#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################# # This script is a result of the ideas from the people of different e # # channels at irc.freenode.net # # It will checkout the repository and compile e17. # # # # License: BSD licence # # Get the latest version at http://omicron.homeip.net/projects/#easy_e17.sh # # Coded by Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy (morlenxus@gmx.net) # # # last_changes="2010-10-12" # version="1.4.0" # ############################################################################# # Internal variables, run easy_e17.sh --help to get a cleaner way! tmp_path="/tmp/easy_e17" logs_path="$tmp_path/install_logs" status_path="$tmp_path/status" src_cache_path="$tmp_path/src_cache" src_path="$HOME/e17_src" src_url="http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk" src_rev="HEAD" conf_files="/etc/easy_e17.conf $HOME/.easy_e17.conf $PWD/.easy_e17.conf" efl_basic="eina eet evas ecore efreet eio eeze e_dbus embryo edje" efl_extra="imlib2 emotion ethumb libeweather elementary enlil ensure libast python-evas python-ecore python-e_dbus python-edje python-ethumb python-emotion python-elementary shellementary azy" bin_basic="exchange e" bin_extra="calculator convertor phonebook sticky-notes e_phys edje_viewer editje elicit elsa emote empower enjoy enki envision ephoto Eterm eve expedite exquisite eyelight rage elmdentica" bin_games="eblock e_cho econcentration eskiss e-type minesweeper ninestime" e_modules_bin="emprint exalt" e_modules_extra="mpdule exebuf cpu mem slideshow wlan elfe everything-pidgin execwatch calendar notification efm_nav snow drawer everything-skel engage everything-mpris diskio exalt-client everything-wallpaper everything-aspell screenshot rain comp-scale efm_path places eweather deskshow winlist-ng weather itask-ng mail everything-tracker eooorg empris xkbswitch penguins moon iiirk alarm photo skel language news taskbar everything-places tclock tiling flame itask forecasts efm_pathbar everything-websearch winselector quickaccess uptime net" packages_basic="$efl_basic $bin_basic" packages_half="$efl_basic $bin_basic $e_modules_bin $e_modules_extra" packages_full="$efl_basic $bin_basic $e_modules_bin $e_modules_extra $efl_extra $bin_extra" packages=$packages_basic # default cmd_svn_test="svn info" cmd_svn_list="svn list -r" cmd_svn_checkout="svn checkout -r " cmd_svn_update_conflicts_solve="svn update --accept theirs-full -r" cmd_svn_update_conflicts_ask="svn update -r" src_mode="packages" ignore_dirs="devs DOCS E16 EXAMPLES TEST THEMES web" autogen_args="" # evas:--enable-gl-x11 linux_distri="" # if your distribution is wrongly detected, define it here nice_level=0 # nice level (19 == low, -20 == high) os=$(uname) # operating system threads=2 # make -j animation="star" online_source="http://omicron.homeip.net/projects/easy_e17/easy_e17.sh" # URL of latest stable release # VISUAL ############################################################################# function set_title () { if [ "$1" ]; then message="- $1"; fi if [ "$DISPLAY" ]; then case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|eterm|Aterm|aterm) echo -ne "\033]0;Easy_e17.sh $message\007" ;; esac fi } function set_notification () { if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] || [ "$notification_disabled" ]; then return; fi notifier="$install_path/bin/e-notify-send" urgency=$1 text=$2 if [ -x "$notifier" ]; then $notifier -u "$urgency" -t 5000 -i "$install_path/share/enlightenment/data/images/enlightenment.png" \ -n "easy_e17.sh" "easy_e17.sh" "$text" &>/dev/null fi } function header () { clear echo -e "\033[1m-------------------------------\033[7m Easy_e17.sh $version \033[0m\033[1m------------------------------\033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m Developers:\033[0m Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy" echo -e " David 'onefang' Seikel" echo -e "\033[1m Contributors:\033[0m Tim 'amon' Zebulla" echo -e " Daniel G. '_ke' Siegel" echo -e " Stefan 'slax' Langner" echo -e " Massimiliano 'Massi' Calamelli" echo -e " Thomas 'thomasg' Gstaedtner" echo -e " Roberto 'rex' Sigalotti" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m Updates:\033[0m http://omicron.homeip.net/projects/#easy_e17.sh" echo -e "\033[1m Support:\033[0m #e.de (irc.freenode.net)" echo -e " morlenxus@gmx.net" echo -e "\033[1m Patches:\033[0m Generally accepted, please contact me!" