path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/tests/mmapt.rb b/tests/mmapt.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b81505..0000000
--- a/tests/mmapt.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift *%w{.. . tests}
-require 'mmap'
-require 'ftools'
-require 'runit_'
-$mmap, $str = nil, nil
-Inh = defined?(RUNIT) ? RUNIT : Test::Unit
-Dir["tmp/*"].each do |f|
- File.unlink(f) if FileTest.file?(f)
-class TestMmap < Inh::TestCase
- def internal_read
- File.readlines("tmp/mmap", nil)[0]
- end
- def internal_init(io = false)
- $mmap.unmap if $mmap
- file = "mmap.c"
- file = "../mmap.c" unless File.exist? file
- File.syscopy file, "tmp/mmap"
- $str = internal_read
- if io
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, $mmap ="tmp/mmap", "r+"), "rw"), "<open io>")
- else
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, $mmap ="tmp/mmap", "rw"), "<open>")
- end
- end
- def test_00_init
- internal_init
- assert_equal($mmap.length, $str.length, "<lenght>")
- end
- def test_01_aref
- max = $str.size * 2
- 72.times do
- ran1 = rand(max)
- assert_equal($mmap[ran1], $str[ran1], "<aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[-ran1], $str[-ran1], "<aref>");
- ran2 = rand(max)
- assert_equal($mmap[ran1, ran2], $str[ran1, ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[-ran1, ran2], $str[-ran1, ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[ran1, -ran2], $str[ran1, -ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[-ran1, -ran2], $str[-ran1, -ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[ran1 .. ran2], $str[ran1 .. ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[-ran1 .. ran2], $str[-ran1 .. ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[ran1 .. -ran2], $str[ran1 .. -ran2], "<double aref>");
- assert_equal($mmap[-ran1 .. -ran2], $str[-ran1 .. -ran2], "<double aref>");
- end
- assert_equal($mmap[/random/], $str[/random/], "<aref regexp>")
- assert_equal($mmap[/real/], $str[/real/], "<aref regexp>")
- assert_equal($mmap[/none/], $str[/none/], "<aref regexp>")
- end
- def internal_aset(a, b = nil, c = true)
- access = if b
- repl = ''
- rand(12).times do
- repl << (65 + rand(25))
- end
- if c
- "[a, b] = '#{repl}'"
- else
- "[a .. b] = '#{repl}'"
- end
- else
- "[a] = #{(65 + rand(25))}"
- end
- begin
- eval "$str#{access}"
- rescue IndexError, RangeError
- begin
- eval "$mmap#{access}"
- rescue IndexError, RangeError
- else
- flunk("*must* fail with IndexError")
- end
- else
- eval "$mmap#{access}"
- end
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<internal aset>")
- end
- def test_02_aset
- $mmap[/...../] = "change it"
- $str[/...../] = "change it"
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "aset regexp")
- $mmap["ge i"] = "change it"
- $str["ge i"] = "change it"
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "aset regexp")
- max = $str.size * 2
- 72.times do
- ran1 = rand(max)
- internal_aset(ran1)
- internal_aset(-ran1)
- ran2 = rand(max)
- internal_aset(ran1, ran2)
- internal_aset(ran1, -ran2)
- internal_aset(-ran1, ran2)
- internal_aset(-ran1, -ran2)
- internal_aset(ran1, ran2, false)
- internal_aset(ran1, -ran2, false)
- internal_aset(-ran1, ran2, false)
- internal_aset(-ran1, -ran2, false)
- end
- internal_init
- end
- def internal_slice(a, b = nil, c = true)
- access = if b
- if c
- ".slice!(a, b)"
- else
- ".slice!(a .. b)"
- end
- else
- ".slice!(a)"
- end
- begin
- eval "$str#{access}"
- rescue IndexError, RangeError
- begin
- eval "$mmap#{access}"
- rescue IndexError, RangeError
- else
- flunk("*must* fail with IndexError")
- end
- else
- eval "$mmap#{access}"
- end
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<internal aset>")
- end
- def test_03_slice
- max = $str.size * 2
- 72.times do
- ran1 = rand(max)
- internal_slice(ran1)
- internal_slice(-ran1)
- ran2 = rand(max)
- internal_slice(ran1, ran2)
- internal_slice(ran1, -ran2)
- internal_slice(-ran1, ran2)
- internal_slice(-ran1, -ran2)
- internal_slice(ran1, ran2, false)
- internal_slice(ran1, -ran2, false)
