path: root/Scala/streams/src/main/scala
diff options
authorJérémy Zurcher <>2013-05-17 16:43:31 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2016-11-10 18:03:25 +0100
commitd8d74ed55984d2ae39cbdb965dd42bba984735a9 (patch)
tree592cafc584e08ce997378f69f86ebf4d80d44674 /Scala/streams/src/main/scala
parent12a9fca3908dc0b9bf7d51abd37db542b4600bb1 (diff)
Scala : add streams assignment
Diffstat (limited to 'Scala/streams/src/main/scala')
6 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/common/package.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/common/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c74c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/common/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package object common {
+ /** An alias for the `Nothing` type.
+ * Denotes that the type should be filled in.
+ */
+ type ??? = Nothing
+ /** An alias for the `Any` type.
+ * Denotes that the type should be filled in.
+ */
+ type *** = Any
+ /**
+ * Get a child of a file. For example,
+ *
+ * subFile(homeDir, "b", "c")
+ *
+ * corresponds to ~/b/c
+ */
+ def subFile(file: File, children: String*) = {
+ children.foldLeft(file)((file, child) => new File(file, child))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a resource from the `src/main/resources` directory. Eclipse does not copy
+ * resources to the output directory, then the class loader cannot find them.
+ */
+ def resourceAsStreamFromSrc(resourcePath: List[String]): Option[] = {
+ val classesDir = new File(getClass.getResource(".").toURI)
+ val projectDir = classesDir.getParentFile.getParentFile.getParentFile.getParentFile
+ val resourceFile = subFile(projectDir, ("src" :: "main" :: "resources" :: resourcePath): _*)
+ if (resourceFile.exists)
+ Some(new
+ else
+ None
+ }
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Bloxorz.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Bloxorz.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0eaf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Bloxorz.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package streams
+ * A main object that can be used to execute the Bloxorz solver
+ */
+object Bloxorz extends App {
+ /**
+ * A level constructed using the `InfiniteTerrain` trait which defines
+ * the terrain to be valid at every position.
+ */
+ object InfiniteLevel extends Solver with InfiniteTerrain {
+ val startPos = Pos(1,3)
+ val goal = Pos(5,8)
+ }
+ println(InfiniteLevel.solution)
+ /**
+ * A simple level constructed using the StringParserTerrain
+ */
+ abstract class Level extends Solver with StringParserTerrain
+ object Level0 extends Level {
+ val level =
+ """------
+ |--ST--
+ |--oo--
+ |--oo--
+ |------""".stripMargin
+ }
+ println(Level0.solution)
+ /**
+ * Level 1 of the official Bloxorz game
+ */
+ object Level1 extends Level {
+ val level =
+ """ooo-------
+ |oSoooo----
+ |ooooooooo-
+ |-ooooooooo
+ |-----ooToo
+ |------ooo-""".stripMargin
+ }
+ println(Level1.solution)
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/GameDef.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/GameDef.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a679e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/GameDef.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+package streams
+import common._
+ * This trait represents the layout and building blocks of the game
+ *
+ * @TODO: SHOULD RENAME `x` and `y` in class Pos to `row` and `col`. It's
+ * confusing to have `x` being the vertical axis.
+ */
+trait GameDef {
+ /**
+ * The case class `Pos` encodes positions in the terrain.
+ *
+ * - The `x` coordinate denotes the position on the vertical axis
+ * - The `y` coordinate is used for the horizontal axis
+ * - The coordinates increase when moving down and right
+ *
+ * Illustration:
+ *
+ * 0 1 2 3 <- y axis
+ * 0 o o o o
+ * 1 o o o o
+ * 2 o # o o # is at position Pos(2, 1)
+ * 3 o o o o
+ *
+ * ^
+ * |
+ *
+ * x axis
+ */
+ case class Pos(x: Int, y: Int) {
+ /** The position obtained by changing the `x` coordinate by `d` */
+ def dx(d: Int) = copy(x = x + d)
+ /** The position obtained by changing the `y` coordinate by `d` */
+ def dy(d: Int) = copy(y = y + d)
+ }
+ /**
+ * The position where the block is located initially.
+ *
+ * This value is left abstract, it will be defined in concrete
+ * instances of the game.
+ */
+ val startPos: Pos
+ /**
+ * The target position where the block has to go.
+ * This value is left abstract.
