path: root/spec/ecore_getopt_spec.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-05-09bugfix ecore_getopt --helpJérémy Zurcher1-8/+8
2011-05-09cleanup specsJérémy Zurcher1-5/+23
2011-05-05all FFI into one module Efl::NativeJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2011-05-04FFI are in separate namespaces (Efl::Evas::Native), ruby classes are in upper...seperate-nativesJérémy Zurcher1-1/+1
2011-05-04update notes, ecore_getopt : clean specs and add test for EcoreEvas.ecore_get...Jérémy Zurcher1-49/+14
2011-05-03use a real variable instead of an uninitialized oneLionel Orry1-1/+1
2011-05-02clear ecore_getopt specsJérémy Zurcher1-20/+20
2011-05-01specs : use == instead of eqlJérémy Zurcher1-64/+65
2011-04-29update efl/ecore* and specsJérémy Zurcher1-0/+275
2011-04-28set hierarchy n lib and spec directoriesJérémy Zurcher1-276/+0
2011-04-25ecore_getopt : prevent FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string beeing GC'edJérémy Zurcher1-50/+51
2011-04-25ecore_getopt shortname OK, longname KOJérémy Zurcher1-63/+62
2011-04-25ecore_getopt specs 95% doneJérémy Zurcher1-74/+32
2011-04-25More specs for ecore_getoptJérémy Zurcher1-13/+180
2011-04-25ecore_getopt + specs almost readyJérémy Zurcher1-0/+151