import sys from Numeric import * from PyQt4.Qt import * from PyQt4.Qwt5 import * from pyk8055 import k8055 class DataPlot(QwtPlot): def __init__(self, *args): QwtPlot.__init__(self, *args) self.setCanvasBackground(Qt.white) # Initialize data self.x = arrayrange(0.0, 100.1, 0.5) self.d1 = 0.0 + zeros(len(self.x), Float) self.d2 = 1.0 + zeros(len(self.x), Float) self.d3 = 2.0 + zeros(len(self.x), Float) self.d4 = 3.0 + zeros(len(self.x), Float) self.d5 = 4.0 + zeros(len(self.x), Float) self.setTitle("Simple K8055 datascope") self.insertLegend(Qwt.QwtLegend(), Qwt.QwtPlot.BottomLegend); self.curve1 = QwtPlotCurve("Input 1") self.curve2 = QwtPlotCurve("Input 2") self.curve3 = QwtPlotCurve("Input 3") self.curve4 = QwtPlotCurve("Input 4") self.curve5 = QwtPlotCurve("Input 5") self.curve1.attach(self) self.curve2.attach(self) self.curve3.attach(self) self.curve4.attach(self) self.curve5.attach(self) self.curve1.setPen(QPen( self.curve2.setPen(QPen( self.curve3.setPen(QPen( self.curve4.setPen(QPen( self.curve5.setPen(QPen(Qt.cyan)) # Make data plot shape square self.curve1.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve.Steps) self.curve2.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve.Steps) self.curve3.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve.Steps) self.curve4.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve.Steps) self.curve5.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve.Steps) # Fixed axis here from 0 to 5 self.setAxisScale(QwtPlot.yLeft,0,5,1) self.setAxisTitle(QwtPlot.xBottom, "Time (seconds)") self.setAxisTitle(QwtPlot.yLeft, "Values") self.k = k8055(0) self.startTimer(50) # __init__() def timerEvent(self, e): # data moves from left to right: # shift data array right and assign new value data[0] self.d1 = concatenate((self.d1[:1], self.d1[:-1]), 1) self.d1[0] = self.k.ReadDigitalChannel(1) * 0.95 self.d2 = concatenate((self.d2[:1], self.d2[:-1]), 1) self.d2[0] = self.k.ReadDigitalChannel(2) * 0.95 + 1 self.d3 = concatenate((self.d3[:1], self.d3[:-1]), 1) self.d3[0] = self.k.ReadDigitalChannel(3) * 0.95 + 2 self.d4 = concatenate((self.d4[:1], self.d4[:-1]), 1) self.d4[0] = self.k.ReadDigitalChannel(4) * 0.95 + 3 self.d5 = concatenate((self.d5[:1], self.d5[:-1]), 1) self.d5[0] = self.k.ReadDigitalChannel(5) * 0.95 + 4 self.curve1.setData(self.x, self.d1) self.curve2.setData(self.x, self.d2) self.curve3.setData(self.x, self.d3) self.curve4.setData(self.x, self.d4) self.curve5.setData(self.x, self.d5) self.replot() # timerEvent() # class DataPlot def make(): demo = DataPlot() demo.resize(500, 300) return demo # make() def main(args): app = QApplication(args) demo = make() sys.exit(app.exec_()) # main() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)