- internal_slice(-ran1, ran2, false)
- internal_slice(-ran1, -ran2, false)
- end
- internal_init
- end
- def test_04_reg
- assert_equal($mmap.scan(/include/), $str.scan(/include/), "<scan>")
- assert_equal($mmap.index("rb_raise"), $str.index("rb_raise"), "<index>")
- assert_equal($mmap.rindex("rb_raise"), $str.rindex("rb_raise"), "<rindex>")
- assert_equal($mmap.index(/rb_raise/), $str.index(/rb_raise/), "<index>")
- assert_equal($mmap.rindex(/rb_raise/), $str.rindex(/rb_raise/), "<rindex>")
- ('a' .. 'z').each do |i|
- assert_equal($mmap.index(i), $str.index(i), "<index>")
- assert_equal($mmap.rindex(i), $str.rindex(i), "<rindex>")
- assert_equal($mmap.index(i), $str.index(/#{i}/), "<index>")
- assert_equal($mmap.rindex(i), $str.rindex(/#{i}/), "<rindex>")
- end
- $mmap.sub!(/GetMmap/, 'XXXX'); $str.sub!(/GetMmap/, 'XXXX')
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<after sub!>")
- $mmap.gsub!(/GetMmap/, 'XXXX'); $str.gsub!(/GetMmap/, 'XXXX')
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<after gsub!>")
- $mmap.gsub!(/YYYY/, 'XXXX'); $str.gsub!(/YYYY/, 'XXXX')
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<after gsub!>")
- assert_equal($mmap.split(/\w+/), $str.split(/\w+/), "<split>")
- assert_equal($mmap.split(/\W+/), $str.split(/\W+/), "<split>")
- assert_equal($mmap.crypt("abc"), $str.crypt("abc"), "<crypt>")
- internal_init
- end
- def internal_modify idmod, *args
- if res = $str.method(idmod)[*args]
- assert_equal($mmap.method(idmod)[*args].to_str, res, "<#{idmod}>")
- else
- assert_equal($mmap.method(idmod)[*args], res, "<#{idmod}>")
- end
- end
- def test_05_modify
- internal_modify(:reverse!)
- internal_modify(:upcase!)
- internal_modify(:downcase!)
- internal_modify(:capitalize!)
- internal_modify(:swapcase!)
- internal_modify(:strip!)
- internal_modify(:chop!)
- internal_modify(:chomp!)
- internal_modify(:squeeze!)
- internal_modify(:tr!, 'abcdefghi', '123456789')
- internal_modify(:tr_s!, 'jklmnopqr', '123456789')
- internal_modify(:delete!, 'A-Z')
- end
- def test_06_iterate
- internal_init
- mmap = []; $mmap.each {|l| mmap << l}
- str = []; $str.each {|l| str << l}
- assert_equal(mmap, str, "<each>")
- mmap = []; $mmap.each_byte {|l| mmap << l}
- str = []; $str.each_byte {|l| str << l}
- assert_equal(mmap, str, "<each_byte>")
- end
- def test_07_concat
- internal_init
- [$mmap, $str].each {|l| l << "bc"; l << 12; l << "ab"}
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "<<")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap << 456 }
- end
- def test_08_extend
- $mmap.extend(4096)
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "extend")
- if $str.respond_to?(:insert)
- 10.times do
- pos = rand($mmap.size)
- str = "XX" * rand(66)
- $str.insert(pos, str)
- $mmap.insert(pos, str)
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "insert")
- end
- end
- end
- def test_09_msync
- 3.times do |i|
- [$mmap, $str].each {|l| l << "x" * 4096 }
- str = internal_read
- if str != $mmap.to_str
- $mmap.msync
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, internal_read, "msync")
- break
- end
- end
- end
- def test_10_protect
- assert_equal($mmap, $mmap.protect("w"), "protect")
- assert_equal("a", $mmap[12] = "a", "affect")
- $str[12] = "a"
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "protect")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap << "a" }
- assert_equal($mmap, $mmap.protect("r"), "protect")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap[12] = "a" }
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap.protect("rw") }
- end
- def test_11_anonymous
- if defined?(Mmap::MAP_ANONYMOUS)
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, $mmap =
-, "length" => 8192, "offset" => 12,
- "increment" => 1024, "initialize" => " "))
- $str = " " * 8192
- 1024.times do
- pos = rand(8192)
- $mmap[pos] = $str[pos] = 32 + rand(64)
- end
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "insert anonymous")
- assert_raises(IndexError) { $mmap[12345] = "a" }