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo echo -e "\033[1m-----------------------------\033[7m Current Configuration \033[0m\033[1m----------------------------\033[0m" echo " Install path: $install_path" echo " Source path: $src_path" echo " Source url: $src_url (Revision: $src_rev)" echo " Source mode: $src_mode" echo " Logs path: $logs_path" if [ "$linux_distri" ]; then echo " OS: $os (Distribution: $linux_distri)" else echo " OS: $os" fi echo echo " Packages: $packages" if [ "$skip" ]; then echo " Skipping: $skip"; fi if [ "$only" ]; then echo " Only: $only"; fi echo " Effective: $real_packages" echo if [ -z "$action" ]; then action="MISSING!"; fi echo " Script action: $action" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo } function help () { if [ "$os" == "not supported" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m-------------------------------\033[7m Not supported OS \033[0m\033[1m------------------------------\033[0m" echo " Your operating system '$(uname)' is not supported by this script." echo " If possible please provide a patch." elif [ -z "$fullhelp" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m-----------------\033[7m Short help 'easy_e17.sh ' \033[0m\033[1m---------------\033[0m" echo " -i, --install = ACTION: install efl+e17" echo " -u, --update = ACTION: update your installed software" echo " --packagelist= = software package list:" echo " - basic: only e17 (default)" echo " - half: only e17 and extra modules" echo " - full: simply everything" echo " --help = full help" else echo -e "\033[1m-----------------\033[7m Full help 'easy_e17.sh ' \033[0m\033[1m----------------\033[0m" echo -e " \033[1mACTION:\033[0m" echo " -i, --install = ACTION: install efl+e17" echo " -u, --update = ACTION: update installed software" echo " --only=,,... = ACTION: install ONLY named libs/apps" echo " --packagelist= = software package list:" echo " - basic: only e17 (default)" echo " - half: only e17 and extra modules" echo " - full: simply everything" echo echo " --srcupdate = update only the sources" echo " -v, --check-script-version = check for a newer release of easy_e17" echo " --help = this help" echo echo -e " \033[1mOPTIONS:\033[0m" echo " --conf= = use an alternate configuration file" echo " --instpath= = change the default install path" echo " --srcpath= = change the default source path" echo " --srcurl= = change the default source url" echo " --srcmode= = checkout only required package source" echo " or simply everthing (huge)" echo " --srcrev= = set the default source revision" echo " --asuser = do everything as the user, not as root" echo " --no-sudopwd = sudo don't need a password..." echo " -c, --clean = clean the sources before building" echo " (more --cleans means more cleaning, up" echo " to a maximum of three, which will" echo " uninstall e17)" echo " -s, --skip-srcupdate = don't update sources" echo " -a, --ask-on-src-conflicts = ask what to do with a conflicting" echo " source file" echo " --skip=,,... = this will skip installing the named" echo " libs/apps" echo " -d, --docs = generate programmers documentation" echo " --postscript= = full path to a script to run as root" echo " after installation" echo " -e, --skip-errors = continue compiling even if there is" echo " an error" echo " -w, --wait = don't exit the script after finishing," echo " this allows 'xterm -e ./easy_e17.sh -i'" echo " without closing the xterm" echo " -n --disable-notification = disable the osd notification" echo " -k, --keep = don't delete the temporary dir" echo echo " -l, --low = use lowest nice level (19, slowest," echo " takes more time to compile, select" echo " this if you need to work on the pc" echo " while compiling)" echo " --normal = default nice level ($nice_level)," echo " will be automatically used" echo " -h, --high = use highest nice level (-20, fastest," echo " slows down the pc)" echo " --cache = Use a common configure cache and" echo " ccache if available" echo " --threads= = 'make' can use threads, recommended on" echo " smp systems (default: 2 threads)" echo " --autogen_args=:+,. = pass some options to autogen:" echo " :+,:+..." echo " --cflags=,,... = pass cflags to the gcc" echo " --ldflags=,,... = pass ldflags to the gcc" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo -e "\033[1m----------------------\033[7m Configurationfile '~/.easy_e17.conf' \033[0m\033[1m--------------------\033[0m" echo " Just create this file and save your favourite arguments." echo " Example: If you use a diffent source path, add this line:" echo " --srcpath=$HOME/enlightenment/e17_src" fi } function wrong () { header if [ "$1" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m-------------------------------\033[7m Bad script argument \033[0m\033[1m----------------------------\033[0m" echo -e " \033[1m$1\033[0m" else help exit 0 fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo exit 1 } function phase () { echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------\033[7m Build phase $1/3 \033[0m\033[1m-------------------------------\033[0m" case $1 in 1) echo "- running some basic system checks" echo "- source checkout/update" ;; 2) echo "- lib-compilation and installation" echo "- apps-compilation and installation" ;; 3) echo "- cleaning" echo "- install notes" ;; esac echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo } # INIT ############################################################################# function define_os_vars () { case $os in Darwin) install_path="/opt/e17" # ldconfig="/sbin/ldconfig" # FIXME: Someone with Darwin seeing this should check availability! make="make" export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I /opt/local/share/aclocal" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/opt/local/include" export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-L/opt/local/lib" ;; FreeBSD) install_path="/usr/local/e17" ldconfig="/sbin/ldconfig" make="gmake" export ACLOCAL_FLAGS=" -I /usr/local/share/aclocal" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I$install_path/include" export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lintl -liconv -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L$install_path/lib -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I$install_path/include" # FIXME: Someone with FreeBSD seeing this should check if includes are needed here! export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lexecinfo" ;; NetBSD) install_path="/usr/pkg/e17" ldconfig="config" make="make" export CFLAGS+="$CFLAGS -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/X11R7/include" export CPPFLAGS+="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/X11R7/include" export LDFLAGS+="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/pkg/include -L/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/X11R7/lib" ;; Linux) install_path="/opt/e17" ldconfig="/sbin/ldconfig" make="make" if [ -z "$linux_distri" ]; then if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ]; then linux_distri="debian"; fi if [ -e "/etc/gentoo-release" ]; then linux_distri="gentoo"; fi if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then linux_distri="redhat"; fi if [ -e "/etc/SuSE-release" ]; then linux_distri="suse"; fi fi ;; SunOS) install_path="/opt/e17" ldconfig="$(which crle) -u" # there is no command like ldconfig on solaris! "crle" does nearly the same. make="make" ;; *) os="not supported" set_title wrong ;; esac } function read_config_files () { # add alternate config files for arg in $my_args; do option=`echo "'$arg'" | cut -d'=' -f1 | tr -d "'"` value=`echo "'$arg'" | cut -d'=' -f2- | tr -d "'"` if [ "$value" == "$option" ]; then value=""; fi if [ "$option" == "--conf" -a -e "$value" ]; then conf_files="$conf_files $value"; fi done # remove duplicated and no existing files tmp="" for conf_file in $conf_files; do if [ -e "$conf_file" ]; then exists=0 for tmp_file in $tmp; do if [ "$conf_file" == "$tmp_file" ]; then exists=1 break; fi done if [ $exists -eq 0 ]; then tmp="$tmp $conf_file"; fi fi done conf_files=$tmp conf_options="" # read files for file in $conf_files; do for option in `cat "$file"`; do conf_options="$conf_options $option" done done my_args="$conf_options $my_args" } function parse_args () { # check options for arg in $my_args do option=`echo "'$arg'" | cut -d'=' -f1 | tr -d "'"` value=`echo "'$arg'" | cut -d'=' -f2- | tr -d "'"` if [ "$value" == "$option" ]; then value=""; fi # $action can't be set twice if [ "$action" ]; then if [ "$option" == "-i" ] || [ "$option" == "--install" ] || [ "$option" == "-u" ] || [ "$option" == "--update" ] || [ "$option" == "--only" ] || [ "$option" == "--srcupdate" ] || [ "$option" == "-v" ] || [ "$option" == "--check-script-version" ]; then wrong "Only one action allowed! (currently using '--$action' and '$option')" fi fi case "$option" in -i|--install) action="install" ;; -u|--update) action="update" ;; --packagelist) case $value in "half") packages="$packages_half" ;; "full") packages="$packages_full" ;; *) packages="$packages_basic" ;; esac ;; --conf) ;; --only) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi action="only" only="`echo "$value" | tr -s '\,' '\ '` $only" ;; -v|--check-script-version) action="script" ;; --srcupdate) action="srcupdate" skip="$packages" ;; --instpath) install_path="$value" ;; --srcpath) src_path="$value" ;; --srcurl) src_url="$value" ;; --srcmode) case $value in "packages") src_mode="packages" ;; "full") src_mode="full" ;; *) src_mode="packages" ;; esac ;; --srcrev) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi src_rev="$value" ;; --asuser) asuser=1 ;; --no-sudopwd) no_sudopwd=1 ;; -c|--clean) clean=$(($clean + 1)) ;; -d|--docs) gen_docs=1 ;; --postscript) easy_e17_post_script="$value" ;; -s|--skip-srcupdate) skip_srcupdate=1 ;; -a|--ask-on-src-conflicts) ask_on_src_conflicts=1 ;; --skip) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi skip="`echo "$value" | tr -s '\,' '\ '` $skip" ;; -e|--skip-errors) skip_errors=1 ;; -w|--wait) wait=1 ;; -n|--disable-notification) notification_disabled=1 ;; -k|--keep) keep=1 ;; -l|--low) nice_level=19 ;; --normal) ;; -h|--high) nice_level=-20 ;; --cache) accache=" --cache-file=$tmp_path/easy_e17.cache" ccache=`whereis ccache` if [ ! "$ccache" = "ccache:" ]; then export