black @Colour @CurveBox margin {.1c} black @Colour { 9.5c @Wide @Tbl #rule {yes} margin {.1c} aformat { @Cell A } { @Row paint {@Limited} format { @Cell 16p @Font @B A } A{Limited Reaction 10p @Font 8.3 @Version 1} @Row format { @Cell A } A{ // @RawBulletList @ListItem{eligible units may reinforce an adjacent assaulted hex @Reff 10.5.1} @ListItem{a @I leader or a @I{non-vehicular} @I combat unit may : @BulletList @ListItem{request @I{Mortar Fire Actions} and{@Sym slash}or @I Illuminations} @RawEndList} @ListItem{a @I leader may @I Maneuver or @I Recover @B and may /.3v give units of its @I Plt or Ad Hoc units similar orders @B if @BulletList @ListItem{at the beginning of his Reaction those units are : @BulletList @ListItem{@Russian within @B 1 hex of him} @ListItem{stacked with him in a Forest or building hex} @ListItem{within 1 hex in Open, @BOP, /.3v connecting road{@Sym slash}railroad or path hex} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@I{non-vehicular} unit may : @BulletList @ListItem{load or unload @Reff} @ListItem{withdraw (@I exc : @I{Towed Gun}, @I FPs) @Reff 10.3.1 @BulletList @ListItem{@B{if not} from an @I{Impact Hex} @Reff 8.3.c : @BulletList @ListItem{d10 @Sym lessequal best @I Cohesion unit} @ListItem{-1 if @I Elite and{@Sym slash}or assisted by its @I leader} @ListItem{on failure the units are marked as @I Activated} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@I vehicles may : @BulletList @ListItem{@I Maneuvre @B if in Motion @Reff 10.4} @ListItem{@I Recover @Reff 12.7 or be placed in motion @Reff 10.4.1 @B if stationary} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@I Elite units may attempt @I Recovery @Reff 12.1} @ListItem{@I LATW sections may @Reff 11.5.2 : @BulletList @ListItem{@I Fire, @I Maneuver, or @I Maneuver @Sym ampersand @I Fire} @RawEndList} @EndList } }}