# eat all comments
/^\s*\/\*/ {
  /\*\/\s*$/ { n; b nocomment }
  n; b comment
# drop if don't start with typedef
/^\s*typedef/ ! b
# one line typedef xxx (...); we are done
s/^\s*typedef\s+(.*)(\(\*?\w+\))?\s*(\(.*\));.*$/typedef \1 \2 \3;/
t finish
# if ends with ,
s/^\s*typedef\s+(.*)(\(\*?\w+\))?\s*(\(.*,)/typedef \1 \2 \3/
# drop if substitution fail, copy pattern to  hold space
# append each parameters
/,$/ { H; b loop }
# when ; reached, append a swap hold space to pattern space
/;.*$/ { H;x}
# drop \n
# replace multi spaces with one
s/ {2,}/ /g