Tank On Tank is a low-complexity game of armored combat in the World War II.
Only 1 combat unit can ever be in 1 hex at a time.
There is no moving through hexes containing units.
A unit always faces an hexside and has a 180° Front Arc.
A unit can only shoot at enemy units located in it's front arc.
Hexes outside this arc are flank hexes.
At the start of a player's phase,
he's opponent blindy draw a Command Chit and keep it for himself.
When the player finishes expanding the AP equal to the value of the Command Chit,
he's opponent reveals the chit thus ends the player's turn.
Each turn consists of first then second player phase.
The scenario instructs players as to who is the first player.
At the the end of each turn, check to see if the scenario is at an end.
each unit can only move once each turn
This activation is not allowed when entering on the map.
The given HQ is activated for a movement.
All unmoved adjacent units can also move for free.
The activated HQ may stay on it's original hex.
Another HQ can be activated for a movement this way,
but the later does not in turn activate adjacent units.
An eliminated HQ can replace an on map unit of the same type.
Keep the facing, movement and fire status of the replaced unit.
Perform a HQ activation on three HQ.
Immediatly end the player's phase if the amount of available APs is excedeed.
MP cannot be saved from one turn to the other.
Once it's movement is complete, a unit can face any direction.
An activated unit can at least move one hex if the movement is legal.
Woods and Town hexes cost 1 extra MP if not entering from a Road side.
Road March : a unit can spend 1 extra MP if its movement starts on, crosses and ends on Roads hexes.
Reinforcement must be activated via APs.
They pay their MP cost as normal.
If they enter the map via a road they qualify for the Road March bonus.
You must spend 1 MP to exit the map.
A unit qualifies for Road March bonus if following a road to exit.