diff options
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+# encoding : iso-8859-1
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+@Text @Begin
+@CentredDisplay @Heading { @I{GMT} - Field Of Fire - I Nerd Rules - @Date }
+@Section @Title {Chain of Command @Reff 4.0} @Begin
+@ListItem{Regimental HQ @Sym ampersand Staff @Sym arrowright Battalion HQ @Sym ampersand Staff @Sym arrowright Co HQ @Sym ampersand Staff @Sym arrowright Plt HQ}
+@ListItem{Limited Action Team may receive orders from any HQ or Staff unit.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Commands @Reff 4.1} @Begin
+@ListItem{When an HQ or Staff draws for Commands it must use, save and{@Sym slash}or lose them before another HQ or staff draws. @Reff 4.1}
+@ListItem{The max @Sym numbersign of expendable Commands per HQ or Staff is 6 on daytime, 4 otherwise. @Reff 4.1.3 }
+@ListItem{On the map BN HQ gets the max @Sym numbersign of Commands otherwise it actives the CO HQ if in communication. @Reff 4.1.1}
+@ListItem{Command draw for Activation and Initiative Segment are subject to modificators, see card @Sym numbersign 55. @Reff 4.1.2} # +1 activity
+@ListItem{An HQ activated by a higher HQ gets a minimum of 1 Command regardless of the modifiers @Reff 4.1.2.}
+@ListItem{On Initiative Segment, CO Staff impluse comes after the PLT HQs impluse and they get 1 Command. @Reff 3.3.2.C}
+@ListItem{Do not modify General Initiative draw, halve it rounding down for Combat Patrol Mission. @Reff 4.1.2}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {HQ and Staff Fire Teams @Reff 4.1.4} @Begin
+@ListItem{An HQ or Staff on its Fire Team side can only issue commands to himself and cannot be activated.}
+@ListItem{An HQ converted to an Assault, Litter or Paralized Team cannot issue commands until it is reconstituted.}
+@ListItem{An HQ Staff can not be reconstituted durig a mission.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Actions @Reff 4.2} @Begin
+@ListItem{Except for @I{Move to or from Cover}, a unit can perform an action only once per Impluse. @Reff 4.2}
+@ListItem{Base draw is 2 cards, +1 for veteran level, -1 for green level. @Reff 4.2}
+@ListItem{Limited Action Team have their own limited set of available actions. @Reff 4.2.5}
+#@ListItem{Actions like @I Exhort, @I Reconstituting, @I Runners Management always require an HQ or Staff to be the originator, even on General Impulse.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Visual-Verbal Communication @Reff 4.3.1} @Begin
+@ListItem{Unpinned units, on the same card, both under the same cover or neither one under a cover can communicate.}
+@ListItem{@I{Cease Fire} and @I{Shift Fire} can be issued to all occupants of a card whatever their situation is.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Runners @Reff 4.3.2} @Begin
+@ListItem{The CO HQ spends a Command to @I Dispatch a runner, place it next to the HQ or Staff you wish to activate.}
+@ListItem{On the next turn, if the Runner has not been hit or pinned, active the HQ or Staff and return the runner to the CO.}
+@ListItem{You can have 2 runners in play at any given time, they can be @I Dispatched the same impulse they return.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Networks @Reff 4.3.3} @Begin
+@ListItem{BN TAC is privately used by BN HQ to order it's Staff and the CO HQs.}
+@ListItem{CO TAC establish communication between CO HQ, it's Staff and PLT HQs.}
+@ListItem{To be activated, the CO HQ must be connected to the BN HQ through the Staging Area.}
+@ListItem{ARTY FD, MTR FD and AIR CTL are used by FOs and FACs only and must be connected to the Staging Area.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Filed Telephones @Reff 4.3.4} @Begin
+@ListItem{Field Phones on the CO TAC automatically connect to the CO HQ's phone if on the same card or an adjacent one.}
+@ListItem{Field Phones on other networks, automatically connect to the Staging Area from an adjacent card.}
+@ListItem{Field Phones must connect via an unbroken string of Phone Lines when they are more than 1 card apart.}
+@ListItem{A unit carrying Phone Lines may, as it moves and as a free action, lay a Phone Line in the card it leaves.}
+@ListItem{A Phone Line supports any number of phones and phones networks.}
+@ListItem{During the Combat Effects Phase a Phone line has the following chances of being cut:
+@ListItem{1-in-2 if on the same card as a Incoming! VOF.}
+@ListItem{2-in-3 if on the same card as a Good Order Enemy unit but no Good Order Friendly unit.}
+@ListItem{If the last step of a unit with a Field Phone becomes a casualty, there is a 1-in-2 chance that it will be destroyed.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Radios @Reff 4.3.5} @Begin
+@ListItem{SCR536 allows communication within Line of Sight, ignoring visibility, but not from under a Cover marker.}
+@ListItem{SCR300, PRC25, PRC77, PRC119 and Vehicle Radios can communicate anywhere on the map.}
+@ListItem{ICOM, PRR, PRC148, PRC152 even allow communication between PLT HQs and Squads on adjacent cards.}
+@ListItem{If the last step of a unit with a Radio becomes a casualty, there is a 1-in-2 chance that it will be destroyed.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {Pyrotechnics @Reff 4.3.6} @Begin
+@ListItem{Non-aerial devices can only be placed on the same card as the deploying unit.}
+@ListItem{Aerial rocket devices (colored flares, illuminations) may also be placed on any adjacent card to the deploying unit.}
+@ListItem{Units with LOS to the signal (Aerial devices are always visible) will attempt to perform the associated Action.}
+@ListItem{Smoke and WP can also be used to provide concealment or combat effects: @Reff 4.3.6.C
+@ListItem{Units must be able to trace a normal LOS to the Smoke in order for it to be used as a signal.}
+@ListItem{Smoke blocks LOS at all levels as it does billow up in significant quantity.}
+@ListItem{Unit in a card with Smoke cannot fire out of the card, but can fire within the card.}
+@ListItem{WP smoke can also be deployed in addition to any Grenade Attack, Fire Mission, Air Strike, Tanks... results.}
+@ListItem{CS (Tear) gas screening effect is identical to Smoke, its combat effect is as above: @Reff 4.3.6.D
+@ListItem{In the Enemy Activity Segment, all Good Order Enemy units in a card with CS are converted to Fire Teams.}
+@ListItem{They have a 2-in-3 chance of falling back, if they don't they are Pinned.}
+@ListItem{Or else they are marked Exposed and move in a card out of LOS of US units or with the highest Cover value.}
+@ListItem{CS gas can be deployed as hand Grenades, with 40mm or Rifle Grenades, or used by G! capable Squads.}
+@End @Section
+@Section @Title {A @Reff x} @Begin
+@End @Section
+@End @Text
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Binary files differ
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+include ../Makefile_lout
