# encoding : iso-8859-1 @SysInclude { langdefs } @SysInclude { bsf } @SysInclude { dsf } @SysInclude { docf } @SysInclude { xrgb } @SysInclude { tbl } @SysInclude { diag } @Use { @BasicSetup @InitialFont { Times Base 7p } @ListOuterGap { 0.60v @OrIfPlain 1f } @ListGap { 0.60v @OrIfPlain 1f } @ListIndent { 0s } @ListLabelWidth { 0.60f @OrIfPlain 5s } } @Use { @DocumentSetup @PageType { A4 } @PageOrientation { Landscape } @ColumnNumber { 2 } @TopMargin { 0.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } @FootMargin { 0.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } @OddLeftMargin { .2c @OrIfPlain 10s } @OddRightMargin { .2c @OrIfPlain 10s } @EvenLeftMargin { .2c @OrIfPlain 10s } @EvenRightMargin { .2c @OrIfPlain 10s } } @Use { @OrdinarySetup } @SysDatabase @FontDef { fontdefs } @SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } def @Initial {@B{Initial Raid counters} : @BulletList @ListItem{+@Sym summation @I Ferocity of in-play @I Families} @ListItem{+2 during @I American Period} @EndList } def @PlaceRaid {@B{Place Raid counters} : @BulletList @ListItem{in the next @I Area @B closest (in @I Mps) to a @I Family, @LLP alphabetic order @B but, then @B within @I Chelly} @ListItem{place 2 counters in @I Area with @I Corn or @I Harass counter @LLP if only 1 available @Sym arrowdblright @B{Raid Ends}} @EndList } def @PlayerReaction {@B{Player Reaction} : @BulletList @ListItem{@B 1 Action with @B 1 @I Family not in an @I Area @Sym lessequal @I Outpost or with @I Fort} @ListItem{@B Ambush 1 @I AP, same @I Area, @I Military @Sym greater 0, @I Ferocity @Sym greater 0 @BulletList @ListItem{@B Battle : @B {remove all} placed @I Raid counters on @I FV{@Sym slash}@I MFV} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B Negociate 1 @I AP, same @I Area (@B fail on pure 1) @BulletList @ListItem{@B if 1d6 + spent @I{Trade Goods} + @I Evade @Sym greater 5 @B or @I pure 6 @BulletList @ListItem{place all @I Families in the @I Area into the @I Escape box} @RawEndList} #@ListItem{@B {else or} @I pure 1 @Sym arrowdblright @B{Raid Resolution}} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B Harass 1 @I AP @BulletList @ListItem{place an @I Harass counter in an @B empty @I Area} @ListItem{@B max 3 away from a @I Family with @I Man} @ListItem{@B never in an @I Area @Sym lessequal @I Outpost on same track} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B Evade, free, same @I Area @BulletList @ListItem{@B if 1d6 + @I Evade +1 @I Manuelito's @Sym greater {@Sym numbersign}@I Area : @BulletList @ListItem{move to result {@Sym numbersign}@I Area @B if there is no @I Raid counter} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B or pure 6 @B or 7+ : move to {@Sym numbersign}6 @I Area or any @I Chelly} @RawEndList} @EndList } def @RaidResolution {@B{Raid Resolution} : @BulletList @ListItem{each @I Family must either @B Battle (@B if @I Military @Sym greater 0 @B and @I Man) @B or : @BulletList @ListItem{1 @I Population @Sym arrowdblright @I{Passage of Time}, do @B{no adjustment} yet} @ListItem{+1 @I{Enemy Morale} @B if 1d6 in range of removed @I Population} @ListItem{-1 @I Culture @Sym slash empty slot in the @I Family} @ListItem{-1 @I{Enemy Ferocity}} @ListItem{@I Family @Sym arrowdblright @I Caught box @B {or if} from @I{Canyon de Chelly}: @BulletList @ListItem{@I Family @Sym arrowdblright @I Caught box of any other @I Territory} @ListItem{remaining @I Population @Sym arrowdblright @I{Passage of Time}} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @EndList } def @RaidEnds {@B{Raid Ends} : @BulletList @ListItem{place an @I Outpoust in {@Sym numbersign}1 @I Area of each @I Territory @B that : @BulletList @ListItem{contains @I Raid counters @B {and no} @I Outpost of the same type} @ListItem{@B {and no} @I Family counter, including @I Caught and @I Escape boxes} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B if no @I Raid counter was @B ever placed in a @I Territory with a @I Family : @BulletList @ListItem{@Sym arrowdblright @B Build} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B if @I Raid counters remains in @I{Santa F{@Char eacute}} @Sym arrowdblright @B Subvert with them} @ListItem{@B remove @I Raid @B and @I harass counters} #@ListItem{-1 @I{Enemy Morale} @B {if no} @I Family in @I Caught box} @ListItem{+1 @I{Enemy Morale} @Sym slash @I Family in @I Caught box, -1 @I{Enemy Morale} @B if none} @ListItem{@I Families in @I Caught or @I Escape boxes, @B if with @I Adult: @BulletList @ListItem{place in @B any @I Area of that @I Territory with @B any @I Ferocity} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B else : @I Child @Sym arrowdblright @I{Passage of Time}, @I Family @Sym arrowdblright @I{Out of Play}} @EndList } def @InitialT {@B{Initial Raid counters} : @BulletList @ListItem{{@Sym numbersign}@I Families in-play} @EndList } def @PlaceRaidT {@B{Place Raid counters} : @BulletList @ListItem{into 1d6 @I Territory @LLP lowest {@Sym numbersign}@I Area without a @I Raid counter} @EndList } def @RaidEndsT {@B{Raid Ends} : @BulletList @ListItem{remove @I{Tribal Raid} counters} @ListItem{place @I