path: root/lib/efl/ecore
diff options
authorJérémy Zurcher <>2011-04-29 14:04:47 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2011-04-29 14:07:18 +0200
commitc2855a3809a9c76a94e4434efe7caecef27b8a35 (patch)
treeca19f60adb65382f587ab2bdce6575b791321196 /lib/efl/ecore
parent308c072a8e809b5694225cb7fc29535f62bd6d3e (diff)
update efl/ecore* and specs
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/efl/ecore')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_evas.rb b/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_evas.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b4d4e..0000000
--- a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_evas.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-require 'efl/ffi/ecore/ecore_evas'
-module Efl
- module EcoreEvas
- #
- #
- end
-# EOF
diff --git a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_getopt.rb b/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_getopt.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be4a958..0000000
--- a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_getopt.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-require 'efl/ffi/ecore/ecore_getopt'
-module Efl
- module FFI
- #
- class EcoreGetoptValue < ::FFI::Union
- layout :strp, :pointer,
- :boolp, :eina_bool_p,
- :shortp, :short_p,
- :intp, :int_p,
- :longp, :long_p,
- :ushortp, :ushort_p,
- :uintp, :uint_p,
- :ulongp, :ulong_p,
- :doublep, :double_p,
- :listp, :eina_list_p,
- :ptrp, :void_p,
- end
- #
- class EcoreGetoptDescStoreDef < ::FFI::Union
- layout :strv, :pointer,
- :boolv, :uchar,
- :shortv, :short,
- :intv, :int,
- :longv, :long,
- :ushortv, :ushort,
- :uintv, :uint,
- :ulongv, :ulong,
- :doublev, :double,
- end
- #
- class EcoreGetoptDescStore < ::FFI::Struct
- layout :type, :ecore_getopt_type, # enum
- :arg_req, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement, # enum
- :def, EcoreGetoptDescStoreDef,
- end
- #
- callback :ecore_getopt_desc_cb, [:ecore_getopt_p, :ecore_getopt_desc_p, :string, :pointer, :ecore_getopt_value_p ], :eina_bool
- #
- class EcoreGetoptDescCallback < ::FFI::Struct
- layout :func, :ecore_getopt_desc_cb,
- :data, :pointer,
- :arg_req, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement, # enum
- :def, :pointer,
- end
- #
- class EcoreActionParam < ::FFI::Union
- layout :store, EcoreGetoptDescStore,
- :store_const, :pointer,
- :choices, :pointer,
- :append_type, :ecore_getopt_type, # enum
- :callback, EcoreGetoptDescCallback,
- :dummy, :pointer,
- end
- #
- class EcoreGetoptDesc < ::FFI::Struct
- layout :shortname, :char,
- :longname, :pointer,
- :help, :pointer,
- :metavar, :pointer,
- :action, :ecore_getopt_action, # enum
- :action_param, EcoreActionParam,
- end
- #
- class EcoreGetopt < ::FFI::Struct
- layout :prog, :pointer,
- :usage, :pointer,
- :version, :pointer,
- :copyright, :pointer,
- :license, :pointer,
- :description, :pointer,
- :strict, :char
-# :descs, :pointer, # NULL terminated EcoreGetopt_Desc[]
- def desc_ptr idx
- to_ptr+Efl::FFI::EcoreGetopt.size+(idx*Efl::FFI::EcoreGetoptDesc.size)
- end
- end
- #
- end
- #
- module EcoreGetopt
- class Parser
- def initialize desc
- @desc = desc
- @options = [
- [ 0, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0, {:dummy=>::FFI::Pointer::NULL} ]
- ]
- @values = [
- [ :ptrp, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL ]
- ]
- @refs = [] # to prevent ::FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string from beeing GC'ed
- end
- def p_from_string r
- return r if r==::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- p = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string r
- @refs << p
- p
- end
- def << o
- @options.insert -2, o
- end
- def value type, ptr
- @values.insert -2, [ type, ptr ]
- end
- def to_ptr
- @parser_p.to_ptr
- end
- def create
- @parser_p = (Efl::FFI::EcoreGetopt.size+Efl::FFI::EcoreGetoptDesc.size*@options.length), 1
- [:prog,:usage,:version,:copyright,:license,:description].each do |sym|
- @parser_p[sym] = ( @desc.has_key?(sym) ? ::FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(@desc[sym]) : ::FFI::Pointer::NULL )
- end
- @parser_p[:strict] = @desc[:strict] if @desc.has_key? :strict
- @options.each_with_index do |o,i|
- d = @parser_p.desc_ptr i
- d[:shortname] = o[0].ord
- d[:longname] = p_from_string o[1]
- d[:help] = p_from_string o[2]
- d[:metavar] = o[3]
- d[:action] = o[4]
- k, v = o[5]
- case k
- when :dummy
- d[:action_param][:dummy] = v
- when :callback
- cb = d[:action_param][:callback]
- cb[:func] = v[0]
- cb[:data] = v[1]
- cb[:arg_req] = v[2]
- cb[:def] = v[3]
- when :store
- st = d[:action_param][:store]
- st[:type] = v[0]
- st[:arg_req] = v[1]
- if not v[2].nil?
