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+#def @US { @Box margin {1p} paint {@Blue} white @Color US }
+#def @Soviet { @Box margin {1p} paint {@Red} white @Color Soviet }
+def @US { @Blue @Color US }
+def @Soviet { @Red @Color Soviet }
+def @Democratic { @Blue @Color @B Democratic }
+def @Authoritarian { @Grey @Color @B Authoritarian }
+def @Communist { @Red @Color @B Communist }
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+#@Rowa A{@Actions}
+@Row format{ @Cell margin {0p} mb {10p} A} A{@Actions}
+ #A{@CurveBox margin {2p} 9.5c @Wide @Actions}
+@Rowb A{@Investment}
+@Rowb A{@Influence}
+@Rowa A{@PlaceSpy}
+@Rowb A{@Technology}
+@Rowd A{@Military}
+@Rowd A{@Nuclear}
+@Rowd A{@Occupied}
+@Rowe A{@SpyActions}
+@Row format{ @Cell rr {no} margin {0p} ml {2p} A} A{@MBox @MarkersActions}
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+ dformat { @Cell marginabove {1.8v} A }
+@Rowa A{@Aggression}
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+@Rowd A{@MBox @MarkersCoup}
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+@Rowc A{@CivilWar}
+@Rowa A{@MBox @MarkersCivilWar}
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+ bformat { @Cell rl {yes} rr{yes} A}
+ cformat { @Cell rr{yes} A}
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+@Rowd A{@MBox @NuclearBalance}
+@Rowb A{@USSpecific}
+@Rowd A{@MBox @ConventionalBalance}
+@Rowd A{@MBox @NavalBalance}
+@Rowd A{@MBox @IntelAssessment}
+@Rowa A{@SovietSpecific}
+@Rowa A{@MBox @Definitions}
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+# encoding : iso-8859-1
+def @Actions {
+@LP @MTitle Actions
+@ListItem{you may activate @B{up to 2} @I Spies /.5v @B{before or after} resolving any card of your @B{own colour}}
+@CurveBox margin {8p} paint {rgb .95 .95 .95 } {
+#@ListItem{@B{money owed} : must always be paid back @B first}
+@ListItem{2x any amongs : Influence, Investment, Spy}
+@ListItem{3x Investment in 0-1 @I Worth country}
+@ListItem{Technology Research}
+@ListItem{Build a Military Unit}
+@ListItem{Deploy Nuclear Weapon}
+@ListItem{Remove an Occupied Marker}
+@ListItem{Resolve an Aggression}
+@ListItem{@Soviet occupies a @Soviet-aligned country : /.5v +1 @I Occupied @Sym ampersand +1 @I {Money Owed}}
+} }
+def @Investment {
+@Underline{@B Investment} - any country :
+@ListItem{place 1 @I Investment (cancel each other with an enemy one)}
+@ListItem{@B once per country, you @B may spend the just placed @I Investment :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove this @I Investment @Sym ampersand 1 @I Unrest}
+ @ListItem{@B more than @B once @B if @US in a @Democratic country}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @ListItem{@B once per turn @B {after all} @I Investment have been placed :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{use the just placed @I Investment to improve the country}
+ @ListItem{2d6 + {@Sym numbersign}@I Investments - leftmost marker modifier}
+ @ListItem{@B 6+ : remove @B all @I Investments and the @I Trade {@Sym slash} @I Destruction}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Influence {
+@Underline{@B Influence} - @B not in @I{Civil War} :
+@ListItem{success on @B 6+ (pure 1-2 is a failure)
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Investment}
+ @ListItem{+1 if same government @B or adjacent to a @I{fully aligned} country}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{on @Underline failure : @B{may once} exhaust 1 @I Spy in the country to re-roll}
+@ListItem{on @Underline success : remove 1 friendly @I Investment
+ @BulletList
+ #@ListItem{shift @I alignment 1 step towards you}
+ @ListItem{place 1 @I {Influence Cube} (cancel each other with an enemy one)}
+ @ListItem{@B{or may if} @I aligned (@I{fully aligned} @B if @I Occupied)
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{replace government with yours}
+ @ListItem{place 1 @I Unrest}
