(p0, p1, (dx == 0), q13, tiles)
- # angle is less than 45°
- var flat : bool = dx > dy3
- var x : int = int(p0.x)
- var y : int = int(p0.y);
- var e : int = int(-2 * dx)
- var from : Tile = get_tile(p0)
- var to : Tile = get_tile(p1)
- var d : float = distance(p0, p1)
- tiles.append(from)
- from.blocked = false
- var ret : Vector2 = Vector2(-1, -1)
- var contact : bool = false
- var los_blocked : bool = false
- while (x != p1.x) or (y != p1.y):
- if e > 0:
- # quadrant I : up left
- e -= (dy3 + dx3)
- y += ys
- if not q13: x -= xs
- else:
- e += dy3
- if (e > -dx) or (not flat && (e == -dx)):
- # quadrant I : up right
- e -= dx3
- y += ys
- if q13: x += xs
- elif e < -dx3:
- # quadrant I : down right
- e += dx3
- y -= ys
- if not q13: x += xs
- else:
- # quadrant I : right
- e += dy3
- x += xs
- var q : Vector2 = Vector2(x, y)
- var t : Tile = get_tile(q)
- if los_blocked and not contact:
- var prev : Tile = tiles[tiles.size() - 1]
- var o : int = to_orientation(angle(prev, t))
- ret = _compute_contact(from.position, to.position, prev.position, o)
- contact = true
- tiles.append(t)
- t.blocked = los_blocked
- los_blocked = los_blocked or t.block_los(from, to, d, distance(p0, q))
- return ret
-func _diagonal_los(p0 : Vector2, p1 : Vector2, flat : bool, q13 : bool, tiles : Array) -> Vector2:
- var dy : int = 1 if p1.y > p0.y else -1
- var dx : int = 1 if p1.x > p0.x else -1
- var x : int = int(p0.x)
- var y : int = int(p0.y)
- var from : Tile = get_tile(p0);
- var to : Tile = get_tile(p1);
- var d : float = distance(p0, p1)
- tiles.append(from);
- from.blocked = false;
- var ret : Vector2 = Vector2(-1, -1)
- var blocked : int = 0
- var contact : bool = false
- var los_blocked : bool = false
- while (x != p1.x) or (y != p1.y):
- var idx : int = 4
- if flat: y += dy # up left
- else: x += dx # right
- var q : Vector2 = Vector2(x, y)
- var t : Tile = get_tile(q)
- if t.on_map:
- tiles.append(t)
- t.blocked = los_blocked
- if t.block_los(from, to, d, distance(p0, q)):
- blocked |= 0x01
- else:
- blocked |= 0x01
- idx = 3
- if flat: x += dx # up right
- else:
- y += dy # up right
- if not q13: x -= dx
- q = Vector2(x, y)
- t = get_tile(q)
- if t.on_map:
- tiles.append(t)
- t.blocked = los_blocked
- if t.block_los(from, to, d, distance(p0, q)):
- blocked |= 0x02
- else:
- blocked |= 0x02
- idx = 3
- if flat: y += dy # up
- else: x += dx # diagonal
- q = Vector2(x, y)
- t = get_tile(q)
- tiles.append(t)
- t.blocked = los_blocked || blocked == 0x03
- if t.blocked and not contact:
- var o : int = _compute_orientation(dx, dy, flat)
- if not los_blocked and blocked == 0x03:
- ret = _compute_contact(from.position, to.position, t.position, opposite(o))
- else:
- ret = _compute_contact(from.position, to.position, tiles[tiles.size() - idx].position, o)
- contact = true;
- los_blocked = t.blocked || t.block_los(from, to, d, distance(p0, q))
- return ret
-func _compute_orientation(dx :int, dy :int, flat : bool) -> int:
- if flat:
- if v: return Orientation.S if dy == 1 else Orientation.N
- else: return Orientation.S if dx == 1 else Orientation.N
- if dx == 1:
- if dy == 1: return Orientation.E
- else: return Orientation.E if v else Orientation.N
- else:
- if dy == 1: return Orientation.W if v else Orientation.S
- else: return Orientation.W
-func _compute_contact(from : Vector2, to : Vector2, t : Vector2, o : int) -> Vector2:
- var dx : float = to.x - from.x
- var dy : float = to.y - from.y
- var n : float = float(IMAX) if dx == 0 else (dy / dx)
- var c : float = from.y - (n * from.x)
- if v:
- if o == Orientation.N: return Vector2(t.x, t.y - s)
- elif o == Orientation.S: return Vector2(t.x, t.y + s)
- elif o == Orientation.E:
- var x : float = t.x + dw
- return Vector2(x, from.y + n * (x - from.x))
- elif o == Orientation.W:
- var x : float = t.x - dw
- return Vector2(x, from.y + n * (x - from.x))
- else:
- var p : float = -m if (o == Orientation.SE or o == Orientation.NW) else m
- var k : float = t.y - p * t.x
- if o == Orientation.SE || o == Orientation.SW: k += s
- else: k -= s
- var x : float = (k - c) / (n - p)
- return Vector2(x, n * x + c)
- else:
- if o == Orientation.E: return Vector2(t.x + s, t.y)
- elif o == Orientation.W: return Vector2(t.x - s, t.y)
- elif o == Orientation.N:
- var y : float = t.y - dw
- return Vector2(from.x + (y - from.y) / n, y)
- elif o == Orientation.S:
- var y : float = t.y + dw
- return Vector2(from.x + (y - from.y) / n, y)
- else:
- var p : float = -im if (o == Orientation.SE or o == Orientation.NW) else +im
