path: root/DDayAtOmahaBeach/DDayOmaha-Basic.lou
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DDayAtOmahaBeach/DDayOmaha-Basic.lou')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DDayAtOmahaBeach/DDayOmaha-Basic.lou b/DDayAtOmahaBeach/DDayOmaha-Basic.lou
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+++ b/DDayAtOmahaBeach/DDayOmaha-Basic.lou
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+# encoding : iso-8859-1
+@Include{ rulesdoc }
+@SysInclude{ diag }
+@SysInclude{ tbl }
+def @Purple {rgb .3 .07 .81}
+def @Blue {rgb .17 .50 .79}
+def @Green {rgb .11 .5 .29}
+#def @Green {rgb .4 .6 0}
+def @Red {rgb .8 .1 0}
+def @Orange {rgb 1 .4 0}
+def @PRed right x { @Red @Colour x }
+def @PBlue right x { @Blue @Colour x }
+def @PGreen right x { @Green @Colour x }
+def @POrange right x { @Orange @Colour x }
+def @Eliminated { {rgb 1 0 0} @Colour Eliminated }
+def @Steps { @PRed {-2 steps} }
+def @Step { @PRed {-1 step} }
+def @Disrupted { @POrange Disrupted}
+def @Disruptedif { {rgb 1 .6 0} @Colour Disrupted}
+def @Turns right x { @PBlue {+x turns} }
+def @Turn right x { @PBlue {+x turn} }
+def @Depth { @Blue @Colour Depth }
+def @Left right x { {rgb .11 .5 .29} @Colour {+x left}}
+def @Rightt right x { {rgb .4 .6 0} @Colour {+x right}}
+@Text @Begin
+@CentredDisplay @Heading { @I{Decision Games} - D-DAy at Omaha Beach - I Nerd Rules - @Date }
+@Section @Title {US Amphibious Operations} @Begin
+#@ListItem{A unit that drifts out of the @I {Beach Landing Boxes}, or during @I{high tide} to a @I {Beach Landing Box} that does not point toward a beach hex,
+#is placed @Pblue {2 turns} after the current.}
+ colgap { 1.0c }
+@ListItem{A unit is delayed and placed @Turns 2 after the current if it either:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{drifts out of the @I {Beach Landing Boxes}.}
+ @ListItem{is, during @I{high tide}, in a @I {Beach Landing Box} that does not point toward a beach hex.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{HQs and Generals
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{do not check for landing hazard.}
+ @ListItem{if stacked with a unit, may drift with it.}
+ @RawEndList
+@Include{ us_amphibious.lou }
+@LP @LP @LP
+On @I{Exploding Mine Symbol}, check the @I {Beach Landing Boxes}
+@ListItem{Turn 7+ : that lands on a beach hex with @I {Uncleared Beach Obstacles}.}
+@ListItem{Turn 16+ : that pass through a beach hex with @I {Uncleared Beach Obstacles}.}
+@ListItem{Turn 23+ : none, all obstacles are considered cleared.}
+within the possible targets, remove @PRed {1 step} from a unit, if none, delay an HQ (not General) for @B @Turns {2}. # FIXME : improve this sentence.
