path: root/cv/jeremy.zurcher-CV-old.lou
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cv/jeremy.zurcher-CV-old.lou')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cv/jeremy.zurcher-CV-old.lou b/cv/jeremy.zurcher-CV-old.lou
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f9731e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cv/jeremy.zurcher-CV-old.lou
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# encoding : iso-8859-1
+@Include { cvdoc }
+@SysInclude{ tbl }
+def @MyBg { rgb 0.93 0.93 0.93} # very light grey
+# def @MyColour { rgb 0.53 0.0 0.0 } # red
+def @MyColour { rgb 0.18 0.41 0.81 } # blue
+def @MyHeader right x { @MyColour @Colour { @B { x } } }
+def @MyLink left y right x { y @URLLink @Colour @Underline { x } }
+# Box
+def @MyBorder right t { white @Colour t }
+def @MyBox right x { white @Colour @CurveBox margin {0.3c} paint { @MyBg } 5c @Wide black @Colour { x } }
+def @MyBoxHeader right x { @MyColour @Colour { @B { x } } }
+@InitialSpace { lout }
+@Text @Begin
+@Display {
+ rragged @Break
+ @MyColour @Colour { 15p } @Font @B{ Jérémy Zurcher }
+ @NL
+ 13p @Font @B{ Senior Software Engineer }
+ @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide {
+ @MyBox {
+ @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { AREAS OF EXPERTISE }
+ @BulletList
+ #gap { 1.0v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { C{@Char slash}C++, java, ruby, python }
+ @ListItem { shell scripting (bash, sed, gawk) }
+ @ListItem { [c]make, ant, maven, gradle, gem }
+ @ListItem { junit, rspec, ctest, check}
+ @ListItem { rcov, cobertura, coverity, jenkins }
+ @ListItem { Oracle, PostgreSQL, mybatis, hibernate }
+ @ListItem { nginx, lighttpd, tomcat }
+ @ListItem { vaadin, Node.js, AngularJS }
+ @ListItem { git, gitolite, cgit, svn}
+ @ListItem { linux system administration, debian, archlinux }
+ @EndList
+ #@LP
+ }
+ }
+ @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide {
+ @MyBox {
+ @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { CONTACT DETAILS}
+ @IndentedList
+ gap { 0.6v }
+ @ListItem { @B { Jérémy Zurcher } }
+ @ListItem { rue des Charmilles 7 }
+ @ListItem { 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains }
+ @ListItem { @B email : "mailto://" @MyLink { jeremy{@Char at} } }
+ @ListItem { @B mobile : 079"/"599.84.27 }
+ @ListItem { @B www : "" @MyLink { http:{@Char slash}{@Char slash} } }
+ @ListItem { "" @MyLink { https:{@Char slash}{@Char slash} @B{@Char slash}jeremyz } }
+ #@LP
+ }
+ }
+@LeftDisplay @MyHeader { PERSONAL PROFILE }
+Programming is my passion and has been for the last 15 years.
+Being a dedicated, creative and confident developer, I am continuously challenging myself.
+I possess extensive knowledge and interest in many distinctive domains
+from low level algorithms and structure optimisation to high level frameworks.
+Ability to increase reliability, maximise productivity, and introduce system efficiencies.
+Being a responsible and career-minded worker,
+I am accomplished in independant as well as collaborative project management.
+Currently seeking employment where I can exploit my programming skills and expand my insight.
+#and also have abundant experience in IT infrastructure design and maintenance.
+#Jérémy is a confident, enthousiastic and hard working developer.
+#Possessing extensive knowledge in various domain,
+#as well as a strong experience in autonomous and collaborative project achieving.
+#He also is experienced in IT infrastructure design and maintenance.
+ rule { no }
+ aformat { @StartVSpan @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ bformat { @VSpan | @Cell mb { 1f } C }
+ A { Present @LLP 2007-05 }
+ B { @B{ Software developer @Char slash IT manager } - Heraeus MCD-HMSA - Medical Company }
+ C { @Underline {The company} : Heraeus, the technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany,
+ is an international company focused on environment, energy, health, mobility and industrial applications.
+ With approximately 12'500 employees worldwide in more than 100 subsidiaries in 38 countries, Heraeus holds a leading position in its global markets.
+ The Swiss facility in Yverdon employs 100 people and is focused on medical components manufacturing.
+ }
+ #is a leading international company focused on important issues such as the environment, energy, health, mobility and industrial applications.
+ C { @Underline Position : we've been a 2 person team, but since March 2015, I am the only IT people.
+ @LLP Beside the projects I have to lead forward, I manage the IT infrastructure.
+ @LLP
+ @LLP
+ @Underline {Infrastructure management} :
+ @LLP
+ @BulletList
+ gap { 0.5v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { linux and windows 2008 servers. }
+ @ListItem { Oracle and PostgreSQL databases. }
+ @ListItem { professional ERP. }
+ @ListItem { in house technology based intranet. }
+ @ListItem { nginx, tomcat, postfix services. }
+ @EndList
+ @LLP
+ @LLP
+ @Underline {Developments} :
+ @LLP
+ @BulletList
+ #gap { 0.5v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { 2 quality oriented web applications managing per article specifications and constraints.
