#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # require 'efl/evas' require './spec/helper' # describe "Efl::Evas #{Efl::Evas.version.full}" do # before(:all) do Evas = Efl::Evas Native = Efl::Native unless Kernel.const_defined? 'Native' @init = Evas.init end after(:all) do Evas.shutdown.should == 0 end # it "should init" do Evas.init.should == @init+1 Evas.init.should == @init+2 Evas.init.should == @init+3 end # it "should shutdown" do Evas.shutdown.should == @init+2 Evas.shutdown.should == @init+1 Evas.shutdown.should == @init end # it "enum evas_bidi_direction should be correct" do Efl::Native.enum_value(:evas_bidi_direction_natural).should == 0 Efl::Native.enum_value(:evas_bidi_direction_neutral).should == 0 Efl::Native.enum_value(:evas_bidi_direction_ltr).should == 1 Efl::Native.enum_value(:evas_bidi_direction_rtl).should == 2 end # it "evas alloc error enum is ok" do Native.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_none).should == 0 Native.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_fatal).should == 1 Native.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_recovered).should == 2 Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[0].should == :evas_alloc_error_none Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[1].should == :evas_alloc_error_fatal Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[2].should == :evas_alloc_error_recovered Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_none].should == 0 Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_fatal].should == 1 Native.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_recovered].should == 2 end # it "should have no memory allocation error occured" do Evas.alloc_error.should == :evas_alloc_error_none end # it "should process async events" do cb = Proc.new do |target,type,evt| target.read_string.should == "target" type.should == :evas_callback_show evt.read_string.should == "work" end target = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("target") work = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("work") Evas.async_events_put target, :evas_callback_show, work, cb Evas.async_events_process.should == 1 Evas.async_events_process.should == 0 end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvas' do before(:all) do realize_evas end after(:all) do @e.free @pixels.free end # it "should be able to create and destroy evas" do e1 = Evas::REvas.new do address.should_not == 0 end e2 = Evas::REvas.new e1.to_ptr e1.address.should == e2.address (e1==e2).should be_false (e1===e2).should be_true e1.free e1.free e1.to_ptr.should be_nil e2.to_ptr.should_not be_nil # it's a reference to a freed object, no good! e4 = Evas::REvas.new Native.evas_new e4.address.should_not == 0 e5 = e4.dup e4.address.should == e5.address e6 = e4.clone e4.address.should == e6.address e4.free e4.to_ptr.should be_nil end # it "focus " do Native.evas_focus_in @e.to_ptr Native.evas_focus_state_get(@e.to_ptr).should be_true Native.evas_focus_out @e.to_ptr Native.evas_focus_state_get(@e.to_ptr).should be_false Evas.focus_in @e.to_ptr Evas.focus_state_get(@e.to_ptr).should be_true Evas.focus_out @e.to_ptr Evas.focus_state_get(@e.to_ptr).should be_false @e.focus_in { |r| r.should be_nil } @e.focus_state.should be_true @e.focus_state_get { |r| r.should be_true } @e.focus_out.should be_nil @e.focus_state_get.should be_false @e.focus_state { |r| r.should be_false } end # it "nochange " do @e.nochange_push @e.nochange_pop end # it "attach data " do data = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string "my data" @e.data_attach_set data @e.data_attach.read_string.should == "my data" @e.data_attach_get.read_string.should == "my data" end # it "should not crash" do @e.damage_rectangle_add 1, 2, 3, 4 @e.obscured_rectangle_add 1, 2, 3, 4 @e.obscured_clear list = @e.render_updates