/* $Id: libk8055.c,v 1.7 2008/08/20 17:00:55 mr_brain Exp $ This file is part of the libk8055 Library. The libk8055 Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The libk8055 Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. http://opensource.org/licenses/ Copyleft (C) 2005 by Sven Lindberg k8055@k8055.mine.nu Copyright (C) 2007 by Pjetur G. Hjaltason pjetur@pjetur.net Commenting, general rearrangement of code, bugfixes, python interface with swig and simple k8055 python class Input packet format +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |DIn|Sta|A1 |A2 | C1 | C2 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ DIn = Digital input in high nibble, except for input 3 in 0x01 Sta = Status, Board number + 1 A1 = Analog input 1, 0-255 A2 = Analog input 2, 0-255 C1 = Counter 1, 16 bits (lsb) C2 = Counter 2, 16 bits (lsb) Output packet format +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD|DIG|An1|An2|Rs1|Rs2|Dbv|Dbv| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ CMD = Command DIG = Digital output bitmask An1 = Analog output 1 value, 0-255 An2 = Analog output 2 value, 0-255 Rs1 = Reset counter 1, command 3 Rs2 = Reset counter 3, command 4 Dbv = Debounce value for counter 1 and 2, command 1 and 2 Or split by commands Cmd 0, Reset ?? Cmd 1, Set debounce Counter 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD| | | | | |Dbv| | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 2, Set debounce Counter 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD| | | | | | |Dbv| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 3, Reset counter 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 3 | | | | 00| | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 4, Reset counter 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 4 | | | | | 00| | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ cmd 5, Set analog/digital +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 5 |DIG|An1|An2| | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "k8055.h" #define STR_BUFF 256 #define PACKET_LEN 8 #define READ_RETRY 3 #define WRITE_RETRY 3 #define K8055_IPID 0x5500 #define VELLEMAN_VENDOR_ID 0x10cf #define K8055_MAX_DEV 4 #define USB_OUT_EP 0x01 /* USB output endpoint */ #define USB_INP_EP 0x81 /* USB Input endpoint */ #define USB_TIMEOUT 20 #define K8055_ERROR -1 #define DIGITAL_INP_OFFSET 0 #define DIGITAL_OUT_OFFSET 1 #define ANALOG_1_OFFSET 2 #define ANALOG_2_OFFSET 3 #define COUNTER_1_OFFSET 4 #define COUNTER_2_OFFSET 6 #define CMD_RESET 0x00 #define CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_1 0x01 #define CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_2 0x01 #define CMD_RESET_COUNTER_1 0x03 #define CMD_RESET_COUNTER_2 0x04 #define CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL 0x05 /* set debug to 0 to not print excess info */ int DEBUG = 0; /* variables for usb */ static struct usb_bus *bus, *busses; static struct usb_device *dev; /* globals for datatransfer */ struct k8055_dev { unsigned char data_in[PACKET_LEN+1]; unsigned char data_out[PACKET_LEN+1]; struct usb_dev_handle *device_handle; int dev_no; }; static struct k8055_dev k8055d[K8055_MAX_DEV]; static struct k8055_dev *curr_dev; /* Initialize the usb library - only once */ static void init_usb(void) { static int init_done = 0; if (!init_done) { usb_init(); usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); busses = usb_get_busses(); init_done = 1; } } /* Actual read of data from the device endpoint, retry READ_RETRY times if not responding ok */ static int k8055_read( struct k8055_dev* dev ) { if (dev->dev_no==0) return K8055_ERROR; for (int i=0; idevice_handle, USB_INP_EP, (char*)dev->data_in, PACKET_LEN, USB_TIMEOUT); if ( (read_status==PACKET_LEN) && (dev->data_in[1]==dev->dev_no) ) return 0; if ( DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "k8055 read retry\n"); } return K8055_ERROR; } /* Actual write of data to the device endpont, retry WRITE_RETRY times if not reponding correctly */ static int k8055_write( struct k8055_dev* dev ) { if (dev->dev_no == 0) return K8055_ERROR; for(int i=0; idevice_handle, USB_OUT_EP, (char*)dev->data_out, PACKET_LEN, USB_TIMEOUT); if (write_status==PACKET_LEN) return 0; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "k8055 write retry\n"); } return K8055_ERROR; } /* If device is owned by some kernel driver, try to disconnect it and claim the device*/ static int takeover_device(usb_dev_handle * udev, int interface) { char driver_name[STR_BUFF]; memset(driver_name, 0, STR_BUFF); int ret = K8055_ERROR; assert(udev != NULL); ret = usb_get_driver_np(udev, interface, driver_name, sizeof(driver_name)); if (ret == 0) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Got