# zorglub by Jérémy Zurcher http://asynk.ch ## DESCRIPTION: a nano web application framework based on [rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/) ## FEATURES: * class#method mapping scheme (/class_mapping/method_name/*args) * class level layout and engine specification * method level layout, engine and view specification * before_all and after_all methods callbacks * redirection * partial * class level inherited variables * session ## STATUS: [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jeremyz/zorglub.png)](http://travis-ci.org/jeremyz/zorglub) ## SYNOPSIS: For a simple test application run: * rackup ./example/sample.ru Don't forget to look at * the spec/ folder ## REQUIREMENTS: * rack ## DOWNLOAD/INSTALL: From rubygems: [sudo] gem install zorglub or from the git repository on github: git clone git://github.com/jeremyz/zorglub.git cd zorglub rake gem:install ## RESOURCES: You can find this project in a few places: Online repositories: * https://github.com/jeremyz/zorglub * http://cgit.asynk.ch/cgi-bin/cgit/zorglub/ ## LICENSE: [MIT](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT) see [MIT_LICENSE](https://github.com/jeremyz/zorglub/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE)