#! /bin/bash
# very clever trick found there https://github.com/sitaramc/git-notes/blob/master/2-command-line-usage/git-tasks.mkd
# initial values: R (repo), I (index), C (changed), and U (untracked)
# notation: repo contents/index contents/work tree contents
if [ "$option" = "-u" ] ; then
    echo -e "\033[0;31mgit un-stash\033[0m"
    # now RICU/RICU/RICU
    git reset --mixed HEAD^ # repo=index=R+I
    # now RI/RI/RICU; moved HEAD and index back one step
    git reset --soft HEAD^
    # now R/RI/RICU; moved HEAD back one more step
    echo -e "\033[0;31mgit stash\033[0m"
    # R/RI/RICU; start
    git commit --allow-empty -m wip-index-state
    # now RI/RI/RICU; pushed index onto repo
    git add -A :/ && git commit --allow-empty -m wip-worktree-state
    # now RICU/RICU/RICU; pushed C/U files onto repo
    #   ... switch branch, work work work, commit ...
    #   now you want to get back to the saved state