#! /usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true module ColonialTwilight module FLNBotRules def dbg(msg, ret) return if @debug.zero? case @debug when 1 then puts " #{msg}" if ret else puts " #{msg} : #{ret ? 'YES' : 'NO'}" end end def pass?(board = @board) # if resources = 0 && Op Limited as only choice r = board.fln_resources.zero? && limited_op_only? dbg 'PASS', r r end def terror1?(board = @board) # if no FLN base is (pop 0 && 0 FLN underground or pop 1+ && 1- FLN underground) r = !board.has do |s| s.fln_bases.positive? && ((s.pop.zero? && s.fln_underground.zero?) || (!s.pop.zero? && s.fln_underground < 2)) end dbg 'TERROR 1', r r end def terror2?(_board = nil) # if GOV is first eligible && will be second eligible r = !first_eligible? && will_be_next_first_eligible? dbg 'TERROR 2', r r end def rally1?(board = @board) # rally would place a base (rally 1 or 2) r = board.available_fln_bases.positive? && board.has { |s| (may_rally_1_in?(s) || may_rally_2_in?(s)) } dbg 'RALLY 1', r r end def rally2?(board = @board) # if #FLN bases * 2 > #FLN at FLN bases + 1d6/2 a = board.count(&:fln_bases) * 2 b = board.count { |s| s.fln_bases.zero? ? 0 : s.guerrillas } r = a > (b + d6 / 2) dbg 'RALLY 2', r r end # Rally def may_rally_1_in?(space) # 3+ FLN and no GOV (unless limited_op_only)) r = may_rally_in?(space) && may_add_base_in?(space) && space.guerrillas >= 3 && (limited_op_only? ? true : space.gov_cubes.zero?) dbg " may_rally_1_in : #{space.name}", r r end def may_rally_2_in?(space) # 4+ FLN r = may_rally_in?(space) && may_add_base_in?(space) && space.guerrillas >= 4 dbg " may_rally_2_in : #{space.name}", r r end def may_rally_3_in?(space) # at FLN bases, with 2- FLN underground or 0 fln_underground in country or 0 pop r = may_rally_in?(space) && !space.fln_bases.zero? && (space.country? || space.pop.zero? ? space.fln_underground.zero? : space.fln_underground < 2) dbg " may_rally_3_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_3_priority(spaces) # Algeria -> with cubes -> pop 1+ -> least FLN underground f = _filter(spaces) { |s| !s.country? } f = _filter(f) { |s| s.gov_cubes.positive? } f = _filter(f) { |s| s.pop.positive? } _min(f, :fln_underground) end def may_rally_5_in?(space) # non-city at support with 0 FLN underground r = may_rally_in?(space) && !space.city? && space.support? && space.fln_underground.zero? dbg " may_rally_5_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_5_priority(spaces) # highest population _max(spaces, :pop) end def may_rally_6_in?(space, already_rallied) # 2+ pop to agitate after rally r = (already_rallied || may_rally_in?(space)) && space.pop > 1 && (space.terror.positive? || !space.oppose?) if r # may agitate if : FLN base or control after rally n = already_rallied ? 0 : place_guerrillas_in(space).values.sum r &= (space.fln_bases.positive? || (space.gov < (space.fln + n))) end dbg " may_rally_6_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_6_priority(spaces) # max pop, min terror, support : reference ? f = _max(spaces, :pop) f = _min(f, :terror) _filter(f, &:support?) # FIXME: maybe already selected first, or not end def may_rally_7_in?(space) r = may_rally_in?(space) dbg " may_rally_7_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_7_priority(spaces) # highest population -> gain FLN control -> remove Gov control -> city -> least terror f = _max(spaces, :pop) f = _filter(f) { |s| s.gov < s.fln + place_guerrillas_in(s).values.sum } f = _filter(f) { |s| s.gov == s.fln + place_guerrillas_in(s).values.sum } f = _filter(f, &:city?) _min(f, :terror) end def may_rally_8_in?(space) r = may_rally_in?(space) && !space.guerrillas.zero? && space.fln_bases.zero? dbg " may_rally_8_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_8_priority(spaces) # Algeria -> most Guerrillas -> no gov cubes f = _filter(spaces) { |s| !s.country? } f = _max(f, :guerrillas) _filter(f) { |s| s.gov_cubes.zero? } end def may_rally_9_in?