driver name: %s\n", driver_name); if (0 > usb_detach_kernel_driver_np(udev, interface)) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Disconnect OS driver: %s\n", usb_strerror()); } else if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Disconnected OS driver: %s\n", usb_strerror()); } else if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Get driver name: - %s\n", usb_strerror()); /* claim interface */ if (usb_claim_interface(udev, interface) < 0) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Claim interface error: %s\n", usb_strerror()); return K8055_ERROR; } else usb_set_altinterface(udev, interface); usb_set_configuration(udev, 1); if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, "Found interface %d\n", interface); fprintf(stderr, "Took over the device\n"); } return 0; } /* Open device - scan through usb busses looking for the right device, claim it and then open the device */ int OpenDevice(long BoardAddress) { int ipid; /* init USB and find all of the devices on all busses */ init_usb(); /* ID of the welleman board is 5500h + address config */ if (BoardAddress >= 0 && BoardAddress < K8055_MAX_DEV) ipid = K8055_IPID + (int)BoardAddress; else return K8055_ERROR; /* throw error instead of being nice */ /* start looping through the devices to find the correct one */ for (bus = busses; bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if ((dev->descriptor.idVendor == VELLEMAN_VENDOR_ID) && (dev->descriptor.idProduct == ipid)) { curr_dev = &k8055d[BoardAddress]; curr_dev->device_handle = usb_open(dev); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Velleman Device Found @ Address %s Vendor 0x0%x Product ID 0x0%x\n", dev->filename, dev->descriptor.idVendor, dev->descriptor.idProduct); if (takeover_device(curr_dev->device_handle, 0) < 0) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Can not take over the device from the OS driver\n"); usb_close(curr_dev->device_handle); /* close usb if we fail */ return K8055_ERROR; /* throw K8055_ERROR to show that OpenDevice failed */ } else { curr_dev->dev_no = BoardAddress + 1; /* Mark as open and valid */ SetCurrentDevice(BoardAddress); memset(curr_dev->data_out,0,PACKET_LEN); /* Write cmd 0, read data */ curr_dev->data_out[0] = CMD_RESET; k8055_write(curr_dev); if (k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) return BoardAddress; /* This function should return board address */ else return K8055_ERROR; } } } } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Could not find Velleman k8055 with address %d\n", (int)BoardAddress); return K8055_ERROR; } /* Close the Current device */ int CloseDevice() { int rc; if (curr_dev->dev_no == 0) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Current device is not open\n" ); return 0; } rc = usb_close(curr_dev->device_handle); if (rc >= 0) { curr_dev->dev_no = 0; /* Not active nay more */ curr_dev->device_handle = NULL; } return rc; } /* New function in version 2 of Velleman DLL, should return deviceno if OK */ long SetCurrentDevice(long deviceno) { if (deviceno >= 0 && deviceno < K8055_MAX_DEV) { if (k8055d[deviceno].dev_no != 0) { curr_dev = &k8055d[deviceno]; return deviceno; } } return K8055_ERROR; } /* New function in version 2 of Velleman DLL, should return devices-found bitmask or 0*/ long SearchDevices(void) { int retval = 0; init_usb(); /* start looping through the devices to find the correct one */ for (bus = busses; bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->descriptor.idVendor == VELLEMAN_VENDOR_ID) { if(dev->descriptor.idProduct == K8055_IPID + 0) retval |= 0x01; if(dev->descriptor.idProduct == K8055_IPID + 1) retval |= 0x02; if(dev->descriptor.idProduct == K8055_IPID + 2) retval |= 0x04; if(dev->descriptor.idProduct == K8055_IPID + 3) retval |= 0x08; /* else some other kind of Velleman board */ } } } return retval; } long ReadAnalogChannel(long Channel) { if (Channel == 1 || Channel == 2) { if ( k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) { if (Channel == 2) return curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_2_OFFSET]; else return curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_1_OFFSET]; } else return K8055_ERROR; } else return K8055_ERROR; } int ReadAllAnalog(long *data1, long *data2) { if ( k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) { *data1 = curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_1_OFFSET]; *data2 = curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_2_OFFSET]; return 0; } else return K8055_ERROR; } int OutputAnalogChannel(long Channel, long data) { if (Channel == 1 || Channel == 2) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; if (Channel == 2) curr_dev->data_out[ANALOG_2_OFFSET] = (unsigned