path: root/Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala
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authorJérémy Zurcher <>2013-05-17 16:43:31 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2016-11-10 18:03:25 +0100
commitd8d74ed55984d2ae39cbdb965dd42bba984735a9 (patch)
tree592cafc584e08ce997378f69f86ebf4d80d44674 /Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala
parent12a9fca3908dc0b9bf7d51abd37db542b4600bb1 (diff)
Scala : add streams assignment
Diffstat (limited to 'Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala b/Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d78c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/streams/project/GradingFeedback.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils
+object GradingFeedback {
+ private val feedbackSummary = new ListBuffer[String]()
+ private val feedbackDetails = new ListBuffer[String]()
+ private def addSummary(msg: String) { feedbackSummary += msg; feedbackSummary += "\n\n" }
+ private def addDetails(msg: String) { feedbackDetails += msg; feedbackDetails += "\n\n" }
+ /**
+ * Converts the string to HTML - coursera displays the feedback in an html page.
+ */
+ def feedbackString(html: Boolean = true) = {
+ val total = totalGradeMessage(totalScore) + "\n\n"
+ // trim removes the newlines at the end
+ val s = (total + feedbackSummary.mkString + feedbackDetails.mkString).trim
+ if (html)
+ "<pre>"+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(s) +"</pre>"
+ else
+ s
+ }
+ private var vTestScore: Double = 0d
+ private var vStyleScore: Double = 0d
+ def totalScore = vTestScore + vStyleScore
+ private var vMaxTestScore: Double = 0d
+ private var vMaxStyleScore: Double = 0d
+ def maxTestScore = vMaxTestScore
+ def maxStyleScore = vMaxStyleScore
+ // a string obtained from coursera when downloading an assignment. it has to be
+ // used again when uploading the grade.
+ var apiState: String = ""
+ /**
+ * `failed` means that there was an unexpected error during grading. This includes
+ * - student's code does not compile
+ * - our tests don't compile (against the student's code)
+ * - crash while executing ScalaTest (not test failures, but problems trying to run the tests!)
+ * - crash while executing the style checker (again, not finding style problems!)
+ *
+ * When failed is `true`, later grading stages will not be executed: this is handled automatically
+ * by SBT, tasks depending on a failed one are not run.
+ *
+ * However, these dependent tasks still fail (i.e. mapR on them is invoked). The variable below
+ * allows us to know if something failed before. In this case, we don't add any more things to
+ * the log. (see `ProgFunBuild.handleFailure`)
+ */
+ private var failed = false
+ def isFailed = failed
+ def initialize() {
+ feedbackSummary.clear()
+ feedbackDetails.clear()
+ vTestScore = 0d
+ vStyleScore = 0d
+ apiState = ""
+ failed = false
+ }
+ def setMaxScore(maxScore: Double, styleScoreRatio: Double) {
+ vMaxTestScore = maxScore * (1-styleScoreRatio)
+ vMaxStyleScore = maxScore * styleScoreRatio
+ }
+ /* Methods to build up the feedback log */
+ def downloadUnpackFailed(log: String) {
+ failed = true
+ addSummary(downloadUnpackFailedMessage)
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def compileFailed(log: String) {
+ failed = true
+ addSummary(compileFailedMessage)
+ addDetails("======== COMPILATION FAILURES ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def testCompileFailed(log: String) {
+ failed = true
+ addSummary(testCompileFailedMessage)
+ addDetails("======== TEST COMPILATION FAILURES ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def allTestsPassed() {
+ addSummary(allTestsPassedMessage)
+ vTestScore = maxTestScore
+ }
+ def testsFailed(log: String, score: Double) {
+ addSummary(testsFailedMessage(score))
+ vTestScore = score
+ addDetails("======== LOG OF FAILED TESTS ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def testExecutionFailed(log: String) {
+ failed = true
+ addSummary(testExecutionFailedMessage)
+ addDetails("======== ERROR LOG OF TESTING TOOL ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def testExecutionDebugLog(log: String) {
+ addDetails("======== DEBUG OUTPUT OF TESTING TOOL ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ def perfectStyle() {
+ addSummary(perfectStyleMessage)
+ vStyleScore = maxStyleScore
+ }
+ def styleProblems(log: String, score: Double) {
+ addSummary(styleProblemsMessage(score))
+ vStyleScore = score
+ addDetails("======== CODING STYLE ISSUES ========")
+ addDetails(log)
+ }
+ /* Feedback Messages */
+ private val downloadUnpackFailedMessage =
+ """We were not able to download your submission from the coursera servers, or extracting the
+ |archive containing your source code failed.
