path: root/Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala
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authorJérémy Zurcher <>2013-05-11 22:30:17 +0200
committerJérémy Zurcher <>2016-11-10 18:03:24 +0100
commitf693c7f267e2668be5626413d4eee8600630b6be (patch)
tree10ede8ee23560a228175074a59bab72f9e52a143 /Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala
parent5c5087a4a7f8342946ffe0ccbf1a244d7d4790dc (diff)
Scala : Scala : add forcomp assignment
Diffstat (limited to 'Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala b/Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f55b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scala/forcomp/project/CourseraHttp.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+import dispatch.{Request, Http, NoLogging, StatusCode, url}
+import cc.spray.json.{JsNull, JsonParser, DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}
+import RichJsValue._
+import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.{Hex, Base64}
+import{IOException, File, FileInputStream}
+import scalaz.Scalaz.{mkIdentity, ValidationNEL}
+import Settings._
+case class JsonSubmission(api_state: String, user_info: JsValue, submission_metadata: JsValue, solutions: JsValue, submission_encoding: String, submission: String)
+//case class JsonQueueResult(submission: JsonSubmission)
+object SubmitJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
+ implicit val jsonSubmissionFormat = jsonFormat6(JsonSubmission)
+// implicit val jsonQueueResultFormat = jsonFormat1(JsonQueueResult)
+object CourseraHttp {
+ private lazy val http = new Http with NoLogging
+ private def executeRequest[T](req: Request)(parse: String => ValidationNEL[String, T]): ValidationNEL[String, T] = {
+ try {
+ http(req >- { res =>
+ parse(res)
+ })
+ } catch {
+ case ex: IOException =>
+ ("Connection failed\n"+ ex.toString()).failNel
+ case StatusCode(code, message) =>
+ ("HTTP failed with status "+ code +"\n"+ message).failNel
+ }
+ }
+ /******************************
+ */
+ def getChallenge(email: String, submitProject: ProjectDetails): ValidationNEL[String, Challenge] = {
+ val baseReq = url(challengeUrl(submitProject.courseId))
+ val withArgs = baseReq << Map("email_address" -> email,
+ "assignment_part_sid" -> submitProject.assignmentPartId,
+ "response_encoding" -> "delim")
+ executeRequest(withArgs) { res =>
+ // example result. there might be an `aux_data` value at the end.
+ // |email_address||challenge_key|XXYYXXYYXXYY|state|XXYYXXYYXXYY|challenge_aux_data|
+ val parts = res.split('|').filterNot(_.isEmpty)
+ if (parts.length < 7)
+ ("Unexpected challenge format: \n"+ res).failNel
+ else
+ Challenge(parts(1), parts(3), parts(5)).successNel
+ }
+ }
+ def submitSolution(sourcesJar: File, submitProject: ProjectDetails, challenge: Challenge, chResponse: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = {
+ val fileLength = sourcesJar.length()
+ if (!sourcesJar.exists()) {
+ ("Sources jar archive does not exist\n"+ sourcesJar.getAbsolutePath).failNel
+ } else if (fileLength == 0l) {
+ ("Sources jar archive is empty\n"+ sourcesJar.getAbsolutePath).failNel
+ } else if (fileLength > maxSubmitFileSize) {
+ ("Sources jar archive is too big. Allowed size: "+
+ maxSubmitFileSize +" bytes, found "+ fileLength +" bytes.\n"+
+ sourcesJar.getAbsolutePath).failNel
+ } else {
+ val bytes = new Array[Byte](fileLength.toInt)
+ val sizeRead = try {
+ val is = new FileInputStream(sourcesJar)
+ val read =
+ is.close()
+ read
+ } catch {
+ case ex: IOException =>
+ ("Failed to read sources jar archive\n"+ ex.toString()).failNel
+ }
+ if (sizeRead != bytes.length) {
+ ("Failed to read the sources jar archive, size read: "+ sizeRead).failNel
+ } else {
+ val fileData = encodeBase64(bytes)
+ val baseReq = url(submitUrl(submitProject.courseId))
+ val withArgs = baseReq << Map("assignment_part_sid" -> submitProject.assignmentPartId,
+ "email_address" ->,
+ "submission" -> fileData,
+ "submission_aux" -> "",
+ "challenge_response" -> chResponse,
+ "state" -> challenge.state)
+ executeRequest(withArgs) { res =>
+ // the API returns HTTP 200 even if there are failures, how impolite...
