import sbt._ import Keys._ import scalaz.Scalaz.mkIdentity import scalaz.{Success, Failure} import com.typesafe.sbteclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin.EclipseKeys /** * See for high-level overview * * Libraries Doc Links * * Coursera API * - * - the python script '' that can be downloaded from the above site * * SBT * - * - * - * - * - * - * -!forum/simple-build-tool * * Dispatch * - * - * - * * Scalaz * - * - * * Apache Commons Codec 1.4 * -!/index.html * * Scalatest * - */ object ProgFunBuild extends Build { /*********************************************************** * MAIN PROJECT DEFINITION */ lazy val assignmentProject = Project(id = "assignment", base = file(".")) settings( // 'submit' depends on 'packageSrc', so needs to be a project-level setting: on build-level, 'packageSrc' is not defined submitSetting, createHandoutSetting, // put all libs in the lib_managed directory, that way we can distribute eclipse project files retrieveManaged := true, EclipseKeys.relativizeLibs := true, // Avoid generating eclipse source entries for the java directories (unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile) <<= (scalaSource in Compile)(Seq(_)), (unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test) <<= (scalaSource in Test)(Seq(_)), commonSourcePackages := Seq(), // see build.sbt gradingTestPackages := Seq(), // see build.sbt selectMainSources, selectTestSources, scalaTestSetting, styleCheckSetting, setTestPropertiesSetting, setTestPropertiesHook ) settings (packageSubmissionFiles: _*) /*********************************************************** * SETTINGS AND TASKS */ /** The 'submit' task uses this project name (defined in the build.sbt file) to know where to submit the solution */ val submitProjectName = SettingKey[String]("submitProjectName") /** Project-specific settings, see main build.sbt */ val projectDetailsMap = SettingKey[Map[String, ProjectDetails]]("projectDetailsMap") /** * The files that are handed out to students. Accepts a string denoting the project name for * which a handout will be generated. */ val handoutFiles = TaskKey[String => PathFinder]("handoutFiles") /** * This setting allows to restrict the source files that are compiled and tested * to one specific project. It should be either the empty string, in which case all * projects are included, or one of the project names from the projectDetailsMap. */ val currentProject = SettingKey[String]("currentProject") /** Package names of source packages common for all projects, see comment in build.sbt */ val commonSourcePackages = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("commonSourcePackages") /** Package names of test sources for grading, see comment in build.sbt */ val gradingTestPackages = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("gradingTestPackages") /************************************************************ * SUBMITTING A SOLUTION TO COURSERA */ val packageSubmission = TaskKey[File]("packageSubmission") val packageSubmissionFiles = { // the packageSrc task uses Defaults.packageSrcMappings, which is defined as concatMappings(resourceMappings, sourceMappings) // in the packageSubmisson task we only use the sources, not the resources. inConfig(Compile)(Defaults.packageTaskSettings(packageSubmission, Defaults.sourceMappings)) } /** Task to submit a solution to coursera */ val submit = InputKey[Unit]("submit") lazy val submitSetting = submit <<= inputTask { argTask => (argTask, compile in Compile, currentProject, (packageSubmission in Compile), submitProjectName, projectDetailsMap, streams) map { (args, _, currentProject, sourcesJar, projectName, detailsMap, s) => if (currentProject != "") { val msg = """The 'currentProject' setting is not empty: '%s' | |This error only appears if there are mistakes in the build scripts. Please re-download the assignment |from the coursera webiste. Make sure that you did not perform any changes to the build files in the |`project/` directory. If this error persits, ask for help on the course forums.""".format(currentProject).stripMargin +"\n " s.log.error(msg) failSubmit() } else { lazy val wrongNameMsg = """Unknown project name: %s | |This error only appears if there are mistakes in the build scripts. Please re-download the assignment |from the coursera webiste. Make sure that you did not perform any changes to the build files in the |`project/` directory. If this error persits, ask for help on the course forums.""".format(projectName).stripMargin +"\n " // log