+ @ListItem{remove any @I Occupied}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Technology {
+@Underline{Technology @B Research} :
+@ListItem{place 1 @I bunker into your @I{force pool}}
+@ListItem{@B or place 1 @I Tech cube in a technology}
+@ListItem{@B{after any} of the above @B Research actions (regular or free)
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B if @I Supercomputer : +1 @I Tech cube : if 2 remove and place 1}
+ @ListItem{@B if @I{Silicon Transistor} : place 1 more @I Tech cube in a technology}
+ @RawEndList}
+#@ListItem{place a @I{Tech Theft} in the box when @US completes a tech
+@ListItem{@B when @US completes a technology : place 1 @I{Tech Theft} in the box
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{if 2 remove and roll to place 1 on the map (@Soviet chooses) /.5v max 2 @I{Thech Theft} in a country (if not possible, it's lost)}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @PlaceSpy {
+@Underline{@B Spy} - any country :
+#@ListItem{when playing a @Red @Color Red or @Blue @Color Blue card, the corresponding player /.5v @B may activate up to 2 @I Spies @B{before or after} resolving the card}
+@ListItem{place @B or move 1 @B if none in the @I{force pool}, /.5v @B may be activated this turn}
+def @SpyActions {
+@Underline{@B Spy Actions} : |2c 1d6 @Sym slash 2d6 from adjacent @Sym slash same country
+@ListItem{@Soviet @Underline{Suppress @I Unrest} in @Communist country : @B 5+ -1 @I Unrest}
+@ListItem{@Soviet @Underline{Steal Technology} : @B 6+ -1 @I{Tech Theft} per success
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 if @I Unrest}
+ @ListItem{1 @I{Tech Theft} @Sym arrowdblright 2 cubes in 1 Tech (ony 1 in Farming {@Sym slash} Industry)}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@US @Underline{Secure Secret} : @B 5+ -1 @I{Tech Theft} per success}
+@ListItem{@US @Underline{Remove @I{Trade Item}} : 2d6 @B : @B 2x4+ -1 @I{Trade Item}}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Place @I Unrest} : @B 6+ place 1 @I Unrest per success
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B not in @I{Civil War}}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if 0-1 @I Worth country with @I Unrest}
+ @ListItem{@US @I Spy in @USSR @B {may instead} place 1 @I Reform cube}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline Counterintelligence : @B 6+ -1 @I Spy per success
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{country with @I Spy and not the enemy government}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if more than 1 @I Spy in the country}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if @Communist @Sym slash @Authoritarian country}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Military {
+@Underline{Build @B Military unit} - from your @I{force pool} :
+@ListItem{construct 1 @I bunker move it back into the @I{bunkers} box
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove 1 @I Unrest from your @I homeland}
+ @ListItem{remove 1 enemy @I{Startegic Weapon} from the box}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B or place 1 non-{@I Army} into the @I{Strategic Weapons} box
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B may be used to cancel an enemy @I{Strategic Weapon} instead}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B or place 1 @I Army into a @I{Civil War}, @I aligned without enemy @I Army
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@US places 1 @I Unrest in @I homeland}
+ @ListItem{on 1d6 @B 3+ : add 1 @I Tech cube in @I{Land @Sym slash Air} technology}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Nuclear {
+@Underline{Deploy @B{Nuclear Weapon}} - in @I Allied country :
+@ListItem{grants 2d6 to MAD roll to prevent aggression}
+@ListItem{@B if the government changes to the enemy :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove @I{Nuclear Weapons} from game}