+FieldsOfFire.pdf: FieldsOfFire.lou \
+ rulesdoc
+build: FieldsOfFire.pdf
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+# #
+# Lout setup file for ordinary documents #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# #
+# This file has been placed in the public domain by its author. #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
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+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
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+ @Include { mydefs }
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+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
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+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
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+ # @ExternalLinkFormat { @Body } # format of external links
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
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+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
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+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @OrdinarySetup @Use clause - options specific to ordinary documents. #
+# #
+@Use { @OrdinarySetup
+ # @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index" word etc.
+ # @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
+ # @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
+ # @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @SectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of section numbers
+ # @FirstSectionNumber { 1 } # first section num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subsection numbers
+ # @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsect num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subsect numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsub. num (Arabic)
+ # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha } # kind of appendix numbers
+ # @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 } # first appendix num (Arabic)
+ # @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subappendix numbers
+ # @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-app. num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subapp. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub. num (Arabic)
+ # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold } # section head font
+ # @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # section head break
+ # @SectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # section head fmt
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold } # subsect head font
+ # @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subsect head break
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subsect head fmt
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-ss. head font
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-ss. head break
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # sub-ss. head fmt
+ # @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # appendix head font
+ # @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # appendix head break
+ # @AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # appendix head fmt
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # subapp. head font
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subapp. head break
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subapp. head format
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-sa. head font
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-sa. head break
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat{ number @DotSep title } # sub-sa. head fmt
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold } # refs head font
+ # @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # refs head break
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFormat { title } # refs head format
+ # @IndexHeadingFont { Bold } # index head font
+ # @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index head break
+ # @IndexHeadingFormat { title } # index head format
+ # @IndexAHeadingFont { Bold } # index A head font
+ # @IndexAHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index A head break
+ # @IndexAHeadingFormat { title } # index A head fmt
+ # @IndexBHeadingFont { Bold } # index B head font
+ # @IndexBHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index B head break
+ # @IndexBHeadingFormat { title } # index B head fmt
+ @SectionGap { 0.7v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between sections
+ @SubSectionGap { 0.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subsects
+ # @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subs.
+ # @AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between appendices
+ # @SubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subappendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subapps
+ # @SectionInContents { Yes } # add sections to contents
+ # @SubSectionInContents { Yes } # add subsections to contents
+ # @SubSubSectionInContents { Yes } # add sub-subsects to contents
+ # @AppendixInContents { Yes } # add appendices to contents
+ # @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
+ # @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add ref. section to contents
+ # @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
+ # @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
+ # @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @SectionContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of sections
+ # @SubSectionContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of subsections
+ # @SubSubSectionContentsIndent{ 6f } # contents indent of sub-subsections
+ # @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of appendices
+ # @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of sub-appendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f } # contents indent of sub-subappendices
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of references
+ # @IndexContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index
+ # @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index A
+ # @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index B
+ # @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems{ No } # theorem num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays{ No } # display num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInTables { No } # table num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFloaters { No } # floater num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFloaters{ No } # floater num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @FontDef { fontdefs } # font definitions
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles