#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # require 'efl/evas' # describe Efl::Evas do # before(:all) { Evas = Efl::Evas } # it "should init" do Evas.init.should eql 1 Evas.init.should eql 2 Evas.init.should eql 3 end # it "should shutdown" do Evas.shutdown.should eql 2 Evas.shutdown.should eql 1 Evas.shutdown.should eql 0 end # it "evas alloc error enum is ok" do Efl::FFI.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_none).should eql 0 Efl::FFI.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_fatal).should eql 1 Efl::FFI.enum_value(:evas_alloc_error_recovered).should eql 2 Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[0].should eql :evas_alloc_error_none Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[1].should eql :evas_alloc_error_fatal Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[2].should eql :evas_alloc_error_recovered Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_none].should eql 0 Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_fatal].should eql 1 Efl::FFI.enum_type(:evas_alloc_error)[:evas_alloc_error_recovered].should eql 2 end # it "should have no memory allocation error occured" do Evas.init Evas.alloc_error.should eql :evas_alloc_error_none Evas.shutdown end # it "should process async events" do cb = Proc.new do |target,type,evt| target.read_string.should eql "target" type.should eql :evas_callback_show evt.read_string.should eql "work" end Evas.init target = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("target") work = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("work") Evas.async_events_put target, :evas_callback_show, work, cb Evas.async_events_process.should eql 1 Evas.async_events_process.should eql 0 Evas.shutdown end # describe Efl::Evas::Evas do before(:all) do Evas.init @width = 800 @height = 600 @pixels = FFI::MemoryPointer.new :int, @width*@height @e = Evas::Evas.new @e.output_method_set Evas::render_method_lookup("buffer") @e.output_viewport_set 0, 0, @width, @height @e.output_size_set @width, @height einfo = Efl::FFI::EvasEngineInfoBuffer.new @e.engine_info_get einfo[:info][:depth_type] = Efl::FFI::EVAS_ENGINE_BUFFER_DEPTH_ARGB32 einfo[:info][:dest_buffer] = @pixels einfo[:info][:dest_buffer_row_bytes] = @width * FFI::type_size(:int); einfo[:info][:use_color_key] = 0; einfo[:info][:alpha_threshold] = 0; einfo[:info][:func][:new_update_region] = nil #FFI::Pointer::NULL; einfo[:info][:func][:free_update_region] = nil #FFI::Pointer::NULL; @e.engine_info_set einfo end after(:all) do @e.free @pixels.free Evas.shutdown end it "should be able to create and destroy evas" do e1 = Evas::Evas.new e1.address.should_not eql 0 e2 = Evas::Evas.new e1 e1.address.should eql e2.address e3 = Evas::Evas.new e1.ptr e1.address.should eql e3.address e2.address.should eql e3.address (e1==e2).should be_false (e2==e3).should be_false (e1==e3).should be_false (e1===e2).should be_true (e2===e3).should be_true (e1===e3).should be_true e1.free e1.ptr.should be_nil e4 = Evas::Evas.new Efl::FFI.evas_new e4.address.should_not eql 0 e5 = e4.dup e4.address.should eql e5.address e6 = e4.clone e4.address.should eql e6.address e4.free e4.ptr.should be_nil end # it "focus should work" do Efl::FFI.evas_focus_in @e.ptr Efl::FFI.evas_focus_state_get(@e.ptr).should be_true Efl::FFI.evas_focus_out @e.ptr Efl::FFI.evas_focus_state_get(@e.ptr).should be_false Efl::Evas.focus_in @e.ptr Efl::Evas.focus_state_get(@e.ptr).should be_true Efl::Evas.focus_out @e.ptr Efl::Evas.focus_state_get(@e.ptr).should be_false @e.focus_in { |r| r.should be_nil } @e.focus_state_get.should be_true @e.focus_state_get { |r| r.should be_true } @e.focus_out.should be_nil @e.focus_state_get.should be_false @e.focus_state_get { |r| r.should be_false } end # it "nochange should work" do @e.nochange_push @e.nochange_pop end # it "attach data should work" do data = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string "my data" @e.data_attach_set data @e.data_attach_get.read_string.should eql "my data" end # it "should not crash" do @e.damage_rectangle_add 1, 2, 3, 4 @e.obscured_rectangle_add 1, 2, 3, 4 @e.obscured_clear list = @e.render_updates Evas.render_updates_free list @e.render @e.norender @e.render_idle_flush @e.render_dump end it "output method should work" do @e.output_method_get.should eql Evas::render_method_lookup("buffer") # output_method_set tested in before(:all) l = Efl::Evas::render_method_list Evas::render_method_list_free l end # it "engine info should work" do # engine_info_get and engine_info_set tested in before(:all) true.should be_true end # it "output size should work" do @e.output_size_set 69, 666 @e.output_size_get.should eql [69,666] end it "output viewport should work" do @e.output_viewport_set 0, 0, 666, 69 @e.output_viewport_get.should eql [0,0,666,69] end # it "coordinates evas<=>world should work" do @e.output_viewport_set 0, 0, 800, 600 x = @e.coord_screen_x_to_world 666 r = @e.coord_world_x_to_screen x r.should <= 668 r.should >= 664 y = @e.coord_screen_y_to_world 69 r = @e.coord_world_y_to_screen y r.should <= 71 r.should >= 67 end # it "freeze and thaw should work" do @e.event_freeze_get.should eql 0 @e.event_freeze @e.event_freeze_get.should eql 1 @e.event_thaw @e.event_freeze_get.should eql 0 end # it "up/down mouse event should work" do @e.event_feed_mouse_down 2, :evas_button_double_click, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_button_down_mask_get.should eql 2 @e.event_feed_mouse_up 2, :evas_button_double_click, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_button_down_mask_get.should eql 0 end # it "move mouse event should work" do @e.pointer_output_xy_get.should eql [0,0] @e.pointer_canvas_xy_get.should eql [0,0] @e.event_feed_mouse_move 6, 6, Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_output_xy_get.should eql [6,6] @e.pointer_canvas_xy_get.should eql [6,6] end # it "in/out mouse event should work" do @e.pointer_inside_get.should be_false @e.event_feed_mouse_in Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_inside_get.should be_true @e.event_feed_mouse_out Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @e.pointer_inside_get.should be_false end # # TODO # evas_event_feed_multi_down # evas_event_feed_multi_up # evas_event_feed_multi_move # evas_event_feed_mouse_cancel # evas_event_feed_mouse_wheel # evas_event_feed_key_down # evas_event_feed_key_up # evas_event_feed_hold # it "add/del event callback should work" do @cb = false kd_cb = Proc.new do |data, e, obj, event_info| data.read_string.should eq "mouse_in" e.address.should eql @e.address obj.address.should eql @bg.address @db=true true end kd_d = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string "mouse_in" @bg = Evas::EvasObject.new @e.object_rectangle_add @bg.move 0, 0 @bg.resize 20, 20 @bg.show @bg.event_callback_add :evas_callback_mouse_in, kd_cb, kd_d @e.event_feed_mouse_in Time.now.to_i, FFI::Pointer::NULL @bg.event_callback_del(:evas_callback_mouse_in, kd_cb).address.should eql kd_d.address @db.should be_true end # it "image cache functions should work" do @e.image_cache_flush @e.image_cache_reload @e.image_cache_set 666 @e.image_cache_get.should eql 666 end # it "font functions should work" do @e.evas_font_hinting_set :evas_font_hinting_bytecode @e.evas_font_hinting_get.should eql :evas_font_hinting_bytecode @e.evas_font_hinting_can_hint(:evas_font_hinting_none).should be_true @e.evas_font_cache_flush @e.evas_font_cache_set 666 @e.evas_font_cache_get.should eql 666 l = @e.evas_font_available_list @e.evas_font_available_list_free l @e.evas_font_path_clear a = ['/tmp1','/tmp2'] @e.evas_font_path_append a[1] @e.evas_font_path_prepend a[0] require 'efl/eina_list' Efl::Eina::EinaList.new(@e.evas_font_path_list).each_with_index do |p,i| p.read_string.should eql a[i] end end end # end