+ @ListItem{place 1 enemy @I Influence within 2 spaces of the country}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B if mutual @I{Nuclear Weapons} within 2 spaces of @I homeland :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove 1 for 1 now (do not care about SLBM)}
+ @RawEndList}
+#@ListItem{@B if within 2 spaces of enemy @I homeland without SLBM
+# @BulletList
+# @ListItem{add 1 @I Unrest at the @Underline{end of each turn}}
+# @RawEndList}
+def @Occupied{
+@Underline{Remove @B Occupied marker} - any country : |1.3c facilitate gov change
+@ListItem{remove 1 of its own @I Occupied marker}
+@ListItem{@Soviet add 1 @I Reform cube}
+def @EndOfTurn {
+@MTitle {End Of Turn}
+@ListItem{turn 4+ : check for @B{Sudden Death} delta 3+}
+@ListItem{advance the @I Turn marker}
+#@ListItem{move the @I Turn marker and reset @I{Civil War} track}
+@ListItem{@Soviet :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{roll for the @I{5 Year Plan}}
+ @ListItem{roll for a new @I{Tech Theft}}
+ @ListItem{roll for @I Leadership change}
+ @ListItem{add @I Reform cubes to the @I{Freedom @Char ampersand Reforms} track}
+ @ListItem{@B may exhaust @I Spies in the @USSR to remove @I Reform cubes}
+ @ListItem{remove 1 @I Embargo marker from the @I{Western Trade}}
+ @ListItem{roll for a new @I{Trade Item} into the @I{Western Trade}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@US :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{move the @I{National Debt} track marker 1 space to the right}
+ @ListItem{roll for the @I President}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{reset the @I{Civil War} track}
+@ListItem{flip all @I Spies to unused}
+#@ListItem{add 1 @I Unrest {@Sym slash} @I{First Strike} enemy @I{Nuclear Weapon}}
+@ListItem{if no @I SLBM add 1 @I Unrest {@Sym slash} enemy @I{Nuclear Weapon} (without flag) /.5v within 2 spaces of your @I homeland}
+@ListItem{remove discs on @I Codebreaking}
+@ListItem{place 1 @I Tech cube for @I{Mainframe Computer}}
+@ListItem{discard then reassign @I{Intelligence Assessment} re-roll markers}
+@ListItem{reconstitute deck with : @I Turn, @I Cycle and @Red @Color @I{Oil Production} cards}
+def @Aggression {
+@MTitle Aggression
+@ListItem{target country must be adjacent to an @I Allied country}
+#@ListItem{consult the @I{Conventional Balance}}
+@ListItem{@I minor aggression @B only against a @B not @I Occupied 0-1 @I Worth country}
+#@ListItem{@I major aggression against any country}
+@ListItem{@US aggression : place 1 @I Unrest in @I homeland (2 if @I Major)}
+@ListItem{@Soviet aggression : place 2 @I Embargo in @I{Western Trade} box (3 if @I Major) /.5v @US gains a free @I{Remove Trade Item} action (do not exhaust the spy)}
+@ListItem{MAD roll @B if target is @I Occupied @B or has enemy government : /.5v (@Soviet needs the Atom Bomb)
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{defender rolls 1d6 (2d6 if @I{Nuclear Weapon}) vs @I{Nuclear Balance} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{on @Underline success : no aggression}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{2d6 (max +{@Sym slash}-2) :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+ Aggression modifier (@I{Conventional Balance})}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if target in @I{Civil War}}
+ @ListItem{-1 @B if through sea connection without @I Naval advantage}
+ @ListItem{-1 per 2+ @I Worth adjacent enemy government country /.5v ignore sea connections @B if @I Naval advantage}
+ @ListItem{@I Superpuissance with Naval advantage @B may after roll :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{add a -1 DRM}
+ @ListItem{add 1 @I Unrest to @I homeland on 1d6 1-3}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B{1-3} @Underline Failure :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 @I Unrest in target country}
+ @ListItem{+1 @I Unrest in aggressor's @I homeland (+2 on modified 1)} # FIXME or +3 ???