(space) r = may_agitate_in?(space) && (space.terror.positive? || !space.oppose?) dbg " may_rally_9_in : #{space.name}", r r end def rally_9_priority(spaces, resources) _filter(spaces) { |s| !s.oppose? && resources > s.terror } end # Extort def may_extort_0_in?(space) r = may_extort_in?(space) && space.fln_underground > (space.fln_bases.zero? ? 0 : 1) dbg " may_extort_0_in : #{space.name}", r r end def extort_priority(spaces) # 2+ guerrillas, 3+ if gov cubes and fln base -> Country -> anywhere if still at 0 f = _filter(spaces) { |s| s.guerrillas > (s.gov_cubes.positive? && s.fln_bases.positive? ? 2 : 1) } _filter(f, &:country?) end # Subvert def may_subvert_1_in?(space, num) # to remove last cubes r = may_subvert_in?(space) && (space.french_cubes.zero? && space.algerian_cubes <= num) dbg " may_subvert_1_in : #{space.name}", r r end def subvert_1_priority(spaces) # Police -> Troop _max(spaces, :algerian_police) end def may_subvert_2_in?(space) # to replace 1 Algerian Police r = may_subvert_in?(space) && space.algerian_police.positive? dbg " may_subvert_2_in : #{space.name}", r r end # 8.1.2 - Procedure Guidelines def _filter(spaces, &block) return spaces if spaces.empty? (f = spaces.select(&block)).empty? ? spaces : f end def _max(spaces, sym) return spaces if spaces.empty? v = spaces.max { |a, b| a.send(sym) <=> b.send(sym) }.send(sym) spaces.select { |s| s.send(sym) == v } end def _min(spaces, sym) return spaces if spaces.empty? v = spaces.min { |a, b| a.send(sym) <=> b.send(sym) }.send(sym) spaces.select { |s| s.send(sym) == v } end def available_fln_bases?(board = @board) board.available_fln_bases.positive? end def may_add_base_in?(space) space.guerrillas > 2 && (space.fln_bases < (space.country? ? space.max_bases : 1)) end def max_placable_guerrillas_in?(space) max_placable_guerrillas(space).clamp(0, space.fln_bases.positive? ? (space.pop + 1 - space.guerrillas) : 666) end def place_guerrillas_in(space, board = @board) n = max_placable_guerrillas_in?(space) h = { space: 0 } # do not select space n -= h[:available] = (a = board.available_fln_underground) >= n ? n : a while n.positive? && !(spaces = _remove_guerrillas_priority(board.spaces, h)).empty? s = spaces.sample n -= h[s] = (g = _removable_guerrillas(s)) >= n ? n : g end h.reject { |_k, v| v.zero? } # FIXME in empty? maybe hide active guerrillas ? end # 1) place: outofplay -> available | bases -> guerrillas if choice # 2) place: underground first unless from map then place active first flipped as underground # 3) march: underground -> active, unless march would activate then move active first # applied as last filter in FLNBot#_priority def place_guerrillas_priority(spaces) # 4) support -> with friendly pieces -> random f = _filter(spaces, &:support?) _filter(f) { |s| s.guerrillas.positive? } end # place_guerrillas_in def _removable_guerrillas(space) # 5) active only, leave 2 guerrillas at base or support a = (a = space.fln_underground) > 2 ? 2 : a n = space.fln_active - (space.support? || space.fln_bases.positive? ? (2 - a) : 0) n.positive? ? n : 0 end def _not_selected(spaces, selected) spaces.reject { |s| selected.key?(s) } end # place_guerrillas_in def _remove_guerrillas_priority(spaces, selected) # 5) #removable_guerrillas then most guerrillas first return [] if (l = _not_selected(spaces, selected).select { |s| _removable_guerrillas(s).positive? }).empty? _max(l, :guerrillas).shuffle end # not used yet def remove_from(space, num = 1) # 6) remove active -> underground -> base h = {} num -= h[:fln_active] = (s = space.fln_active) >= num ? num : s num -= h[:fln_underground] = (s = space.fln_underground) >= num ? num : s h[:fln_bases] = (s = space.fln_bases) >= num ? num : s h end # 7) remove gov : map -> availabe (base -> french -> algerian; troops -> police) # 8) reduce : commitment -> support -> france track -> gov resource # 9) shift : support -> oppose | best combined; remove terror only if also shift # 10) random end end