/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 : */ public class Percolation { private int N; private boolean[] opened; // to implement percolates, uses top and bottom virtual sites private WeightedQuickUnionUF p; // to implement isFull, uses only top virtual site private WeightedQuickUnionUF f; // create N-by-N grid, with all sites blocked public Percolation(int N) { this.N = N; int n = (N*N)+2; p = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(n); f = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(n); opened = new boolean[n]; opened[0] = true; opened[n-1] = true; } // open site (row i, column j) if it is not already public void open(int i, int j) { if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > N || j > N) throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException("check your indexes"); int x = (i-1)*N+j; if (opened[x]) return; opened[x] = true; // left if (j > 1 && opened[x-1]) { p.union(x, x-1); f.union(x, x-1); } // right if (j < N && opened[x+1]) { p.union(x, x+1); f.union(x, x+1); } // virtual top if (i == 1) { f.union(0, x); p.union(0, x); if (opened[x+N]) { p.union(x, x+N); f.union(x, x+N); } } else if (i == N) { // virtual bottom // only connect percolation p.union(N*N+1, x); if (opened[x-N]) { p.union(x, x-N); f.union(x, x-N); } } else { // up if (opened[x-N]) { p.union(x, x-N); f.union(x, x-N); } // down if (opened[x+N]) { p.union(x, x+N); f.union(x, x+N); } } } // is site (row i, column j) open? public boolean isOpen(int i, int j) { if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > N || j > N) throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException("check your indexes"); return opened[(i-1)*N+j]; } // is site (row i, column j) full? public boolean isFull(int i, int j) { if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > N || j > N) throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException("check your indexes"); int x = (i-1)*N+j; return (opened[x] && (f.find(x) == f.find(0))); } // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() { return (p.find(0) == p.find(N*N+1)); } }