Evas.render_updates_free list @e.render @e.norender @e.render_idle_flush @e.render_dump end # it "output method " do @e.output_method.should == Evas::render_method_lookup("buffer") @e.output_method_get.should == Evas::render_method_lookup("buffer") # output_method_set tested in before(:all) l = Efl::Evas.render_method_list Evas::render_method_list_free l end # it "engine info " do # engine_info_get and engine_info_set tested in before(:all) true.should be_true end # it "output size " do @e.output_size_set 69, 666 @e.size.should == [69,666] @e.output_size.should == [69,666] @e.output_size_get.should == [69,666] @e.output_size = 666, 69 @e.size == [666,69] end # it "output viewport " do @e.output_viewport_set 0, 0, 666, 69 @e.viewport.should == [0,0,666,69] @e.output_viewport.should == [0,0,666,69] @e.output_viewport_get.should == [0,0,666,69] @e.output_viewport = 0, 0, 69, 666 @e.viewport.should == [0,0,69,666] end # it "coordinates evas<=>world " do @e.output_viewport_set 0, 0, 800, 600 x = @e.coord_screen_x_to_world 666 r = @e.coord_world_x_to_screen x r.should <= 668 r.should >= 664 y = @e.coord_screen_y_to_world 69 r = @e.coord_world_y_to_screen y r.should <= 71 r.should >= 67 end # it "freeze and thaw " do @e.event_freeze?.should == 0 @e.event_freeze @e.event_freeze?.should == 1 @e.event_thaw @e.event_freeze_get.should == 0 end # it "up/down mouse event " do @e.event_feed_mouse_down 2, :evas_button_double_click, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_button_down_mask.should == 2 @e.event_feed_mouse_up 2, :evas_button_double_click, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_button_down_mask_get.should == 0 end # it "move mouse event " do @e.pointer_output.should == [0,0] @e.pointer_output_xy_get.should == [0,0] @e.pointer_canvas.should == [0,0] @e.pointer_canvas_xy_get.should == [0,0] @e.event_feed_mouse_move 6, 6, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_output.should == [6,6] @e.pointer_output_xy_get.should == [6,6] @e.pointer_canvas.should == [6,6] @e.pointer_canvas_xy_get.should == [6,6] end # it "in/out mouse event " do @e.pointer_inside_get.should be_false @e.event_feed_mouse_in Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_inside.should be_true @e.event_feed_mouse_out Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_inside.should be_false end # it "add/del event callback " do @cb = false kd_cb = Proc.new do |data, e, obj, event_info| data.read_string.should eq "mouse_in" e.address.should == @e.address obj.address.should == @bg.address @db=true true end kd_d = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string "mouse_in" @bg = @e.object_rectangle_add @bg.move 0, 0 @bg.resize 20, 20 @bg.show @bg.event_callback_add :evas_callback_mouse_in, kd_cb, kd_d @e.event_feed_mouse_in Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @bg.event_callback_del(:evas_callback_mouse_in, kd_cb).address.should == kd_d.address @db.should be_true @bg.free end # it "image cache functions " do @e.image_cache_flush @e.image_cache_reload @e.image_cache_set 666 @e.image_cache.should == 666 @e.image_cache_get.should == 666 end # it "font functions " do @e.font_hinting_set :evas_font_hinting_bytecode @e.font_hinting.should == :evas_font_hinting_bytecode @e.font_hinting_get.should == :evas_font_hinting_bytecode @e.font_hinting_can_hint(:evas_font_hinting_none).should be_true @e.font_cache_flush @e.font_cache_set 666 @e.font_cache.should == 666 @e.font_cache_get.should == 666 l = @e.font_available_list @e.font_available_list_free l @e.font_path_clear a = ['/tmp1','/tmp2'] @e.font_path_append a[1] @e.font_path_prepend a[0] require 'efl/eina_list' Efl::EinaList::REinaList.new(@e.font_path_list).each_with_index do |p,i| p.read_string.should == a[i] end end # it "focus " do @e.focus.should == FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.focus_get.should == FFI::Pointer::NULL @o = @e.object_rectangle_add { |o| o.color = 200,200,200,200 o.move 0, 0 o.resize 100, 100 o.show } @o.focus = true @e.focus.should == @o.to_ptr @e.focus_get.should == @o.to_ptr @o.free end # it "object_name_find " do @e.object_name_find("name").should == FFI::Pointer::NULL @o = @e.object_rectangle_add @o.name="name" @e.object_name_find("name").should == @o.to_ptr @o.free end # end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvasObject' do # before(:all) do realize_evas @o = @e.object_rectangle_add { |o| o.color = 200,200,200,200 o.move 0, 0 o.resize 100, 100 o.show } end after(:all) do @e.free @pixels.free end # it "clipper " do clipper = @e.object_rectangle_add clipper.color = 255,255,255,255 clipper.move 25, 25 clipper.resize 50, 50 @o.clip = clipper.to_ptr clipper.show @o.clip.address.should == clipper.address require 'efl/eina_list' Efl::EinaList::REinaList.new(clipper.clipees_get).to_ary[0].address.should == @o.address @o.clip_unset @o.clip_get.address.should == 0 end # it "focus functions " do @o.focus.should be_false @o.focus_set true @o.focus_get.should be_true @o.focus = false @o.focus_get.should be_false end # it "layer functions " do @o.layer.should == 0 @o.layer_set 2 @o.layer_get.should == 2 @o.layer = 0 @o.layer_get.should == 0 end # it "name functions " do @o.name_set "My name" @o.evas_name.should == "My name" @o.name_get.should == "My name" end # it "geometry functions " do @o.geometry.should == [0,0,100,100] @o.resize 50,50 @o.geometry.should == [0,0,50,50] @o.move 10, 10 @o.geometry_get.should == [10,10,50,50] end # it "center " do @o.geometry.should == [10,10,50,50] @o.center_get.should == [35,35] @o.center.should == [35,35] @o.center_set 50, 50 @o.center.should == [50,50] @o.geometry.should == [25,25,50,50] end # it "show hide visible " do @o.show @o.visible?.should be_true @o.hide @o.visible.should be_false @o.visible_get.should be_false @o.show @o.visible?.should be_true end # it "color get/set " do @o.color.should == [200,200,200,200] @o.color_get.should == [200,200,200,200] @o.color_set 0,50,100,200 @o.color.should == [0,50,100,200] @o.color = 200,200,200,200 @o.color.should == [200,200,200,200] end # it "evas_get should worl" do @o.evas.should === @e @o.evas_get.should === @e end # it "type_get " do @o.evas_type.should == 'rectangle' @o.type_get.should == 'rectangle' end # TODO raise, lower it "raise, lower, stck_below, stack_above " do os = [] 0.upto(3) do os << @e.object_rectangle_add end os[2].above.should === os[3] os[2].below.should === os[1] os[2].above.should === os[3] os[2].below.should === os[1] os[2].stack_below os[1] os[2].above_get.should === os[1] os[2].below_get.should === os[0] os[2].stack_above os[1] os[2].above.should === os[3] os[2].below.should === os[1] os.each do |o| o.free; end end # it "event_callback " do @o.move 0, 0 # FIXME why do I need this ?!? count = 0 cb = Proc.new do |data,evas,evas_object,event_info| count +=1 end cb_data = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string "my cb data" @o.event_callback_add :evas_callback_mouse_in, cb, @o Efl::Evas.event_feed_mouse_in @o.evas, Time.now.to_i, cb_data sleep 0.1 count.should==1 end # it "pass events " do @o.pass_events.should be_false @o.pass_events_set true @o.pass_events.should be_true @o.pass_events=false @o.pass_events.should be_false @o.pass_events_set true @o.pass_events.should be_true @o.pass_events=false @o.pass_events_get.should be_false end # it "repeat events " do @o.repeat_events.should be_false @o.repeat_events_set true @o.repeat_events.should be_true @o.repeat_events=false @o.repeat_events.should be_false @o.repeat_events_set true @o.repeat_events.should be_true @o.repeat_events=false @o.repeat_events_get.should be_false end # it "propagate event " do @o.propagate_events.should be_true @o.propagate_events=false @o.propagate_events.should be_false @o.propagate_events_set true @o.propagate_events.should be_true @o.propagate_events=false @o.propagate_events.should be_false @o.propagate_events_set true @o.propagate_events_get.should be_true end # it "map enable " do @o.map_enable.should be_false @o.map_enable_set true @o.map_enable.should be_true @o.map_enable=false @o.map_enable.should be_false @o.map_enable_set true @o.map_enable.should be_true @o.map_enable=false @o.map_enable_get.should be_false end # it "size_hint_ " do @o.size_hint_min_set 100, 150 @o.size_hint_min.should == [100,150] @o.size_hint_min_get.should == [100,150] @o.size_hint_max_set 300, 350 @o.size_hint_max.should == [300,350] @o.size_hint_max_get.should == [300,350] @o.size_hint_request_set 400, 450 @o.size_hint_request.should == [400,450] @o.size_hint_request_get.should == [400,450] @o.size_hint_aspect_set :evas_aspect_control_both, 400, 450 @o.size_hint_aspect.should == [:evas_aspect_control_both,400,450] @o.size_hint_aspect_get.should == [:evas_aspect_control_both,400,450] @o.size_hint_align_set 0.2, 0.5 @o.size_hint_align.should == [0.2,0.5] @o.size_hint_align_get.should == [0.2,0.5] @o.size_hint_weight_set 0.3, 0.6 @o.size_hint_weight.should == [0.3,0.6] @o.size_hint_weight_get.should == [0.3,0.6] @o.size_hint_padding_set 10, 20, 30, 40 @o.size_hint_padding.should == [10,20,30,40] @o.size_hint_padding_get.should == [10,20,30,40] end # it "data get/set " do @o.data_set "key", "val" @o.data("key").should == "val" @o.data_get("key").should == "val" @o.data_del("key") @o.data_get("key").should == nil end # it "pointer mode get/set " do @o.pointer_mode = :evas_object_pointer_mode_nograb @o.pointer_mode.should == :evas_object_pointer_mode_nograb @o.pointer_mode_get.should == :evas_object_pointer_mode_nograb @o.pointer_mode = :evas_object_pointer_mode_autograb @o.pointer_mode.should == :evas_object_pointer_mode_autograb @o.pointer_mode_get.should == :evas_object_pointer_mode_autograb end # it "anti_alias get/set " do @o.anti_alias_set true @o.anti_alias_get.should be_true @o.anti_alias=false @o.anti_alias.should be_false @o.anti_alias_get.should be_false end # it "scale set/get " do @o.scale_set 1.5 @o.scale_get.should == 1.5 @o.scale= 1.6 @o.scale.should == 1.6 end # it "render op get/set" do @o.render_op_set :evas_render_copy @o.render_op_get.should == :evas_render_copy @o.render_op = :evas_render_mask @o.render_op.should == :evas_render_mask end # it "precise_is_inside get/set " do @o.precise_is_inside_set true @o.precise_is_inside?.should be_true @o.precise_is_inside_get.should be_true @o.precise_is_inside=false @o.precise_is_inside?.should be_false @o.precise_is_inside.should be_false end # it "static_clip get/set " do @o.static_clip_set true @o.static_clip?.should be_true @o.static_clip_get.should be_true @o.static_clip=false @o.static_clip?.should be_false @o.static_clip.should be_false end # end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvasLine' do # before(:all) do realize_evas @l = @e.object_line_add end after(:all) do @l.free @e.free end it "xy get/set " do @l.line_xy_set 10, 20, 30, 40 @l.line_xy_get.should == [10, 20, 30, 40] end end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvasPolygon' do # before(:all) do realize_evas @p = @e.object_polygon_add end after(:all) do @p.free @e.free end it "xy point_add " do @p.point_add 10, 20 @p.point_add 30, 40 @p.<< 50, 60 @p.