name <<= submitProjectName(pname => "progfun-"+ pname) version := "1.0.0" scalaVersion := "2.10.1" scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-feature") libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "1.9.1" % "test" libraryDependencies += "junit" % "junit" % "4.10" % "test" // This setting defines the project to which a solution is submitted. When creating a // handout, the 'createHandout' task will make sure that its value is correct. submitProjectName := "patmat" // See documentation in ProgFunBuild.scala projectDetailsMap := { val currentCourseId = "progfun-002" Map( "example" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "example", assignmentPartId = "fTzFogNl", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "recfun" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "recfun", assignmentPartId = "3Rarn9Ki", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "funsets" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "funsets", assignmentPartId = "fBXOL6Qd", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "objsets" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "objsets", assignmentPartId = "95dMMEz7", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "patmat" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "patmat", assignmentPartId = "3gPmpcif", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "forcomp" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "forcomp", assignmentPartId = "fG1oZGIO", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId), "streams" -> ProjectDetails( packageName = "streams", assignmentPartId = "CWKgCFCi", maxScore = 10d, styleScoreRatio = 0.2, courseId=currentCourseId)//, // "simulations" -> ProjectDetails( // packageName = "simulations", // assignmentPartId = "iYs4GARk", // maxScore = 10d, // styleScoreRatio = 0.2, // courseId="progfun2-001"), // "interpreter" -> ProjectDetails( // packageName = "interpreter", // assignmentPartId = "1SZhe1Ut", // maxScore = 10d, // styleScoreRatio = 0.2, // courseId="progfun2-001") ) } // Files that we hand out to the students handoutFiles <<= (baseDirectory, projectDetailsMap, commonSourcePackages) map { (basedir, detailsMap, commonSrcs) => (projectName: String) => { val details = detailsMap.getOrElse(projectName, sys.error("Unknown project name: "+ projectName)) val commonFiles = (PathFinder.empty /: commonSrcs)((files, pkg) => files +++ (basedir / "src" / "main" / "scala" / pkg ** "*.scala") ) (basedir / "src" / "main" / "scala" / details.packageName ** "*.scala") +++ commonFiles +++ (basedir / "src" / "main" / "resources" / details.packageName ** "*") +++ (basedir / "src" / "test" / "scala" / details.packageName ** "*.scala") +++ (basedir / "build.sbt") +++ (basedir / "project" / "") +++ (basedir / "project" ** ("*.scala" || "*.sbt")) +++ (basedir / "project" / "scalastyle_config.xml") +++ (basedir / "lib_managed" ** "*.jar") +++ (basedir * (".classpath" || ".project")) +++ (basedir / ".settings" / "org.scala-ide.sdt.core.prefs") } } // This setting allows to restrict the source files that are compiled and tested // to one specific project. It should be either the empty string, in which case all // projects are included, or one of the project names from the projectDetailsMap. currentProject := "" // Packages in src/main/scala that are used in every project. Included in every // handout, submission. commonSourcePackages += "common" // Packages in src/test/scala that are used for grading projects. Always included // compiling tests, grading a project. gradingTestPackages += "grading"