- if v[2][0]==:strv
- st[:def][:strv] = p_from_string v[2][1]
- else
- st[:def][v[2][0]] = v[2][1]
- end
- end
- when :store_const
- d[:action_param][:store_const] = v
- when :choices
- d[:action_param][:choices] = v
- when :append
- d[:action_param][:append_type] = v
- else
- d[:action_param][:dummy] = ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- end
- end
- @values_p = Efl::FFI::EcoreGetoptValue, @values.length, false
- @values.each_with_index do |v,i|
-*Efl::FFI::EcoreGetoptValue.size))[v[0]] = v[1]
- end
- end
- def parse argv
- ptr =, argv.length+1)
- argv.each_with_index do |s, i|
- ptr[i].put_pointer 0, p_from_string(s)
- end
- ptr[argv.length].put_pointer 0, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- Efl::EcoreGetopt.parse @parser_p, @values_p, argv.length, ptr
- end
- def store_full short, long, help, meta, type, arg_req, def_val
- self << [ short, long, help, meta, :ecore_getopt_action_store, [:store, [type,arg_req, def_val] ] ]
- end
- def store short, long, help, type
- store_full short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, type, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement_yes, nil
- end
- def store_type type, short, long, help
- store short, long, help, ('ecore_getopt_type_'+type.to_s).to_sym
- end
- def store_metavar short, long, help, meta, type
- store_full short, long, help, meta, type, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement_yes, nil
- end
- def store_meta_type type, short, long, help, meta
- store_metavar short, long, help, meta, ('ecore_getopt_type_'+type.to_s).to_sym
- end
- def store_def short, long, help, type, def_val
- store_full short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, type, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement_optional, def_val
- end
- def store_def_type type, short, long, help, def_val
- store_def short, long, help, ('ecore_getopt_type_'+type.to_s).to_sym, [ (type.to_s+'v').to_sym, def_val ]
- end
- def store_full_type type, short, long, help, meta, arg_req, def_val
- store_full short, long, help, meta, ('ecore_getopt_type_'+type.to_s).to_sym, arg_req, [ (type.to_s+'v').to_sym, def_val ]
- end
- def store_const short, long, help, value
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_store_const, [:store_const, value] ]
- end
- def store_true short, long, help
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_store_true, [:dummy,::FFI::MemoryPointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def store_false short, long, help
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_store_false, [:dummy,::FFI::MemoryPointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def choice short, long, help, choices
- ptr =, choices.length+1)
- choices.each_with_index do |s, i|
- ptr[i].put_pointer 0, p_from_string(s)
- end
- ptr[choices.length].put_pointer 0, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_choice, [:choices,ptr] ]
- end
- def choice_metavar short, long, help, meta, choices
- ptr =, choices.length+1)
- choices.each_with_index do |s, i|
- ptr[i].put_pointer 0, p_from_string(s)
- end
- ptr[choices.length].put_pointer 0, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- self << [ short, long, help, meta, :ecore_getopt_action_choice, [:choices,ptr] ]
- end
- def append short, long, help, sub_type
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_append, [:append,sub_type] ]
- end
- def append_metavar short, long, help, meta, sub_type
- self << [ short, long, help, meta, :ecore_getopt_action_append, [:append,sub_type] ]
- end
- def count short, long, help
- self << [ short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_count, [:dummy,::FFI::Pointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def callback_full short, long, help, meta, cb, data, arg_req, def_val
- self << [ short, long, help, meta, :ecore_getopt_action_callback, [:callback, [cb, data, arg_req,def_val] ] ]
- end
- def callback_noargs short, long, help, cb, data
- callback_full short, long, help, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, cb, data, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement_no, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- end
- def callback_args short, long, help, meta, cb, data
- callback_full short, long, help, meta, cb, data, :ecore_getopt_desc_arg_requirement_yes, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- end
- def help short, long
- self << [ short, long, 'show this message.', ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_help, [:dummy,::FFI::Pointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def version short, long
- self << [ short, long, 'show program version.', ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_version, [:dummy,::FFI::Pointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def copyright short, long
- self << [ short, long, 'show copyright.', ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_copyright, [:dummy,::FFI::Pointer::NULL] ]
- end
- def license short, long
- self << [ short, long, 'show license.', ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, :ecore_getopt_action_license, [:dummy,::FFI::Pointer::NULL] ]
- end
-# def sentinel
-# self << [ 0, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, ::FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0, {:dummy=>::FFI::Pointer::NULL} ]
-# end
- #
- def debug
- r = ''
- r << "#{self.class} : #{@parser_p.to_ptr}\n"
- [:prog,:usage,:version,:copyright,:license,:description].each do |sym|
- r<< " #{sym.to_s} : #{@parser_p[sym]==FFI::Pointer::NULL ? 'NULL' : @parser_p[sym].read_string}\n"
- end
- r << " strict : #{@parser_p[:strict]}\n"
- i=0
- while true
- d = @parser_p.desc_ptr i
- break if d[:shortname]==0 and d[:longname] == ::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- r << " desc #{d.to_ptr}\n"
- r << " short: #{d[:shortname].chr}\n" unless d[:shortname]==0
- r << " long: #{d[:longname].read_string}\n" unless d[:longname]==::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- r << " help: #{d[:help].read_string}\n" unless d[:help]==::FFI::Pointer::NULL
- i+=1
- end
- r
- end
- end
- end
- #
-# EOF
diff --git a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_input.rb b/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_input.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b7f579d..0000000
--- a/lib/efl/ecore/ecore_input.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-require 'efl/ffi/ecore/ecore_input'
-module Efl
- module EcoreInput
- #
- #
- end
-# EOF