#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # require 'ffi' # module E17 module EET # extend FFI::Library # ffi_lib 'eet' [ [ :eet_init, [], :int], [ :eet_shutdown, [], :int], [ :eet_clearcache, [], :void], [ :eet_open, [:string, :int], :pointer], [ :eet_mode_get, [:pointer], :int], [ :eet_close, [:pointer], :int], [ :eet_write, [:pointer, :string, :pointer, :int, :int], :int], [ :eet_read, [:pointer, :string, :pointer], :pointer], ].each do |func| begin attach_function *func rescue Object => e puts "Could not attach #{func} #{e.message}" end end # FILE_MODE_INVALID = -1 FILE_MODE_READ = 0 FILE_MODE_WRITE = 1 FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE = 2 # class << self # alias init eet_init alias shutdown eet_shutdown alias clearcache eet_clearcache # def open path, mode=FILE_MODE_READ, &blk if blk f = eet_open path, mode raise Exception.new "Unable to open file #{path}" if f.nil? yield EETFile.new f eet_close f else f = eet_open path, mode return EETFile.new f unless f.nil? end end end # class EETFile # def initialize ptr @ptr=ptr end private :initialize # def close EET.eet_close @ptr @ptr=nil end # def mode_get EET.eet_mode_get @ptr end # def write key, data, compress=false EET.eet_write @ptr, key, FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(data), data.bytesize, ( compress ? 1 : 0 ) end # def read key ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:int) data = EET.eet_read @ptr, key, ptr s = ptr.read_int ptr.free return nil if s==0 ( data.null? ? nil : data.read_string[0..s-1] ) end # end # class Error < Exception ERROR_NONE=0 ERROR_BAD_OBJECT=1 ERROR_EMPTY=2 ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE=3 ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=4 ERROR_WRITE_ERROR=5 ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG=6 ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_IO_ERROR=7 ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_OUT_OF_SPACE=8 ERROR_WRITE_ERROR_FILE_CLOSED=9 ERROR_MMAP_FAILED=10 ERROR_X509_ENCODING_FAILED=11 ERROR_SIGNATURE_FAILED=12 ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE=13 ERROR_NOT_SIGNED=14 ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=15 ERROR_PRNG_NOT_SEEDED=16 ERROR_ENCRYPT_FAILED=17 ERROR_DECRYPT_FAILED=18 # MSGS = { 0=>'No error, it\'s all fine!', 1=>' Given object or handle is NULL or invalid', 2=>'There was nothing to do', 3=>'Could not write to file or fine is #FILE_MODE_READ', 4=>'Could not allocate memory', 5=>'Failed to write data to destination', 6=>'Failed to write file since it is too big', 7=>'Failed to write since generic Input/Output error', 8=>'Failed to write due out of space', 9=>'Failed to write because file was closed', 10=>'Could not mmap file', 11=>'Could not encode using X509', 12=>'Could not validate signature', 13=>'Signature is invalid', 14=>'File or contents are not signed', 15=>'Function is not implemented', 16=>'Could not introduce random seed', 17=>'Could not encrypt contents', 18=>'Could not decrypt contents', } # end end end # # EOF