CC="ccache gcc" fi ;; --threads) if [ -z "$value" ] || ! expr "$value" : "[0-9]*$" >/dev/null || [ "$value" -lt 1 ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi threads=$value ;; --autogen_args) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi autogen_args="$value" ;; --cflags) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `echo "$value" | tr -s '\,' '\ '`" ;; --ldflags) if [ -z "$value" ]; then wrong "Missing value for argument '$option'!" fi LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS `echo "$value" | tr -s '\,' '\ '`" ;; --help) fullhelp=1 wrong ;; *) wrong "Unknown argument '$option'!" ;; esac done } function build_package_list () { real_packages="" if [ "$only" ]; then pkgs=$only else pkgs=$packages fi for pkg in $pkgs; do found=0 for not in $skip; do if [ "$not" == "$pkg" ]; then found=1 break fi done [ $found -eq 0 ] && real_packages="$real_packages $pkg" done } # SETUP ############################################################################# function check_script_version () { echo -e "\033[1m------------------------------\033[7m Check script version \033[0m\033[1m----------------------------\033[0m" echo "- local version .............. $version" echo -n "- downloading script ......... " remote_version=`wget $online_source -q -U "easy_e17.sh/$version" -O - | grep -m 2 -o [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9] | sort -n | head -n 1` if [ "$remote_version" ]; then echo "ok" echo "- remote version ............. $remote_version" remote_ver=`echo "$remote_version" | tr -d '.'` local_ver=`echo "$version" | tr -d '.'` echo echo -n "- update available ........... " if [ $remote_ver -gt $local_ver ]; then echo -e "\033[1mYES!\033[0m" else echo "no"; fi else echo -e "\033[1mERROR!\033[0m" fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo exit 0 } function check_commands () { max=15 for dep in $1; do cnt=${#dep} echo -n "- '$dep' available " while [ ! $cnt = $max ]; do echo -n "." cnt=$(($cnt+1)) done echo -n " " if [ `type $dep &>/dev/null; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[1mNOT INSTALLED!\033[0m" error "Command missing!" else echo "ok" fi done } function check_build_user () { echo -n "- build-user ................. " if [ "$LOGNAME" == "root" ]; then echo "root" mode="root" return fi if [ "$asuser" ]; then echo "$LOGNAME (as user)" mode="user" return fi echo "$LOGNAME (non-root)" echo -n "- sudo available ............. " sudotest=`type sudo &>/dev/null ; echo $?` if [ "$sudotest" == 0 ]; then if [ "$no_sudopwd" == 1 ]; then echo "ok" else sudo -K if [ -e "$tmp_path/sudo.test" ]; then rm -f "$tmp_path/sudo.test" fi while [ -z "$sudopwd" ]; do echo -n "enter sudo-password: " stty -echo read sudopwd stty echo # password check echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S touch "$tmp_path/sudo.test" &>/dev/null if [ ! -e "$tmp_path/sudo.test" ]; then sudopwd="" fi done rm -f "$tmp_path/sudo.test" fi echo mode="sudo" else error "You're not root and sudo isn't available. Please run this script as root!" fi } function set_build_env () { echo -n "- setting env variables ...... " export PATH="$install_path/bin:$PATH" export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I $install_path/share/aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$install_path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$install_path/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$install_path/include" export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$install_path/lib" export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" export PYTHONPATH=`python -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix='$install_path')" 2>/dev/null` export PYTHONINCLUDE=`python -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(prefix='$install_path')" 2>/dev/null` echo "ok" } function check_ld_path () { echo -n "- checking lib-path in ld .... " case $os in FreeBSD) ;; # TODO: placeholder SunOS) ;; # TODO: need more testing of adding libraries on different solaris versions. atm this is not working Linux) libpath="`grep -r -l -i -m 1 $install_path/lib /etc/ld.so.conf*`" if [ -z "$libpath" ]; then case $linux_distri in gentoo) e17ldcfg="/etc/env.d/40e17paths" echo -e "PATH=$install_path/bin\nROOTPATH=$install_path/sbin:$install_path/bin\nLDPATH=$install_path/lib\nPKG_CONFIG_PATH=$install_path/lib/pkgconfig" > $e17ldcfg env-update &> /dev/null echo "ok (path has been added to $e17ldcfg)"; ;; *) if [ "`grep -l 'include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/' /etc/ld.so.conf`" ]; then e17ldcfg="/etc/ld.so.conf.d/e17.conf" else e17ldcfg="/etc/ld.so.conf"; cp $e17ldcfg $tmp_path; fi case "$mode" in "user") ;; "root") echo "$install_path/lib" >>$e17ldcfg ;; "sudo") echo "$install_path/lib" >> $tmp_path/`basename $e17ldcfg` echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S mv -f $tmp_path/`basename $e17ldcfg` $e17ldcfg ;; esac if [ "$asuser" ]; then echo "skipped (running as user)"; else echo "ok (path has been added to $e17ldcfg)"; fi ;; esac else echo "ok ($libpath)"; fi ;; esac } function mk_dest_dirs () { echo -n "- creating destination dirs .. " case "$mode" in user|root) mkdir -p "$install_path/share/aclocal" ;; sudo) echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S mkdir -p "$install_path/share/aclocal" ;; esac # PYTHON BINDING FIXES if [ "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then case "$mode" in user|root) mkdir -p "$PYTHONPATH" ;; sudo) echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S mkdir -p "$PYTHONPATH" ;; esac fi if [ "$PYTHONINCLUDE" ]; then case "$mode" in user|root) mkdir -p "$PYTHONINCLUDE" ;; sudo) echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S mkdir -p "$PYTHONINCLUDE" ;; esac fi echo "ok" } # SVN ############################################################################# function backoff_loop { src_cmd=$1 backoff=5 attempt=1 max_attempt=5 while [ 1 ]; do $src_cmd | tee -a "$tmp_path/source_update.log" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -gt 0 ]; then attempt=$(($attempt + 1)) set_title "Source update failed, trying again in $backoff seconds..." for (( i=$(($backoff*$attempt)); i > 0; i-- )) do echo -n -e "\rFAILED! Next attempt $attempt in \033[1m$i\033[0m seconds" sleep 1 done echo -n -e "\r \r" else break fi if [ $attempt == $max_attempt ]; then echo -e "\rFAILED! To many attempts ($attempt)\033[0m" && return fi done } function find_svn_path () { package=$1 subdir=$2 depth=$3 cachefile=$src_cache_path/cache_`echo "$subdir" | tr '/' '_'` if [ $depth -gt 3 ]; then return; fi if [ ! -e "$cachefile" ]; then # TODO use backoff_loop $cmd_svn_list $src_rev "$src_url/$subdir" | egrep "/$" >$cachefile fi contents=`cat $cachefile` for dir in $contents; do if [ "$dir" == "$package/" ]; then echo "$subdir/$dir" return fi done for dir in $contents; do found=0 for pkg in $packages; do if [ "$dir" == "$pkg/" ]; then found=1; fi done if [ $found == 1 ]; then continue; fi for idir in $ignore_dirs; do if [ "$dir" == "$idir/" ]; then found=1; fi done if [ $found == 1 ]; then continue; fi svn_path=`find_svn_path $package "$subdir/$dir" $(($depth+1))` if [ "$svn_path" ]; then echo "$svn_path" return fi done } function svn_fetch () { cd "$src_path" if [ "$src_mode" == "packages" ]; then for package in $real_packages; do src_path_pkg="$src_path$package" mkdir -p "$src_path_pkg" 2>/dev/null if [ "`$cmd_svn_test $src_path_pkg &>/dev/null; echo $?`" == 0 ]; then set_title "Updating sources in '$src_path_pkg' ..." echo "- updating sources in '$src_path_pkg' ..." if [ "$ask_on_src_conflicts" ]; then backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_update_conflicts_ask $src_rev $package" else backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_update_conflicts_solve $src_rev $package" fi else set_title "Checkout sources in '$src_path_pkg' ..." echo "- searching for direct source url for '$package' ..." path=`find_svn_path $package '' 1` if [ "$path" ]; then src_url_pkg="$src_url/$path" echo "- checkout sources in '$src_path_pkg' ..." backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_checkout $src_rev $src_url_pkg $src_path_pkg" else echo "- direct source url not found, package moved to OLD/?" fi fi done elif [ "$src_mode" == "full" ]; then if [ "`$cmd_svn_test &>/dev/null; echo $?`" == 0 ]; then set_title "Updating sources in '$src_path' ..." echo "- updating sources in '$src_path' ..." if [ "$ask_on_src_conflicts" ]; then backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_update_conflicts_ask $src_rev" else backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_update_conflicts_solve $src_rev" fi else set_title "Checkout sources in '$src_path' ..." echo "- checkout sources in '$src_path' ..." backoff_loop "$cmd_svn_checkout $src_rev $src_url $src_path" fi fi } function parse_svn_updates () { tmp="" for dir in `egrep "^[A|D|G|U] " "$tmp_path/source_update.log" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's,[^/]*$,,g' | sort -u`; do add_pkg="" found=0 for idir in $ignore_dirs; do topdir=`echo "$dir" | cut -d'/' -f1` if [ "$topdir" == "$idir" ]; then found=1; fi done if [ $found == 1 ]; then continue; fi for pkg in $real_packages; do if [ `echo "$dir" | egrep -q "^$pkg/|/$pkg/"; echo $?` == 0 ]; then if [ ! `echo "$tmp" | egrep -q "^$pkg | $pkg\$ | $pkg "; echo $?` == 0 ]; then tmp="$tmp $pkg" echo "- $pkg" fi break fi done done real_packages=$tmp } # SRC ############################################################################# function del_lines () { cnt=0 max=$1 while [ ! "$cnt" == "$max" ]; do echo -n -e "\b \b" cnt=$(($cnt+1)) done } function rotate () { pid=$1 name=$2 animation_state=1 log_line="" echo -n " " while [ "`ps -p $pid -o comm=`" ]; do last_line=`tail -1 "$logs_path/$name.log"` if [ ! "$log_line" = "$last_line" ]; then echo -e -n "\b\b\b[\033[1m" case $animation_state in 1) echo -n "|" animation_state=2 ;; 2) echo -n "/" animation_state=3 ;; 3) echo -n "-" animation_state=4 ;; 4) echo -n "\\" animation_state=1 ;; esac echo -n -e "\033[0m" echo -n "]" log_line=$last_line fi sleep 1 done if [ -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ]; then del_lines 12 else del_lines 3 echo -e "\033[1mERROR!\033[0m" set_notification "critical" "Package '$name': build failed" if [ ! "$skip_errors" ]; then set_title "$name: ERROR" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo -e "\033[1m-----------------------------------\033[7m Last loglines \033[0m\033[1m------------------------------\033[0m" echo -n -e "\033[1m" tail -25 "$logs_path/$name.log" echo -n -e "\033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo "-> Get more informations by checking the log file '$logs_path/$name.log'!" echo set_title exit 2 fi fi } function error () { echo -e "\n\n\033[1mERROR: $1\033[0m\n\n" set_title "ERROR: $1" set_notification "critical" "Error: $1" exit 2 } function logfile_banner () { cmd=$1 logfile=$2 echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> "$logfile" echo "EASY_E17 $version CMD: $cmd" >> "$logfile" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> "$logfile" } function run_command () { name=$1 path=$2 title=$3 log_title=$4 mode_needed=$5 cmd=$6 set_title "$name: $title ($pkg_pos/$pkg_total)" echo -n "$log_title" logfile_banner "$cmd" "$logs_path/$name.log" if [ $mode_needed == "rootonly" ]; then mode_needed=$mode else if [ $nice_level -ge 0 ]; then mode_needed="user" fi fi rm -f $status_path/$name.noerrors case "$mode_needed" in "sudo") echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH" \ nice -n $nice_level $cmd >> "$logs_path/$name.log" 2>&1 && touch $status_path/$name.noerrors & ;; *) nice -n $nice_level $cmd >> "$logs_path/$name.log" 2>&1 && touch $status_path/$name.noerrors & ;; esac pid="$!" rotate "$pid" "$name" } function find_local_path () { name=$1 path="" for dir in `find "$src_path" -maxdepth 3 -type d -name "$name" | awk -F "$src_path" '{print $2}'`; do found=0 for idir in $ignore_dirs; do topdir=`echo "$dir" | cut -d'/' -f1` if [ "$topdir" == "$idir" ]; then found=1; fi done if [ $found == 1 ]; then continue; fi if [ "${#dir}" -lt "${#path}" ] || [ -z "$path" ]; then path=$dir fi done if [ "$path" ]; then echo "$src_path/$path"; fi } function compile () { name=$1 if [ -e "$status_path/$name.installed" ]; then echo "previously installed" return fi path=`find_local_path $name` if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then echo "SOURCEDIR NOT FOUND" set_notification "critical" "Package '$name': sourcedir not found" return fi cd "$path" rm -f $status_path/$name.noerrors rm -f "$logs_path/$name.log" if [ $clean -ge 1 ]; then if [ -e "Makefile" ]; then if [ $clean -eq 1 ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "clean" "clean : " "$mode" "$make -j $threads clean" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ]; then if [ "$skip_errors" ]; then write_appname "$name" "hidden" # clean might fail, that's ok else return fi fi fi if [ $clean -eq 2 ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "distclean" "distcln: " "$mode" "$make -j $threads clean distclean" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ]; then if [ "$skip_errors" ]; then write_appname "$name" "hidden" # distclean might fail, that's ok else return fi fi fi if [ $clean -ge 3 ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "uninstall" "uninst : " "rootonly" "$make -j $threads uninstall clean distclean" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi # It's no longer installed if we just uninstalled it. # Even if the uninstall failed, it's best to mark it as uninstalled so that a partial uninstall gets fixed later. rm -f $status_path/$name.installed fi fi fi # get autogen arguments args="" for app_arg in `echo $autogen_args | tr -s '\,' ' '`; do app=`echo $app_arg | cut -d':' -f1` if [ "$app" == "$name" ]; then args="$args `echo $app_arg | cut -d':' -f2- | tr -s '+' ' '`" fi done if [ -e "autogen.sh" ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "autogen" "autogen: " "$mode" "./autogen.sh --prefix=$install_path $accache $args" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "make" "make: " "$mode" "$make -j $threads" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "install" "install: " "rootonly" "$make install" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi elif [ -e "bootstrap" ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "bootstrap" "bootstr: " "$mode" "./bootstrap" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "configure" "config: " "$mode" "./configure --prefix=$install_path $accache $args" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "make" "make: " "$mode" "$make -j $threads" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "install" "install: " "rootonly" "$make install" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi elif [ -e "Makefile.PL" ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "perl" "perl: " "$mode" "perl Makefile.PL prefix=$install_path $args" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "make" "make: " "$mode" "$make -j $threads" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "install" "install: " "rootonly" "$make install" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi elif [ -e "setup.py" ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "python" "python: " "$mode" "python setup.py build build_ext --include-dirs=$PYTHONINCLUDE $args" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "install" "install: " "rootonly" "python setup.py install --prefix=$install_path install_headers --install-dir=$PYTHONINCLUDE" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi elif [ -e "Makefile" ]; then make_extra="PREFIX=$install_path" run_command "$name" "$path" "make" "make: " "$mode" "$make $make_extra -j $threads" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi run_command "$name" "$path" "install" "install: " "rootonly" "$make $make_extra install" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi else echo "no build system" set_notification "critical" "Package '$name': no build system" touch $status_path/$name.nobuild return fi if [ "$gen_docs" ]; then if [ -e "gendoc" ]; then run_command "$name" "$path" "docs" "docs : " "$mode" "sh gendoc" if [ ! -e "$status_path/$name.noerrors" ] ; then return ; fi fi fi # All done, mark it as installed OK. touch $status_path/$name.installed rm -f $status_path/$name.noerrors echo "ok" set_notification "normal" "Package '$name': build successful" } function write_appname () { name=$1 hidden=$2 cnt=${#name} max=27 if [ "$hidden" ]; then c=-3 while [ ! $c = $cnt ]; do echo -n " " c=$(($c+1)) done else echo -n "- $name " fi while [ ! $cnt = $max ]; do echo -n "." cnt=$(($cnt+1)) done echo -n " " } function build_each () { pkg_pos=0 for pkg in $packages; do pkg_pos=$(($pkg_pos+1)) write_appname "$pkg" must=0 for one in $real_packages; do if [ "$pkg" == "$one" ]; then must=1 break fi done if [ $must -eq 1 ]; then compile $pkg else echo "SKIPPED" touch $status_path/$name.skipped fi done } # SCRIPT: ############################################################################# EASY_PWD=`pwd` my_args=$@ clean=0 accache="" set_title define_os_vars read_config_files parse_args build_package_list # check for script updates if [ "$action" == "script" ]; then header check_script_version fi # Sanity check stuff if doing everything as user. if [ "$asuser" ] && [ $nice_level -lt 0 ]; then nice_level=0 fi # Fix issues with a slash at the end if [ ! "${src_path:$((${#src_path}-1)):1}" == "/" ]; then src_path="$src_path/" fi # quit if some basic option is missing if [ -z "$action" ] || [ -z "$install_path" ] || [ -z "$src_path" ]; then wrong fi header # run script normally phase 1 set_title "Basic system checks" echo -e "\033[1m-------------------------------\033[7m Basic system checks \033[0m\033[1m----------------------------\033[0m" check_commands "automake gcc $make `echo "$cmd_src_checkout" | cut -d' ' -f1`" echo -n "- creating temporary dirs .... " mkdir -p "$tmp_path" 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "$logs_path" 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "$status_path" 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "$src_cache_path" 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "$src_path" 2>/dev/null chmod 700 "$tmp_path" echo "ok" if [ ! "$action" == "srcupdate" ]; then check_build_user set_build_env mk_dest_dirs check_ld_path fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo # sources echo -e "\033[1m-----------------------------\033[7m Source checkout/update \033[0m\033[1m---------------------------\033[0m" if [ -z "$skip_srcupdate" ]; then rm "$tmp_path/source_update.log" 2>/dev/null cd "$src_path" if [ "`$cmd_svn_test &>/dev/null; echo $?`" == 0 ]; then if [ "$src_mode" == "packages" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m- Full checkout found, changed source mode to 'full'!\033[0m" src_mode="full" fi fi svn_fetch else echo -e "\n - - - SKIPPED - - -\n" fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo if [ "$action" == "update" ] && [ -e "$tmp_path/source_update.log" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------\033[7m Parsing updates \033[0m\033[1m-------------------------------\033[0m" if [ -z "$real_packages" ]; then echo -e "\n - - - NO UPDATES AVAILABLE - - -\n" fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo fi pkg_total=`echo "$real_packages" | wc -w` cnt_pkgs # Count packages echo -n "-> PREPARING FOR PHASE 2..." set_title "Preparing for phase 2... compilation & installation" sleep 5 if [ "$action" == "install" ]; then set_notification "normal" "Now building packages..." elif [ "$action" == "only" ]; then