strips empty lines at the ond of `msg`. to have one we add "\n " val details = detailsMap.getOrElse(projectName, {s.log.error(wrongNameMsg); failSubmit()}) args match { case email :: otPassword :: Nil => submitSources(sourcesJar, details, email, otPassword, s.log) case _ => val msg = """No e-mail address and / or submission password provided. The required syntax for `submit` is | submit <e-mail> <submissionPassword> | |The submission password, which is NOT YOUR LOGIN PASSWORD, can be obtained from the assignment page |""".format(details.courseId).stripMargin +"\n " s.log.error(msg) failSubmit() } } } } def submitSources(sourcesJar: File, submitProject: ProjectDetails, email: String, otPassword: String, logger: Logger) { import CourseraHttp._"Connecting to coursera. Obtaining challenge...") val res = for { challenge <- getChallenge(email, submitProject) chResponse <- {"Computing challenge response...") challengeResponse(challenge, otPassword).successNel[String] } response <- {"Submitting solution...") submitSolution(sourcesJar, submitProject, challenge, chResponse) } } yield response res match { case Failure(msgs) => for (msg <- msgs.list) logger.error(msg) failSubmit() case Success(response) => logger.success("Your code was successfully submitted: "+ response) } } def failSubmit(): Nothing = { sys.error("Submission failed") } /*********************************************************** * CREATE THE HANDOUT ZIP FILE */ val createHandout = InputKey[File]("createHandout") // depends on "compile in Test" to make sure everything compiles. also makes sure that // all dependencies are downloaded, because we pack the .jar files into the handout. lazy val createHandoutSetting = createHandout <<= inputTask { argTask => (argTask, currentProject, baseDirectory, handoutFiles, submitProjectName, target, projectDetailsMap, compile in Test) map { (args, currentProject, basedir, filesFinder, submitProject, targetDir, detailsMap, _) => if (currentProject != "") sys.error("\nthe 'currentProject' setting in build.sbt needs to be \"\" in order to create a handout") else args match { case handoutProjectName :: eclipseDone :: Nil if eclipseDone == "eclipseWasCalled" => if (handoutProjectName != submitProject) sys.error("\nThe `submitProjectName` setting in `build.sbt` must match the project name for which a handout is generated\n ") val files = filesFinder(handoutProjectName).get val filesWithRelativeNames = files.x_!(relativeTo(basedir)) map { case (file, name) => (file, handoutProjectName+"/"+name) } val targetZip = targetDir / (handoutProjectName +".zip"), targetZip) targetZip case _ => val msg =""" | |Failed to create handout. Syntax: `createHandout <projectName> <eclipseWasCalled>` | |Valid project names are: %s | |The argument <eclipseWasCalled> needs to be the string "eclipseWasCalled". This is to remind |you that you **need** to manually run the `eclipse` command before running `createHandout`. | """.stripMargin.format(detailsMap.keys.mkString(", ")) sys.error(msg) } } } /************************************************************ * LIMITING SOURCES TO CURRENT PROJECT */ def filter(basedir: File, packages: Seq[String]) = new FileFilter { def accept(file: File) = { basedir.equals(file) || { IO.relativize(basedir, file) match { case Some(str) => packages exists { pkg => str.startsWith(pkg) } case _ => sys.error("unexpected test file: "+ file +"\nbase dir: "+ basedir) } } } } def projectFiles(allFiles: Seq[File], basedir: File, projectName: String, globalPackages: Seq[String], detailsMap: Map[String, ProjectDetails]) = { if (projectName == "") allFiles else detailsMap.get(projectName) match { case Some(project) => val finder = allFiles ** filter(basedir, globalPackages :+ project.packageName) finder.get case None => sys.error("currentProject is set to an invalid name: "+ projectName) } } /** * Only include source files of 'currentProject', helpful when preparign a specific assignment. * Also keeps the source packages in 'commonSourcePackages'. */ val selectMainSources = { (unmanagedSources in Compile) <<= (unmanagedSources in Compile, scalaSource in Compile, projectDetailsMap, currentProject, commonSourcePackages) map { (sources, srcMainScalaDir, detailsMap, projectName, commonSrcs) => projectFiles(sources, srcMainScalaDir, projectName, commonSrcs, detailsMap) } } /** * Only include the test files which are defined in the package of the current project. * Also keeps test sources in packages listed in 'gradingTestPackages'. */ val