path: root/tmdb.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tmdb.rb')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tmdb.rb b/tmdb.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c3084a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmdb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#! /bin/ruby
+require 'json'
+require 'open-uri'
+n = ARGV.size
+mpath = ARGV.shift if n > 0
+dbpath=File.join(mpath, 'db')
+dbpath = ARGV.shift if n > 1
+# TODO indicate if srt file is here
+puts " movies : #{mpath}\n db : #{dbpath}"
+API_KEY = 'c4202eaa738af60ae7a784c349a0cc63'
+DB=File.join(dbpath, 'db.json')
+FIX=File.join(dbpath, 'fix.json')
+FAIL=File.join(dbpath, 'failed.json')
+DBA=File.join(dbpath, 'a')
+DBM=File.join(dbpath, 'm')
+HTML_I=File.join(dbpath, 'index.html')
+HTML_M=File.join(dbpath, 'movies.html')
+HTML_A=File.join(dbpath, 'actors.html')
+Dir.mkdir(dbpath) if not Dir.exist?(dbpath)
+Dir.mkdir(DBA) if not Dir.exist?(DBA)
+Dir.mkdir(DBM) if not Dir.exist?(DBM)
+failed = []
+fix = File.exist?(FIX) ? JSON.load( : {}
+prev_db = File.exist?(DB) ? JSON.load( : []
+idx = prev_db.collect { |m| m['filename'] }
+current_db = []
+def search fn
+ b,e = fn.split '.'
+ ar = b.split '-'
+ name = ar[0].gsub('_', ' ').downcase
+ if ar.size == 2
+ year = ar[1]
+ elsif ar.size == 3
+ sequel = ar[1]
+ year = ar[2]
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ puts "search : #{name} - #{year}"
+ begin
+ res = JSON.load
+ rescue
+ return nil
+ end
+ return nil if res['total_results'] == 0
+ sel = res['results'].select { |r| (r['release_date']||'nope')[0..3] == year }
+ return nil if sel.size == 0
+ if sel.size > 1
+ puts " found #{ {|s| s['title'] + ' ' + s['release_date']||'?' }}"
+ sel = { |r| r['title'].downcase == name }
+ if sel.size != 1
+ return nil
+ end
+ puts " choose '#{sel[0]['title']}'"
+ end
+ sel[0]
+def download id, p, base
+ return nil if p.nil?
+ fn = id.to_s + File.extname(p)
+ dst = File.join(base, fn)
+ if not File.exist? dst
+ puts " download #{URL_I + p} -> #{dst}"
+, 'wb') { |f| f.write + p).read }
+ end
+ fn
+def fetch id, fn, m
+ m['filename'] = fn
+ m['img'] = download(id, m['poster_path'], DBM)
+ m['cast'] = []
+ JSON.load(, id.to_s)).read)['cast'].each_with_index do |a, i|
+ break if i > 6
+ a['img'] = download(a['id'], a['profile_path'], DBA)
+ m['cast'] << a
+ end
+ m
+Dir.glob(File.join(mpath, '*')) do |fn|
+ next if fn
+ next if fn =~ /\.srt/ or fn =~ /\.rb/ or fn =~ /\.sub/ or fn =~ /\.jpg/
+ fn = fn.split('/')[1]
+ id = fix[fn]
+ if not id.nil?
+ m = prev_db.find{ |i| i['id'] == id and i['filename'] == fn }
+ m = JSON.load, id.to_s)).read if m.nil?
+ current_db << fetch(id, fn, m)
+ next
+ end
+ if idx.include? fn
+ current_db << prev_db.find{ |i| i['filename'] == fn }
+ next
+ end
+ m = search fn
+ if m.nil?
