# eat all comments
/^\s*\/\*/ {
  /\*\/\s*$/ { n; b nocomment }
  n; b comment
# drop if don't start with (typedef)? enum
/^\s*(typedef\s)?\s*enum/ ! b
s/^\s*(typedef\s)?\s*(enum(\s+\w+)?).*$/\1\2 { /
# drop if substitution fail, copy pattern to  hold space
# read again if {
/^\s*\{/ b attrs
# append each item finished by , or \/
s/^\s*([A-Z0-9_]+)(\s*=\s*[^,\/]+)?\s*([,|\)])?[\/]?.*$/\1\2\3 /
# goto next if subsitution fails, append pattern, loop to attrs
T next;H;b attrs
# try again if } not found
/^\s*\}/ ! b attrs
# read enumeration name
s/^\s*}\s*(\w+).*$/ } \1;/
t finish
# read the enum typedef
s/^\s*typedef\s+enum\s+\w+\s+(\w+)\s*;/ } \1/
# leave if substitution works, or read next line and retry
t finish;n;b close
# append pattern, exchange hold space and pattern space
# remove \n
# replace multi spaces with one
s/\t/ /g
s/ {2,}/ /g
s/, }/ }/