<%= `figlet -c README` %> <%# figlet: http://www.figlet.org %> This is <%= @project %>, version %VERSION% ----------------------------- <%=@project %> is Copyright (C) <%=@year %>-<%=@year.to_i+5%>, <%= @username %>. <<%= @email %>> LICENSE INFORMATION ------------------- <%= license %> PREREQUISITES ------------- You'll need a C compiler, a linker and a make program of course. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ For now, unpack your <%= @project %> tarball, (if you're reading this, you've probably already done that) and type ./configure If you are self confident you may try the following to have more power on compilation process ./configure --help Next, run make: You can test <%= @project %> by running make test On some systems you can install <%= @project %>: make install NOTES ----- CHANGES ------- For documentation on the user-visible changes between this version and previous versions, please see CHANGES. MAILING LISTS ------------- Subscribe to the mailing list for <%= @project %> by sending mail to %MAILING_LIST%. WEB SITES --------- The home page for <%= @project %> is %HOME_PAGE%