# encoding : iso-8859-1 @SysInclude { langdefs } @SysInclude { bsf } @SysInclude { dsf } @SysInclude { docf } @SysInclude { tbl } @Use { @BasicSetup @InitialFont { Times Base 7p } @ListOuterGap { 0.60v @OrIfPlain 1f } @ListGap { 0.60v @OrIfPlain 1f } @ListIndent { 0s } @ListLabelWidth { 0.60f @OrIfPlain 5s } } @Use { @DocumentSetup @PageOrientation { Landscape } @TopMargin { 0.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } @FootMargin { 0.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } @OddLeftMargin { .1c @OrIfPlain 10s } @OddRightMargin { .1c @OrIfPlain 10s } @EvenLeftMargin { .1c @OrIfPlain 10s } @EvenRightMargin { .1c @OrIfPlain 10s } @ColumnNumber { 4 } @ColumnGap { .1c @OrIfPlain 6s } } @Use { @OrdinarySetup } @SysDatabase @FontDef { fontdefs } @SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } def @Title right x { /.1c |1c 8p @Font @B {x}} # 65mm x 89mm def @HCard right x { 90d @Rotate black @Colour @CurveBox margin {.1c} 8.7c @Wide 6.3c @High black @Colour { x } } def @VCard right x { black @Colour @CurveBox margin {.1c} 6.3c @Wide 8.7c @High black @Colour { x } } def @Red {rgb .8 .1 0} def @GCol {rgb .49 .48 .51} def @ACol {rgb .51 .56 .28} def @VCol {rgb .3 .07 .81} def @VS { @VCol @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@VCol} white @Color 2P } def @GS { @GCol @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@GCol} white @Color GS } def @AS { @ACol @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@ACol} white @Color AS } #def @Allied { @ACol @Colour @B Allied } #def @German { @GCol @Colour @B German } def @AlliedGS { 7p @Font @GCol @Colour @Box margin {.5p} paint {@GCol} white @Color Allied} def @GermanGS { 7p @Font @GCol @Colour @Box margin {.5p} paint {@GCol} white @Color German} def @Allied { Allied } def @German { German } def @Day right x { white @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@Red} white @Colour x } def @A { white @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@ACol} A } def @G { white @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {@GCol} G } #def @Atk { white @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {rgb .75 .22 .17} A } #def @Def { white @Colour @Box margin {1p} paint {rgb .15 .68 .37} D } def @Atk { {rgb .82 .32 .1} @Colour @CurveBox margin {1p} black @Colour A } def @Def { {rgb .16 .65 .35} @Colour @CurveBox margin {1p} black @Colour D } def @Bracked { @B{[}{unit}@B{]} } def @City { @I City{@Char slash}@I Town} def @Asc {@Ding a76 @Sym numbersign} def @Desc {@Ding a77 @Sym numbersign} def @Roadblocks { @VCard { @Title {@GS @B Roadblocks} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{the hex is considered empty} #@ListItem{it only @B impacts German units: @ListItem{it has the following @B effects on @German units: @BulletList @ListItem{it @B blocks move{@Sym slash}advance, @I Proximity, @I Supply} @ListItem{it @B stops adjacent move{@Sym slash}advance if @B connected to it by a @B Road} @ListItem{@I{Strategic Move} adjacent or would trigger check @B not allowed} @RawEndList} @EndList /.2v @BulletList @ListItem{@B place a @I Roadblock on a roll @Sym lessequal @B HV, once par @Underline Activation, /.3v when a @German unit moves{@Sym slash}advance into a hex @B adjacent to : @BulletList @ListItem{an empty @I Position, in @Allied @I Supply, on a @B Road hex} @ListItem{not a @German @City or adjacent to a @German unit} @ListItem{if @B HV < @B 5 : not in @Allied @B ZOC} @ListItem{@Day 20+ : only if @B VP} @RawEndList} @EndList /.2v @BulletList @ListItem{@B remove a @I Roadblock when : @BulletList @ListItem{an @Allied unit @B enters its hex} @ListItem{during @Underline{Supply Phase} it is @I{OutOfCom} with @German @B or @Allied} @ListItem{during @Underline{@German Activation} it is @B adjacent to an active unit : @BulletList @ListItem{if in @I Supply or @B VP, replace it on a roll @Sym lessequal @B HV @BulletList @ListItem{with an @Allied reserve or then @I{OutOfContact}} @ListItem{@B same as closest unit : @I division @Sym arrowdblright @I corps @Sym arrowdblright @I army, @B lowest @Char numbersign} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @EndList /.2v @BulletList @ListItem{@B {check priority} : highest @B HV @Sym arrowdblright @B westernmost} @EndList } } def @Reserve { @VCard { @Title {@GS Allied Reserve Deployment} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{@B never in @German @City, @B never in danger of @I Surround} @ListItem{@B @Underline {Method A} @Day 16+ @Asc @I Reserve then @Day 18+ @Asc @I OutOfContact @BulletList @ListItem{within the @I corps boundaries} @ListItem{empty @I Position, in @I Supply were it occupied} @ListItem{@I Proximate to a @German unit} @ListItem{not in @Allied @B ZOC unless: @BulletList @ListItem{@B HV is @B 5+ @B or deployment fixes @I OutOfCommunication} #@ListItem{@B or deployment fixes @I OutOfCommunication} @RawEndList} @RawEndList /.4v} @ListItem{@B @Underline {Method B} @Day 18+ @Asc @I Reserve @BulletList @ListItem{@B first with @B{same division} unit, in @I Supply, in @I Communication} @ListItem{@B then within the @I corps boundaries @BulletList @ListItem{empty @I Position, in @I Supply were it occupied} @ListItem{within @B 3 hexes of a @Allied unit in the @B {same army}} @ListItem{within @B 4 hexes of a @German unit} @RawEndList} @RawEndList /.2v} @ListItem{@B {tie breaker} : @BulletList @ListItem{@B first within @B 3 hexes @B same @I division @Sym arrowdblright @I corps @Sym arrowdblright @I army} @ListItem{@B then highest @B HV @Sym arrowdblright westernmost @Sym arrowdblright closest to @German} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline {OutOfContact} : @BulletList @ListItem{not @I Dispersed, not @I Isolated in @I Communication and either is: @BulletList @ListItem{not @I Proximate and it's removal would not create a @B GAP} @ListItem{not @I Surrounded, @B lowest @Char numbersign in a @B 5+ steps or @B 8+ points stack} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @EndList } } def @States { @VCard { @Title {@GS @VS Unit States} #/.4v @BulletList gap {0.4v} @ListItem{@B @Underline @B Supply : road from map edge + @B 4 hexes not through enemy : @BulletList @ListItem{@I Roadblock, @I Bridge, @City, unit and unoccupied @B ZOC} @ListItem{if crossing an @I River, the path is limited to @B 1 hex} @ListItem{@I Westwall @B blocks @Allied @I Supply unless occupied} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline @Bracked : @BulletList @ListItem{may @B not attack on it's own} @ListItem{does @B not add to chit draw when attacking} @ListItem{@B {no ZOC} unless stacked, in @City, @German in @I Westwall} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline Dispersed : @BulletList @ListItem{has @B{no ZOC}} @ListItem{may @B not move, attack, advance after combat or build an @B IP} @ListItem{may retreat @B {only 1} hex (alos applies to units stacked with it)} @ListItem{if all defending units are @I Dispersed : @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk may disregard @B{1 hit}} @ListItem{@Def may @B not use @I CombatTactic, @Allied do @B not draw a card} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@AlliedGS : @I Dispersed @I OutOfContact can't be taken as @I Reserve} # https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2152674/article/31279171#31279171 @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline OutOfFuel : @BulletList # https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1451035/article/28979783#28979783 @ListItem{may @B not attack, move, retreat, advance, deploy from @I Reserve} @ListItem{@Atk may disregard @B{1 hit}} @ListItem{@B cumulative with @I LowSupply and @I OutOfSupply} @ListItem{do @B {not cumulate} with @I Isolated, the card is still discarded} @RawEndList} @EndList } } def @SupplyStates { @VCard { @Title {@GS @VS Supply States} @BulletList @ListItem{@B @Underline LowSupply : @BulletList @ListItem{@B no @I CombatTactic may be played in that unit's support.} @ListItem{may @B not receive @I Replacements} @ListItem{@German : may @B not @B exit the map} @ListItem{@AlliedGS : may @B not lead an @B attack} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline OutOfSupply @I LowSupply + : @BulletList @ListItem{may @B not @B attack or build an @B IP} @ListItem{if @I mechanized may move @B {only 1} hex} @ListItem{@I OutOfSupply only : @Atk @B +1 @I CombatChit, @B {disregard 1} hit} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline Isolated @I OutOfSupply + : @BulletList @ListItem{has @B {no ZOC} (even if in @City)} @ListItem{@I mechanized may @B not move or retreat} @ListItem{@I infantry may move or retreat @B {only 1} hex : @BulletList @ListItem{may @B {not exit} an enemy @B ZOC} @ListItem{may @B {not enter} enemy @City or cross enemy @I Bridge} @ListItem{@Allied : may @B {not enter} an empty @I Westwall hex} @RawEndList} @ListItem{does @B not affect the placement of enemy @I Reserve unit} @ListItem{@AlliedGS : @I Isolated @I OutOfContact can't be taken as @I Reserve.} @ListItem{@I Isolated only : @Atk @B +2 @I CombatChits, @B {disregard all} hits} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B @Underline Surrender : step loss @B 1-6 @CurveBox {} @B 1-4 @CurveBox paint {rgb 0 0 0} {} @B 1-2 @CurveBox paint {rgb 1 .2 .2} {}} @EndList } } def @CombatTacticsGS { @VCard { @Title {@GS Combat Tactics} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{@B Airpower @Sym slash @B Artillery : linked to @I {Combat Chit}} @ListItem{@B @Atk @B {Assault Coordination} : inactive adjacent stacks may attack} @ListItem{@A @Def @B {Bug Out} @BulletList @ListItem{@Day 16-18 odds are @Sym greaterequal 3:1 and @I HoldCheck fail : /.2v retreat @B 2 hexes, not @I Dispersed, @Atk may advance} @ListItem{@Day 19+ @B 3+ steps, not @I Surrounded : move @B highest @Char numbersign unit /.2v into the nearest empty in @I Supply not @I Proximate @I Position} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B {Combat Engineers} @Sym slash @B Engineers : @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk : @B +1 strength, remove @B IP} #, disregard @I {Combat Engineer}} @ListItem{@Def : place an @B IP if possible unless @I {Combat Engineer}} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@A @B {Corps Artillery} : like @I Artillery @B and draw a second card} @ListItem{@G @B {Fixed Artillery} : @I Artillery within @B FAR from a @I Westwall} @ListItem{@G @Atk @B {Inf Infiltration} : +@I Flanked (not in @City), -@B{1 hex}} #@ListItem{@G @B {Infantry Infiltration} : attacker only, a non-City is considered @I Flanked, the attack is not considered a @B 1 hex attack} @ListItem{@B {Panzer{@Sym slash}Tank Battalion} : @B +1 strength, + @I Armor} @ListItem{@G @Atk @B {Press the Attack} : @Sym emptyset effects} @ListItem{@B {Reinforce Battle} : @B 1 stack that did not attack or move in the current @I Activation may move and participate in the combat @BulletList # FIXME @I Roadblocks & Bridges @ListItem{@Allied : stack with @B lowest {@Char numbersign}, preserve @B Line, protect @B VP} @ListItem{@German @Def : reinforcing strength @Sym lessequal defending} #@ListItem{@B @Allied : select the stack with @B lowest numbered units, preserving line and protecting VP hexes takes priority} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@A @Def @B Screen : max @I {Combat Chit} @B-2} @EndList } } def @CombatTacticsVS { @VCard { @Title {@VS Combat Tactics} /.7v @BulletList gap {1v} @ListItem{@B Airpower @Sym slash @B Artillery : linked to @I {Combat Chit}} @ListItem{@B @Atk @B {Assault Coordination} : inactive adjacent stacks may attack} @ListItem{@A @Def @B {Bug Out} : retreat @B 2 hexes, not @I Dispersed, /.2v @Atk may advance} @ListItem{@B {Combat Engineers} @Sym slash @B Engineers : @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk : @B +1 strength, remove @B IP} #, disregard @I {Combat Engineer}} @ListItem{@Def : place an @B IP if possible unless @I {Combat Engineer}} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@A @B {Corps Artillery} : like @I Artillery @B but reshuffle if not empty} @ListItem{@G @B {Fixed Artillery} : @I Artillery within @B FAR from a @I Westwall} @ListItem{@G @Atk @B {Inf Infiltration} : +@I Flanked (not in @City), -@B{1 hex}} #@ListItem{@G @B {Infantry Infiltration} : attacker only, a non-City is considered @I Flanked, the attack is not considered a @B 1 hex attack} @ListItem{@G @B {Panzer Battalion} : @B +1 strength, + @I Armor} @ListItem{@G @Atk @B {Press the Attack} : @Sym emptyset effects} @ListItem{@B {Reinforce Battle} : @B 1 stack that did not attack or move in the current @I Activation may move and participate in the combat} @ListItem{@A @Def @B Screen : max @I {Combat Chit} @B-2} @ListItem{@A @B {Tank Battalion} : @B +1 strength, + @I Armor} @EndList } } def @CombatChits { @VCard { @Title {@GS Combat Tactics @Char ampersand Chits} @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk {@Sym ampersand} @Def : must have @B 1+ in @I Supply @B not @I Dispersed unit} @ListItem{@German @Atk : @Char numbersign @I Tactics {@Sym slash} Activation @B @Sym lessequal card @I CommandValue} @ListItem{@German @Def : @B 1 @I CombatTactic ... @B VDH @Atk @Char slash @Def : @Sym emptyset} @ListItem{@Allied : draw @B {1 card} for @I CombatTactic if @Atk or unless : @BulletList @ListItem{@Def if card's @B{formation matches} any defending unit @B and /.2v @B {@Sym less 4} steps, in @I Communication, not in danger of @I Surround : @BulletList @ListItem{add an @B {undetected defender} that @B matches the formation} @ListItem{take it from @Asc @I Reserve @Sym arrowdblright @Asc @I OutOfContact} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B min @I {Combat Chit} : @Char numbersign @Def @B steps} @ListItem{@B max @I {Combat Chit} : @Char numbersign non-@Bracked @Atk @B units: @BulletList @ListItem{+1 for @B each @Atk @I CombatTactic} @ListItem{+1 for @B each @Atk @B 3+ steps unit} @ListItem{+1 if @B @Atk has @B Elit units} @ListItem{+1 if the @Def are @I OutOfSupply} @ListItem{+2 if the @Def are @I Isolated} @ListItem{-2 if @Allied @Def played @I Tactic Screen} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B{hit adjustments}: @BulletList @ListItem{@B {D-1} : @Def in @City, @B IP (remove it) or German in @I Westwall} @ListItem{@B {A-1} : @Def are all @I Dispersed, @I OutOfSupply or @I OutOfFuel} @ListItem{@B {A=@Sym emptyset} : @Def are all @I Isolated} @RawEndList} @EndList } } def @CombatResolution { @VCard { @Title {@GS Combat Resolution} @BulletList @ListItem{@B evenly distribute step loss between units and hexes} @ListItem{@Allied @B{step loss priority} : @Desc multi-step @Sym arrowdblright @Desc single-step} @ListItem{@B {Allied @Def} (2 hexes retreat @Sym arrowdblright @I Dispersed) : @BulletList @ListItem{if it has retreated @B {2 hexes} : apply remaining hits as @B {step loss}} @ListItem{if @B hits @Sym greaterequal @B steps or step loss implies @B no @B ZOC : @B {retreat 1 hex}} #@ListItem{if remaining @B hits @Sym greaterequal remaining @B steps : @B {retreat 1 hex}} #@ListItem{if losing @B{1 step} implies losing @B ZOC : @B {retreat 1 hex}} @ListItem{@I HoldCheck : @B {step loss} on @Sym lessequal @B HV + @Def @B steps (or @B retreat): @BulletList @ListItem{-3 if @Def @I Surrounded or @I OutOfCommunication} @ListItem{+2 if @Def have already @B {retreated 1 hex}} @ListItem{+2 if all @Atk are accross a @I River and @Def has not yet retreated} @ListItem{+4 if all @B retreat routes require a @B {step loss}} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B {German @Atk} : @BulletList @ListItem{1 @Sup st hit : @B {step loss}} @ListItem{up to @B {2 more hits} may be absorbed by becoming @I Dispersed} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B German @Def : may retreat @B {1 hex{@Sym slash}hit}, max 2 hexes + @I Dispersed} @ListItem{@B {Allied @Atk} (step loss priority : @B {most steps stack}) : @BulletList @ListItem{1 @Sup st hit : @B {1 @Sup st step loss}} @ListItem{2 @Sup nd hit : @B {2 @Sup nd step loss} if @Sym greaterequal @B 4 steps or @I Dispersed} # @ListItem{2 @Sup nd hit : @I Dispersed if @Sym less @B 4 steps or @B {2 @Sup nd step loss}} @ListItem{3 @Sup rd hit : @I Dispersed} @ListItem{4{@Sup th}+ hit : @B {2 @Sup nd step loss} or @B ignore} @RawEndList} @EndList } } def @CombatRetreat { @VCard { @Title {@GS @VS Combat Retreat} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{@Def units retreat @B together and end in the @B {same hex}, /.3v except to @B {avoid overstacking} at the @B end of the retreat} @ListItem{@AlliedGS may break @B stacking but @B {next hit} is taken as a @B retreat /.3v} @ListItem{@I Dispersed units and @I Isolated @I infantry may only retreat @B {1 hex}} @ListItem{@B VDH, @I OutOfFuel and @I Dispersed @I mechanized do @B not retreat /.3v} @ListItem{@B {never retreat} into enemy @City (@Allied : empty westwall)} @ListItem{a 2 hex retreat ends @I Dispersed @B {2 hexes away} /.3v} @ListItem{take a @B lesser priority route to @B {avoid elminitation}} @ListItem{@B {retreat priority} : @B not in enemy @I ZOC @BulletList @ListItem{@B or occupied by @B @Allied unit @B in @I Supply} @ListItem{@B or empty @B in @Allied @I Supply @Sym arrowdblright @B{1 step loss}} @ListItem{@B or occupied{@Sym slash}empty not in @Allied @I Supply @Sym arrowdblright @B{1 step loss}} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B only via @I {River{@Sym slash}Forest} w{@Sym slash}o @I{Bridge{@Sym slash}Road} as a @B {last resort}/.3v} @ListItem{@AlliedGS @B{tie breaker} : @City @Sym arrowdblright closest to @Ding a174 @Sym arrowdblright westernmost} @ListItem{@GermanGS @Day 16-19 : across army @B boundary as a @B {last resort}} @ListItem{@GermanGS : check for @I Roadblocks and @Day 17+ @I Bridges /.3v} @ListItem{if the @B retreat ended with @B {friendly units} that are @B attacked in the @B {same activation}, these retreating units do @B {not count} in that combat and are @B eliminated if the @Def retreat or are eliminated} @EndList } } def @CombatAdvance { @VCard { @Title {@GS Combat Advance} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk may advance into the @B vacated combat hex @B ignoring @I ZOC} @ListItem{if @Def retreated @B {2 hexes} or is @B eliminated (leaves no path) : @BulletList @ListItem{@Atk @I mechanized may @B follow the @B {path of retreat} or split off /.2v but @B {not} from @I ZOC to @I ZOC or @I {River{@Sym slash}Forest} w{@Sym slash}o @I{Bridge{@Sym slash}Road}} @RawEndList} @ListItem{@B {only 1} @Atk may cross a @I Bridge into an enemy @I ZOC} @ListItem{@B {only 1} @Atk may cross a unbridged @I River, only if attacked through or following the path of retreat, @B {must stop} after} @EndList @BulletList @ListItem{@GermanGS @Day 16-19 : may @B not advance across army @B boundary} @EndList @BulletList @ListItem{@AlliedGS @Atk advance (@Asc): @BulletList @ListItem{do @B not check a lone @Bracked, treat stacked @Bracked as @B 1} @ListItem{do @B not advance in danger of @I Surround unless into @B HV hex} @ListItem{preserve the @B Line unless if advancing into @B VP hex} @ListItem{only check the @B highest chance of advance @LLP @Tbl rule {yes} indent {ctr} aformat {@Cell i {right} A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D} bformat {@Cell rule {no} @B A | @Cell @B B | @Cell @B C | @Cell @B D} cformat {@Cell rule {no} A | @StartHSpan @Cell rule {no} @B B | @HSpan | @HSpan} { @Rowc B{@Sym numbersign already advanced} @Rowb A{Route of Advance} B{0} C{1} D{2+} @Rowa A{Primary or @B VP} B{Advance} C{1-7} D{@Sym emptyset} @Rowa A{Secondary or @City} B{1-8} C{1-4} D{@Sym emptyset} @Rowa A{other} B{1-3} C{@Sym emptyset} D{@Sym emptyset} } } @RawEndList} @EndList } } def @GameStart { @HCard { @Title {@GS @VS December @Day 16 Rules} @BulletList gap {.5v} @ListItem{@GS @Allied 424.106.XVIII infantry @Sym arrowdblright @I Reserve, @Allied 16.1.V infantry @Sym arrowdblright hex 0608} @ListItem{@VS @German first plays @B 3 @I Impulses in a row (@Allied can't play any card) in which he:} @ListItem{@GS @B first @I Impulse hand is @B 9 cards not @B 6, @Allied Command Level is 10, he: @BulletList @ListItem{@VS @B must activate formations in @B {different corps}, may @B not activate a @B {unit twice}} @ListItem{may only play a card for @I Activation or @I CombatTactic} @ListItem{may @B {only attack}, not move except for advance after combat and @I {Reinforce Battle}} @ListItem{@GS do not draw @I CommandCards for @Allied units under attack} @RawEndList} # German traffic jam : https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2213308/article/32122762#32122762 @ListItem{only @B 1 @German unit @B {per activation} may cross a @I Bridge (another may as if unbridged)} @ListItem{@Allied @B infantry move only @B {1 hex} (unless via @I {Reinforce Battle} or @VS @I {Raise the Alarm})} @ListItem{@VS @Allied may @B not blow @I Bridges or play @I Artillery, but may play @I {Corps Artillery}} @ListItem{@GS @Allied @I Engineers do @B not blow @I Bridges, only place @I Roadblock or @B IP} @ListItem{@GS @Allied @I Tactic Artillery is treated as a @B {no tactic}, @I {Corps Artillery} still occurs} @ListItem{@GS @Allied do not deploy more than @B 1 unit from the @I Reserve} @ListItem{@GS @Allied VIII.9A are also deployed by the XVIII Corps, within the VIII Corps area} @EndList } } def @NextCard { @VCard { @Title {@GS Title} /.3v @BulletList @ListItem{@B {Something} : @BulletList @ListItem{Start @BulletList @ListItem{point A} @ListItem{point B} @RawEndList} @RawEndList} @EndList } } @Document @InitialSpace { lout } // @Text @Begin @LLP @LLP # silence : 8.9c object too high for 0.0c space; will try elsewhere, but why ? @Display @Roadblocks @Display @Reserve @Display @States @Display @SupplyStates @Display @CombatTacticsGS @Display @CombatTacticsVS @Display @CombatChits @Display @CombatResolution @Display @CombatRetreat @Display @CombatAdvance @Display @GameStart # TODO # - 2P Reseve deployment # - Replacement # - Isolated -> step loss # - Daily Sequenc of Play # - Allied Activation @End @Text