path: root/lib/edoors/particle.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/edoors/particle.rb')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/edoors/particle.rb b/lib/edoors/particle.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c17f551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/edoors/particle.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2012 Jérémy Zurcher <>
+# This file is part of edoors-ruby.
+# edoors-ruby is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# edoors-ruby is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with edoors-ruby. If not, see <>.
+require 'time'
+module Edoors
+ #
+ class Particle
+ #
+ def initialize o={}
+ @ts = # creation time
+ @src = nil # Iota where it's originated from
+ @dst = nil # Iota where it's heading to
+ @room = nil # Room path part of the current destination
+ @door = nil # Door path part of the current destination
+ @action = nil # action part of the current destination
+ @link_value = nil # the value computed with the link_fields values extracted from the payload
+ # used for pearing Particles in Boards and linking in routing process
+ @dsts = [] # fifo of path?action strings where to travel to
+ @link_fields = [] # the fields used to generate the link value
+ @payload = {} # the actual data carried by this particle
+ @merged = [] # list of merged particles
+ #
+ if not o.empty?
+ @ts = Time.parse(o['ts']) if o['ts']
+ @room = o['room']
+ @door = o['door']
+ @action = o['action']
+ @payload = o['payload']||{}
+ @src = o['spin'].search_down o['src'] if o['src']
+ @dst = o['spin'].search_down o['dst'] if o['dst']
+ o['dsts'].each do |dst| add_dsts dst end if o['dsts']
+ set_link_fields *o['link_fields'] if o['link_fields']
+ o['merged'].each do |particle|
+ merge! Particle.json_create(particle.merge!('spin'=>o['spin']))
+ end if o['merged']
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ def to_json *a
+ {
+ 'kls' =>,
+ 'ts' => @ts,
+ 'src' => (@src ? @src.path : nil ),
+ 'dst' => (@dst ? @dst.path : nil ),
+ 'room' => @room,
+ 'door' => @door,
+ 'action' => @action,
+ 'dsts' => @dsts,
+ 'link_fields' => @link_fields,
+ 'payload' => @payload,
+ 'merged' => @merged
+ }.to_json *a
+ end
+ #
+ def self.json_create o
+ raise "JSON #{o['kls']} != #{}" if o['kls'] !=
+ o
+ end
+ #
+ # called when released
+ def reset!
+ @ts = @src = @dst = @room = @door = @action = @link_value = nil
+ @dsts.clear
+ @link_fields.clear
+ @payload.clear
+ @merged.clear
+ end
+ #
+ # called when sent
+ def init! src
+ @src = src
+ @ts =
+ @dst = @room = @door = @action = nil
+ end
+ #
+ attr_reader :ts, :src, :dst, :room, :door, :action, :link_value, :payload
+ #
+ # routing
+ #
+ def next_dst
+ @dsts[0]
+ end
+ #
+ def clear_dsts!
+ @dsts.clear
+ end
+ #
+ def add_dsts dsts
+ dsts.split(Edoors::LINK_SEP).each do |dst|
+ if dst.empty? or dst[0]==Edoors::PATH_SEP or dst[0]==Edoors::PATH_SEP or dst=~/\/\?/\
+ or dst=~/\/{2,}/ or dst=~/\s+/ or dst==Edoors::ACT_SEP
+ raise "destination #{dst} is not acceptable"
+ end
+ @dsts << dst
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ def add_dst a, d=''
+ add_dsts d+Edoors::ACT_SEP+a
+ end
+ #
+ def set_dst! a, d
+ @action = a
+ if d.is_a? Edoors::Iota
+ @dst = d
+ else
+ _split_path! d
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ def split_dst!
+ @dst = @room = @door = @action = nil
+ return if (n = next_dst).nil?
+ p, @action = n.split Edoors::ACT_SEP
+ _split_path! p
+ end
+ #
+ def _split_path! p
+ i = p.rindex Edoors::PATH_SEP
+ if i.nil?
+ @room = nil
+ @door = p
+ else
+ @room = p[0..i-1]
+ @door = p[i+1..-1]
+ end
+ @door = nil if @door.empty?
+ end
+ private :_split_path!
+ #
+ def dst_routed! dst
+ @dst = dst
+ @dsts.shift
+ end
+ #
+ def error! e, dst=nil
+ @action = Edoors::ACT_ERROR
+ @dst = dst||@src
+ @payload[Edoors::FIELD_ERROR_MSG]=e
+ end
+ #
+ def apply_link! lnk
+ init! lnk.door
+ clear_dsts!
+ add_dsts lnk.dsts
+ set_link_fields lnk.fields
+ end
+ #
+ # data manipulation
+ #
+ def []= k, v
+ @payload[k]=v
+ compute_link_value! if @link_fields.include? k
+ end
+ #
+ def set_data k, v
+ @payload[k] = v
+ compute_link_value! if @link_fields.include? k
+ end
+ #
+ def [] k
+ @payload[k]
+ end
+ #
+ def get_data k
+ @payload[k]
+ end
+ alias :data :get_data
+ #
+ def clone_data p
+ @payload = p.payload.clone
+ end
+ #
+ # link value and fields
+ #
+ def set_link_fields *args
+ @link_fields.clear if not @link_fields.empty?
+ args.compact!
+ args.each do |lfs|
+ lfs.split(',').each do |lf|
+ @link_fields << lf
+ end
+ end
+ compute_link_value!
+ end
+ #
+ def compute_link_value!
+ @link_value = @link_fields.inject('') { |s,lf| s+=@payload[lf].to_s if @payload[lf]; s }
+ end
+ #
+ # merge particles management
+ #
+ def merge! p
+ @merged << p
+ end
+ #
+ def merged i
+ @merged[i]
+ end
+ #
+ def merged_shift
+ @merged.shift
+ end
+ #
+ def clear_merged!
+ @merged.clear
+ end
+ #
+ end
+ #
+# EOF