2013-01-08 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.7
	* zorglub.rb swallows version.rb
	* before_all and after_all accept parameter or proc

2013-01-08 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.6
	* add sass engine
	* use Bundler
	* enable travis
	* fix and rename inherited_vars in cli_vals

2012-01-17 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.5
	* Node code cleanup
	* class and method level directives are now view!, layout!, no_layout!, ...
	* add view_base_path! and layout_base_path!
	* before_all and after_all are based on inherited_vars
	* add Zorglub::Config.debug
	* Zorglub::App swallows Zorglub::Config

2012-01-05 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.3 and 0.4
	* haml, file engines
	* view/layout extention overriding at methode level
	* optional engine cache
	* optional engine proc mime-type definition
	* optional static page generation/cache

2012-01-04 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.2
	* lots of code cleanup
	* replace Helpers Module with Node#inherited_var Node@inherited_vars
	* rewrite session so it is compatible with Rack SessionHash
	* update test application and write specs

2011-09-13 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* usable WIP

2011-05-26 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* Project creation