+@LP @LP
+On Placing Units in @I {Beach Landing Boxes}
+@ListItem{Max 2 units per @I {Beach Landing Boxes} (HQs and Generals do not count).}
+@ListItem{A General may not be placed alone if there are units scheduled to arrive with him.}
+@ListItem{Only @I Rangers may be placed in Charlie @I {Beach Landing Boxes} (CH).}
+@ListItem{Turn 7+ units may be delayed (place them on another turn).}
+@ListItem{Turn 11+ a unit that has been delayed may be placed in any @I {Beach Landing Box}.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {German Fire} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@ListItem{@I Disrupted units may not fire.}
+@ListItem{On double symbol, at least 1 unit in the positions must have a @I Depth marker.}
+@ListItem{@I {@Sym numbersign Possible hits} : @Sym numbersign @I Depth markers + @Sym numbersign German units (with or without @I Depth marker).}
+@ListItem{@I {Armor hit bonus} : Armor are considered as @PBlue Non-armored units.}
+#@ListItem{@I {Leader hit bonus} : Heroes, HQs and Generals in @IncludeGraphic intense.eps or @IncludeGraphic steady.eps field of fire may be hit.}
+@ListItem{@I {Leader hit bonus} : Heroes, HQs and Generals may be hit, not @I Disrupted.}
+@ListItem{@I {Concentrated target} : 5+ steps stacked together are considered to have matching @B{sym}bol.}
+@ListItem{@I {Target priority} within field of fire : closest to the firing position @Sym arrowright most steps @Sym arrowright player choice.}
+@Include { german_fire.lou }
+@LP @LP
+@ListItem{US units lose @B {1 step max}, hit them before @I Leaders (regardless of the field of fire type).}
+@ListItem{Hit HQs are delayed @Turns {2}, and have to re-enter via beach landing.}
+@ListItem{Hit Heroes and Generals are flipped on first hit, Generals are killed on the second hit.}
+@ListItem{A Hero can be flipped to @I Inspired to prevent the loss of the @B {last step} of the unit he is with.}
+@ListItem{Remove @I Disrupted markers from the german units that were prevented from firing.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {German Artillery} @Begin
+@ListItem{Count @I Undisrupted caliber matching Artillery in @B Sector's WN positions and Artillery Box.}
+@ListItem{A unit with the matching @B {sym}bol will lose @Step.}
+@ListItem{@I {Target priority} (most steps within the above):
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{An infantry unit in a @I {Landing Box}.}
+ @ListItem{A non-infantry unit in a beach hex.}
+ @ListItem{A non-infantry unit in a @I {Landing Box}.}
+ @ListItem{An infantry unit in a beach hex.}
+ @RawEndList
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {US Engineers} @Begin
+@ListItem{Clear @I {Beach Obstacles} that are not in the fiels of fire of an activated German position.
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{Turn 2-6 : clear at most @B 2 hexes.}
+ @ListItem{Turn 7-15 : clear at most @B 1 hex.}
+ @RawEndList
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {US Actions} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@ListItem{Each unit can conduct at most @B 1 action per turn.}
+@ListItem{You may conduct @B 2 actions per @B Sector with units or stacks of units.}
+@ListItem{And conduct @B free actions with :
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{@I ranger infantry units.}
+ @ListItem{Units with a @I Hero or @I Inspired marker.}
+ @ListItem{HQs and Generals.}
+ @ListItem{Units stacked with or adjacent to an HQ or General that has @B{not moved yet}.}
+ # @ListItem{Units with a @I Climb or @I {Climb Cliff} marker may continue their action.}
+ @RawEndList}
+@ListItem{@I Disrupted units remove their @I Disrupted marker for @B free as their only possible action.}
+@SubSection @Title {Move 1 Hex} @Begin
+@ListItem{Infantry move for @B free from a beach hex towards the protecting end of the beach (not Sheer Cliffs).}
+#@ListItem{Infantry move for @B free from a beach hex to an adjacent beach hex closer to a protective hexside.}
+@Include { us_move.lou}
+@LP @LP
+@ListItem{To cross a @I {Scaleable Cliff} hexside, put a @PBlue {climb cliff} marker on the infantry without moving it.}
+@ListItem{To cross a @I Bluff hexside, cross it and put a @PBlue climb marker on the infantry (not the @I Leaders).}
+@ListItem{Units with a @PBlue {climb cliff} marker may conduct 1 of the following @B free actions:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{cross the @I {Scaleable Cliff} hexside and flip the marker to @PBlue climb side.}
+ @ListItem{remove the marker and stay put.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{Units with a @PBlue climb marker remove it as their only possible @B free action.}
+@ListItem{@I Infiltration from an hex adjacent to and in the field of fire of a German position, to a similar hex.
