path: root/tmdb.rb
diff options
authorJérémy Zurcher <>2024-07-25 18:18:05 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2024-07-25 18:18:05 +0200
commit56b63f8d09dce82c10bb00eef9dbe813089ad177 (patch)
treed542c2182fd8403185cded13da0ee8c679eae711 /tmdb.rb
parent4879cb097938b0cb0dd7dd161c1e079f8ca03bfa (diff)
update tmpdb
Diffstat (limited to 'tmdb.rb')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/tmdb.rb b/tmdb.rb
index 0f8c309..33d501b 100755
--- a/tmdb.rb
+++ b/tmdb.rb
@@ -3,231 +3,327 @@
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
+# tmdb [movie_path] [db_path]
n = ARGV.size
-mpath = ARGV.shift if n > 0
-dbpath=File.join(mpath, 'db')
-dbpath = ARGV.shift if n > 1
-# TODO indicate if srt file is here
+mpath = n.positive? ? ARGV.shift : File.dirname(__FILE__)
+dbpath = n > 1 ? ARGV.shift : File.join(mpath, 'db')
puts " movies : #{mpath}\n db : #{dbpath}"
-API_KEY = 'c4202eaa738af60ae7a784c349a0cc63'
-DB=File.join(dbpath, 'db.json')
-FIX=File.join(dbpath, 'fix.json')
-FAIL=File.join(dbpath, 'failed.json')
-DBA=File.join(dbpath, 'a')
-DBM=File.join(dbpath, 'm')
-HTML_I=File.join(dbpath, 'index.html')
-HTML_M=File.join(dbpath, 'movies.html')
-HTML_A=File.join(dbpath, 'actors.html')
-Dir.mkdir(dbpath) if not Dir.exist?(dbpath)
-Dir.mkdir(DBA) if not Dir.exist?(DBA)
-Dir.mkdir(DBM) if not Dir.exist?(DBM)
-@failed = []
-@fix = File.exist?(FIX) ? JSON.load( : {}
-@prev_db = File.exist?(DB) ? JSON.load( : []
-@idx = @prev_db.collect { |m| m['filename'] }
-@current_db = []
-def search fn
- b, e = fn.split '.'
- name, *more = b.split '-'
- year = more[-1]
- sequel = more[0] if more.size == 2
- puts "search : #{name} - #{year} - #{sequel}"
- begin
- res = JSON.load + URI.encode_www_form('query' => name)).read
- rescue
- return nil
+API_KEY = JSON.parse('~/.tmdb.json')))['apikey']
+API_URL = ''.freeze
+SEARCH_M = "#{API_URL}/search/movie?api_key=#{API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1&include_adult=true&".freeze
+SEARCH_T = SEARCH_M.sub(%r{/movie}, '/tv').freeze
+FETCH_M = "#{API_URL}/movie/ID?api_key=#{API_KEY}".freeze
+FETCH_T = FETCH_M.sub(%r{/movie}, '/tv').freeze
+FETCH_CM = "#{API_URL}/movie/ID/credits?api_key=#{API_KEY}".freeze
+FETCH_CT = FETCH_CM.sub(%r{/movie}, '/tv').freeze
+URL_M = ''.freeze
+URL_T = URL_M.sub(%r{/movie}, '/tv').freeze
+URL_A = ''.freeze
+URL_I = ''.freeze
+ASZ = 150
+MSZ = 350
+BLANK = 'blank.png'.freeze
+DB = File.join(dbpath, 'db.json')
+FIX = File.join(dbpath, 'fix.json')
+FAIL = File.join(dbpath, 'failed.json')
+DBA = File.join(dbpath, 'a')
+DBM = File.join(dbpath, 'm')
+HTML_I = File.join(dbpath, 'index.html')
+HTML_M = File.join(dbpath, 'movies.html')
+HTML_A = File.join(dbpath, 'actors.html')
+HTML_F = File.join(dbpath, 'failed.html')
+HTML_N = File.join(dbpath, 'new.html')
+Dir.mkdir(dbpath) unless Dir.exist?(dbpath)
+Dir.mkdir(DBA) unless Dir.exist?(DBA)
+Dir.mkdir(DBM) unless Dir.exist?(DBM)
+def write_db(next_db)
+ puts "write #{DB}"
+, 'w') { |f| f << next_db.to_json }
+def num
+ ('1'..'9').inject('') { |r, i| "#{r}<div class=link><a class=dic href='##{i}'>#{i}</a></div>" }
+def alpha
+ ('A'..'Z').inject('') { |r, i| "#{r}<div class=link><a class=dic href='##{i}'>#{i}</a></div>" }
+def menu(*links)
+ t = '<div id=menu>'
+ links.each { |link| t << "<a class=linkm href='#{link.downcase}.html'>#{link}</a>" }
+ t << '</div>'
+def prelude(title)
+ f = "<html><head><title>#{title}</title><meta charset='utf-8' />\n"
+ f << '<link rel="stylesheet" href="db.css" />'
+ f << '<script src="lazy.js"></script>'
+ f << "</head><body>\n"
+def write_index(next_db)
+ puts "write #{HTML_I}"
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << prelude('Movies Index')
+ f << menu('Movies', 'Actors', 'New', 'Failed')
+ f << '<div id=toc>'
+ f << "<div id=adic class=dic>#{alpha}</div>\n"
+ f << "<div id=ndic class=dic>#{num}</div>\n"
+ letter = nil
+ next_db.each do |m|
+ l = m['title'][0].upcase
+ if l != letter
+ f << '</table></div>' unless letter.nil?