+ */
+ val goal: Pos
+ /**
+ * The terrain is represented as a function from positions to
+ * booleans. The function returns `true` for every position that
+ * is inside the terrain.
+ *
+ * As explained in the documentation of class `Pos`, the `x` axis
+ * is the vertical one and increases from top to bottom.
+ */
+ type Terrain = Pos => Boolean
+ /**
+ * The terrain of this game. This value is left abstract.
+ */
+ val terrain: Terrain
+ /**
+ * In Bloxorz, we can move left, right, Up or down.
+ * These moves are encoded as case objects.
+ */
+ sealed abstract class Move
+ case object Left extends Move
+ case object Right extends Move
+ case object Up extends Move
+ case object Down extends Move
+ /**
+ * This function returns the block at the start position of
+ * the game.
+ */
+ def startBlock: Block = ???
+ /**
+ * A block is represented by the position of the two cubes that
+ * it consists of. We make sure that `b1` is lexicographically
+ * smaller than `b2`.
+ */
+ case class Block(b1: Pos, b2: Pos) {
+ // checks the requirement mentioned above
+ require(b1.x <= b2.x && b1.y <= b2.y, "Invalid block position: b1=" + b1 + ", b2=" + b2)
+ /**
+ * Returns a block where the `x` coordinates of `b1` and `b2` are
+ * changed by `d1` and `d2`, respectively.
+ */
+ def dx(d1: Int, d2: Int) = Block(b1.dx(d1), b2.dx(d2))
+ /**
+ * Returns a block where the `y` coordinates of `b1` and `b2` are
+ * changed by `d1` and `d2`, respectively.
+ */
+ def dy(d1: Int, d2: Int) = Block(b1.dy(d1), b2.dy(d2))
+ /** The block obtained by moving left */
+ def left = if (isStanding) dy(-2, -1)
+ else if (b1.x == b2.x) dy(-1, -2)
+ else dy(-1, -1)
+ /** The block obtained by moving right */
+ def right = if (isStanding) dy(1, 2)
+ else if (b1.x == b2.x) dy(2, 1)
+ else dy(1, 1)
+ /** The block obtained by moving up */
+ def up = if (isStanding) dx(-2, -1)
+ else if (b1.x == b2.x) dx(-1, -1)
+ else dx(-1, -2)
+ /** The block obtained by moving down */
+ def down = if (isStanding) dx(1, 2)
+ else if (b1.x == b2.x) dx(1, 1)
+ else dx(2, 1)
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of blocks that can be obtained by moving
+ * the current block, together with the corresponding move.
+ */
+ def neighbors: List[(Block, Move)] = ???
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of positions reachable from the current block
+ * which are inside the terrain.
+ */
+ def legalNeighbors: List[(Block, Move)] = ???
+ /**
+ * Returns `true` if the block is standing.
+ */
+ def isStanding: Boolean = ???
+ /**
+ * Returns `true` if the block is entirely inside the terrain.
+ */
+ def isLegal: Boolean = ???
+ }
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/InfiniteTerrain.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/InfiniteTerrain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d2e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/InfiniteTerrain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package streams
+ * This trait defines an infinite terrain, where the block can
+ * go on any position.
+ *
+ * It keeps the `startPos` and the `goal` positions abstract.
+ *
+ * Using this trait is useful for testing. It can be used to find
+ * the shortest path between two positions without terrain
+ * restrictions.
+ */
+trait InfiniteTerrain extends GameDef {
+ val terrain: Terrain = (pos: Pos) => true
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Solver.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Solver.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6aa237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/Solver.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package streams
+import common._
+ * This component implements the solver for the Bloxorz game
+ */
+trait Solver extends GameDef {
+ /**
+ * Returns `true` if the block `b` is at the final position
+ */
+ def done(b: Block): Boolean = ???
+ /**
+ * This function takes two arguments: the current block `b` and
+ * a list of moves `history` that was required to reach the
+ * position of `b`.
+ *
+ * The `head` element of the `history` list is the latest move
+ * that was executed, i.e. the last move that was performed for
+ * the block to end up at position `b`.
+ *
+ * The function returns a stream of pairs: the first element of
+ * the each pair is a neighboring block, and the second element
+ * is the augmented history of moves required to reach this block.
+ *
+ * It should only return valid neighbors, i.e. block positions
+ * that are inside the terrain.