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{Draw 1 card, respect @I Depth marker condition, but not @I {Concentrated target} after the move.}
+ @ListItem{Lose @Step on matching @B color and @B{sym}bol.}
+ @ListItem{On step loss, may complete the move or stay in the starting hex.}
+ @ListItem{HQ and Generals may not attempt to infiltrated on their own.}
+ @ListItem{Draw 2 cards if infiltrating past 2+ German positions.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{@B Stacking limit is @B {2 units} per hex, HGs and Generals do not count.}
+@ListItem{At the end of the US Action Phase, you must eliminate units until the limit is met.}
+@ListItem{At the end of the @B Turn, Units that are underwater without a @I {Climp Cliff} marker are removed from play.}
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US Attack} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@ListItem{A German hex can't be barraged and attacked or attacked twice in the same phase.}
+@ListItem{Each unit participating to the attack must conduct an action.}
+@ListItem{An attack must at least include 1 infantry or @I Ranger infantry unit adjacent to the target.}
+@ListItem{@B Infantry and @B {heavy infantry} units in range of the target hex may support the attack.}
+@ListItem{@B {Heavy infantry} may support an adjacent infantry across a @PBlue bluff or @PBlue cliff hexside.}
+# 8.12 ??
+#@ListItem{@B {Heavy infantry} may attack across a bluff or cliff hexside if another infantry unit is attacking from an adjacent hex through an allowed hexside.}
+@ListItem{@B Tank, @B {anti-tank} and @B {anti-aircraft} units in range may support the attack if either:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{it is adjacent to the target hex.}
+ @ListItem{it is adjactent to an attacking infantry.}
+ @ListItem{it is in command of any HQ or General.}
+ @ListItem{at least 1 attacking infantry unis is in commad of any HQ or General.}
+ @RawEndList
+#@ListItem{An Artillery in range but not adjacent to the target can support if it is:
+@ListItem{An @B Artillery may support the attack if it is:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{in range but not adjacent to the target.}
+ @ListItem{in command of an HQ that is also in command of an attacking infantry.}
+ @ListItem{not in the field of fire of the attacked hex, unless it is @I armored.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{A @B {Naval fire}, if available, may support if 1 attacking infantry has a radio or is in command of an HQ.}
+@ListItem{@I {@B FL Flanking} : requires attacking from two hexes that are adjacent to the target but not to each other.}
+@ListItem{@I {@B FL Flanking} : if the unit and @I Depth marker require it, the attack must be conducted from 3+ hexes.}
+@ListItem{@I Heroes from adjacent hex can provide 1 weapon (not @B FL) or a +1 to the attack, @B {not cumulative}.}
+@ListItem{An infantry in command of an HQ, attacking from an adjacent hex is considered having a radio @B RD.}
+@Include{ german_defense.lou }
+@LP @LP
+@Include { us_attack.lou }
+@LP @LP
+@ListItem{HQs and Generals are not affected by the results of an attack.}
+@ListItem{German defensive benefits from the least advantageous hexside.}
+@ListItem{A US unit can attack from the top of a bluff, treat it as an attack across a slope hexside.}
+#@ListItem{In communication units of the 352 @Sup th (Grey{@Char slash}Brown) @I withdraw in @I {Division Reinforcement Box} instead of being @Eliminated.}
+@ListItem{@Eliminated : 352 @Sup th units (Grey{@Char slash}Brown) in communication @I withdraw in @I {Division Reinforcement Box}.}
+#@I Attrition : you may remove a step from an attacking adjacent US unit and {rgb 1 0 0} @Colour Eliminate the German target.