selectTestSources = { (unmanagedSources in Test) <<= (unmanagedSources in Test, scalaSource in Test, projectDetailsMap, currentProject, gradingTestPackages) map { (sources, srcTestScalaDir, detailsMap, projectName, gradingSrcs) => projectFiles(sources, srcTestScalaDir, projectName, gradingSrcs, detailsMap) } } /************************************************************ * PARAMETERS FOR RUNNING THE TESTS * * Setting some system properties that are parameters for the GradingSuite test * suite mixin. This is for running the `test` task in SBT's JVM. When running * the `scalaTest` task, the ScalaTestRunner creates a new JVM and passes the * same properties. */ val setTestProperties = TaskKey[Unit]("setTestProperties") val setTestPropertiesSetting = setTestProperties := { import scala.util.Properties._ import Settings._ setProp(scalaTestIndividualTestTimeoutProperty, individualTestTimeout.toString) setProp(scalaTestDefaultWeigthProperty, scalaTestDefaultWeigth.toString) } val setTestPropertiesHook = (test in Test) <<= (test in Test).dependsOn(setTestProperties) /************************************************************ * RUNNING WEIGHTED SCALATEST & STYLE CHECKER ON DEVELOPMENT SOURCES */ def copiedResourceFiles(copied: collection.Seq[(,]): List[File] = { copied collect { case (from, to) if to.isFile => to } toList } val scalaTest = TaskKey[Unit]("scalaTest") val scalaTestSetting = scalaTest <<= (compile in Compile, compile in Test, fullClasspath in Test, copyResources in Compile, classDirectory in Test, baseDirectory, streams) map { (_, _, classpath, resources, testClasses, basedir, s) => // we use `map`, so this is only executed if all dependencies succeed. no need to check `GradingFeedback.isFailed` val logger = s.log val outfile = basedir / Settings.testResultsFileName val policyFile = basedir / Settings.policyFileName val (score, maxScore, feedback, runLog) = ScalaTestRunner.runScalaTest(classpath, testClasses, outfile, policyFile, copiedResourceFiles(resources), logger.error(_))"Test Score: "+ score +" out of "+ maxScore) if (!runLog.isEmpty) {"Console output of ScalaTest process") } } val styleCheck = TaskKey[Unit]("styleCheck") /** * depend on compile to make sure the sources pass the compiler */ val styleCheckSetting = styleCheck <<= (compile in Compile, sources in Compile, streams) map { (_, sourceFiles, s) => val logger = s.log val (feedback, score) = StyleChecker.assess(sourceFiles)"Style Score: "+ score +" out of "+ StyleChecker.maxResult) } /************************************************************ * PROJECT DEFINITION FOR GRADING */ lazy val submissionProject = Project(id = "submission", base = file(Settings.submissionDirName)) settings( /** settings we take over from the assignment project */ version <<= (version in assignmentProject), name <<= (name in assignmentProject), scalaVersion <<= (scalaVersion in assignmentProject), scalacOptions <<= (scalacOptions in assignmentProject), libraryDependencies <<= (libraryDependencies in assignmentProject), /** settings specific to the grading project */ initGradingSetting, // default value, don't change. see comment on `val partIdOfGradingProject` partIdOfGradingProject := "", gradeProjectDetailsSetting, setMaxScoreSetting, setMaxScoreHook, // default value, don't change. see comment on `val apiKey` apiKey := "", getSubmissionSetting, getSubmissionHook, submissionLoggerSetting, readCompileLog, readTestCompileLog, setTestPropertiesSetting, setTestPropertiesHook, resourcesFromAssignment, selectResourcesForProject, testSourcesFromAssignment, selectTestsForProject, scalaTestSubmissionSetting, styleCheckSubmissionSetting, gradeSetting, EclipseKeys.skipProject := true ) /** * The assignment part id of the project to be graded. Don't hard code this setting in .sbt or .scala, this * setting should remain a (command-line) parameter of the `submission/grade` task, defined when invoking sbt. * See also feedback string in "val gradeProjectDetailsSetting". */ val partIdOfGradingProject = SettingKey[String]("partIdOfGradingProject") /** * The api key to access non-public api parts on coursera. This key is secret! It's defined in * 'submission/settings.sbt', which is not part of the handout. * * Default value 'apiKey' to make the handout sbt project work * - In the handout, apiKey needs to be defined, otherwise the build doesn't compile * - When correcting, we define 'apiKey' in the 'submission/sectrets.sbt' file * - The value in the .sbt file will take precedence when correcting (settings