+ |
+ |If you see this error message as your grade feedback, please contact one of the teaching
+ |assistants. See below for a detailed error log.""".stripMargin
+ private val compileFailedMessage =
+ """We were not able to compile the source code you submitted. This is not expected to happen,
+ |because the `submit` command in SBT can only be executed if your source code compiles.
+ |
+ |Please verify the following points:
+ | - You should use the `submit` command in SBT to upload your solution
+ | - You should not perform any changes to the SBT project definition files, i.e. the *.sbt
+ | files, and the files in the `project/` directory
+ |
+ |Take a careful look at the compiler output below - maybe you can find out what the problem is.
+ |
+ |If you cannot find a solution, ask for help on the discussion forums on the course website.""".stripMargin
+ private val testCompileFailedMessage =
+ """We were not able to compile our tests, and therefore we could not correct your submission.
+ |
+ |The most likely reason for this problem is that your submitted code uses different names
+ |for methods, classes, objects or different types than expected.
+ |
+ |In principle, this can only arise if you changed some names or types in the code that we
+ |provide, for instance a method name or a parameter type.
+ |
+ |To diagnose your problem, perform the following steps:
+ | - Run the tests that we provide with our hand-out. These tests verify that all names and
+ | types are correct. In case these tests pass, but you still see this message, please post
+ | a report on the forums [1].
+ | - Take a careful look at the error messages from the Scala compiler below. They should give
+ | you a hint where your code has an unexpected shape.
+ |
+ |If you cannot find a solution, ask for help on the discussion forums on the course website.""".stripMargin
+ private def testsFailedMessage(score: Double) =
+ """The code you submitted did not pass all of our tests: your submission achieved a score of
+ |%.2f out of %.2f in our tests.
+ |
+ |In order to find bugs in your code, we advise to perform the following steps:
+ | - Take a close look at the test output that you can find below: it should point you to
+ | the part of your code that has bugs.
+ | - Run the tests that we provide with the handout on your code.
+ | - The tests we provide do not test your code in depth: they are very incomplete. In order
+ | to test more aspects of your code, write your own unit tests.
+ | - Take another very careful look at the assignment description. Try to find out if you
+ | misunderstood parts of it. While reading through the assignment, write more tests.
+ |
+ |Below you can find a short feedback for every individual test that failed.""".stripMargin.format(score, vMaxTestScore)
+ // def so that we read the right value of vMaxTestScore (initialize modifies it)
+ private def allTestsPassedMessage =
+ """Your solution passed all of our tests, congratulations! You obtained the maximal test
+ |score of %.2f.""".stripMargin.format(vMaxTestScore)
+ private val testExecutionFailedMessage =
+ """An error occured while running our tests on your submission. This is not expected to
+ |happen, it means there is a bug in our testing environment.
+ |
+ |In order for us to help you, please contact one of the teaching assistants and send
+ |them the entire feedback message that you recieved.""".stripMargin
+ // def so that we read the right value of vMaxStyleScore (initialize modifies it)
+ private def perfectStyleMessage =
+ """Our automated style checker tool could not find any issues with your code. You obtained the maximal
+ |style score of %.2f.""".stripMargin.format(vMaxStyleScore)
+ private def styleProblemsMessage(score: Double) =
+ """Our automated style checker tool found issues in your code with respect to coding style: it
+ |computed a style score of %.2f out of %.2f for your submission. See below for detailed feedback.""".stripMargin.format(score, vMaxStyleScore)
+ private def totalGradeMessage(score: Double) =
+ """Your overall score for this assignment is %.2f out of %.2f""".format(score, vMaxTestScore + vMaxStyleScore)