package; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.GridPoint2; import; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Board; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Pawn; public abstract class Map extends Board { enum Action { NONE, DRAG, PATH, DIRECTION, ATTACK }; private Action action = Action.NONE; private Pawn pawn; private Pawn touchPawn; private GridPoint2 hex = new GridPoint2(-1, -1); private GridPoint2 touchHex = new GridPoint2(-1, -1); private GridPoint2 from = new GridPoint2(-1, -1); private GridPoint2 to = new GridPoint2(-1, -1); private final Vector possibleMoves = new Vector(20); private final Vector possibleTargets = new Vector(10); private final HashSet possiblePaths = new HashSet(10); protected abstract void setup(); public Map(GameFactory gameFactory, Board.Config cfg, Texture texture) { super(gameFactory, cfg, texture); setup(); } protected Hex getHex(int col, int row) { return (Hex) getTile(col, row); } public boolean drag(float dx, float dy) { if (pawn == null) return false; pawn.translate(dx, dy); return true; } public void touchDown(float x, float y) { if (hex.x != -1) enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.BLUE, false); getHexAt(touchHex, x, y); if (touchHex.x != -1) { enableOverlayOn(touchHex.x, touchHex.y, Hex.BLUE, true); touchPawn = removeTopPawnFrom(touchHex); if (action == Action.DIRECTION) { System.out.println("DIRECTION"); enableFinalPath(false); action = Action.NONE; } else { if (touchPawn != null) { action = Action.DRAG; enablePossiblePaths(false, false); enablePossibleMoves(false); enablePossibleTargets(false); possiblePaths.clear(); pawnsToDraw.add(touchPawn); pawn = touchPawn; } else if (possibleMoves.contains(touchHex)) { int paths = 0; action = Action.PATH; if (possiblePaths.size() > 0) { enablePossiblePaths(false, true); paths = possiblePathsFilterToggle(touchHex.x, touchHex.y, possiblePaths); toggleDotOverlay(touchHex.x, touchHex.y); } else { enablePossibleMoves(false); from.set(hex.x, hex.y); to.set(touchHex.x, touchHex.y); paths = possiblePaths(pawn, from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y, possiblePaths); enableOverlayOn(touchHex.x, touchHex.y, Hex.DOT, true); } if (paths != 1) enablePossiblePaths(true, true); else { enableFinalPath(true); action = Action.DIRECTION; } } } hex.set(touchHex.x, touchHex.y); } else { // touch out of map hex.set(-1, -1); } } public void touchUp(float x, float y) { if (hex.x != -1) enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.BLUE, false); getHexAt(touchHex, x, y); if (touchHex.x != -1) { hex.set(touchHex.x, touchHex.y); if (action == Action.DRAG) { enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.BLUE, true); pawnsToDraw.remove(pawn); movePawnTo(pawn, hex); showPossibleActions(pawn); action = Action.NONE; } } else { // release out of map resetPawnMoves(pawn); hex.set(-1, -1); } } private void showPossibleActions(Pawn pawn) { possibleMovesFrom(pawn, hex.x, hex.y, possibleMoves); enablePossibleMoves(true); possibleTargetsFrom(pawn, hex.x, hex.y, possibleTargets); enablePossibleTargets(true); } private void enablePossibleMoves(boolean enable) { for(GridPoint2 hex : possibleMoves) enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.GREEN, enable); } private void toggleDotOverlay(int col, int row) { boolean enable= !isOverlayEnabledOn(col, row, Hex.DOT); enableOverlayOn(col, row, Hex.DOT, enable); } private void enableFinalPath(boolean enable) { for(GridPoint2 hex : possiblePaths) { enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.GREEN, false); enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.DOT, false); enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.MOVE, enable); } enableOverlayOn(to.x, to.y, Hex.ROSE, enable); } private void enablePossiblePaths(boolean enable, boolean keepDots) { for(GridPoint2 hex : possiblePaths) { enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.GREEN, enable); if (!keepDots) enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.DOT, false); } } private void enablePossibleTargets(boolean enable) { for(GridPoint2 hex : possibleTargets) enableOverlayOn(hex.x, hex.y, Hex.RED, enable); } }