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B 4 @Underline{Political Success} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{shift @I Influence 1 step towards aggressor}
+ @ListItem{@B or place 1 @I Unrest and 1 @I Investment}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B 5 @Underline Success :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{set to aggressor government}
+ @ListItem{shift @I Influence 1 step towards aggressor}
+ @ListItem{place a @I Destruction over the rightmost factory}
+ @ListItem{@B if @I{Civil War} place an @I Army}
+ @ListItem{@B else place an @I Occupied @B if none}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B 6 @Underline Blitzkrieg :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{same as @Underline Success}
+ @ListItem{@B{and may} continue same level aggression from target country /.5v @B without adding @I Embargo or @I Unrest}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Coup {
+#@ListItem{@Soviet @B may Occupy an @Soviet-aligned country : @LLP take 1 @I{Money Owed} and place 1 @I Occupied marker}
+@MTitle Coup
+#@ListItem{@Underline @I{Neutral Unoccupied} country :
+# @BulletList
+# @ListItem{set to 1 @I Unrest}
+# @ListItem{remove any government marker (revert to map default)}
+# @ListItem{1d6 : |.3c @B 1: +1 @US @I Influence |.5c @B{5-6}: +1 @Soviet @I Influence}
+# @RawEndList}
+#@ListItem{@Underline @I{Neutral Occupied} country :
+# @BulletList
+# @ListItem{DRM : |.1c @B -1 if @US @I Occupied |.4c @B +1 if @Soviet @I Occupied}
+# @ListItem{1d6 : |.3c @B 1: +1 @US @I Influence |.4c @B{5-6}: +1 @Soviet @I Influence}
+# @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline @I{Neutral} country :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{set to 1 @I Unrest (keep @I Occupied)}
+ @ListItem{@B {if not} @I Occupied : /.5v remove any government marker (revert to map default)}
+ @ListItem{@B else : /.5v DRM @B -1 if @US @I Occupied |.4c @B +1 if @Soviet @I Occupied}
+ @ListItem{1d6 : |.3c @B 1: +1 @US @I Influence |.4c @B{5-6}: +1 @Soviet @I Influence}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline @I Aligned country : 2d6
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B{1-3} @Underline{Armed Conflict}
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B if @I Occupied @B or @I Worth 2+ : /.5v set to 1 @I Unrest (keep @I Occupied)}
+ @ListItem{@B else +1 @I{Civil War} +1 @I Destruction}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @ListItem{@B 4 @Underline{Strongman @Sym slash Puppet}
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{set to 1 @I Unrest (keep @I Occupied)}
+ #@ListItem{place 1 @Underline rebel @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{shift @I Influence 1 step towards @Underline rebels}
+ @ListItem{set to @Authoritarian government @B unless @I Occupied}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @ListItem{@B{5-6} @Underline Success
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{set to 1 @I Unrest (keep @I Occupied)}
+ #@ListItem{place 1 @Underline rebel @I Influence, 2 on a 6}
+ @ListItem{shift @I Influence 1 step towards @Underline rebels (2 steps on a 6)}
+ @ListItem{set to @Underline rebel government @B unless @I Occupied}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @CivilWar {
+@MTitle {Civil War}
+@ListItem{@Underline gov is : @I government @Sym arrowdblright @I Influence @Sym arrowdblright @I Occupied @Sym arrowdblright @US}
+@ListItem{replace any @I Occupied with 1 @I Army}
+@ListItem{each side rolls 2 + {@Sym numbersign}Army d6 (+3 max DRM) : #@B 6+ is a @B Hit
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Army}
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Investment}
+ @ListItem{+1 if has @I Spy}
+ @ListItem{+1 if 3+ @I{Civil War} markers (@Underline rebels only)}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B 6+ is a @B Hit}
+@ListItem{remove all @I Investments}
+@ListItem{@B may withdraw all @I Armies (-1 @B Hit opposing side)}
+@ListItem{- 1 @I Unrest to the @I Army's @I homeland @Sym slash @B Hit (even if withdrawed)}
+#@ListItem{add 1 @I Unrest @Sym slash @B Hit to the @I Army's @I homeland (even if withdrawed)}
+@ListItem{@B if 0 @Underline rebel Army at the start of the @I{Civil War}: #-1 @I{Civil War} @Sym slash @B Hit}
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{-1 @I{Civil War} @Sym slash @B Hit}
+ @ListItem{@Underline gov wins @B if 0 @I{Civil War} left}
+ @RawEndList}
+ #@BulletList
+ #@ListItem{@Underline gov wins}
+ #@RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B if 0 gov Army at the start @B and 1+ Civil War @B and 1+ @Underline rebel @B Hit :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@Underline rebels win : set to @Authoritarian government}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B else no winner:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B if no @Underline gov @B Hit : +1 @I{Civil War} (max 3)}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B if there is a winner :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove all @I{Civil War} markers}
+ @ListItem{replace any @I Army with 1 @I Occupied}
+ @ListItem{set to 1 @I Unrest (keep @I Occupied)}
+ @ListItem{set to at least @I aligned with the @B winner}
+ #@ListItem{@B unless country was @Authoritarian @B and @I Neutral @B and not @I Occupied
+ @ListItem{@B unless @Underline gov was set to @US by default, winner gets :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 Progress}
+ @ListItem{+1 Progress @B if winner's @I Army was present at the start}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @Definitions {
+#@ListItem{@Soviet player always acts first}
+@ListItem{@B neutral country : 0 @I Influence cube}
+@ListItem{@B aligned country : 1 @I Influence cube}
+@ListItem{@B {fully aligned} country : 2-3 @I Influence cubes}
+@ListItem{@B allied country : same @I government and at least @I aligned}
+@ListItem{@B worth: sum of visible @I Factory values}
+@ListItem{@I allied countries @B not in @I{Civil War} earn you factory @I Worth}
+#@ListItem{@B{occupied} marker : counts has 1 @I Unrest}
+#@ListItem{@B{set to 1 unrest} : remove all @I Unrest then add 1 if no @I Occupied}
+@ListItem{@B{money owed} : must always be paid back @B first}
+@ListItem{@B{homeland crisis} : @USA or @USSR with 3+ @I Unrest
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@US must place @I Investment to remove @I Unrest}
+ @ListItem{@Soviet must place @I Investment @B or use @I Spy to remove @I Unrest}
+ @RawEndList}
+#@ListItem{@B Waterway : +1 Naval Balance per @Soviet-allied country}
+@ListItem{@B{Geographical Objectives} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{lose 1 @I Intel per country @I Allied to the enemy}
+ @ListItem{@USSR +1 @I Reform cube per country at the end of each turn }
+ @RawEndList}
+def @USSpecific {
+@MTitle {@US Specific Rules}
+@ListItem{@Underline{National Debt} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn : shift once right}
+ @ListItem{@B may at any moment shift left and add @US @I{Debt Money}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{President} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn : 2d6}
+ @ListItem{-1 per @I Unrest in @USA}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if @US is losing}
+ @ListItem{place 2 discs}
+ @ListItem{on double 1, 2 or 3 President Assassination :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 @I Unerst in @USA}
+ @ListItem{re-roll 1 die and place only 1 disc}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{@US Oil Thirst} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{1 card turn 5 cycle}
+ @ListItem{@B if @USSR Oil Price is 2$ or 3$ :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 @I Unrest in @USA}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @ListItem{sum Oil @I Worth of countries not @I aligned with @USSR}
+ @ListItem{@B if less than the Oil value show on the turn track :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{per short : shift @I{Debt Track} left @B or +2 @I Unrest in @USA}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @SovietSpecific {
+@MTitle {@Soviet Specific Rules}
+@ListItem{@Underline{@Soviet 5-year plan} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn roll : codebreaking does not count}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{@Soviet Oil Production} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn : add 0-2 @I{Oil Production} card to the deck}
+ @ListItem{when drawn : add @I{Oil Money} if @I{Oil Price} is @Sym greater than $1}
+ @ListItem{@I{Soviet Oil} card turn 2 cycle : improve production}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Western Trade} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn roll}
+ @ListItem{can be bought with @I{Oil Money} or @I{Military Export} cards}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{@Soviet Leadership} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{end of turn roll}
+ @ListItem{1d6 + @I Leadership and @I{Freedom @Char ampersand Reforms} DRMs}
+ @ListItem{add 0-4 cubes into the @I Reform track}
+ @ListItem{@B if Progressive : remove all @Soviet @I Occupations
+ @BulletList
+ #@ListItem{remove all @Soviet @I Occupations}
