package ch.asynk.gdx.boardgame; import java.util.Iterator; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import ch.asynk.gdx.boardgame.utils.IterableArray; public class Path extends IterableArray implements Disposable, Pool.Poolable { public static int defaultCapacity = 8; private static final Pool pathPool = new Pool() { @Override protected Path newObject() { return new Path(); } }; public static Path obtain() { return pathPool.obtain(); } private Orientation finalOrientation; private Tile from; private Tile to; private Path() { super(defaultCapacity); } public void setFinalOrientation(Orientation orientation) { this.finalOrientation = orientation; } @Override public void reset() { clear(); this.from = null; = null; this.finalOrientation = null; } @Override public void dispose() { clear();; } @Override public String toString() { String s = String.format(" o:%s\n", finalOrientation); for (Tile t : this) s += String.format(" %s\n", t.toString()); return s; } public Tile from() { return from; } public Tile to() { return to; } public boolean nextPosition(Piece piece, Vector3 v) { if (hasNext()) { to = current(); if (piece.isOn(to)) { // rotation ... from = to; next(); Orientation o = (hasNext() ? Orientation.fromTiles(from, current()) : finalOrientation); // if already facing, transform into a straight move if (piece.isFacing(o)) { to = current(); if (to == null) { return true; } } piece.getPosOn(to, o, v); } else { // rotation finished, regular move piece.getPosOn(to, Orientation.fromR(v.z), v); } return false; } return true; } }