+ letter = l
+ f << "<div class=letter>\n <div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=alpha>#{letter}</div>\n<table class=index>"
+ end
+ f << "<tr class=entry><td class=movie><a class=link href='movies.html##{m['id']}'>#{m['title']}#{' - TV' if m['is_tv']}</a></td>\n"
+ f << " <td class=release>#{m['release_date'][0..3]}</td></tr>\n"
+ end
+ f << '</table></div></body></html>'
- return nil if res['total_results'] == 0
- sel = res['results'].select { |r| (r['release_date']||'nope')[0..3] == year }
- return nil if sel.size == 0
- if sel.size == 1
- puts " found '#{sel[0]['title']}'"
- else
- puts " found #{ {|s| s['title'] + ' ' + s['release_date']||'?' }}"
- s = { |r| r['title'].downcase == name }
- sel = s if s.size > 0
- s = { |r| r['title'].downcase.gsub(/[^ a-z]/, '') =~ /#{name.gsub(/[^ a-z]/, '')}/ } if sel.size != 1
- sel = s if s.size > 0
- sel = { |r| r['title'].downcase =~ /#{sequel}/ } if sel.size != 1
- return nil if sel.size != 1
- puts " choose '#{sel[0]['title']}'"
+def write_actors(actors)
+ puts "write #{HTML_A}"
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << prelude('Actors')
+ f << menu('Index', 'Movies', 'New', 'Failed')
+ f << '<div id=toc>'
+ f << "<div id=adic class=dic>#{alpha}</div>\n"
+ f << "<div id=ndic class=dic>#{num}</div>\n"
+ letter = nil
+ actors.keys.sort! { |a, b| a.downcase <=> b.downcase }.each do |aname|
+ l = aname[0].upcase
+ if l != letter
+ f << '</table></div>' unless letter.nil?
+ letter = l
+ f << "<div class=letter>\n <div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=alpha>#{letter}</div>\n<table class=index>"
+ end
+ d = actors[aname]
+ d['movies'].sort! { |a, b| b[2] <=> a[2] }
+ m = d['movies'].shift
+ f << "<tr class=entry><td class=actor><a class=link href='#{URL_A}#{d['id']}'>#{aname}</a></td>\n"
+ f << "<td class=movie><a class=link href='movies.html##{m[0]}'>#{m[1]}</a></td>"
+ f << "<td class=release>#{m[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+ d['movies'].each do |mov|
+ f << "<tr class=entry><td>&nbsp;</td><td class=link><a class=link href='movies.html##{m[0]}'>#{mov[1]}</a></td>"
+ f << "<td class=release>#{mov[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+ end
+ end
+ f << '</table></div></body></html>'
- sel[0]
-def download id, p, base
- return nil if p.nil?
- fn = id.to_s + File.extname(p)
- dst = File.join(base, fn)
- if not File.exist? dst
- puts " download #{URL_I + p} -> #{dst}"
-, 'wb') { |f| f.write + p).read }
+def __write_movies(fout, movies, actors = nil)
+ movies.each do |m|
+ url = m['is_tv'] ? URL_T : URL_M
+ img = (m['img'].nil? ? BLANK : "m/#{m['img']}")
+ fout << "<div class=movie id=#{m['id']}><div class=poster>"
+ fout << "<a href='#{url}#{m['id']}'><img class=lazy data-src=#{img} height=#{MSZ}px /></a></div>"
+ fout << '<div class=cont0><div class=info>'
+ fout << "<div class=title>#{m['title']}</div>"
+ fout << "<div class=original>(#{m['original_title']})</div>" if m['title'] != m['original_title']
+ if m['is_tv']
+ fout << "<div class=year>#{m['release_date'][0..3]}-#{m['last_air_date'][0..3]}</div>"
+ fout << "<div class=season>#{m['eps']}/#{m['number_of_episodes']} episodes -#{m['number_of_seasons']} seasons</div>"
+ else
+ fout << "<div class=year>#{m['release_date'][0..3]}</div>"
+ end
+ # fout << "<div class=fn>[#{m['fname']}]</div>"
+ fout << "</div><div class=cast>\n"
+ m['cast'].each do |a|
+ img = a['img']
+ img = (img.nil? ? BLANK : "a/#{img}")
+ fout << "<div class=actor><h2>#{a['name']}</h2>"
+ fout << "<a href='#{URL_A}#{a['id']}'><img class=lazy data-src=#{img} width=#{ASZ}px /></a></div>\n"
+ unless actors.nil?
