#! /usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File : dia2pg.rb # Author : Jérémy Zurcher # Date : 24/08/10 # License : # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # require 'ostruct' require 'optparse' # class OpenStruct def to_h; @table end end # options = OpenStruct.new # options.verbose = false options.input = nil options.drop = false options.create = false options.oids = false options.user = 'postgres' options.tbl_prefix = nil # opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.on( "-i", "--input FILENAME", "input file" ) { |n| options.input = n } opts.on( "-v", "--verbose", "produce verbose output" ) { options.verbose = true } opts.on( "-d", "--drop", "generate drop table statements" ) { options.drop = true } opts.on( "-c", "--create", "generate create table statements" ) { options.create = true } opts.on( "-u", "--user USER", "set table owner's" ) { |n| options.user = n } opts.on( "-p", "--prefix PREFIX", "add a table prefix" ) { |n| options.tbl_prefix = n } opts.on( "-o", "--oids", "set OIDS" ) { options.oids = true } end # opts.parse!(ARGV) # if options.input.nil? $stderr << "missing input file argument\n" exit 1 end # options.tbl_prefix = ( options.tbl_prefix ? options.tbl_prefix+(options.tbl_prefix[-1]=='_' ? '' : '_') : '' ) # HEADER="\n -- generated with dia2pg\n" SEP="/**********************************************************************/" DATABASE = {} RELATIONS = [] # class Table # def initialize opts @opts = opts @attributes = [] @attr_prefix = nil @tbl_prefix = nil end # attr_reader :attr_prefix attr_writer :name attr_accessor :id # def to_s r = "Table #{@id} - #{@name} - #{@comment}\n" @attributes.inject(r) do |r,a| r<[] } @attributes.each do |attr| sql = attr.to_sql next if sql.nil? r << sql xi = attr.index if xi idx[xi] ||= [] idx[xi] << attr.real_name end pk << attr.real_name if attr.primary_key if attr.unique and not attr.primary_key if attr.comment=~/U./ uq[attr.comment] ||= [] uq[attr.comment]<< attr.real_name else uq[:all] << attr.real_name end end end uq.each do |k,v| r << " UNIQUE(#{v.join ','}),\n" unless v.empty? end r << " CONSTRAINT pk_#{name} PRIMARY KEY (#{pk.join ','})\n" if pk.length>0 r.sub!(/,\n$/,"\n") r << ") WITH ( OIDS='FALSE' " if @opts.oids r << ");\nALTER TABLE #{name} OWNER TO #{@opts.user};\n" idx.each do |k,v| r << "CREATE INDEX ON #{name} (#{v.join ','});\n" end r end # def drop puts "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{name} CASCADE;\n" end # end # class Attribute # def initialize tbl @tbl = tbl end # attr_reader :name, :primary_key, :unique, :comment attr_writer :name, :type, :comment, :primary_key, :nullable, :unique # def to_s " # #{@name} - #{@type} - #{@comment} - #{@primary_key} - #{@nullable} - #{@unique}\n" end # def foreign? @type=~/foreign/ end # def index return nil if @comment.nil? return nil if not @comment=~/index=(\d)/ $1 end # def no_rename? return false if @comment.nil? @comment=~/no_rename/ end # def no_prefix? return false if @comment.nil? @comment=~/no_prefix/ end # def no_export? return false if @comment.nil? @comment=~/no_export/ end # def default return '' if @comment.nil? @comment=~/default=(.*)$/ return '' if $1.nil? return " DEFAULT "+$1.to_s end # def real_name if not no_rename? and foreign? rl = RELATIONS.find { |r| r.tbl_to==@tbl and r.attr_to.name==@name } if rl.nil? $stderr << "MISSING RELATION FOR FOREIGN KEY table:#{@tbl.name} attribute:#{@name}\n" raise Exception .new "MISSING RELATION FOR FOREIGN KEY table:#{@tbl.name} attribute:#{@name}\n" end if rl.tbl_from==@tbl ( (@tbl.attr_prefix.nil? or no_prefix?) ? @name : @tbl.attr_prefix+@name ) else rl.attr_from.real_name end else ( (@tbl.attr_prefix.nil? or no_prefix?) ? @name : @tbl.attr_prefix+@name ) end end # def type foreign? ? 'integer' : @type end # def to_sql return if no_export? r = " #{format "%-35s", real_name}" if foreign? rl = RELATIONS.find { |r| r.tbl_to==@tbl and r.attr_to.name==@name } if rl.nil? $stderr << "MISSING RELATION FOR FOREIGN KEY #{@tbl.name} #{@name}\n" raise Exception.new "MISSING RELATION FOR FOREIGN KEY #{@tbl.name} #{@name}\n" else r << "integer REFERENCES #{rl.tbl_from.name}(#{rl.attr_from.real_name})" r << " NOT NULL" if not @nullable end elsif @nullable r << type else r << "#{type} NOT NULL" end r << default r << ",\n" end # end # class Relation # attr_accessor :tbl_from, :attr_from, :m_from, :tbl_to, :attr_to, :m_to # def to_s " # #{tbl_from.name}.