<< 80, 80 end # it "point clear" do @p.points_clear end end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvasText' do # before(:all) do realize_evas @t = @e.object_text_add end after(:all) do @t.free @e.free end # it "font_source get/set " do @t.font_source_set "myFont" @t.font_source_get.should == "myFont" @t.font_source = "myFont2" @t.font_source.should == "myFont2" end # it "font get/set " do @t.font_set "Arial", 12 @t.font_get.should == ["Arial",12] @t.font = "Ariall", 16 @t.font_get.should == ["Ariall",16] end # it "text set/get " do @t.text_set "hello" @t.text_get.should == "hello" @t.text="hello world" @t.text.should == "hello world" end # it "test different accessors" do @t.ascent_get.should > 0 @t.descent_get.should > 0 @t.max_ascent_get.should > 0 @t.max_descent_get.should > 0 @t.horiz_advance_get.should > 0 @t.vert_advance_get.should > 0 @t.inset_get.should > 0 @t.direction_get.should == :evas_bidi_direction_ltr @t.style_pad_get.length.should == 4 @t.ascent.should > 0 @t.descent.should > 0 @t.max_ascent.should > 0 @t.max_descent.should > 0 @t.horiz_advance.should > 0 @t.vert_advance.should > 0 @t.inset.should > 0 @t.direction.should == :evas_bidi_direction_ltr @t.style_pad.length.should == 4 end # it "bidi_delimiters set/get " do @t.bidi_delimiters_set "@" @t.bidi_delimiters_get.should == "@" @t.bidi_delimiters= "#" @t.bidi_delimiters.should == "#" end # it "char_pos_get char_coords_get last_up_to_pos " do @t.text="hello world" coords = @t.char_pos_get 6 @t.char_coords(coords[0], coords[1])[0].should == 6 @t.char_coords_get(coords[0], coords[1])[0].should == 6 coords = @t.char_pos_get 3 @t.char_coords(coords[0], coords[1])[0].should == 3 @t.char_coords_get(coords[0], coords[1])[0].should == 3 @t.last_up_to_pos(coords[0], coords[1]).should == 3 end # it "style ste/get " do @t.style_set :evas_text_style_shadow @t.style_get.should == :evas_text_style_shadow @t.style= :evas_text_style_outline @t.style.should == :evas_text_style_outline end # it "shadow_color set/get " do @t.shadow_color_set 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.shadow_color_get.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] @t.shadow_color = 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.shadow_color.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] end # it "glow_color set/get " do @t.glow_color_set 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.glow_color_get.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] @t.glow_color = 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.glow_color.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] end # it "glow2_color set/get " do @t.glow2_color_set 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.glow2_color_get.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] @t.glow2_color = 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.glow2_color.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] end # it "outline_color set/get " do @t.outline_color_set 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.outline_color_get.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] @t.outline_color = 100, 150, 200, 50 @t.outline_color.should == [100, 150, 200, 50] end # end # describe 'Efl::Evas::REvasBox' do # before(:all) do realize_evas @b = @e.object_box_add @os = [] 0.upto(4) do @os << @e.object_rectangle_add end end after(:all) do @b.free @e.free end # it "append, prepend, insert_before, insert_after, insert_at, remove, remove_at, remove_all and children_get " do @b.append @os[4] @b.prepend @os[0] @b.insert_before @os[1], @os[4] @b.insert_after @os[2], @os[1] @b.insert_at @os[3], 3 @b.children_get.each_with_index do |o,i| Evas::REvasRectangle.new(o).should === @os[i] end @os.delete_at 2 @b.remove_at(2).should be_true @b.remove_at(20).should be_false o = @os.delete_at 2 @b.remove(o).should be_true @b.children_get.each_with_index do |o,i| Evas::REvasRectangle.new(o).should === @os[i] end @b.remove_all true @b.children.to_a.length.should == 0 end # it "align set/get " do @b.align_set 0.2, 0.3 @b.align_get.should == [0.2,0.3] @b.align = 0.3, 0.2 @b.align.should == [0.3,0.2] end # it "padding set/get " do @b.padding_set 20, 30 @b.padding_get.should == [20,30] @b.padding = 30, 20 @b.padding.should == [30,20] end # end # end