+ actors[a['name']] ||= { 'id' => a['id'], 'movies' => [] }
+ actors[a['name']]['movies'] << [m['id'], m['title'], m['release_date']]
+ end
+ end
+ fout << "</div><div class=overview>#{m['overview']}</div>\n"
+ fout << "</div></div>\n"
- fn
-def fetch id, fn, m
- m['filename'] = fn
- m['img'] = download(id, m['poster_path'], DBM)
- m['cast'] = []
- JSON.load(, id.to_s)).read)['cast'].each_with_index do |a, i|
- break if i > 6
- a['img'] = download(a['id'], a['profile_path'], DBA)
- m['cast'] << a
+def write_movies(movies)
+ puts "write #{HTML_M}"
+ actors = {}
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << prelude('Movies')
+ f << menu('Index', 'Actors', 'New', 'Failed') << "\n"
+ __write_movies(f, movies, actors)
+ f << '</body></html>'
- m
+ actors
-def known? fn
- id = @fix[fn]
- if not id.nil?
- m = @prev_db.find{ |i| i['id'] == id and i['filename'] == fn }
- m = JSON.load, id.to_s)).read if m.nil?
- @current_db << fetch(id, fn, m)
- return nil
+def write_failed(failed)
+ puts "write #{HTML_F}"
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << prelude('Failed')
+ f << menu('Index', 'Actors', 'New', 'Failed') << "\n"
+ failed.each do |fn|
+ f << "<div class=movie>#{fn}</div>\n"
+ end
+ f << '</body></html>'
- if @idx.include? fn
- @current_db << @prev_db.find{ |i| i['filename'] == fn }
- return nil
+def write_new(movies)
+ puts "write #{HTML_N}"
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << prelude('New')
+ f << menu('Index', 'Movies', 'Actors', 'Failed') << "\n"
+ __write_movies(f, movies)
+ f << '</body></html>'
+def download(id, path, base)
+ return nil if path.nil?
+ fn = id.to_s + File.extname(path)
+ dst = File.join(base, fn)
+ unless File.exist? dst
+ puts " get : #{dst}"
+, 'wb') { |f| f.write URI(URL_I + path) }
+ end
+ system("magick #{dst} -resize x#{MSZ} #{dst}") if base == DBM
+ system("magick #{dst} -resize #{ASZ}x #{dst}") if base == DBA
-Dir.glob(File.join(mpath, '*')) do |path|
- next if path
- next if path =~ /\.srt$/ or path =~ /\.rb$/ or path =~ /\.sub$/ or path =~ /\.jpg$/
- fn = path.split('/')[-1]
- next if known?(fn).nil?
- fs = fn.gsub('_', ' ')'àáâäçèéêëìíîïòóôöùúûü','aaaaceeeeiiiioooouuuu')
- m = search fs
- if m.nil?