+ @ListItem{cannot reoccupy countries}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Freedom @Char ampersand Reforms} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{-1 @I Unrest : @Soviet may remove 1 @I Unrest anywhere}
+ @ListItem{+ @I Unrest : @USA may place them in @USSR /.5v or any @Communist country adjacent to the Ukraine}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Waterway} : +1 Naval Balance per @Soviet-allied country}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Interceptor} : @B 5+ remove 1 built @US Bomber}
+def @MarkersAggression {
+@B Aggression
+@ListItem{@Underline{Influence} : minimize @I Influence shift towards aggressor}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Government} : enables MAD roll to prevents @I Aggression}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Occupied} : prevents minor @I Aggression @Sym ampersand enables MAD roll}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Nuclear Weapon} : @B 2d6 in MAD roll}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Naval Balance} : @B may weight heavily}
+@ListItem{shifts @I Influence towards aggressor @Sym ampersand replace government}
+def @MarkersCoup {
+@B Coup
+@ListItem{@Underline{Unrest + Occupied} : leads to @I Coup}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Influence} : minimize @I Influence shift towards rebels}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Occupied} : prevents government change}
+@ListItem{shifts @I Influence towards rebels @Sym ampersand replace government}
+def @MarkersCivilWar {
+@B {Civil War}
+#@ListItem{@Underline{Occupied} : is replaced by an @I Army}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Army} : prevents @Underline enemy victory (@I Occupied @Sym arrowright @I Army @Sym arrowright @I Occupied)}
+@ListItem{@Underline {DRM} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if 3+ @I {Civil War} markers}
+ @ListItem{+1 @B if any @I Spy}
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Investment}
+ @ListItem{+1 +1d6 per @I Army}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B if @Underline gov wins : set to at least @I aligned}
+@ListItem{@B if @Underline rebels win : set to @Authoritarian}
+def @MarkersActions {
+@B Markers
+@ListItem{@Underline{Government} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 place @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{prevents @I Spy @I Counterintelligence @Sym ampersand enables MAD roll}
+ #@ListItem{enables MAD roll to prevents @I Aggressions}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Influence} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{needed to change government}
+ @ListItem{protects against @I Influence shift in @I Coup @Sym ampersand @I Aggression}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Investment} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove @I Unrest, @I Destruction}
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Investment in @I Influence placement @Sym ampersand @I{Civil War}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Unrest} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{leads to @I{Homeland Crisis} and @I Coup}
+ @ListItem{+1 @I{Steal Technoogy} @Sym ampersand @I{Place Unrest}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Occupied} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{is replaced by an @I Army in @I{Civil War}}
+ @ListItem{prevents @Sym slash harden government change in @I Coup @Sym slash @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{prevents minor @I Aggressions @Sym ampersand enables MAD roll}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Spy} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{re-roll in @I Influence placement}
+ @ListItem{+1 in @I{Civil War} @Sym ampersand @I Counterintelligence}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Army} : +1 +1d6 @Sym ampersand prevents enemy victory in @I {Civil War}}
+def @Markers {
+@MTitle {Markers Definitions}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Government} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1 place @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{prevents @I Spy @I Counterintelligence @Sym ampersand enables MAD roll}
+ #@ListItem{enables MAD roll to prevents @I Aggressions}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Influence} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{needed to change government}
+ @ListItem{protects against @I Influence shift in @I Coup @Sym ampersand @I Aggression}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Investment} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{remove @I Unrest, @I Destruction}