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap << "a" }
- end
- end
- def test_12_fileno
- internal_init(true)
- test_01_aref
- $mmap[12] = "3"; $str[12] = "3"
- assert_equal($mmap.to_str, $str, "insert io")
- assert_equal(0, $mmap <=> $str, "cmp")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap[12] = "ab" }
- $mmap.freeze
- if $str.respond_to?(:match)
- assert_equal($str.match("rb_match_busy").offset(0),
- $mmap.match("rb_match_busy").offset(0), "match")
- assert_equal($str.match(/rb_../).offset(0),
- $mmap.match(/rb_../).offset(0), "match")
- assert_equal($str.match("rb_match_buzy"),
- $mmap.match("rb_match_buzy"), "no match")
- assert_equal($str =~ /rb_match_busy/,
- $mmap =~ /rb_match_busy/, "match")
- assert_equal($str =~ /rb_match_buzy/,
- $mmap =~ /rb_match_buzy/, "no match")
- end
- assert_raises(TypeError) { $mmap[12] = "a" }
- end
- def test_13_div
- string = "azertyuiopqsdfghjklm"
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, m0 ="tmp/aa", "a"), "new a")
-"tmp/bb", "w") {|f| f.puts "aaa" }
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, m1 ="tmp/bb", "w"), "new a")
- assert_equal(true, m0.empty?, "empty")
- assert_equal(true, m1.empty?, "empty")
- assert_equal(m0, m0 << string, "<<")
- assert_equal(m1, m1 << string, "<<")
- assert_equal(false, m0.empty?, "empty")
- assert_equal(false, m1.empty?, "empty")
- assert_equal(true, m0 == m1, "==")
- if string.respond_to?(:casecmp)
- assert_equal(0, m0.casecmp(string.upcase), "casecmp")
- assert_equal(0, m0.casecmp(m1), "casecmp")
- end
- assert_equal(true, m0 === m1, "===")
- assert_equal(false, m0 === string, "===")
- assert_equal(true, m0.eql?(m1), ".eql?")
- assert_equal(true, m1.eql?(m0), ".eql?")
- assert_equal(false, m1.eql?(string), ".eql?")
- assert_equal(m0.hash, m1.hash, "hash")
- assert_equal(true, m0.include?("azert"), "include")
- assert_equal(false, m1.include?("aqert"), "include")
- i = 0
- m0.scan(/./) {|c| assert_equal(c, string[i,1], "scan"); i += 1}
- assert_nil(m0.munmap, "munmap")
- assert_nil(m1.munmap, "munmap")
- end
- def test_14_other
- if File.exist?("tmp/aa")
- string = "azertyuiopqsdfghjklm"
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, m0 ="tmp/aa", "r"), "new r")
- assert_equal(string, m0.to_str, "content")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { m0[0] = 12 }
- assert_raises(TypeError) { m0 << 12 }
- assert_nil(m0.munmap, "munmap")
- if defined?(Mmap::MAP_ANONYMOUS)
- assert_raises(ArgumentError) {, "w") }
- assert_kind_of(Mmap, m0 =, 12), "new w")
- assert_equal(false, m0.empty?, "empty")
- assert_equal("a", m0[0] = "a", "set")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { m0 << 12 }
- if defined?(Mmap::MADV_DONTNEED)
- assert_nil(m0.advise(Mmap::MADV_DONTNEED), "advise")
- assert_equal("a", m0[0,1], "get")
- end
- assert_equal(m0, m0.sub!(/./) { "y" }, "sub")
- assert_equal(m0, m0.gsub!(/./) { "x" }, "gsub")
- assert_equal("x" * 12, m0.to_str, "retrieve")
- assert_equal("ab", m0[1..2] = "ab", "range")
- assert_raises(TypeError) { m0[1..2] = "abc" }
- assert_raises(ArgumentError) { m0.lock }
- assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Mmap::lockall(0) }
- assert_nil(m0.munmap, "munmap")
- end
- end
- end
-if defined?(RUNIT)
diff --git a/tests/runit_.rb b/tests/runit_.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0479592..0000000
--- a/tests/runit_.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- require 'test/unit'
-rescue LoadError
- require 'runit/testcase'
- require 'runit/cui/testrunner'
- module RUNIT
- module Assert
- def assert_raises(error, message = nil)
- begin
- yield
- rescue error
- assert(true, message)
- rescue
- assert_fail("must fail with #{error} : #{string}")
- else
- assert_fail("*must* fail : #{string}")
- end
- end
- def flunk(message = "")
- assert_fail(message)
- end
- end
- end
-if RUBY_VERSION > "1.7"
- class Array
- alias indices select
- end
- class Hash
- alias indexes select
- end
- module BDB
- class Common
- alias indexes select
- end
- class Recnum
- alias indices select
- end
- end