- puts ' failed'
- @failed << fn
- else
- @current_db << fetch(m['id'], fn, m)
+def get_all(data)
+ id = data['id']
+ data['img'] = download(id, data['poster_path'], DBM)
+ data['cast'] = []
+ url = data['is_tv'] ? FETCH_CT : FETCH_CM
+ JSON.parse(URI(url.sub(/ID/, id.to_s))['cast']
+ .sort { |a, b| a['order'] <=> b['order'] }.each_with_index do |a, i|
+ break if i == ACTORS_N
+ a['img'] = download(a['id'], a['profile_path'], DBA)
+ data['cast'] << a
+ data
-html, body { height:98%; overflow:auto; }
-div#toc { margin:auto; padding:30 50px; width:800px; }
-div#anchors { margin:auto; padding:30 50px; }
-a { color:black; text-decoration: none; width:100%; height:100%; }
-a:hover { color:#96281b;}
-td { padding:0px; }
- .alpha { padding:10px; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; color:#96281b; }
- a.alpha:hover { font-size:35px; }
- .active { font-size:35px; }
-ul { list-style-type: none; }
-table.mid { margin:auto; padding:0 50px; }
-td.release { padding-left:20px; } { width:250px; } { background-color:#95a5a6; } { padding:10px; }
-div.entry { margin:20px; background-color:#bdc3c7; overflow:auto; }
-div.poster { padding:20px; margin:auto; float:left; }
-div.left { float:right; width:1500px; }
-div.meta { padding:20px; width:1450px; float:left; }
-div.title { font-weight:bold; font-size:30px; color:#96281b; float:left; }
-div.original{ font-size:30px; padding-left:10px; float:left; }
-div.year { font-size:30px; padding-left:10px; float:left; }
-div.fn { font-size:20px; float:right; }
-div.cast { float:left; background-color:#dadfe1;} { margin: 0 15px; float:left; }
-div.overview{ margin: 15px; float:left; }
-#fixed-div { background-color:#6bb9f0; position:absolute; bottom: 4em; right: 4em; padding:20px;}
-#letters { position:absolute; top: 1em; right: 10em; width:50px; }
-li { padding:4px; }
-@current_db.sort! {|a,b| a['title'].downcase <=> b['title'].downcase }, 'w') { |f| f << @current_db.to_json }, 'w') do |f|
- f << '<html><head><title>Movies Index</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
- f << 'body { background-color:#bdc3c7; }'
- f << CSS
- f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=movies.html>Movies</a><br/><br/><a href=actors.html>Actors</a></div>\n<div id=toc>"
- f << "<div id=letters><ul>" + ('A'..'Z').inject('') {|r,i| r+ "<li><a href='##{i}' class=alpha>#{i}</a></li>"} + '</ul></div>'
- letter=nil
- @current_db.each do |m|
- l = m['title'][0].upcase
- if l != letter
- letter = l
- f << '</table>' if not letter.nil?
- f << "<div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=\"alpha active\">#{letter}</div><table class=mid>"
- end
- f << "<tr><td class=link><a href=movies.html##{m['id']}><div class=link>#{m['title']}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m['release_date'][0..3]}</td></tr>"
+def filter_results(res, data)
+ sel = { |r| (r['release_date'] || 'nope')[0..3] == data[:year] }
+ return nil if sel.empty?
+ if sel.size > 1
+ puts " #{ { |s| "#{s['title']} #{s['release_date'] || '?'}" }.join("\n ")}"
+ s = { |r| r['stitle'] =~ /#{data[:sequel]}/ } unless data[:sequel].nil?
+ sel = s unless s.nil? || s&.empty?
+ s = { |r| r['stitle'] == data[:name] }
+ sel = s unless s.empty?
+ return nil if sel.size != 1
- f << '</table></div></body></html>'
-actors = {}, 'w') do |f|
- f << '<html><head><title>My Movies</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
- f << 'body { background-color:#89c4f4; }'
- f << CSS
- f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=index.html>Index</a><br/><br/><a href=actors.html>Actors</a></div>"
- @current_db.each do |m|
- img = m['img']
- img = (img.nil? ? BLANK : ('m/' + img))
- f << "<div class=entry id=#{m['id']}>"
- f << "<div class=poster><a href='#{URL_M}#{m['id']}'><img src=#{img} height=380px/></a></div><div class=left>"
- f << "<div class=meta><div class=title>#{m['title']}</div>"
- f << "<div class=original>(#{m['original_title']})</div>" if m['title'] != m['original_title']
- f << "<div class=year>- #{m['release_date'][0..3]}</div>"
- f << "<div class=fn>[#{m['filename']}]</div></div><div class=cast>\n"
- m['cast'].each do |a|
- img = a['img']
- img = (img.nil? ? BLANK : ('a/' + img))
- f << "<div class=actor><h3>#{a['original_name']}<h3><a href='#{URL_A}#{a['id']}'><img src=#{img} width=150px/></a></div>\n"
- actors[a['name']] ||= {'id'=>a['id'], 'movies'=>[]}
- actors[a['name']]['movies'] << [m['id'], m['title'], m['release_date']]
- end
- f << "</div><div class=overview>#{m['overview']}</div>\n"
- f << "</div></div>\n"
+ puts " => : '#{sel[0]['title']}' #{sel[0]['id']}"
+ sel[0]['id']
+def normalise_results(res)
+ res.each do |r|
+ r['release_date'] = r['first_air_date'] unless r.key? 'release_date'
+ r['title'] = r['name'] unless r.key? 'title'
+ r['original_title'] = r['original_name'] unless r.key? 'original_title'
+ r['stitle'] = r['title'].downcase.gsub(/[^ a-z0-9]/, '')
- f << '</body></html>'
-, 'w') do |f|
- f << '<html><head><title>Actors Index</title><meta charset="utf-8"></head><style>'
- f << 'body { background-color:#bdc3c7; }'
- f << CSS
- f << "</style><body>\n<div id=fixed-div><a href=index.html>Index</a><br/><br/><a href=movies.html>Movies</a></div>\n<div id=toc>"
- f << "<div id=letters><ul>" + ('A'..'Z').inject('') {|r,i| r+ "<li><a href='##{i}' class=alpha>#{i}</a></li>"} + '</ul></div>'
- letter=nil
- actors.keys.sort! {|a,b| a.downcase <=> b.downcase }.each do |aname|
- l = aname[0].upcase
- if l != letter
- letter = l
- f << '</table>' if not letter.nil?
