2024-10-01 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.7 * debug to stdout * simplify static code path * fix error404 msg * use keyword arguments 2024-08-20 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.6 * fix specs * fix Node#error404 2024-08-14 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.5 * fix Node#redirect 2024-08-14 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.4 * complie with rack >= 2.1.0 * downcase headers 2024-08-13 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.3 * fix specs * remove Haml __encoding__ option 2024-08-12 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.2 * fix haml && sass caching 2024-08-12 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.1 * support ruby 3.x * major update && code formatting 2019-01-01 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.1.0 * spec and coverage improvement * remove Haml __ugly__ option 2014-02-12 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.9 * accept Content-Type change via rack response * improve error_404 log msg * implement Node#no_view! 2013-09-04 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.8 * implement Node#mime! 2013-02-01 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.7 * zorglub.rb swallows version.rb * before_all and after_all accept parameter or proc * use instance variables instead of @options hash * add optional cache_lifetime to static pages * add firs parameter env to Node#partial * allow by passing hooks in partials 2013-01-08 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.6 * add sass engine * use Bundler * enable travis * fix and rename inherited_vars in cli_vals 2012-01-17 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.5 * Node code cleanup * class and method level directives are now view!, layout!, no_layout!, ... * add view_base_path! and layout_base_path! * before_all and after_all are based on inherited_vars * add Zorglub::Config.debug * Zorglub::App swallows Zorglub::Config 2012-01-05 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.3 and 0.0.4 * haml, file engines * view/layout extention overriding at methode level * optional engine cache * optional engine proc mime-type definition * optional static page generation/cache 2012-01-04 Jérémy Zurcher * release 0.0.2 * lots of code cleanup * replace Helpers Module with Node#inherited_var Node@inherited_vars * rewrite session so it is compatible with Rack SessionHash * update test application and write specs 2011-09-13 Jérémy Zurcher * usable WIP 2011-05-26 Jérémy Zurcher * Project creation