- var k : float = 0
- if o == Orientation.SW or o == Orientation.NW: k = t.y - (p * (t.x - s))
- else: k = t.y - (p * (t.x + s))
- var x : float = (k - c) / (n - p)
- return Vector2(x, n * x + c);
-# compute as an Array, the Tiles that can be reached by a given Piece from a Tile given by it's col;row coordinates
-# return the size of the built Array
-func possible_moves(piece : Piece, from : Tile, tiles : Array) -> int:
- tiles.clear()
- if piece.get_mp() <= 0 or not is_on_map(from.coords): return 0
- var road_march_bonus : int = piece.road_march_bonus()
- search_count += 1
- from.parent = null
- from.acc = piece.get_mp()
- from.search_count = search_count
- from.road_march = road_march_bonus > 0
- stack.push_back(from)
- while(not stack.empty()):
- var src : Tile = stack.pop_back()
- if (src.acc + (road_march_bonus if src.road_march else 0)) <= 0: continue
- # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
- build_adjacents(src.coords)
- for dst in adjacents:
- if not dst.on_map: continue
- var o : int = to_orientation(angle(src, dst))
- var cost : int = piece.move_cost(src, dst, o)
- if (cost == -1): continue # impracticable
- var r : int = src.acc - cost
- var rm : bool = src.road_march and src.has_road(o)
- # not enough MP even with RM, maybe first move allowed
- if ((r + (road_march_bonus if rm else 0)) < 0 and not (src == from and piece.at_least_one_tile(dst))): continue
- if dst.search_count != search_count:
- dst.search_count = search_count
- dst.acc = r
- dst.parent = src
- dst.road_march = rm
- stack.push_back(dst)
- tiles.append(dst)
- elif (r > dst.acc or (rm and (r + road_march_bonus > dst.acc + (road_march_bonus if dst.road_march else 0)))):
- dst.acc = r
- dst.parent = src
- dst.road_march = rm
- stack.push_back(dst)
- return tiles.size()
-# compute as an Array, the shortest path for a given Piece from a Tile to another given by there col;row coordinates
-# return the size of the built Array
-func shortest_path(piece : Piece, from : Tile, to : Tile, tiles : Array) -> int:
- tiles.clear()
- if from == to or not is_on_map(from.coords) or not is_on_map(to.coords): return tiles.size()
- var road_march_bonus : int = piece.road_march_bonus()
- search_count += 1
- from.acc = 0
- from.parent = null
- from.search_count = search_count
- from.road_march = road_march_bonus > 0
- stack.push_back(from)
- while(not stack.empty()):
- var src : Tile = stack.pop_back()
- if (src == to): break
- # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
- build_adjacents(src.coords)
- for dst in adjacents:
- if not dst.on_map: continue
- var o : int = to_orientation(angle(src, dst))
- var cost : int = piece.move_cost(src, dst, o)
- if (cost == -1): continue # impracticable
- cost += src.acc
- var total : float = cost + distance(dst.coords, to.coords)
- var rm : bool = src.road_march and src.has_road(o)
- if rm: total -= road_march_bonus
- var add : bool = false
- if dst.search_count != search_count:
- dst.search_count = search_count
- add = true
- elif dst.f > total or (rm and not dst.road_march and abs(dst.f - total) < 0.001):
- stack.erase(dst)
- add = true
- if add:
- dst.acc = cost
- dst.f = total
- dst.road_march = rm
- dst.parent = src
- var idx : int = IMAX
- for k in range(stack.size()):
- if stack[k].f <= dst.f:
- idx = k
- break
- if idx == IMAX: stack.push_back(dst)
- else: stack.insert(idx, dst)
- stack.clear()
- if to.search_count == search_count:
- var t : Tile = to
- while t != from:
- tiles.push_front(t)
- t = t.parent
- tiles.push_front(from)
- return tiles.size()
-func range_of_influence(piece : Piece, from : Tile, category : int, tiles : Array) -> int:
- tiles.clear()
- var max_range : int = piece.max_range_of_fire(category, from)
- if not is_on_map(from.coords): return 0
- var tmp : Array = []
- search_count += 1
- from.search_count = search_count
- stack.push_back(from)
- while(not stack.empty()):
- var src : Tile = stack.pop_back()
- # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
- build_adjacents(src.coords)
- for dst in adjacents:
- if not dst.on_map: continue
- if dst.search_count == search_count: continue
- dst.search_count = search_count
- var d : int = int(distance(from.coords, dst.coords, false))
- if d > max_range: continue
- if line_of_sight(from.coords, dst.coords, tmp).x != -1: continue
- var o : int = distant_orientation(from, dst)
- dst.f = piece.volume_of_fire(category, d, from, o, dst, distant_opposite(o))
- stack.push_back(dst)
- tiles.append(dst)
- return tiles.size()