+ @ListItem{+1 per @I Investment in @I Influence placement @Sym ampersand @I{Civil War}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Unrest} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{leads to @I{Homeland Crisis} and @I Coup}
+ @ListItem{+1 @I{Steal Technoogy} @Sym ampersand @I{Place Unrest}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Occupied} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{is replaced by an @I Army in @I{Civil War}}
+ @ListItem{prevents @Sym slash harden government change in @I Coup @Sym slash @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{prevents minor @I Aggressions @Sym ampersand enables MAD roll}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Spy} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{re-roll in @I Influence placement}
+ @ListItem{+1 in @I{Civil War} @Sym ampersand @I Counterintelligence}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Army} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{+1d +1 @Sym ampersand prevents enemy victory in @I {Civil War}}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{Coup @Sym ampersand Aggression :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{shift @I Influence}
+ @ListItem{replace government}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{Civil War :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@B if @Underline gov wins : set to at least @I aligned}
+ @ListItem{@B if @Underline rebels win : set to @Authoritarian}
+ @RawEndList}
+def @NuclearBalance {
+@B @Underline{Nuclear Balance}
+@ListItem{a built @I{Strategic Weapon} goes into the @I{Strategic Weapons} box /.5v @B or is used to cancel another one :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{Bombers @Sym arrowdblright Bombers}
+ @ListItem{ICBM @Sym arrowdblright ICBM or Bombers}
+ @ListItem{SLBM @Sym arrowdblright SLBM, ICBM or Bomber}
+ @ListItem{MIRV @Sym arrowdblright MIRV}
+ @ListItem{Mobile Missile @Sym arrowdblright Mobile Missile}
+ @ListItem{Bunker @Sym arrowdblright any}
+ @ListItem{the UK Nukes is concidered a Bomber}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@B may limits @I Aggression via MAD roll}
+def @ConventionalBalance {
+@B @Underline{Conventional Balance}
+@ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @I{The Red Army card}}
+@ListItem{limits @I Aggression and sets @I Aggression DRM}
+def @NavalBalance {
+@B @Underline{Naval Balance}
+@ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @USSR control of @I{Waterways}}
+@ListItem{@B may weight heavily on @I Aggression}
+def @IntelAssessment {
+@B @Underline{Intel Assessment} :
+@ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @I{Geographical Objectives}}
+@ListItem{differential grants re-roll markers}
+@ListItem{any 1 die may be re-rolled except for end of turns die rolls}
+#def @Definitions {
+#@B @Underline{Definitions} :
+#@ListItem{@Underline{Aligned country} : with at least 1 @I Influence}
+#@ListItem{@Underline{Fully Aligned country} : with 2+ @I Influence}
+#@ListItem{@Underline{Allied country} : same government @Sym ampersand @I Aligned}
+def @StrategicOutlook {
+@MTitle {Strategic Outlook}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Nuclear Balance} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{a built Strategic Weapon goes into the Strategic Weapons box /.5v @B or is used to cancel another one :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{Bombers cancels Bombers}
+ @ListItem{ICBM cancels ICBM or Bombers}
+ @ListItem{SLBM cancels SLBM, ICBM or Bomber}
+ @ListItem{MIRV cancels MIRV}
+ @ListItem{Mobile Missile cancels Mobile Missile}
+ @ListItem{Bunker cancels any}
+ @ListItem{the UK Nukes is concidered a Bomber}
+ @RawEndList}
+ @ListItem{@B may limits @I Aggression via MAD roll}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Conventional Balance} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @I{The Red Army card}}
+ @ListItem{limits @I Aggression and sets @I Aggression DRM}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Naval Balance} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @USSR control of @I{Waterways}}
+ @ListItem{@B may weight heavily on @I Aggression}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@Underline{Intel Assessment} :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{is influenced by technologies @Sym ampersand @I{Geographical Objectives}}
+ @ListItem{differential grants re-roll markers}
+ @ListItem{any 1 die may be re-rolled except for end of turns die rolls}
+ @RawEndList}