# encoding : iso-8859-1 # @Include { cvdoc } @SysInclude{ tbl } def @MyBg { rgb 0.93 0.93 0.93} # very light grey # def @MyColour { rgb 0.53 0.0 0.0 } # red def @MyColour { rgb 0.18 0.41 0.81 } # blue def @MyHeader right x { @MyColour @Colour { @B { x } } } def @MyLink left y right x { y @URLLink @Colour @Underline { x } } # Box def @MyBorder right t { white @Colour t } def @MyBox right x { white @Colour @CurveBox margin {0.3c} paint { @MyBg } 5c @Wide black @Colour { x } } def @MyBoxHeader right x { @MyColour @Colour { @B { x } } } @Document @InitialSpace { lout } // @Text @Begin @Display { rragged @Break @MyColour @Colour { 15p } @Font @B{ Jérémy Zurcher } @NL 13p @Font @B{ Senior Software Engineer } } @LLP # RIGHT BOXES @Place x{right-xsize+1.0c} y{top-ysize-6.3c} { @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide { @MyBox { @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { AREAS OF EXPERTISE } @BulletList #gap { 1.0v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { C{@Char slash}C++, java, ruby, python } @ListItem { shell scripting (bash, sed, gawk) } @ListItem { [c]make, ant, maven, gradle, gem } @ListItem { junit, rspec, ctest, check} @ListItem { rcov, cobertura, coverity, jenkins } @ListItem { efl, gtk, qt } @ListItem { Oracle, PostgreSQL, mybatis, hibernate } @ListItem { nginx, lighttpd, tomcat } @ListItem { vaadin, Node.js, AngularJS } @ListItem { git, gitolite, cgit, svn} @ListItem { linux system administration, debian, archlinux } @EndList #@LP } } } @Place x{right-xsize+1.0c} y{top-ysize-21.6c} { @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide { @MyBox { @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { CONTACT DETAILS} @IndentedList gap { 0.6v } @ListItem { @B { Jérémy Zurcher } } @ListItem { rue des Charmilles 7 } @ListItem { 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains } @ListItem { @B email : "mailto://jeremy@asynk.ch" @MyLink { jeremy{@Char at}asynk.ch } } @ListItem { @B mobile : 079"/"599.84.27 } @ListItem { @B www : "http://asynk.ch" @MyLink { http:{@Char slash}{@Char slash}asynk.ch } } @ListItem { "https://github.com/jeremyz" @MyLink { https:{@Char slash}{@Char slash} @B github.com{@Char slash}jeremyz } } #@LP } } } @LP @LeftDisplay @MyHeader { PERSONAL PROFILE } Programming is my passion and has been since 2000. Being a dedicated, creative and confident developer, I am continuously challenging myself. I possess extensive knowledge and interest in many distinctive domains from low level algorithms and structure optimisation to high level frameworks. Ability to increase reliability, maximise productivity, and introduce system efficiencies. Being a responsible and career-minded worker, I am accomplished in independant as well as collaborative project management. @LLP Currently seeking employment where I can challenge my programming skills and expand my insight. #and also have abundant experience in IT infrastructure design and maintenance. #Jérémy is a confident, enthousiastic and hard working developer. #Possessing extensive knowledge in various domain, #as well as a strong experience in autonomous and collaborative project achieving. #He also is experienced in IT infrastructure design and maintenance. @LP @LP @LeftDisplay @MyHeader { PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT TO PRESENT } // @Tbl rule { no } aformat { @StartVSpan @Cell A | @Cell B } bformat { @VSpan | @Cell mb { 1f } C } { @Rowa A { Present @LLP 2007-05 } B { @B{ Software developer @Char slash IT manager } - Heraeus MCD-HMSA - Medical Company } @Rowb C { @Underline {The company} : Heraeus, the technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, is an international company focused on environment, energy, health, mobility and industrial applications. With approximately 12'500 employees worldwide in more than 100 subsidiaries in 38 countries, Heraeus holds a leading position in its global markets. The Swiss facility in Yverdon employs 100 people and is focused on medical components manufacturing. } #is a leading international company focused on important issues such as the environment, energy, health, mobility and industrial applications. @Rowb C { @Underline Position : we've been a 2 person team, but since March 2015, I am the only IT people. @LLP Beside the projects I have to lead forward, I manage the IT infrastructure. @LLP @LLP @Underline {Infrastructure management} : @LLP @BulletList gap { 0.5v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { linux and windows 2008 servers. } @ListItem { Oracle and PostgreSQL databases. } @ListItem { professional ERP. } @ListItem { in house technology based intranet. } @ListItem { nginx, tomcat, postfix services. } @EndList @LLP @LLP @Underline {Developments} : @LLP @BulletList #gap { 0.5v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { 2 quality oriented web applications managing per article specifications and constraints. @LLP one to validate the conformity of the parts entering the facility, @LLP the other to ensure the conformity of the parts leaving the facility and generate certificates of conformity shipped to our customers. @LLP @Underline technologies : java, vaadin, tomcat, mybatis, SQL, PostgreSQL } @ListItem { shipping tracking application, used by other facilities in the USA. @LLP @Underline technologies : java } @ListItem { time tracking web application, used by other facilities in the USA. @LLP @Underline technologies : java, vaadin tomcat, mybatis, SQL, PostgreSQL } @ListItem { production data tracking and analysis touchscreen application. @LLP @Underline technologies : C, efl, SQLite } @ListItem { key performance indicators reporting web platform linked to the ERP database. @LLP @Underline technologies : SQL, ruby, FusionCharts, JQueries } @ListItem { numerous automated mailing list reports @LLP @Underline technologies : SQL, ruby } @ListItem { various production process oriented desktop applications. @LLP @Underline technologies : python, wxPython, ruby, tcl @Char slash tk } @EndList } @Rowa A { @Sym arrowup @LLP 2005-01 } B { @B{ Software developer @Char slash Automation } - Zedem Sàrl - Engineering office } @Rowb C { @Underline {The company} : Zedem is an inovative engineering office, that within it's more than 20 years of existence has been mandated by big companies like @I{Swatch Group}, @I{Rolex}, @I{Alinghi}, @I{Solar Impulse}. } @Rowb C { @Underline Position : Software developer, IT manager, Automation @LLP @LLP @Underline {Significant mandates} : @LLP @BulletList #gap { 0.3v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { NSA Technologies - Race boat sails manufacture @LLP Desktop application to visualy supervise the manufacturing of racing boat sail. @LLP @Underline technologies : python, wxPython } @ListItem { Décision SA - Race boat manufacture @LLP Interfacing a defence race game with a "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5PphNTsT_s" @MyLink {1:1 scale boat simulator } for @I Alinghi. @LLP @Underline technologies : C++, OpenGl } @EndList } @Rowa A { @Sym arrowup @LLP 2003-01 } B { @B{ Independant Software Engineer } } @Rowb C { Fiduciary reporting software development @LLP @Underline technologies : java, iText } } @LP @LeftDisplay @MyHeader { ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS } @Tbl rule { no } aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B } { @Rowa A { 2016 } B { "https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/JSX882MUUWY2" @MyLink @B{Data Structures} - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - UC San Diego} @Rowa A { 2016 } B { "https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/DFZLKFYRM87F" @MyLink @B{Algorithms on Graphs} - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - UC San Diego} @Rowa A { 2016 } B { "https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/GWRU2JKPAK26" @MyLink @B{Algorithms on Strings} - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - UC San Diego} @Rowa A { 2016 } B { "https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/AFFHRMRFS8RW" @MyLink @B{Algorithmic Toolbox} - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - UC San Diego } @Rowa A { 2014 } B { "http://asynk.ch/data/coursera_mobile_applications_android.pdf" @MyLink @B{ Programming Mobile Applications for Android } - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - University of Maryland } @Rowa A { 2014 } B { @B{ Algorithms, Part I and II } - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - Princeton University } @Rowa A { 2013 } B { "http://asynk.ch/data/coursera_functional_programming.pdf" @MyLink @B{ Functionnal Programming Principles in Scala grade } - "http://coursera.org" @MyLink @B Coursera - EPFL } @Rowa A { 2004 } B { @B{ HES Software Engineer formation } - EIVD - Yverdon } @Rowa A { 1999 } B { @B {Foundation Course } - APA CEPNV - Yverdon } @Rowa A { 1998 } B { @B{ Maturité S } (Science stream) - CESS Morges } } @LP @LP @LeftDisplay @MyHeader { PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS } @List gap { 0.6v } labelwidth { 1.5f } style { @MyColour @Colour {Times Base 14p} @Font @Bullet } @ListItem { Parts quality control management and reporting web application (java{@Char slash}Vaadin{@Char slash}PostgreSQL). } @ListItem { Interfacing an OpenGL defence race game with a "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5PphNTsT_s" @MyLink {1:1 scale boat simulator } for @I Alinghi (C{@Char slash}C++). } @ListItem { Client{@Char slash}server application tracking an automated sail manufacturing process (wxPython).. } @ListItem { ERP data based key performance indicators reporting web application (ruby{@Char slash}Oracle). } @ListItem { Prodution tracking touchscreen application and data analysis (C{@Char slash}EFL{@Char slash}SQLite). } @EndList @LP @LeftDisplay @MyHeader { OPEN SOURCE PROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS @Char ampersand PERSONAL PROJECTS } @List gap { 0.6v } labelwidth { 1.5f } style { @MyColour @Colour {Times Base 16p} @Font @Bullet } @ListItem { "http://enlightenment.org" @MyLink @B Enlightenment Desktop: core developer since 2012, object system rewrite, and many more (C).} @ListItem { "http://hydrogen-music.org" @MyLink @B Hydrogen Drum Machine: migration from scons to cmake, internal structures rewrite (C++).} @ListItem { "http://rubini.us" @MyLink @B Rubinius: FFI capabilities enhancement (C++{@Char slash}ruby).} @ListItem { "http://rustanddust.ch" @MyLink @B RustAndDust: android{@Char slash}desktop strategy board game (java{@Char slash}libgdx).} @ListItem { "https://github.com/jeremyz/ffi-efl" @MyLink @B ffi-efl: an FFI binding to the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (ruby).} @ListItem { "https://github.com/jeremyz/zorglub" @MyLink @B{zorglub}: a nano web application framework currently used in production (ruby).} @ListItem { "https://github.com/jeremyz/edoors-ruby" @MyLink @B{edoors-ruby}: a ruby rewrite of evenja C++ application framework concepts (ruby).} @ListItem { "http://cgit.asynk.ch/lock_free" @MyLink @B lock_free: compare-and-swap based lock free structures playground (C).} @EndList # RIGHT BOXES @Place x{right-xsize+1.0c} y{top-ysize-6.3c} { @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide { @MyBox { @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES } @BulletList #gap { 1.0v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Quick access with handling major existing code base. } } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Capable of designing solutions from scratch. } } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Keen to carry out extensive tests. } } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Used to working with strict protocols. } } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break { High complexity problem comprehension. } } #@ListItem { Experienced in achieving autonomous projects. } #@ListItem { Experienced in collaborative work. } @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break { English oral and written. } } @EndList #@LP } } } @Place x{right-xsize+1.0c} y{top-ysize-21.6c} { @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide { @MyBox { @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { PERSONAL SKILLS } @BulletList #gap { 1.0v } labelwidth { 1.5f } @ListItem { Eager to learn } @ListItem { Perfectionist } @ListItem { Communication skills } @ListItem { Enthusiast } @ListItem { Attention to details } @ListItem { Levelheaded and pleasant character } @EndList #@LP } } } @End @Text