- f << "<div name=#{letter} id=#{letter} class=\"alpha active\">#{letter}</div><table class=mid>"
- end
- d = actors[aname]
- d['movies'].sort! { |a,b| b[2] <=> a[2] }
- m = d['movies'].shift
- f << "<tr><td class=link><a href='#{URL_A}#{d['id']}'><div class=link>#{aname}</div></a></td>"
- f << "<td class=link><a href='#{URL_M}#{m[0]}'><div class=link>#{m[1]}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
- d['movies'].each do |m|
- f << "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class=link><a href='#{URL_M}#{m[0]}'><div class=link>#{m[1]}</div></a></td><td class=release>#{m[2][0..3]}</td></tr>"
- end
+ res
+def fetch(data)
+ url = data['is_tv'] ? FETCH_T : FETCH_M
+ [] << JSON.parse(URI(url.sub(/ID/, data['id'].to_s))
+def search(data)
+ url = data['is_tv'] ? SEARCH_T : SEARCH_M
+ res = JSON.parse(URI.parse(url + URI.encode_www_form('query' => data[:name])).read)['results']
+ normalise_results(res)
+ filter_results(res, data)
+def process_fname(data)
+ puts "#{data['fname']} :"
+ fname = data['fname']'àáâäçèéêëìíîïòóôöùúûü', 'aaaaceeeeiiiioooouuuu').gsub('_', ' ')
+ fname = fname[..-5] unless data['is_tv']
+ name, *more = fname.split '-'
+ year = more[-1]
+ sequel = more[0] if more.size == 2
+ data.merge(name: name, year: year, sequel: sequel)
+def process(data)
+ data = process_fname(data)
+ data['id'] = search(data) if data['id'].nil?
+ return nil if data['id'].nil?
+ data.merge!(normalise_results(fetch(data))[0])
+ get_all(data)
+def in_prev_db?(fname, prev_db)
+ prev_db.find { |i| i['fname'] == fname } if @db_idx.include?(fname)
+failed = []
+fix_db = File.exist?(FIX) ? JSON.parse( : {}
+prev_db = File.exist?(DB) ? JSON.parse( : []
+@db_idx = prev_db.collect { |m| m['fname'] }
+next_db = []
+def skip?(fname)
+ fname =~ /\.srt$/ || fname =~ /\.sub$/ || fname =~ /\.jpg$/ || fname =~ /^db/
+def eps(path)
+ n = 0
+ Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*')) do |fn|
+ n += 1 unless skip?(fn)
- f << '</table></div></body></html>'
+ n
-puts "FAILED :", 'w') { |f| f << @failed.to_json }
-@failed.each { |fn| puts " -> #{fn}" }
+# FIXME: list seasons -> x/N
+Dir.glob(File.join(mpath, '*')) do |path|
+ fname = path.split('/')[-1]
+ next if skip?(fname)
+ data = in_prev_db?(fname, prev_db)
+ if data.nil?
+ is_tv =
+ mtime = File.mtime(path).to_i.to_s
+ eps = is_tv ? eps(path) : 0
+ data = process('id' => fix_db[fname], 'fname' => fname, 'is_tv' => is_tv, 'eps' => eps, 'mtime' => mtime)
+ end
+ failed << fname if data.nil?
+ next_db << data unless data.nil?
+next_db.sort! { |a, b| a['title'].downcase <=> b['title'].downcase }
+write_new(next_db.sort { |a, b| b['mtime'] <=> a['mtime'] }[..20])
+puts 'FAILED :', 'w') { |f| f << failed.to_json }
+failed.each { |fn| puts " -> #{fn}" }
+# jq '.[] | select(.fname | test("Fargo"))' db.json
+# curl --request GET --url '' | jq '.cast'
+# '