+ if (res.contains("Your submission has been accepted"))
+ res.successNel
+ else
+ res.failNel
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def challengeResponse(challenge: Challenge, otPassword: String): String =
+ shaHexDigest(challenge.challengeKey + otPassword)
+ /********************************
+ */
+ // def downloadFromQueue(queue: String, targetJar: File, apiKey: String): ValidationNEL[String, QueueResult] = {
+ // val baseReq = url(Settings.submitQueueUrl)
+ // val withArgsAndHeader = baseReq << Map("queue" -> queue) <:< Map("X-api-key" -> apiKey)
+ // executeRequest(withArgsAndHeader) { res =>
+ // extractJson(res, targetJar)
+ // }
+ // }
+ def readJsonFile(jsonFile: File, targetJar: File): ValidationNEL[String, QueueResult] = {
+ extractJson(, targetJar)
+ }
+ def extractJson(jsonData: String, targetJar: File): ValidationNEL[String, QueueResult] = {
+ import SubmitJsonProtocol._
+ for {
+ jsonSubmission <- {
+ try {
+ val parsed = JsonParser(jsonData)
+ val submission = parsed \ "submission"
+ if (submission == JsNull) {
+ ("Nothing to grade, queue is empty.").failNel
+ } else {
+ submission.convertTo[JsonSubmission].successNel
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ ("Could not parse submission\n"+ jsonData +"\n"+ fullExceptionString(e)).failNel
+ }
+ }
+ queueResult <- {
+ val encodedFile = jsonSubmission.submission
+ val jarContent = decodeBase64(encodedFile)
+ try {
+ sbt.IO.write(targetJar, jarContent)
+ QueueResult(jsonSubmission.api_state).successNel
+ } catch {
+ case e: IOException =>
+ ("Failed to write jar file to "+ targetJar.getAbsolutePath +"\n"+ e.toString).failNel
+ }
+ }
+ } yield queueResult
+ }
+ def unpackJar(file: File, targetDirectory: File): ValidationNEL[String, Unit] = {
+ try {
+ val files = sbt.IO.unzip(file, targetDirectory)
+ if (files.isEmpty)
+ ("No files found when unpacking jar file "+ file.getAbsolutePath).failNel
+ else
+ ().successNel
+ } catch {
+ case e: IOException =>
+ val msg = "Error while unpacking the jar file "+ file.getAbsolutePath +" to "+ targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath +"\n"+ e.toString
+ if (Settings.offlineMode) {
+ println("[offline mode] "+ msg)
+ ().successNel
+ } else {
+ msg.failNel
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /********************************
+ */
+ def submitGrade(feedback: String, score: String, apiState: String, apiKey: String, gradeProject: ProjectDetails): ValidationNEL[String, Unit] = {
+ import DefaultJsonProtocol._
+ val baseReq = url(Settings.uploadFeedbackUrl(gradeProject.courseId))
+ val withArgs = baseReq << Map("api_state" -> apiState, "score" -> score, "feedback" -> feedback) <:< Map("X-api-key" -> apiKey)
+ executeRequest(withArgs) { res =>
+ try {
+ val js = JsonParser(res)
+ val status = (js \ "status").convertTo[String]
+ if (status == "202")
+ ().successNel
+ else
+ ("Unexpected result from submit request: "+ status).failNel
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ ("Failed to parse response while submitting grade\n"+ res +"\n"+ fullExceptionString(e)).failNel
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*********************************
+ */
+ def shaHexDigest(s: String): String = {
+ val chars = Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.sha(s))
+ new String(chars)
+ }
+ def fullExceptionString(e: Throwable) =
+ e.toString +"\n"+"\n")
+ /* Base 64 tools */
+ def encodeBase64(bytes: Array[Byte]): String =
+ new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes))
+ def decodeBase64(str: String): Array[Byte] = {
+ // codecs 1.4 has a version accepting a string, but not 1.2; jar hell.
+ Base64.decodeBase64(str.getBytes)
+ }
+case class Challenge(email: String, challengeKey: String, state: String)
+case class QueueResult(apiState: String)