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US Tank Barrage} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@ListItem{A German hex can't be barraged and attacked in the same phase.}
+@ListItem{Many @B tanks can separatly barrage the same German hex.}
+@ListItem{@I {Unrevealed Reinforcement} position can't be barraged.}
+@ListItem{A @B tank in range but not adjacent to a German hex can Barrage it if either:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{it is in the field of fire of the poisition.}
+ @ListItem{an @I Undisrupted infantry is in the field of fire.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{In the later case, the @B tank or the infantry must be in command of an HQ or a General.}
+@Include { us_barrage.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US Naval Artillery Barrage} @Begin
+@ListItem{A German hex can't be barraged and attacked in the same phase.}
+@ListItem{Any German hex except @I {Unrevealed Reinforcement} positions can be barraged if both:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{an @I Undisrupted infantry unit is in the field of fire of the targeted German hex.}
+ @ListItem{it has a radio or it's in command of an HQ.}
+ @RawEndList
+@ListItem{For @B free, place a @I Disrupted marker on the target and remove Depth marker if any.}
+@End @SubSection
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {German Communication @Sym ampersand Depth @Sym ampersand Reinforcement} @Begin
+@ListItem{A German unit is in @PBlue Communication if it can trace a path to any exit hex (A-G).}
+@ListItem{The path is blocked by US controlled hexes, rough, beach or pavillon adjacent to the beach.}
+@ListItem{Us units (not Generals) controls their hex, US Infantry @Sym ampersand Tanks also control their 6 adjacent hexes.}
+@ListItem{An occupied @I Reinforcement position may trace through one adjacent US controlled Bocage hex.}
+#@SubSection @Title {On adding Depth marker to a German unit} @Begin
+#@ListItem{A german unit must be in communication in order to receive a @Depth marker.}
+@ListItem{A @Depth marker can be received by any German unit, in communication and without @Depth marker.}
+@ListItem{Choose the German unit closest to a US unit @Sym arrowright 1 hex WN @Sym arrowright 2 hexes WN @Sym arrowright @I Reinforcement.}
+#@ListItem{If 2+ units are equidistant : 1 hex WN position @Sym arrowright 2 hexes WN position @Sym arrowright @I Reinforcement position.}
+#@ListItem{If 2+ units are equidistant choose the unit:
+# @BulletList
+# @ListItem{in a 1 hex WN position.}
+# @ListItem{in a 2 hexes WN position.}
+# @ListItem{in a @I Reinforcement position.}
+# @RawEndList
+@ListItem{If there is choices within the above : lowest ID @Sym arrowright lowest letter.}
+@ListItem{Draw the @Depth marker from the appropriate pool:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{WN position : WN @Depth pool @Sym arrowright @I {Tactical Reinforcement}.}
+ @ListItem{@I Reinforcement in buildings : Buildidng @Depth pool @Sym arrowright Mobile @Depth pool.}
+ @ListItem{@I Reinforcement : Mobile @Depth pool @Sym arrowright @Sym {emptyset}.}
+ @RawEndList
+#@End @SubSection
+#@SubSection @Title {On adding Reinforcement} @Begin
+@ListItem{@PBlue @I Reinforcement can be placed face down in a numbered empty @PBlue @I Reinforcement position, in command:
+ @BulletList
+ @ListItem{adjacent to a US unit @Sym arrowright lowest numbered position.}
+ @ListItem{within 2 hexes of a US unit @Sym arrowright lowest numbered position.}
+ @ListItem{with the lowest number.}
+ @RawEndList
+#@ListItem{@I Reinforcement are taken from the @I {Tactical Reinforcement Pool} and placed without a @Depth marker.}
+#@ListItem{When @I {Tactical Reinforcement Pool} is empty, pick from @I {Division Reinforcement} with a @Depth marker.}
+@ListItem{Draw units from the @I {Tactical Pool} without a @Depth marker @Sym arrowright @I{Division Pool} with @Depth marker.}
+@ListItem{When triggered by a WN @Depth, choose the nearest @PBlue @I Reinforcement position even without a number.}
+@ListItem{On @I {Kampfgruppe Meyer} event : 4 units and 2 @Depth @Sym arrowright @I {Division Reinforcement} and @I Mobile @Depth.}
+#@End @SubSection
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Tables} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@SubSection @Title {US amphibious} @Begin
+@Include{ us_amphibious.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {German Fire} @Begin
+@Include{ german_fire.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US move} @Begin
+@Include{ us_move.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US attack} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@Include{ us_attack.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {German Defense} @Begin
+@Include{ german_defense.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US barrage} @Begin
+@Include{ us_barrage.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US Weapons} @Begin
+@Include{ us_weapons.lou}
+@End @SubSection
+@SubSection @Title {US Units} @NewPage { yes } @Begin
+@Include{ us_units.lou }
+@End @SubSection
+@End @Section
+@End @Text