object Settings { // when changing this, also look at 'scripts/gradingImpl' and the files in s3/settings // val courseId = "progfun-2012-001" def challengeUrl(courseId: String) = "https://class.coursera.org/"+ courseId +"/assignment/challenge" def submitUrl(courseId: String) = "https://class.coursera.org/"+ courseId +"/assignment/submit" // def forumUrl(courseId: String) = "https://class.coursera.org/"+ courseId +"/forum/index" // def submitQueueUrl(courseId: String) = "https://class.coursera.org/"+ courseId +"/assignment/api/pending_submission" def uploadFeedbackUrl(courseId: String) = "https://class.coursera.org/"+ courseId +"/assignment/api/score" val maxSubmitFileSize = { val mb = 1024 * 1024 10 * mb } val submissionDirName = "submission" val testResultsFileName = "scalaTestLog.txt" val policyFileName = "allowAllPolicy" val submissionJsonFileName = "submission.json" val submissionJarFileName = "submittedSrc.jar" // time in seconds that we give scalatest for running val scalaTestTimeout = 240 val individualTestTimeout = 30 // default weight of each test in a GradingSuite, in case no weight is given val scalaTestDefaultWeigth = 10 // when students leave print statements in their code, they end up in the output of the // system process running ScalaTest (ScalaTestRunner.scala); we need some limits. val maxOutputLines = 10*1000 val maxOutputLineLength = 1000 val scalaTestReportFileProperty = "scalatest.reportFile" val scalaTestIndividualTestTimeoutProperty = "scalatest.individualTestTimeout" val scalaTestReadableFilesProperty = "scalatest.readableFiles" val scalaTestDefaultWeigthProperty = "scalatest.defaultWeight" // debugging / developping options // don't decode json and unpack the submission sources, don't upload feedback val offlineMode = false }