+ */
+ def neighborsWithHistory(b: Block, history: List[Move]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = ???
+ /**
+ * This function returns the list of neighbors without the block
+ * positions that have already been explored. We will use it to
+ * make sure that we don't explore circular paths.
+ */
+ def newNeighborsOnly(neighbors: Stream[(Block, List[Move])],
+ explored: Set[Block]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = ???
+ /**
+ * The function `from` returns the stream of all possible paths
+ * that can be followed, starting at the `head` of the `initial`
+ * stream.
+ *
+ * The blocks in the stream `initial` are sorted by ascending path
+ * length: the block positions with the shortest paths (length of
+ * move list) are at the head of the stream.
+ *
+ * The parameter `explored` is a set of block positions that have
+ * been visited before, on the path to any of the blocks in the
+ * stream `initial`. When search reaches a block that has already
+ * been explored before, that position should not be included a
+ * second time to avoid cycles.
+ *
+ * The resulting stream should be sorted by ascending path length,
+ * i.e. the block positions that can be reached with the fewest
+ * amount of moves should appear first in the stream.
+ *
+ * Note: the solution should not look at or compare the lengths
+ * of different paths - the implementation should naturally
+ * construct the correctly sorted stream.
+ */
+ def from(initial: Stream[(Block, List[Move])],
+ explored: Set[Block]): Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = ???
+ /**
+ * The stream of all paths that begin at the starting block.
+ */
+ lazy val pathsFromStart: Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = ???
+ /**
+ * Returns a stream of all possible pairs of the goal block along
+ * with the history how it was reached.
+ */
+ lazy val pathsToGoal: Stream[(Block, List[Move])] = ???
+ /**
+ * The (or one of the) shortest sequence(s) of moves to reach the
+ * goal. If the goal cannot be reached, the empty list is returned.
+ *
+ * Note: the `head` element of the returned list should represent
+ * the first move that the player should perform from the starting
+ * position.
+ */
+ lazy val solution: List[Move] = ???
diff --git a/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/StringParserTerrain.scala b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/StringParserTerrain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e9a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/src/main/scala/streams/StringParserTerrain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package streams
+import common._
+ * This component implements a parser to define terrains from a
+ * graphical ASCII representation.
+ *
+ * When mixing in that component, a level can be defined by
+ * defining the field `level` in the following form:
+ *
+ * val level =
+ * """------
+ * |--ST--
+ * |--oo--
+ * |--oo--
+ * |------""".stripMargin
+ *
+ * - The `-` character denotes parts which are outside the terrain
+ * - `o` denotes fields which are part of the terrain
+ * - `S` denotes the start position of the block (which is also considered
+ inside the terrain)
+ * - `T` denotes the final position of the block (which is also considered
+ inside the terrain)
+ *
+ * In this example, the first and last lines could be omitted, and
+ * also the columns that consist of `-` characters only.
+ */
+trait StringParserTerrain extends GameDef {
+ /**
+ * A ASCII representation of the terrain. This field should remain
+ * abstract here.
+ */
+ val level: String
+ /**
+ * This method returns terrain function that represents the terrain
+ * in `levelVector`. The vector contains parsed version of the `level`
+ * string. For example, the following level
+ *
+ * val level =
+ * """ST
+ * |oo
+ * |oo""".stripMargin
+ *
+ * is represented as
+ *
+ * Vector(Vector('S', 'T'), Vector('o', 'o'), Vector('o', 'o'))
+ *
+ * The resulting function should return `true` if the position `pos` is
+ * a valid position (not a '-' character) inside the terrain described
+ * by `levelVector`.
+ */
+ def terrainFunction(levelVector: Vector[Vector[Char]]): Pos => Boolean = ???
+ /**
+ * This function should return the position of character `c` in the
+ * terrain described by `levelVector`. You can assume that the `c`
+ * appears exactly once in the terrain.
+ *
+ * Hint: you can use the functions `indexWhere` and / or `indexOf` of the
+ * `Vector` class
+ */
+ def findChar(c: Char, levelVector: Vector[Vector[Char]]): Pos = ???
+ private lazy val vector: Vector[Vector[Char]] =
+ Vector(level.split("\n").map(str => Vector(str: _*)): _*)
+ lazy val terrain: Terrain = terrainFunction(vector)
+ lazy val startPos: Pos = findChar('S', vector)
+ lazy val goal: Pos = findChar('T', vector)