char)data; else curr_dev->data_out[ANALOG_1_OFFSET] = (unsigned char)data; return k8055_write(curr_dev); } else return K8055_ERROR; } int OutputAllAnalog(long data1, long data2) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; curr_dev->data_out[2] = (unsigned char)data1; curr_dev->data_out[3] = (unsigned char)data2; return k8055_write(curr_dev); } int ClearAllAnalog() { return OutputAllAnalog(0, 0); } int ClearAnalogChannel(long Channel) { if (Channel == 1 || Channel == 2) { if (Channel == 2) return OutputAnalogChannel(2, 0); else return OutputAnalogChannel(1, 0); } else return K8055_ERROR; } int SetAnalogChannel(long Channel) { if (Channel == 1 || Channel == 2) { if (Channel == 2) return OutputAnalogChannel(2, 0xff); else return OutputAnalogChannel(1, 0xff); } else return K8055_ERROR; } int SetAllAnalog() { return OutputAllAnalog(0xff, 0xff); } int WriteAllDigital(long data) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; curr_dev->data_out[1] = (unsigned char)data; return k8055_write(curr_dev); } int ClearDigitalChannel(long Channel) { unsigned char data; if (Channel > 0 && Channel < 9) { data = curr_dev->data_out[1] & ~(1 << (Channel-1)); return WriteAllDigital(data); } else return K8055_ERROR; } int ClearAllDigital() { return WriteAllDigital(0x00); } int SetDigitalChannel(long Channel) { unsigned char data; if (Channel > 0 && Channel < 9) { data = curr_dev->data_out[1] | (1 << (Channel-1)); return WriteAllDigital(data); } else return K8055_ERROR; } int SetAllDigital() { return WriteAllDigital(0xff); } int ReadDigitalChannel(long Channel) { int rval; if (Channel > 0 && Channel < 9) { if ((rval = ReadAllDigital()) == K8055_ERROR) return K8055_ERROR; return ((rval & (1 << (Channel-1))) > 0); } else return K8055_ERROR; } long ReadAllDigital() { int return_data = 0; if ( k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) { return_data = ( ((curr_dev->data_in[0] >> 4) & 0x03) | /* Input 1 and 2 */ ((curr_dev->data_in[0] << 2) & 0x04) | /* Input 3 */ ((curr_dev->data_in[0] >> 3) & 0x18) ); /* Input 4 and 5 */ return return_data; } else return K8055_ERROR; } int ReadAllValues(long int *data1, long int * data2, long int * data3, long int * data4, long int * data5) { if ( k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) { *data1 = ( ((curr_dev->data_in[0] >> 4) & 0x03) | /* Input 1 and 2 */ ((curr_dev->data_in[0] << 2) & 0x04) | /* Input 3 */ ((curr_dev->data_in[0] >> 3) & 0x18) ); /* Input 4 and 5 */ *data2 = curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_1_OFFSET]; *data3 = curr_dev->data_in[ANALOG_2_OFFSET]; *data4 = *((short int *)(&curr_dev->data_in[COUNTER_1_OFFSET])); *data5 = *((short int *)(&curr_dev->data_in[COUNTER_2_OFFSET])); return 0; } else return K8055_ERROR; } int SetAllValues(int DigitalData, int AdData1, int AdData2) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; curr_dev->data_out[1] = (unsigned char)DigitalData; curr_dev->data_out[2] = (unsigned char)AdData1; curr_dev->data_out[3] = (unsigned char)AdData2; return k8055_write(curr_dev); } int ResetCounter(long CounterNo) { if (CounterNo == 1 || CounterNo == 2) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = 0x02 + (unsigned char)CounterNo; /* counter selection */ curr_dev->data_out[3 + CounterNo] = 0x00; return k8055_write(curr_dev); } else return K8055_ERROR; } long ReadCounter(long CounterNo) { if (CounterNo == 1 || CounterNo == 2) { if ( k8055_read(curr_dev) == 0) { if (CounterNo == 2) return *((short int *)(&curr_dev->data_in[COUNTER_2_OFFSET])); else return *((short int *)(&curr_dev->data_in[COUNTER_1_OFFSET])); } else return K8055_ERROR; } else return K8055_ERROR; } int SetCounterDebounceTime(long CounterNo, long DebounceTime) { float value; if (CounterNo == 1 || CounterNo == 2) { curr_dev->data_out[0] = (unsigned char)CounterNo; /* the velleman k8055 use a exponetial formula to split up the DebounceTime 0-7450 over value 1-255. I've tested every value and found that the formula dbt=0,338*value^1,8017 is closest to vellemans dll. By testing and measuring times on the other hand I found the formula dbt=0,115*x^2 quite near the actual values, a little below at really low values and a little above at really high values. But the time set with this formula is within +-4% */ if (DebounceTime > 7450) DebounceTime = 7450; value = sqrtf(DebounceTime / 0.115); if (value > ((int)value + 0.49999999)) /* simple round() function) */ value += 1; curr_dev->data_out[5 + CounterNo] = (unsigned char)value; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Debouncetime%d value for k8055:%d\n", (int)CounterNo, curr_dev->data_out[5 + CounterNo]); return k8055_write(curr_dev); } else return K8055_ERROR; } char * Version(void) { return(VERSION); }