Families in @I Caught and @I Escape boxes @LLP in @B any @I Area of that @I Territory with @B any @I Ferocity} @EndList } def @MayEvade {@B{1 Family may Evade} : @BulletList @ListItem{@B If 1d6 + @I Evade + 1 @I Manuelito @Sym greater {@Sym numbersign}@I Area: @BulletList @ListItem{move to result {@Sym numbersign}@I Area} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B or pure 6 : move to {@Sym numbersign}6 @I Area or any @I Chelly} @EndList } def @ConductRaid {@B{Conduct Raid} : 1d6 @BulletList @ListItem{-1 @Sym slash @I Resources @Sym arrowdblright @I{Out of Play}} @ListItem{+1 @B if @I Comanche} @ListItem{+highest {@Sym numbersign}Area with @I {Tribal Raid} - 1} @ListItem{+3 @B during @I {Kit Carson} Campaign @BulletList @ListItem{@B and +2 @B if @I Fort in @I Territory} @ListItem{@B and +{@Sym numbersign}@I Area with @I Outpost in @I Territory} @RawEndList} @EndList } def @RaidResolutionT {@B{Raid Resolution} : @BulletList @ListItem{each @I Family must either @B Battle @LLP (@B if @I Military @Sym greater 0 @B and @I Man) @B or : @BulletList @ListItem{1 @I Population @Sym arrowdblright @I{Passage of Time}} @ListItem{-1 @I Culture @Sym slash empty slot in the @I Family} @ListItem{@B if has @I Adults @Sym arrowdblright @I Caught box @LLP @B else @I{Out of Play}} @RawEndList} @EndList } @Document @InitialSpace { lout } // @Text @Begin @CurveBox { 9p @Font @B {Enemy Raid} |1c @B Ignore @I Families that are in the same @I Area as a @I Fort. @LLP @Diag { @Tbl rule {no} i {ctr} iv {foot} { @Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell height {1.8c} A | @HSpan | @StartVSpan @Cell iv {top} C } A { A:: @CurveBox outlinewidth {1p} @Initial } C { F:: @CurveBox @RaidResolution } @Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell height {2.2c} A | @HSpan | @VSpan } A { B:: @CurveBox @PlaceRaid } @Row format { @Cell A | @Cell ml {1c} mr{1c} B | @Cell C } A { C:: @Diamond margin {14p} break {clines} {@I Raid counter @LLP in @I Chelly} } B { D:: @Diamond margin {14p} break {clines} {@I Raid counter @LLP with a @I Family} } C { G:: @Diamond margin {14p} {0 @I Raid in Santa F{@Char eacute} @LLP @B or 0 @I Family in-play} } @Rowa @Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell A | @HSpan | @Cell iv {ctr} C } A { E:: @CurveBox @PlayerReaction } C { H:: @CurveBox outlinewidth {1p} @RaidEnds } } // @Arrow from { A } to { B } @Arrow from { B } to { C } @Arrow from { C } to { D } ylabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Link from { C } to { E } arrow {yes} path {ccurve} bias {1.3c} xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Link from { E } to { D } arrow {yes} path {ccurve} bias {1.3c} @Link from { D } to { F } arrow {yes} path {acurve} xlabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Arrow from { D } to { G } xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Arrow from { F } to { G } @Link from { G } to { B } arrow {yes} path {ccurve} xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Arrow from { G } to { H } ylabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} } } @LP @LP @LP @CurveBox { 9p @Font @B {Tribal Raid} |1c @B Ignore @I Families that are in the same @I Area as a @I Fort. @LLP @Diag { @Tbl rule {no} i {ctr} iv {ctr} { @Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell i {right} A | @HSpan | @Cell B } A { A:: @CurveBox outlinewidth {1p} @InitialT } B { B:: @CurveBox @PlaceRaidT } @Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell A | @HSpan | @Cell B } A { F:: @CurveBox outlinewidth {1p} @RaidEndsT } B { G:: @Diamond margin {14p} break {clines} {@I Raid counter @LLP with a @I Family} } @Row format { @StartVSpan @Cell i {right} A | @Cell B | @Cell C} A { E:: @CurveBox @RaidResolutionT} B { J:: @Diamond margin {14p} break {clines} {has more @LLP @I{Tribal Raid}} } C { C:: @CurveBox @MayEvade } @Row format { @VSpan | @Cell i {right} iv {top} B | @StartVSpan @Cell C} B { H:: @Diamond margin {10p} {pure 1} } C { D:: @CurveBox margin {6p} @ConductRaid} @Row format { @VSpan | @Cell i {left} iv {top} B | @VSpan } B { I:: @Diamond margin {14p} break {clines} {pure 6 @B or @LLP {@Sym numbersign}@I Area @Sym lessequal result} @LLP @LLP @LLP } } // @Arrow from { A } to { B } @Arrow from { B } to { G } @Arrow from { G } to { C } xlabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Link from { G } to { J } path {acurve} bias {10p} arrow {yes} xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Arrow from { C } to { D } @Arrow from { D } to { H } @Arrow from { H } to { J } xlabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Arrow from { H } to { I } xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Link from { I } to { E } path {acurve} bias {10p} arrow {yes} xlabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Link from { I } to { J } path {ccurve} bias {10p} arrow {yes} xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Link from { J } to { B } path {ccurve} bias {10p} arrow {yes} xlabel {@B Yes} pathcolor {@Xrgb olivedrab} @Arrow from { J } to { F } xlabel {@B No} pathcolor {@Xrgb firebrick} @Arrow from { E } to { J } } } @End @Text