+ @LLP one to validate the conformity of the parts entering the facility,
+ @LLP the other to ensure the conformity of the parts leaving the facility and generate certificates of conformity shipped to our customers.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : java, vaadin, tomcat, mybatis, SQL, PostgreSQL
+ }
+ @ListItem { shipping tracking application, used by other facilities in the USA.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : java
+ }
+ @ListItem { time tracking web application, used by other facilities in the USA.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : java, vaadin tomcat, mybatis, SQL, PostgreSQL
+ }
+ @ListItem { production data tracking and analysis touchscreen application.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : C, efl, SQLite
+ }
+ @ListItem { key performance indicators reporting web platform linked to the ERP database.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : SQL, ruby, FusionCharts, JQueries
+ }
+ @ListItem { numerous automated mailing list reports
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : SQL, ruby
+ }
+ @ListItem { various small production process oriented desktop applications.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : python, wxPython, ruby, tcl @Char slash tk
+ }
+ @EndList
+ }
+ A { @Sym arrowup @LLP 2005-01 }
+ B { @B{ Software developer @Char slash Automation } - Zedem Sàrl - Engineering office }
+ C { @Underline {The company} : Zedem is an inovative engineering office,
+ that within it's more than 20 years of existence has been mandated by big companies
+ like @I{Swatch Group}, @I{Rolex}, @I{Alinghi}, @I{Solar Impulse}.
+ }
+ C { @Underline Position : Software developer, IT manager, Automation
+ @LLP
+ @LLP
+ @Underline {Significant mandates} :
+ @LLP
+ @BulletList
+ #gap { 0.3v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { NSA Technologies - Race boat sails manufacture
+ @LLP Desktop application to visualy supervise the manufacturing of racing boat sail.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : python, wxPython
+ }
+ @ListItem { Décision SA - Race boat manufacture
+ @LLP Interfacing a defence race game with a "" @MyLink {1:1 scale boat simulator } for @I Alinghi.
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : C++, OpenGl
+ }
+ @EndList
+ }
+ A { @Sym arrowup @LLP 2003-01 }
+ B { @B{ Independant Software Engineer } }
+ C { Fiduciary reporting software development
+ @LLP @Underline technologies : java, iText
+ }
+ rule { no }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ A { 2016 }
+ B { "" @MyLink @B{Algorithmic Toolbox} - "" @MyLink @B Coursera - University of Maryland }
+ A { 2014 }
+ B { "" @MyLink @B{ Programming Mobile Applications for Android } - "" @MyLink @B Coursera - University of Maryland }
+ A { 2014 }
+ B { @B{ Algorithms, Part I and II } - "" @MyLink @B Coursera - Princeton University }
+ A { 2013 }
+ B { "" @MyLink @B{ Functionnal Programming Principles in Scala grade } - "" @MyLink @B Coursera - EPFL }
+ A { 2004 }
+ B { @B{ HES Software Engineer formation } - EIVD - Yverdon }
+ A { 1999 }
+ B { @B {Foundation Course } - APA CEPNV - Yverdon }
+ A { 1998 }
+ B { @B{ Maturité S } (Science stream) - CESS Morges }
+ #gap { 0.4v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ style { @MyColour @Colour {Times Base 14p} @Font @Bullet }
+@ListItem { Parts quality control management and reporting web application (java{@Char slash}Vaadin{@Char slash}PostgreSQL). }
+@ListItem { Interfacing an OpenGL defence race game with a "" @MyLink {1:1 scale boat simulator } for @I Alinghi (C{@Char slash}C++). }
+@ListItem { Client{@Char slash}server application tracking an automated sail manufacturing process (wxPython).. }
+@ListItem { ERP data based key performance indicators reporting web application (ruby{@Char slash}Oracle). }
+@ListItem { Prodution tracking touchscreen application and data analysis (C{@Char slash}EFL{@Char slash}SQLite). }
+ #gap { 0.4v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ style { @MyColour @Colour {Times Base 16p} @Font @Bullet }
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B Enlightenment Desktop: core developer since 2012, object system rewrite, and many more (C).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B Hydrogen Drum Machine: migration from scons to cmake, base structures rewrite (C++).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B Rubinius: FFI capabilities enhancement (C++{@Char slash}ruby).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B RustAndDust: android{@Char slash}desktop strategy board game (java{@Char slash}libgdx).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B ffi-efl: an FFI binding to the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (ruby).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B{zorglub}: a nano web application framework currently used in production (ruby).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B{edoors-ruby}: a ruby rewrite of evenja C++ application framework concepts (ruby).}
+@ListItem { "" @MyLink @B lock_free: compare-and-swap based lock free structures playground (C).}
+ @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide {
+ @MyBox {
+ @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES }
+ @BulletList
+ #gap { 1.0v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Quick access with handling major existing code base. } }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Capable of designing solutions from scratch. } }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Keen to carry out extensive tests. } }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break {Used to working with strict protocols. } }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break { High complexity problem comprehension. } }
+ #@ListItem { Experienced in achieving autonomous projects. }
+ #@ListItem { Experienced in collaborative work. }
+ @ListItem { { ragged nohyphen } @Break { English oral and written. } }
+ @EndList
+ #@LP
+ }
+ }
+ @MyBorder @Box 6.5c @Wide {
+ @MyBox {
+ @LeftDisplay @MyBoxHeader { PERSONAL SKILLS }
+ @BulletList
+ #gap { 1.0v }
+ labelwidth { 1.5f }
+ @ListItem { Eager to learn }
+ @ListItem { Perfectionist }
+ @ListItem { Communication skills }
+ @ListItem { Enthusiast }
+ @ListItem { Attention to details }
+ @ListItem { Levelheaded and pleasant character }
+ @EndList
+ #@LP
+ }
+ }
+@End @Text