#! /bin/bash GIT_SVN_CONFIG=${1:-".git_svn_config"} RED="\033[0;31m" RESET="\033[0m" function error () { echo -e " $1 => ${RED}FAILURE${RESET}" && exit 1 } function say () { [ $BATCH_MODE == 0 ] && echo -e "$1" } [ -e $GIT_SVN_CONFIG ] || error "$GIT_SVN_CONFIG does not exists!" source ./$GIT_SVN_CONFIG [ ! -z "$GIT_BASE" ] || error "GIT_BASE variable is not defined" [ ! -z "$PRJ" ] || error "PRJ variable is not defined" [ ! -z "$SVN_URL" ] || error "SVN_URL variable is not defined" [ ! -z "$BRANCHES_TO_TRACK" ] || error "BRANCHES_TO_TRACK variable is not defined" LOCAL_REPO=${LOCAL_REPO:-"local"} LOCAL_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR:-"${GIT_BASE}/${PRJ}"} SVN_SUFFIX=_svn SVN_CLONE_REPO=${SVN_CLONE_REPO:-"svn_clone"} SVN_CLONE_DIR=${SVN_CLONE_DIR:-"${GIT_BASE}/${PRJ}${SVN_SUFFIX}"} URL_COLOR="\033[0;34m" LRC="\033[0;33m" # LOCAL REPO COLOR LBC="\033[0;36m" # LOCAL BRANCH COLOR SRC="\033[0;35m" # SVN CLONE REPO COLOR SBC="\033[0;32m" # SVN CLONE BRANCH COLOR DSBC="\033[0;37m" # DISTANT SVN BRANCH COLOR function ask_ok () { echo -n -e "$1${RESET}[${RED}Y${RESET}n] : " read OK if [ "$OK" = "" -o "$OK" = "y" -o "$OK" = "Y" ]; then return 0 fi echo -e "${RED}abort${RESET}" && return 1 } function create_svn_clone () { echo -e "** clone from ${URL_COLOR}${SVN_URL}${RESET}" && cd $GIT_BASE && git svn clone ${SVN_URL} -T trunk -b branches -t tags ${PRJ}_svn || error cd ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} for branch in $BRANCHES_TO_TRACK; do echo -e "** checkout ${DSBC}${branch}${RESET} in ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${branch}_svn${RESET}" && git checkout $branch -b ${branch}_svn || error done echo -e "** add ${LRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET} as repo ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}" && git remote add ${LOCAL_REPO} ${LOCAL_DIR} || error } function create_local_repo () { echo -e "** git init ${LRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET}" && git init ${LOCAL_DIR}|| error echo -e "** cd ${LRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${LOCAL_DIR} || error echo -e "** add ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET} as repo ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}" && git remote add ${SVN_CLONE_REPO} ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} || error echo -e "** fetch ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}" && git fetch ${SVN_CLONE_REPO} || error for branch in $BRANCHES_TO_TRACK; do echo -e "** checkout ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${branch}_svn${RESET} to ${SBC}${branch}${RESET}" && git checkout ${SVN_CLONE_REPO}/${branch}_svn -b ${branch} || error done } function fetch_svn () { echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} || error echo -e "** fetch from ${URL_COLOR}${SVN_URL}${RESET}" && git svn fetch || error BRANCHES=$(git branch | sed -e s/*//) for branch in $BRANCHES; do echo -e "** rebase ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${branch}${RESET}" && git checkout $branch && git svn rebase || error done echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${LOCAL_DIR} || error echo -e "** fetch ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}" && git fetch ${SVN_CLONE_REPO} || error } function pull_from_clone () { #echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${LOCAL_DIR} || error #echo -e "** fetch ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}" && git fetch ${SVN_CLONE_REPO} || error #echo -e "** merge ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET} within ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}/${LBC}${LOCAL_B}${RESET}" && git merge ${SVN_CLONE_REPO}/${SVN_CLONE_B} || error echo -e "To do so :" echo -e " ${LRC}- save your current work ${SRC}$ git stash save NAME${RESET}" echo -e " ${LRC}- leave your current branch ${SRC}$ git checkout ANOTHER_BRANCH${RESET}" echo -e " ${LRC}- delete your branch ${SRC}$ git branch -D ${LOCAL_B}${RESET}" echo -e " ${LRC}- checkout your branch ${SRC}$ git checkout ${SVN_CLONE_REPO}/${LOCAL_B}_svn -b ${LOCAL_B}${RESET}" echo -e " ${LRC}- apply your current work ${SRC}$ git stash pop/apply${RESET}" } function push_to_clone () { echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} || error echo -e "** checkout ${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET}" && git checkout ${SVN_CLONE_B} || error echo -e "** fetch ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}" && git fetch ${LOCAL_REPO} || error echo -e "** rebase ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}/${LBC}${LOCAL_B}${RESET} within ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET}" && git rebase ${LOCAL_REPO}/${LOCAL_B} || error #git log --format="%H %an %s" $SVN_HEAD..$LOCAL_HEAD echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${LOCAL_DIR} || error echo -e "** fetch ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}" && git fetch ${SVN_CLONE_REPO} || error } function dcommit () { echo -e "** cd ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET}" && cd ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} || error echo -e "** checkout ${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET}" && git checkout ${SVN_CLONE_B} || error echo -e "** rebase ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET}" && git svn rebase || error echo -e "** dcommit ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET} to ${URL_COLOR}${SVN_URL}${RESET}" && git svn dcommit } if [ ! -d ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} ]; then ask_ok "clone svn repository ${URL_COLOR}${SVN_URL}${RESET} to ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET} " && create_svn_clone fi if [ ! -d ${LOCAL_DIR} ]; then ask_ok "create local repository within ${LRC}${LOCAL_DIR}${RESET} " && create_local_repo fi cd ${LOCAL_DIR} || error "${LOCAL_DIR} does not exists" LOCAL_B=$(git branch |grep '*' | gawk '{print $2;}') || error "unable to list local branches" LOCAL_HEAD=$(git log --pretty="format:%H" HEAD~1..) || error "unable to read local head" say "** ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET} current branch is ${LBC}${LOCAL_B}${RESET} head ${RED}${LOCAL_HEAD}${RESET}" cd ${SVN_CLONE_DIR} || error "${SVN_CLONE_DIR} does not exists" SVN_CLONE_B=${LOCAL_B}_svn git checkout ${SVN_CLONE_B} SVN_HEAD=$(git log --pretty="format:%H" HEAD~1..) || error "unable to read local head" say "** ${LRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET} corresponding branch is ${LBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET} head ${RED}${SVN_HEAD}${RESET}" cd ${LOCAL_DIR} while [ 1 ]; do say "\nOptions :" say " # 1) ${RED}fetch svn${RESET} and update branches within ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_DIR}${RESET}" say " # 2) ${RED}push${RESET} ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}/${LBC}${LOCAL_B}${RESET} within ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET}" say " # 3) ${RED}push${RESET} ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET} to ${URL_COLOR}${SVN_URL}${RESET}" say " # 4) ${RED}pull${RESET} ${SRC}${SVN_CLONE_REPO}${RESET}/${SBC}${SVN_CLONE_B}${RESET} within ${LRC}${LOCAL_REPO}${RESET}/${LBC}${LOCAL_B}${RESET}" say " # q) ${RED}QUIT${RESET}" echo -n -e "\nyour choice : " read CHOICE echo "" case $CHOICE in q) exit 0 ;; 1) fetch_svn ;; 2) push_to_clone ;; 3) dcommit ;; 4) pull_from_clone ;; esac done