black @Colour @CurveBox margin {.1c} black @Colour { @Tbl #rule {yes} margin {.1c} aformat { @Cell A } { @Row paint {@Fate} format { @Cell 16p @Font @B A } A{Random Events 10p @Font 18.0 @Version 1} @Rowa rulebelow {yes} A{ // @RawBulletList @ListItem{on pure 1 : may remove the @I Concealed marker from a hex within 5 hexes and @I LOS} @ListItem{on pure 10 : roll on the below @I{Fate Table}} @EndList } @Rowa A{ || @Tbl #rule {yes} margin {.1c} i{ctr} iv{ctr} aformat { @Cell @B A | @Cell i{right} @B B | @Cell } bformat { @Cell A | @Cell i{right} @B B | @Cell i{left} C} { @Rowa paint {@Even} A{die roll @LLP @Sym slash @Japanese @Russian} B{Fate} @Rowb paint {@Odd} A{1-2} B{Medic} C{randomly return an infantry or @I MG @I Section into play @LLP closest to its @I Plt, @I Concealed if in cover, not adjacent to an enemy @LLP if no casualty, all units in 1 hex @I Recover @LLP if no non-vehicular in play, @I Recover 1 random @I AVF} @Rowb paint {@Even} A{3-5 @Sym slash red @Colour 3-4} B{Recover} C{@I Recover all @I Disrupted, @I Regrouping and @I Shocked units in 1 hex} @Rowb paint {@Odd} A{6-7 @Sym slash red @Colour 5-7} B{Sniper} C{1 randomly selected non-hidden platoon @I leader suffers a casualty @LLP if none in play, 1 randomly selected @I AFV is @I Shocked} @Rowb paint {@Even} A{8-9} B{Indecision} C{loss of @I Initiative to the opposing player (reroll if both players do)} @Rowb paint {@Odd} A{10} B{Panic} C{all units (not @I{Towed Guns}) in 1 hex (opposite player choses) @LLP move 4 hexes toward their FBE (not further) turn is over} }} }}