in .sbt take * precedence over those in .scala) */ val apiKey = SettingKey[String]("apiKey") /************************************************************ * GRADING INITIALIZATION */ val initGrading = TaskKey[Unit]("initGrading") lazy val initGradingSetting = initGrading <<= (clean, sourceDirectory, baseDirectory) map { (_, submissionSrcDir, basedir) => deleteFiles(submissionSrcDir, basedir) GradingFeedback.initialize() RecordingLogger.clear() } def deleteFiles(submissionSrcDir: File, basedir: File) { // don't delete anything in offline mode, useful for us when hacking testing / stylechecking if (!Settings.offlineMode){ IO.delete(submissionSrcDir) IO.delete(basedir / Settings.submissionJarFileName) IO.delete(basedir / Settings.testResultsFileName) } } /** ProjectDetails of the project that we are grading */ val gradeProjectDetails = TaskKey[ProjectDetails]("gradeProjectDetails") // here we depend on `initialize` because we already use the GradingFeedback lazy val gradeProjectDetailsSetting = gradeProjectDetails <<= (initGrading, partIdOfGradingProject, projectDetailsMap in assignmentProject) map { (_, partId, detailsMap) => detailsMap.find(_._2.assignmentPartId == partId) match { case Some((_, details)) => details case None => val validIds = val msgRaw = """Unknown assignment part id: %s |Valid part ids are: %s | |In order to grade a project, the `partIdOfGradingProject` setting has to be defined. If you are running |interactively in the sbt console, type `set (partIdOfGradingProject in submissionProject) := "idString"`. |When running the grading task from the command line, add the above `set` command, e.g. execute | | sbt 'set (partIdOfGradingProject in submissionProject) := "idString"' submission/grade""" val msg = msgRaw.stripMargin.format(partId, validIds.mkString(", ")) + "\n " GradingFeedback.downloadUnpackFailed(msg) sys.error(msg) } } val setMaxScore = TaskKey[Unit]("setMaxScore") val setMaxScoreSetting = setMaxScore <<= (gradeProjectDetails) map { project => GradingFeedback.setMaxScore(project.maxScore, project.styleScoreRatio) } // set the maximal score before running compile / test / ... val setMaxScoreHook = (compile in Compile) <<= (compile in Compile).dependsOn(setMaxScore) /************************************************************ * DOWNLOADING AND EXTRACTING SUBMISSION */ val getSubmission = TaskKey[Unit]("getSubmission") val getSubmissionSetting = getSubmission <<= (baseDirectory, scalaSource in Compile) map { (baseDir, scalaSrcDir) => readAndUnpackSubmission(baseDir, scalaSrcDir) } def readAndUnpackSubmission(baseDir: File, targetSourceDir: File) { try { val jsonFile = baseDir / Settings.submissionJsonFileName val targetJar = baseDir / Settings.submissionJarFileName val res = for { queueResult <- { if (Settings.offlineMode) { println("[not unpacking from json file]") QueueResult("").successNel } else { CourseraHttp.readJsonFile(jsonFile, targetJar) } } _ <- { GradingFeedback.apiState = queueResult.apiState CourseraHttp.unpackJar(targetJar, targetSourceDir) } } yield () res match { case Failure(msgs) => GradingFeedback.downloadUnpackFailed(msgs.list.mkString("\n")) case _ => () } } catch { case e: Throwable => // generate some useful feedback in case something fails GradingFeedback.downloadUnpackFailed(CourseraHttp.fullExceptionString(e)) throw e } if (GradingFeedback.isFailed) failDownloadUnpack() } // dependsOn makes sure that `getSubmission` is executed *before* `unmanagedSources` val getSubmissionHook = (unmanagedSources in Compile) <<= (unmanagedSources in Compile).dependsOn(getSubmission) def failDownloadUnpack(): Nothing = { sys.error("Download or Unpack failed") } /************************************************************ * READING COMPILATION AND TEST COMPILATION LOGS */ // extraLoggers need to be defined globally. (extraLoggers in Compile) does not work - sbt only // looks at the global extraLoggers when creating the LogManager. val submissionLoggerSetting = extraLoggers ~= { currentFunction => (key: ScopedKey[_]) => { new FullLogger(RecordingLogger) +: currentFunction(key) } } val readCompileLog = (compile in Compile) <<= (compile in Compile) mapR handleFailure(compileFailed) val readTestCompileLog = (compile in Test) <<= (compile in Test) mapR handleFailure(compileTestFailed) def handleFailure[R](handler: (Incomplete, String) => Unit) = (res: Result[R]) => res match { case Inc(inc) => // Only call the handler of the task that actually failed. See comment in GradingFeedback.failed if (!GradingFeedback.isFailed) handler(inc, RecordingLogger.readAndClear()) throw inc case Value(v) => v } def compileFailed(inc: Incomplete, log: String) { GradingFeedback.compileFailed(log) } def compileTestFailed(inc: Incomplete, log: String) { GradingFeedback.testCompileFailed(log) } /************************************************************ * RUNNING SCALATEST */ /** The submission project takes resource files from the main (assignment) project */ val resourcesFromAssignment = { (resourceDirectory in Compile) <<= (resourceDirectory in (assignmentProject, Compile)) } /** * Only include the resource files which are defined in the package of the current project. */ val selectResourcesForProject = { (resources in Compile) <<= (resources in Compile, resourceDirectory in (assignmentProject, Compile), gradeProjectDetails) map { (resources, resourceDir, project) => val finder = resources ** filter(resourceDir, List(project.packageName)) finder.get } } /** The submission project takes test files from the main (assignment) project */ val testSourcesFromAssignment = { (sourceDirectory in Test) <<= (sourceDirectory in (assignmentProject, Test)) } /** * Only include the test files which are defined in the package of the current project. * Also keeps test sources in packages listed in 'gradingTestPackages' */ val selectTestsForProject = { (unmanagedSources in Test) <<= (unmanagedSources in Test, scalaSource in (assignmentProject, Test), gradingTestPackages in assignmentProject, gradeProjectDetails) map { (sources, testSrcScalaDir, gradingSrcs, project) => val finder = sources ** filter(testSrcScalaDir, gradingSrcs :+ project.packageName) finder.get } } val scalaTestSubmission = TaskKey[Unit]("scalaTestSubmission") val scalaTestSubmissionSetting = scalaTestSubmission <<= (compile in Compile, compile in Test, fullClasspath in Test, copyResources in Compile, classDirectory in Test, baseDirectory) map { (_, _, classpath, resources, testClasses, basedir) => // we use `map`, so this is only executed if all dependencies succeed. no need to check `GradingFeedback.isFailed` val outfile = basedir / Settings.testResultsFileName val policyFile = basedir / ".." / Settings.policyFileName ScalaTestRunner.scalaTestGrade(classpath, testClasses, outfile, policyFile, copiedResourceFiles(resources)) } /************************************************************ * STYLE CHECKING */ val styleCheckSubmission = TaskKey[Unit]("styleCheckSubmission") /** * - depend on scalaTestSubmission so that test get executed before style checking. the transitive * dependencies also ensures that the "sources in Compile" don't have compilation errors * - using `map` makes this task execute only if all its dependencies succeeded. */ val styleCheckSubmissionSetting = styleCheckSubmission <<= (sources in Compile, scalaTestSubmission) map { (sourceFiles, _) => val (feedback, score) = StyleChecker.assess(sourceFiles) if (score == StyleChecker.maxResult) { GradingFeedback.perfectStyle() } else { val gradeScore = GradingFeedback.maxStyleScore * score / StyleChecker.maxResult GradingFeedback.styleProblems(feedback, gradeScore) } } /************************************************************ * SUBMITTING GRADES TO COURSERA */ val grade = TaskKey[Unit]("grade") // mapR: submit the grade / feedback in any case, also on failure val gradeSetting = grade <<= (scalaTestSubmission, styleCheckSubmission, apiKey, gradeProjectDetails, streams) mapR { (_, _, apiKeyR, projectDetailsR, s) => val logOpt = s match { case Value(v) => Some(v.log) case _ => None } logOpt.foreach( = false))) apiKeyR match { case Value(apiKey) if (!apiKey.isEmpty) => // if build failed early, we did not even get the api key from the submission queue if (!GradingFeedback.apiState.isEmpty && !Settings.offlineMode) { val scoreString = "%.2f".format(GradingFeedback.totalScore) val Value(projectDetails) = projectDetailsR CourseraHttp.submitGrade(GradingFeedback.feedbackString(), scoreString, GradingFeedback.apiState, apiKey, projectDetails) match { case Failure(msgs) => sys.error(msgs.list.mkString("\n")) case _ => () } } else if(Settings.offlineMode) { logOpt.foreach(" \nSettings.offlineMode enabled, not uploading the feedback")) } else { sys.error("Could not submit feedback - apiState not initialized") } case _ => sys.error("Could not submit feedback - apiKey not defined: "+ apiKeyR) } } } case class ProjectDetails(packageName: String, assignmentPartId: String, maxScore: Double, styleScoreRatio: Double, courseId: String)