%= header 'python.hdr' %>
""" Module Descritpion """
import wx
from zurcher.wx.MenuFactory import *
from wx.html import HtmlWindow
import wx.lib.wxpTag # wxButton in AboutDialog
from wx.lib.newevent import NewEvent as wxNewEvent
__app_version__ = '0.1.0'
__app_name__ = 'MyApp'
__app__ = '%s %s' % ( __app_name__, __app_version__ )
UpdateGuiEvent, EVT_UPDATE_GUI = wxNewEvent( )
class AboutDialog( wx.Dialog ):
""" Used to show info about ZIP file """
text = '''
Running on Python %s using wxPython %s |
%s is a small test application.
%s is brought to you by Jérémy Zurcher
Please see license.txt for licensing information about wxPython.
def __init__( self, parent, title, ID=-1 ):
wx.Dialog.__init__( self, parent, ID, title)
html = HtmlWindow( self, -1, size=(410, -1) )
import sys
py_version = sys.version.split( )[0]
html.SetPage( self.text % ( py_version, wx.__version__, __app_name__, __app_name__, wx.ID_OK ) )
btn = html.FindWindowById( wx.ID_OK )
btn.SetDefault( )
ir = html.GetInternalRepresentation( )
html.SetSize( ( ir.GetWidth()+25, ir.GetHeight()+25 ) )
self.SetClientSize( html.GetSize() )
self.CenterOnScreen( )
class MyPanel( wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent, -1 )
self.SetBackgroundColour( 'GREY' )
gbs = wx.GridBagSizer( 5, 5 )
gbs.Add( (0,0), (10,10) )
gbs.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, 'wx.StaticText' ), (1,1) )
self.SetSizer( gbs )
class MyFrame( wx.Frame ):
def __init__( self, title ):
wx.Frame.__init__( self, None, -1, title, size=(200, 200) )
menuIDs = {
'open' : [ wx.NewId(), True ],
self.menuIDs = menuIDs
mb = zMenuBar( self, None, wx.MB_DOCKABLE )
zItem( '&Open\tCtrl-O', 'Open something', fct=self.OnOpen, id=menuIDs['open'][0] ),
zItem( kind=wx.ITEM_SEPARATOR ),
zItem( 'E&xit\tCtrl-X', 'Quit this application', fct=self.OnExit )
zItem( '&About\tF1', 'About dialog', fct=self.OnHelp )
zMenu( '&File', '', fileMenu, wx.MENU_TEAROFF),
zMenu( '&Help','', helpMenu)
mb.realize( menus )
self.SetStatusBar( self.CreateStatusBar( ) )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnExit )
panel = MyPanel( self )
#self.Fit( )
def OnExit( self, event ):
self.Destroy( )
def OnHelp( self, event ):
dialog = AboutDialog( self, 'About %s ' % ( __app__ ) )
dialog.ShowModal( )
dialog.Destroy( )
def OnOpen( self, event ):
print 'OnOpen will be disabled'
self.menuIDs['open'][1] = False
self.OnUpdateGui( event )
def OnUpdateGui( self, evt ):
# for key in self.menuIDs.keys( ):
# self.menuIDs[key][1] = False
mb = self.GetMenuBar( )
map( lambda x:mb.Enable( x[0], x[1] ), self.menuIDs.values() )
class MyApp( wx.App ):
def OnInit( self ):
frame = MyFrame( __app__ )
frame.Center( )
frame.Show( True )
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = MyApp(0)