2011-05-xx Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* add REinaList#from_a ptrt
	* add REinaList#to_a ptrt=nil
	* rework EcoreGetopt

2011-05-11 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* use ditz ass issure tracker
	* use FFI.attach_variable for EAPI extern ...
	* Efl::EinaLog module and specs
	* quick add classes : ElmWin, ElmInWIn, ElmBg, ElmLayout, ElmBox, ElmList, ElmIcon, ElmNotify, ElmDiskSelector, ElmPager
	* REinaList has #to_a and #to_ary
	* add ClassHelper #null? #to_a #to_ary #to_s
	* rework REvasObject#initialize
	* rework ClassHelper#method_missing

2011-05-06 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.0.5
	* add REvasText class + specs
	* add REvasBox class + specs
	* add EinaRectangleStruct
	* add REvasPolygon#<<
	* add REvasObject#center set/get/=
	* update REvasObject#initialize
	* bugfix REvasObject#free
	* bugfix evas_spec and test_evas

2011-05-05 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.0.4
	* ruby 1.8.7 compatible
	* FFI::AutoPointer usage fixed, constructors cleaned
	* module Efl::Native used for all FFI => require 'efl/native'
	* ClassHelper#method_missing enhanced
	* REinaList and REinaHash cleaned
	* EcoreEvas specs completed
	* REvas and REvasObject spec completed
	* REvasRectanlge, REvasLine, EvasPolygon classes added
	* more test/*.rb

2011-05-01 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.0.3
	+ Evas, Evas_Ecore, Edje, Elm ... usable
	* use FFI::AutoPointer in ruby classes
	* cleanup method_missing proxies usage and definition
	* Eina_List <=> Array
	* Eina_Hash <=> Hash
	* .*= setters handled
	* .*? getters handled
	* evas test from http://docs.enlightenment.org/auto/evas/ implemented
	* edje test from http://docs.enlightenment.org/auto/edje/ implemented

2011-04-25 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* release 0.0.2
	* ecore getopt seems good
	* basis of module function mapping and class method_missing usage setup
	* small elementary elm_Win test app

2011-04-08 Jérémy Zurcher <jeremy@asynk.ch>
	* Project creation