#{attr_from.name} (#{m_from}) => #{tbl_to.name}.#{attr_to.name} (#{m_to})" end # end # require 'zlib' require 'nokogiri' doc = Nokogiri::XML( Zlib::GzipReader.new( File.open(options.input) ).read ) # doc.xpath('//dia:object[@type="Database - Table"]').each do |node| tbl = Table.new options tbl.id = node.xpath('@id').to_s tbl.name = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="name"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] $stderr << "# parse #{tbl.id} #{tbl.name}\n" if options.verbose tbl.comment = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="comment"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] # tbl.comment = $1.to_s node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="attributes"]').each do |el| el.xpath('dia:composite[@type="table_attribute"]').each do |a| attr = Attribute.new tbl attr.name = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="name"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] attr.type = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="type"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] $stderr << " # #{attr.name} #{attr.type}\n" if options.verbose attr.comment = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="comment"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] attr.primary_key = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="primary_key"]/dia:boolean/@val').to_s=='true' attr.nullable = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="nullable"]/dia:boolean/@val').to_s=='true' attr.unique = a.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="unique"]/dia:boolean/@val').to_s=='true' tbl << attr end end DATABASE[tbl.id]=tbl end # DATABASE REFERENCES doc.xpath('//dia:object[@type="Database - Reference"]').each do |node| r = Relation.new r.m_from = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="start_point_desc"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] r.m_to = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="end_point_desc"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] r.tbl_from = DATABASE[node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="0"]/@to').to_s] r.tbl_to = DATABASE[node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="1"]/@to').to_s] next if r.tbl_from.nil? or r.tbl_to.nil? r.attr_from = r.tbl_from.attr node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="0"]/@connection').to_s.to_i r.attr_to = r.tbl_to.attr node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="1"]/@connection').to_s.to_i $stderr << "# connection : #{r.to_s}\n" if options.verbose RELATIONS << r end # doc.xpath('//dia:object[@type="UML - Association"]').each do |node| r = Relation.new node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="name"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] r.m_from = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="multipicity_a"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] r.m_to = node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="multipicity_b"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="role_a"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] node.xpath('dia:attribute[@name="role_b"]/dia:string').first.content[1..-2] r.tbl_from = DATABASE[node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="0"]/@to').to_s] r.tbl_to = DATABASE[node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="1"]/@to').to_s] r.attr_from = r.tbl_from.attr node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="0"]/@connection').to_s.to_i r.attr_to = r.tbl_to.attr node.xpath('dia:connections/dia:connection[@handle="1"]/@connection').to_s.to_i RELATIONS << r end # TBL_DEBS= {} # RELATIONS.each do |r| TBL_DEBS[r.tbl_to.id] ||=[] TBL_DEBS[r.tbl_to.id] << r.tbl_from.id end # FLUSHED = [] # def flush tbl, l if l==DATABASE.length $stderr << "Can't resolve dependecy loop\n" exit 1 end return if FLUSHED.include? tbl.id or tbl.no_export? if not TBL_DEBS[tbl.id].nil? TBL_DEBS[tbl.id].each do |t| # not self depend flush( DATABASE[t], l+1) if not t==tbl.id end end puts SEP puts tbl.to_sql puts "" FLUSHED << tbl.id end # puts HEADER if options.drop DATABASE.each do |k,tbl| tbl.drop unless tbl.no_export? end puts '' end if options.create DATABASE.each do |k,tbl| flush tbl, 0 end end #