set_notification "normal" "Now building following packages: $real_packages" elif [ "$action" == "update" ]; then if [ "$real_packages" ]; then set_notification "normal" "Now building following packages: $real_packages" else set_notification "normal" "Everything is up to date, nothing to build" fi fi phase 2 echo -e "\033[1m------------------------------\033[7m Installing packages \033[0m\033[1m-----------------------------\033[0m" pkg_pos=0 build_each echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo # Restore current directory in case post processing wants to be pathless. cd $EASY_PWD echo -e "\033[1m-----------------------------\033[7m Finishing installation \033[0m\033[1m---------------------------\033[0m" echo -n "- registering libraries ...... " if [ -z "$asuser" ]; then case "$mode" in "sudo") echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S nice -n $nice_level $ldconfig > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; *) nice -n $nice_level $ldconfig > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac echo "ok" else echo "skipped" fi echo -n "- post install script ........ " if [ "$easy_e17_post_script" ]; then echo -n " '$easy_e17_post_script' ... " case "$mode" in "sudo") echo "$sudopwd" | sudo -S nice -n $nice_level $easy_e17_post_script ;; *) nice -n $nice_level $easy_e17_post_script ;; esac echo "ok" else echo "skipped" fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo echo -n "-> PREPARING FOR PHASE 3..." set_title "Preparing for phase 3..." sleep 5 phase 3 set_title "Finished" for file in $logs_path/*.log ; do if [ "$file" == "$logs_path/*.log" ]; then break; fi pkg=`basename "$file" | cut -d'.' -f1` if [ -e "$status_path/$pkg.installed" ]; then packages_installed="$packages_installed $pkg" else if [ -e "$status_path/$pkg.skipped" ]; then packages_skipped="$packages_skipped $pkg" else if [ -e "$status_path/$pkg.nobuild" ]; then packages_nobuild="$packages_nobuild $pkg" else packages_failed="$packages_failed $pkg"; fi fi fi done echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------\033[7m Cleaning temp dir \033[0m\033[1m-----------------------------\033[0m" if [ -z "$keep" ]; then if [ "$packages_failed" ]; then echo -n "- saving logs ................ " for pkg in $packages_installed; do rm "$status_path/$pkg.installed" 2>/dev/null rm "$logs_path/$pkg.log" 2>/dev/null done else echo -n "- deleting temp dir .......... " rm -rf $tmp_path 2>/dev/null fi echo "ok" else echo "- saving temp dir ............ ok" fi echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo if [ "$packages_failed" ]; then echo -e "\033[1m---------------------------------\033[7m Failed packages \033[0m\033[1m------------------------------\033[0m" for pkg in $packages_failed; do echo "- $pkg (error log: $logs_path/$pkg.log)" done echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo set_notification "critical" "Script finished with build errors" else set_notification "normal" "Script finished successful" fi if [ "$action" == "install" ]; then echo echo "INSTALL NOTES:" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo "The most incredible and really unbelievable dream has become true:" echo "You compiled e17 successfully!" echo echo "Starting e17:" echo "Create a file ~/.xsession with the line 'exec $install_path/bin/enlightenment_start'." echo "Add a link to this file using 'ln -s ~/.xsession ~/.xinitrc'." echo echo "If you're using a login manager (GDM/KDM), select the session type 'default' in them." echo "If you're using the startx command, simply execute it now." echo echo "Note: e17 is still not released and it won't be in the near future. So don't" echo "ask for a stable release. e17 is still very buggy and only for experienced users" echo "who know what they do..." echo echo "Rasterman didn't write this script so don't ask him for help with it." echo echo "Hint: From now on you can easily keep your installation up to date." echo "Simply run easy_e17.sh with -u instead of -i ." echo echo "We hope you will enjoy your trip into e17... Have fun!" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" fi echo echo "ADD THESE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES:" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo "export PATH=\"$install_path/bin:\$PATH\"" echo "export PYTHONPATH=\"`python -c \"import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix='$install_path')\" 2>/dev/null`:\$PYTHONPATH\"" echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$install_path/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" echo -e "\033[1m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[0m" echo # Clear this out if we ever set it. export CC="" # exit script or wait? if [ "$wait" ]; then echo echo -e -n "\033[1mThe script is waiting here - simply press [enter] to exit.\033[0m" read fi set_title if [ "$packages_failed" ]; then exit 2 else exit 0; fi