classs <%= @class_name %>(Eo_Base) { legacy_prefix: null; eo_prefix: <%= @class_name.downcase %>; data: <%= @class_name+"_Protected_Data" %>; properties { attribute set { /*@ @brief Blah blah blîh, blah blah . */ } get { /*@ @brief blob. Values @c blob. Example: @dontinclude <%= @class_name.downcase %>-example.c @skip <%= @class_name.downcase %>_attribute_set @until return @see something */ } values { Eina_Bool value; /*@ The attribute itself. */ } } } methods { part_table_clear { /*@ @brief Does something. @return @c EINA_TRUE on suceess, @c EINA_FALSE on failure this realy does something, believe me. */ return Eina_Bool; params { @in const char *part; /*@ The part name */ @in Eina_Bool maybe; /*@ If set, it will maybe do something else */ } } } implements { Eo_Base::constructor; Eo_Base::destructor; Eo_Base::dbg_info_get; } }