#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Copyright 2012 Jérémy Zurcher # # This file is part of evendoors-ruby. # # evendoors-ruby is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # evendoors-ruby is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with evendoors-ruby. If not, see . # module EvenDoors # class Spin < Room # def initialize n, o={} super n, nil # @pool = {} # per particle class free list @sys_fifo = [] # system particles fifo list @app_fifo = [] # application particles fifo list # @run = false @hibernation = o['hibernation']||false @hibernate_path = 'evendoors-hibernate-'+n+'.json' @debug_errors = o[:debug_errors]||o['debug_errors']||false @debug_routing = o[:debug_routing]||o['debug_routing']||false # if not o.empty? o['spots'].each do |name,spot| EvenDoors::Room.json_create(spot.merge!('parent'=>self)) end if o['spots'] o['app_fifo'].each do |particle| @app_fifo << EvenDoors::Particle.json_create(particle.merge!('spin'=>self)) end if o['app_fifo'] o['sys_fifo'].each do |particle| @sys_fifo << EvenDoors::Particle.json_create(particle.merge!('spin'=>self)) end if o['sys_fifo'] end end # attr_accessor :run, :hibernate_path, :debug_errors, :debug_routing # def to_json *a { 'kls' => self.class.name, 'timestamp' => Time.now, 'name' => @name, 'hibernation' => @hibernation, 'spots' => @spots, 'sys_fifo' => @sys_fifo, 'app_fifo' => @app_fifo, 'debug_errors' => @debug_errors, 'debug_routing' => @debug_routing }.to_json(*a) end # def self.json_create o raise EvenDoors::Exception.new "JSON #{o['kls']} != #{self.name}" if o['kls'] != self.name self.new o['name'], o end # def clear! @spots.clear @pool.clear @sys_fifo.clear @app_fifo.clear end # # def release_p p # hope there is no circular loop while p2=p.merged_shift release_p p2 end ( @pool[p.class] ||= [] ) << p end # def require_p p_kls l = @pool[p_kls] return p_kls.new if l.nil? p = l.pop return p_kls.new if p.nil? p.reset! p end # def post_p p @app_fifo << p end # def post_sys_p p @sys_fifo << p end # def process_sys_p p if p.action==EvenDoors::SYS_ACT_HIBERNATE stop! hibernate! p[FIELD_HIBERNATE_PATH] else super p end end # def spin! @spots.values.each do |spot| spot.start! end unless @hibernation @run = true @hibernation = false while @run and (@sys_fifo.length>0 or @app_fifo.length>0) while @run and @sys_fifo.length>0 p = @sys_fifo.shift p.dst.process_sys_p p end while @run and @app_fifo.length>0 p = @app_fifo.shift p.dst.process_p p break end end @spots.values.each do |spot| spot.stop! end unless @hibernation end # def stop! @run=false end # def hibernate! path=nil @hibernation = true File.open(path||@hibernate_path,'w') do |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(self) end end # def self.resume! path self.json_create JSON.load File.open(path,'r') { |f| f.read } end # end # end # # EOF