+ failed << fn
+ else
+ current_db << fetch(m['id'], fn, m)
+ end
+html, body { height:98%; overflow:auto; }
+div#toc { margin:auto; padding:30 50px; width:800px; }
+div#anchors { margin:auto; padding:30 50px; }
+a { color:black; text-decoration: none; width:100%; height:100%; }
+a:hover { color:#96281b;}
+td { padding:0px; }
+ .alpha { padding:10px; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; color:#96281b; }
+ a.alpha:hover { font-size:35px; }
+ .active { font-size:35px; }
+ul { list-style-type: none; }
+table.mid { margin:auto; padding:0 50px; }
+td.release { padding-left:20px; } { width:250px; } { background-color:#95a5a6; } { padding:10px; }
+div.entry { margin:20px; background-color:#bdc3c7; overflow:auto; }
+div.poster { padding:20px; margin:auto; float:left; }
+div.left { float:right; width:1500px; }
+div.meta { padding:20px; width:1450px; float:left; }
+div.title { font-weight:bold; font-size:30px; color:#96281b; float:left; }
+div.original{ font-size:30px; padding-left:10px; float:left; }
+div.year { font-size:30px; padding-left:10px; float:left; }
+div.fn { font-size:20px; float:right; }
+div.cast { float:left; background-color:#dadfe1;} { margin: 0 15px; float:left; }
+div.overview{ margin: 15px; float:left; }
+#fixed-div { background-color:#6bb9f0; position:absolute; bottom: 4em; right: 4em; padding:20px;}
+#letters { position:absolute; top: 1em; right: 10em; width:50px; }
+li { padding:4px; }
+current_db.sort! {|a,b| a['title'].downcase <=> b['title'].downcase }, 'w') { |f| f << current_db.to_json }, 'w') do |f|
+ f << '<html><head><title>Movies Index</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
+ f << 'body { background-color:#bdc3c7; }'
+ f << CSS
+ f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=movies.html>Movies</a><br/><br/><a href=actors.html>Actors</a></div>\n<div id=toc>"
+ f << "<div id=letters><ul>" + ('A'..'Z').inject('') {|r,i| r+ "<li><a href='##{i}' class=alpha>#{i}</a></li>"} + '</ul></div>'
+ letter=nil
+ current_db.each do |m|
+ l = m['title'][0].upcase
+ if l != letter
+ letter = l
+ f << '</table>' if not letter.nil?
+ f << "<div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=\"alpha active\">#{letter}</div><table class=mid>"
+ end
+ f << "<tr><td class=link><a href=movies.html##{m['id']}><div class=link>#{m['title']}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m['release_date'][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+ end
+ f << '</table></div></body></html>'
+actors = {}, 'w') do |f|
+ f << '<html><head><title>My Movies</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
+ f << 'body { background-color:#89c4f4; }'
+ f << CSS
+ f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=index.html>Index</a><br/><br/><a href=actors.html>Actors</a></div>"
+ current_db.each do |m|
+ img = m['img']
+ img = (img.nil? ? BLANK : ('m/' + img))
+ f << "<div class=entry id=#{m['id']}>"
+ f << "<div class=poster><a href='#{URL_M}#{m['id']}'><img src=#{img} height=380px/></a></div><div class=left>"
+ f << "<div class=meta><div class=title>#{m['title']}</div>"
+ f << "<div class=original>(#{m['original_title']})</div>" if m['title'] != m['original_title']
+ f << "<div class=year>- #{m['release_date'][0..3]}</div>"
+ f << "<div class=fn>[#{m['filename']}]</div></div><div class=cast>\n"
+ m['cast'].each do |a|
+ img = a['img']
+ img = (img.nil? ? BLANK : ('a/' + img))
+ f << "<div class=actor><h3>#{a['original_name']}<h3><a href='#{URL_A}#{a['id']}'><img src=#{img} width=150px/></a></div>\n"
+ actors[a['name']] ||= {'id'=>a['id'], 'movies'=>[]}
+ actors[a['name']]['movies'] << [m['id'], m['title'], m['release_date']]
+ end
+ f << "</div><div class=overview>#{m['overview']}</div>\n"
+ f << "</div></div>\n"
+ end
+ f << '</body></html>'
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << '<html><head><title>Actors Index</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
+ f << 'body { background-color:#bdc3c7; }'
+ f << CSS
+ f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=index.html>Index</a><br/><br/><a href=movies.html>Movies</a></div>\n<div id=toc>"
+ f << "<div id=letters><ul>" + ('A'..'Z').inject('') {|r,i| r+ "<li><a href='##{i}' class=alpha>#{i}</a></li>"} + '</ul></div>'
+ letter=nil
+ actors.keys.sort! {|a,b| a.downcase <=> b.downcase }.each do |aname|
+ l = aname[0].upcase
+ if l != letter
+ letter = l
+ f << '</table>' if not letter.nil?
+ f << "<div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=\"alpha active\">#{letter}</div><table class=mid>"
+ end
+ d = actors[aname]
+ d['movies'].sort! { |a,b| b[2] <=> a[2] }
+ m = d['movies'].shift
+ f << "<tr><td class=link><a href='#{URL_A}#{d['id']}'><div class=link>#{aname}</div></a></td>"
+ f << "<td class=link><a href='#{URL_M}#{m[0]}'><div class=link>#{m[1]}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+ d['movies'].each do |m|
+ f << "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class=link><a href='#{URL_M}#{m[0]}'><div class=link>#{m[1]}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+ end
+ end
+ f << '</table></div></body></html>'
+puts "FAILED :", 'w') { |f| f << failed.to_json }
+failed.each { |fn| puts " -> #{fn}" }